429 research outputs found

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    Algunas reformas en la regulación de la prueba pericial en la Ley 1/2000 de enjuiciamiento civil

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    [Resumen] El presente estudio analiza la regulación de la prueba pericial en la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Como es sabido se trata de una de las instituciones que sufrió un mayor cambio en su regulación legal con respecto a la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil de 1881. Se ha pasado de una pericial única, oficial e intrajudicial, a un modelo dual de pericial que admite los dictámenes a instancia de parte y los dictámenes de los peritos de designación judicial. La prueba pericial ha sido objeto de diversos estudios doctrinales, e incluso ya de alguna propuesta de reforma, en orden a la simplificación de su regulación legal. En este estudio se analizan los principales aspectos de la vigente regulación legal, tales como la aportación de los dictámenes, los sistemas de designación de los peritos, las listas de peritos, la capacidad del perito, la aceptación del cargo, la provisión de fondos, los derechos y deberes del perito, el reconocimiento, emisión y contradicción del dictamen pericial y, finalmente, su valoración. En el análisis de estos aspectos se efectúan propuestas de lege ferenda. El estudio concluye recogiendo de forma ordenada las distintas propuestas de lege ferenda, con la finalidad de ofrecer una visión más completa de la regulación de la prueba pericial.[Abstract] This study analyzes the regulation of the expert witness in the Civil Procedural Law 1/2000 of January 7th. As it is well known, the expert witness is one of the institutions that has suffered a great change in its regulation with respect to the Civil Procedural Law of 1881. We have passed from a unique, official and intraprocedural expert witness, to a dual model that admits both the opinion (“dictámenes) from the parts and the opinion by experts appointed by the judge. The expert witness has been the object of several scientific studies, and even more of some proposals of reform, in order to simplify the legal regulation. In this study we analyze the principal aspects of the regulation, such as the presentation of the opinion, the expert witness systems’ of appointment, the lists of expert witness, the capacity of the expert witness, the acceptance of the position, the allocation of funds, the rights and duties of the expert witness, the inspection, the delivery and the contradiction of the opinion, and finally, its assessment. In the analysis of each aspect we formulate proposals of lege ferenda. The study concludes offering an ordered proposal of lege ferenda, with the aim of simplifying the legal interpretation of the expert witness

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    Contribució al coneixement de la taxonomia i la fenologia de les formigues (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) d'Andorra

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    Una trampa Malaise disposada a Santa Coloma, a 1.050 m de altitud, va capturar 1.413 formigues des d'agost 1992 fins desembre 1993. Hi havia 895 mascles (17 espècies), 137 reines (18 espècies) i 391 obreres (12 espècies). Ha estat possible la identificació específica de 582 mascles, 98 reines i totes les obreres. Entre mascles, reines i obreres hi ha 30 espècies, un resultat prou elevat per a una localitat dels Pirineus. D'aquestes, n'hi ha 18 que són mencionades a Andorra per primer cop. D'elles, n'hi ha un grup amb marcat significat biogeogràfic septentrional: Dolichoderus quadripunctatus, Formica fusca, Lasius brunneus, Lasius distinguendus, Myrmecina graminicola i Stenamma striatulum. D'altra banda, hi ha un component d'espècies de significat clarament mediterrani: (Aphaenogaster subterranea, Camponotus aethiops, Camponotus cruentatus, Camponotus truncatus, Crematogaster scutellaris, Messor structor, Pheidole pallidula, Pyramica tenuipilis, Plagiolepis pygmaea, Plagiolepis xene, Temnothorax rabaudi). Tres espècies més, capturades en un altre localitat 'Andorra, també són noves pel país: Formica gerardi, Myrmica spinosior i Temnothorax kraussei. Així, el nombre d'espècies de formigues que es coneix fins avui dia d'Andorra és de 58

    Gene expression changes in the injured spinal cord following transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells or olfactory ensheathing cells

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    Transplantation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) or olfactory ensheathing cells (OEC) have demonstrated beneficial effects after spinal cord injury (SCI), providing tissue protection and improving the functional recovery. However, the changes induced by these cells after their transplantation into the injured spinal cord remain largely unknown. We analyzed the changes in the spinal cord transcriptome after a contusion injury and MSC or OEC transplantation. The cells were injected immediately or 7 days after the injury. The mRNA of the spinal cord injured segment was extracted and analyzed by microarray at 2 and 7 days after cell grafting. The gene profiles were analyzed by clustering and functional enrichment analysis based on the Gene Ontology database. We found that both MSC and OEC transplanted acutely after injury induce an early up-regulation of genes related to tissue protection and regeneration. In contrast, cells transplanted at 7 days after injury down-regulate genes related to tissue regeneration. The most important change after MSC or OEC transplant was a marked increase in expression of genes associated with foreign body response and adaptive immune response. These data suggest a regulatory effect of MSC and OEC transplantation after SCI regarding tissue repair processes, but a fast rejection response to the grafted cells. Our results provide an initial step to determine the mechanisms of action and to optimize cell therapy for SCI

