547 research outputs found

    Electrochemically Engineering of Nanoporous Materials

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    ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. Electrochemical engineering of nanoporous materials is a cost-effective and facile synthesis approach that enables the production of a range of nanoscale materials with controllable dimensions and properties. Recent decades have witnessed extensive research activity into the advanced engineering of nanoporous materials, from fundamental studies to applied science. These nanomaterials offer a set of unique and exclusive advantages for a wealth of applications, including catalysis, energy storage and harvesting, electronics, photonics, sensing, templates, and membranes. This Special Issue is dedicated to recent research advances in electrochemical engineering of nanoporous materials and their application across several disciplines and research fields. The broad and interdisciplinary applicability of these nanomaterials will be of profound and immediate interest for a broad audience, ranging from physicists, chemists, engineers, materials scientists, bioengineers, and nanomedicine experts


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    Plantas perennes, generalmente hemiparásitas, fijadas por haustorios a las ramas o raro sobre la base del tronco de diversas Dicotiledóneas (Tripodanthus acutifolius), tomando aspecto arbóreo; ramas cilíndricas, por lo general glabras. Hojas simples, enteras, coriáceas; estípulas ausentes. Flores dispuestas en inflorescencias parciales definidas o indefinidas, formando a su vez sinflorescencias diversas según el género. Flores perfectas, o imperfectas con vestigios del sexo opuesto, actinomorfas, raro casi zigomorfas, pediceladas o sésiles. Receptáculo en forma de copa soldado con el ovario, coronado por un calículo de borde enero o denticulado. Perigonio calicino o corolino, generalmente (4-5)-6-mero, tépalos libres, iguales o alternadamente desiguales. Estambres isostémonos, opuestos y diversamente soldados a los tépalos, flores pistiladas con estaminodios (Strutanthus); anteras con 2-4 sacos polínicos; polen trilobulado. Ovario ínfero, con dos o más carpelos, óvulos sin tegumentos, a veces reducidos a sacos embrionarios en un cuerpo central (mamelón), que puede faltar, no distinguiéndose entonces el mamelón ni los óvulos; estilo y estigma simples. Pseudofruto bacciforme o drupáceo, zona interna del receptáculo con una capa viscosa llamada viscina, coronado en su ápice por el calículo persistente. Embrión solitario, con 2 o más cotiledones, con endosperma más o menos desarrollado

    Leo Howard Whinery

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    Guía para la interpretación del patrimonio natural costero y sumergido del Sureste de la Región de Murcia

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    Esta guía tiene como objetivo poner en valor el patrimonio natural, costero y sumergido del sureste de la Región de Murcia. A través de la propuesta de cinco itinerarios auto guiados se brinda al lector la posibilidad de disfrutar de la riqueza de 3 enclaves terrestres y 2 dos acuáticos, accesibles para todas las edades y condiciones físicas. En cada uno de los recorridos se ponen de manifiesto los valores naturales, históricos y sociales del Puerto de Mazarrón, Isla Plana y La Azohía, dando a conocer las figuras de protección que confluyen en la zona, con especial atención en la Reserva Marina de Interés Pesquero de Cabo Tiñoso. Incluye mapas, ilustraciones de diferentes especies y un apartado dedicado a las buenas prácticas ambientales que se deben tener en cuenta durante las visitas con el fin de realizar un uso responsable de los espacios naturales durante las actividades de interacción con el medio. Se pone a disposición del usuario esta guía interactiva con información complementaria disponible a través de enlaces externos que conducen al descubrimiento detallado de los contenidos.Esta publicación forma parte del proyecto CAMONMAR2: Bases para la Planificación Espacial del Área Marina de Cabo Tiñoso y Valles Submarinos del Escarpe de Mazarrón, desarrollado por la Universidad de Alicante y el Instituto Universitario de Agua y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Murcia. Cuenta con el apoyo de la Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, a través del programa PLEAMAR, cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca

    EMF-REST: Generation of RESTful APIs from Models

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    In the last years, RESTful Web services have become more and more popular as a lightweight solution to connect remote systems in distributed and Cloud-based architectures. However, being an architectural style rather than a specification or standard, the proper design of RESTful Web services is not trivial since developers have to deal with a plethora of recommendations and best practices. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) emphasizes the use of models and model transformations to raise the level of abstraction and semi-automate the development of software. In this paper we present an approach that leverages on MDE techniques to generate RESTful services. The approach, called EMF-REST, takes EMF data models as input and generates Web APIs following the REST principles and relying on well-known libraries and standards, thus facilitating its comprehension and maintainability. Additionally, EMF-REST integrates model and Web-specific features to provide model validation and security capabilities, respectively, to the generated API. For Web developers, our approach brings more agility to the Web development process by providing ready-to-run-and-test Web APIs out of data models. Also, our approach provides MDE practitioners the basis to develop Cloud-based modeling solutions as well as enhanced collaborative support