    The borderscape of Punta Tarifa : concurrent invisibilisation practices at Europe's ultimate peninsula

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    This contribution aims to provide a cultural-geographical reading of the borderscape of Punta Tarifa: the southernmost point of so-called continental Europe and a key site vis-a-vis material and representational Euro-African (dis)connections. It is argued that Punta Tarifa harbours a complex process of symbolic and functional invisibilisation that turns this border landscape into a highly significant scenario within the ongoing European Union bordering process. This invisibilisation process is twofold. On the one hand, it lies with the selective public neglecting/ignoring of a crucial historical episode which challenges mainstream readings of Europe's cultural heritage (the arrival of Tarif and Islam to Tarifa in the year 710). On the other hand, it concerns the veiling of the implemented migration management practices and, more precisely, the opacity surrounding the Migrant Detention Centre situated by Punta Tarifa. Having explored the case of Punta Tarifa, we suggest that a cultural-geographical reading - and hence the shedding of some light - on these and other similar invisibilisation processes is paramount in order to neutralise symbolic and functional exclusionary practices which lie at the heart of current European Union external bordering dynamics

    Intranet de gestión documental

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    Aquest projecte es basa en la creació d'una intranet de gestió documental personalitzada i adequada a les necessitats de l'empresa. És una eina basada en la comunicació de l'empresa amb els treballadors des de qualsevol part del mon y per sobre de tot, en qualsevol moment, amb un accés ràpid, senzill i útil. Amb una programació web ampliable i optimitzable. Tot això seguint les regles marcades per als procediments ISO9001 i EN9100.Este proyecto se basa en la creación de una intranet de gestión documental personalizada y adecuada a las necesidades de la empresa. Es una herramienta basada en la comunicación de la empresa con los trabajadores desde cualquier parte del mundo y sobretodo, en cualquier momento, con acceso rápido, sencillo y útil. Con una programación web ampliable y optimizable. Todo esto siguiendo las reglas marcadas por los procedimientos ISO9001 y EN9100 de cada una de las empresas del grupo.This project is based on creating an intranet about a document management which is personal and appropriate to the needs of the company. It is a tool based on the communication between the company and the employees from anywhere around the world, moreover, at anytime with a fast access, simple and useful. It includes a web programation which can be made wider. This is possible following the rules of the ISO9001 and EN9100 process of each companies in the group

    Geochemistry of soils and stream sediments in the NE border of the Iberian Pyrite Belt : implications to mineral exploration

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    Workshop comemorativo do Ano Internacional dos Solos, uma iniciativa do Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Comité IGCP da Unesco e Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal

    Activity dependent therapies modulate the spinal changes that motoneurons suffer after a peripheral nerve injury

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    Injury of a peripheral nerve not only leads to target denervation, but also induces massive stripping of spinal synapses on axotomized motoneurons, with disruption of spinal circuits. Even when regeneration is successful, unspecific reinnervation and the limited reconnection of the spinal circuits impair functional recovery. The aim of this study was to describe the changes that axotomized motoneurons suffer after peripheral nerve injury and how activity-dependent therapies and neurotrophic factors can modulate these events. We observed a marked decrease in glutamatergic synapses, with a maximum peak at two weeks post-axotomy, which was only partially reversed with time. This decrease was accompanied by an increase in gephyrin immunoreactivity and a disintegration of perineuronal nets (PNNs) surrounding the motoneurons. Direct application of neurotrophins at the proximal stump was not able to reverse these effects. In contrast, activity-dependent treatment, in the form of treadmill running, reduced the observed destructuring of perineuronal nets and the loss of glutamatergic synapses two weeks after injury. These changes were proportional to the intensity of the exercise protocol. Blockade of sensory inputs from the homolateral hindlimb also reduced PNN immunoreactivity around intact motoneurons, and in that case treadmill running did not reverse that loss, suggesting that the effects of exercise on motoneuron PNN depend on increased sensory activity. Preservation of motoneuron PNN and reduction of synaptic stripping by exercise could facilitate the maintenance of the spinal circuitry and benefit functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury

    Applying new blow-forming processes to obtain new structural components for automotiva industry: A-pillar

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    The aim of this project is to determine the technical viability of the bodywork manufacturing process using the blow-forming technology. Specifically, the blow-forming technology has been studied to be applied to manufacture the A-pillar. The results of using this technology reveal the following: - Weight and CO2 reduction due to the fact that this technology makes it possible to use thinner high strength steel. - Passengers‘ safety improvement. - Improvement of the driver‘s sight angle as a result of the smaller section of the A-pillar. - Reduction of manufacturing costs. - Reduction of the number of components of the A-pillar. During the development stage, the following results are also achieved: - Harden material above 1.500 MPa. - Up to 20% of A-pillar weight reduction. - Utilization of material by 95% vs 40% of current use. - Component number reduction. Results suggest that the application of the blow-forming technology to manufacture the A-pillar is technically viable and complies with the geometric and manufacturing requirementsPostprint (published version