    Can cash transfer interventions increase contraceptive use and reduce adolescent birth and pregnancy in low and middle income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Becoming pregnant and giving birth under the age of 20 is associated with a range of adverse social, socioeconomic and health outcomes for adolescent girls and their children in Low and middle income countries. Cash transfers are an example of a structural intervention that can change the local social and economic environment, and have been linked with positive health and social outcomes across several domains. As part of a wider review of structural adolescent contraception interventions, we conducted a systematic review on the impact of cash transfers on adolescent contraception and fertility. Fifteen studies were included in the review with eleven studies providing evidence for meta-analyses on contraception use, pregnancy and childbearing. The evidence suggests that cash transfer interventions are generally ineffective in raising levels of contraceptive use. However, cash transfer interventions did reduce levels of early pregnancy (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.00). There was suggestive evidence that conditional, but not unconditional, cash transfers reduce levels of early childbearing. Given that much of the evidence is drawn from interventions providing cash transfers conditional on school attendance, supporting school attendance may enable adolescent girls and young women to make life choices that do not involve early pregnancy

    Take-home naloxone kits: attitudes and likelihood-of-use outcomes from a European survey of potential overdose witnesses

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    Background: Injectable naloxone is already provided as take-home naloxone (THN), and new concentrated intranasal naloxone is now being introduced in Europe. Despite evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of THN, little is known about the attitudes of key target populations: people who use opioids (PWUO), family/friends, and staff. We examined the acceptability of different naloxone devices (ampoule, prefilled syringe, and concentrated nasal spray) across 5 European countries. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare THN target groups (PWUO vs. family/friends vs. staff) in their past rates of witnessed overdose and THN administration (as indicators of future use), current THN device preference, and THN carriage on the day of survey. Method: Cross-sectional survey of respondents (age ≥18) in addiction treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services in Denmark, England, Estonia, Norway, and Scotland. A purpose-developed questionnaire (59 items) was administered in the local language electronically or in a pen-and-paper format. Results: Among n = 725 participants, 458 were PWUO (63.2%), 214 staff (29.5%), and 53 (7.3%) family members. The groups differed significantly in their likelihood-of-future THN use (p < 0.001): PWUO had the highest rate of previously witnessing overdoses (352; 77.7%), and staff members reported the highest past naloxone use (62; 30.1%). Across all groups, most respondents (503; 72.4%) perceived the nasal spray device to be the easiest to use. Most reported willingness to use the spray in an overdose emergency (508; 73.5%), followed by the prefilled syringe (457; 66.2%) and ampoules (64; 38.2%). Average THN carriage was 18.6%, ranging from 17.4% (PWUO) to 29.6% (family members). Conclusion: Respondents considered the concentrated naloxone nasal spray the easiest device to use. Still, most expressed willingness to use the nasal spray as well as the prefilled syringe in an overdose emergency. Carriage rates were generally low, with fewer than 1 in 5 respondents carrying their THN kit on the day of the survey

    Complementarity of Galactic radio and collider data in constraining WIMP dark matter models

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    In this work we confront dark matter models to constraints that may be derived from radio synchrotron radiation from the Galaxy, taking into account the astrophysical uncertainties and we compare these to bounds set by accelerator and complementary indirect dark matter searches. Specifically we apply our analysis to three popular particle physics models. First, a generic effective operator approach, in which case we set bounds on the corresponding mass scale, and then, two specific UV completions, the Z' and Higgs portals. We show that for many candidates, the radio synchrotron limits are competitive with the other searches, and could even give the strongest constraints (as of today) with some reasonable assumptions regarding the astrophysical uncertainties.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk

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    Military academies tend to be strongly linked to the professionalization of the armed forces. This explains why many countries in the world have created such institutions. The following article studies a potential negative externality stemming from military schools: increased coup risk. We argue that military academies may create, inculcate, and strengthen cohesive views that could conflict with incumbent policies, and that these schools establish networks among military officers that may facilitate coordination necessary for plotting a putsch. We also contend and empirically demonstrate that these negative side effects of military academies are in particular pronounced in nondemocracies, that is, military academies have diverse effects across regime types. This work has significant implications for our understanding civil–military relations. Furthermore, we contribute to the literature on military education and professionalization, as we suggest that military academies are important vehicles through which coups can emerge predominantly in authoritarian states

    Scanning the European Ecosystem of Distributed Ledger Technologies for Social and Public Good: What, Why, Where, How, and Ways to Move Forward

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    Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), such as blockchains, are primarily tamper-resistant and time-stamped databases. They allow multiple parties to record, verify and share data on a peer-to-peer basis across a network, in decentralised, synchronised and transparent ways, with limited human intervention and reduced intermediate steps. These technologies are mostly known for business use cases, from cryptocurrencies to asset track and tracing. But there are numerous organisations nowadays searching for alternative ways to harness the potential of DLTs in the pursuit of public and social good, from local to global challenges, and towards more inclusive, cooperative, sustainable, ethical or accountable digital and physical worlds. This Science for Policy report explores the current status of this particular field both theoretically and empirically, in the framework of the project #DLT4Good: Co-creating a European Ecosystem of DLTs for Social and Public Good. Part One offers a conceptual overview of the connections between main features of DLTs and their potential for social and public good goals. Emphasis is placed on different approaches to decentralisation, and on core building blocks of DLTs linked with values such as trust, privacy, self-sovereignty, autonomy, inclusiveness, transparency, openness, or the commons. Part Two comprises a scanning of the current European ecosystem of DLT projects with activities in this field. It contains a summarized version of a database published online with 131 projects, and a quantitative review of main trends. It also includes a qualitative assessment of 10 projects selected from the larger sample to showcase this field and its diversity. Part Three concludes with six independent position papers and recommendations from experts and advisors of the #DLT4Good project. The main topics addressed range from decentralized governance to collaborative economies, with highlights on issues such as trust, verifiability, transparency, privacy or bottom-up coordination