1,154 research outputs found

    Role of UAE courts in international commercial arbitration

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    As a requirement for LLM (International Business & Commercial Law), School of Law, University of BedfordshireConcept of arbitration has been prevalent, historically, in the Middle East since the early days of Islam. The arbitral process has been problematic in the UAE however, it has not been until recently that the UAE has recognized the importance of arbitration as a powerful dispute resolution alternative and revised its legislation to accommodate the proceedings of domestic and international arbitration. In the past, foreign investors have been reluctant to select the UAE seat for their arbitration proceedings. There has been a perception that, as a general rule, the practice of international commercial arbitration in the Middle East is still in its infancy. The UAE is now demonstrating to the international community that it has the necessary infrastructure and laws in place to successfully count itself as one of the key arbitration players, alongside London, Paris and Hong Kong. This has been the result of the UAE updating their laws, reforming dispute resolution practice and procedures and through the establishment of key regional arbitration centres. The UAE's accession to the New York Convention was also seen as a significant step in demonstrating the UAE's commitment to foreign investors and the international community. Under Federal Decree No. 43 of 2006, the UAE managed to accede to the New York Convention. The UAE's accession is considered as a mile stone towards provision for a more straightforward arbitral process and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in other Convention states. As a recent development, the UAE has evidenced the joint venture between the Dubai International Financial Centre ('the DIFC') and the London Court of International Arbitration ('the LCIA'), in February 2009, to create the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre ('the DIFC~LCIA'). The DIFC-LCIA operates alongside the longer-established Dubai International Arbitration Centre ('the DlAC'). Both offer their own procedural rules and regulations for the amicable settlement of disputes through arbitration. The Courts role is vital in an arbitral proceeding in any jurisdiction. Although arbitration is believed as a court-free, independent forum for dispute resolution; the court plays fundamental role to ensure that the arbitral proceeding is taking place in a moderate and independent decorum. The UAE Court's role towards the International commercial arbitration has been very problematic and the courts historically used to intervene in the arbitral proceeding over tiny issues. The new UAE arbitration laws has changed the situation and curtailed the courts powers to interfere the arbitral proceeding. At present, the arbitration in the UAE is more independent and straightforward. The proposed UAE arbitration law has much more similarities with the Model Law UNCITRAL and meets the International standards. A lot of work still has to be done in order to make the arbitration more independent, straightforward and friendly in the UAB. The Court's role is vital and is required to be more supportive then it is at present in the arbitral process


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    This paper introduces an in-depth discussion of the various interpretations of what fashion is, and the items considered as part and parcel of fashion. Generally fashion is seen as an object of beautification for women, yet it brings new meanings to their lives when it enhances selfconfidence, facilitates the communication of their self-identity and selfesteem, besides depicting their culture or society. A discussion of the purposes of fashion items such as shoes, makeup/cosmetics, apparel and accessories is discussed. A section of the paper is devoted to a discussion of the Muslim scarves (hijab), as the focus of this paper is on the perception of what fashion means to Muslim women. This paper serves as a fruitful insight into the minds of the Muslim women consumers and provides impetus for the marketing of fashion-related items to serve this segment of the market. A conceptual framework developed for this study would be the initial attempt at developing a more comprehensive study into the related moderating and mediating variables that has an effect on fashion. This study also suggests that future researchers may consider testing the proposed model empirically, not only in Malaysia but also in other countries. Lastly, a promising attempt would be to test for invariance among different countries on the same model

    Case To Action Kaitannya dengan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kassi-kassi

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    Banyak teori yang menjadi rujukan mengenai perubahan perilaku kesehatan, namun disini peneliti tertarik menggunakan teori Case To Action. Teori ini menjelaskan bagaimana peristiwa eksternal dapat memotivasi seseorang untuk bertindak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan teori case to action terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kassi Kassi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purpossive sampling, yaitu sebesar 140 bayi dari rentang usia 6-11 bulan. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan uji Yates correction. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan suami/keluarga terdapat hubungan yang signfikan terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan nilai p=0,000. Variabel dukungan tenaga kesehatan memiliki hubungan yang siginfikan terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan nilai p=0,000. Sementara keterpaparan media massa terdapat hubungan yang siginfikan terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan nilai p=0,000. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa secara menyeluruh ada hubungan yang signifikan antara case to action terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif

    Impact of Food and Beverage Quality and Service Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention, A Study of Five-Star Hotels

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to examine how customer happiness at five-star hotels is impacted by the quality of the F&B they receive and the services they receive, which in turn affects retention.   Design/methodology/approach: A convenience sampling strategy was utilized to distribute a self-administrated survey to 386 guests who used the F&B services of five-star hotels in Delhi-NCR. The model and study's hypotheses were evaluated in this study using a structural assessment modelling methodology, with AMOS 20.0 serving as the evaluation tool.   Findings: The outcomes of the study show that CS and its impact on customer retention are significantly and favorably influenced by quality of the cuisine and beverages, as good as the service.   Theoretical framework: This study recognizes the magnitude of numerous customer satisfaction metrics from a managerial perspective to predict customer retention or re- purchase plans in the standpoint of a five-star eatery in Delhi. Managers should use this to assess their performance and gain a better grasp of the standard of F&B services.   Research Implications: Since the current study was restricted to the capital city of India and because the responses may have been subjective, it cannot be said to be completely conclusive. The study shows, from a practitioner's perspective, that the F&B services departments of five-star hotels in New Delhi, India, have performed notably well in terms of the quality of their services and to categorize the regions of difference in provision and F&B product quality.   Originality/Value: This study fills a research gap on customers' opinions on the provision of food and beverages in the food and beverage division of five-star hotels. It also advances knowledge of visitors' expectations and perceptions of the value of the F&B services


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas industry tambang batubara sebagai trriger terjadinya krisis social dan lingkungan di RT. 24, Kel. Sanga-Sanga Dalam, Kec. Sangsanga, Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan penyajian data secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa aktivitas tambang batubara menjadi trriger terjadinya dua krisis sekaligus, yaitu: krisis social dan krisis lingkungan. Pertama, Krisis Sosial: pada aspek ini aktivitas tambang batubara menjadi penyebab terjadinya konflik horizontal dan konflik vertical. Secara horizontal konflik social terjadi antara warga vs warga, sedangkan konflik vertical melibatkan warga vs pemerintah Kec. Sanga-Sanga dan warga vs perusahaan tambang batubara. Kedua, Krisis Lingkungan: pada aspek ini aktivitas tambang batubara menjadi penyebab hilangnya keseimbangan lingkungan. Dampaknya adalah wilayah RT. 24 Sanga-Sanga Dalam sering terjadi bencana alam seperti banjir jika hujan turun, air menjadi tercemar, dan tanah dipenuhi lubang galian tambang yang tidak kunjung direhabilitasi. Dua krisis tersebut masih bertahan hingga kini meskipun aktivitas tambang batubara telah berhenti

    Determination of the Half-Value Layer by Using Filter Aluminum Sheets for Digital Mammography

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    A method of determining the half-value layers (HVL) with or without using an aluminum (Al) filter sheet for digital mammography has been developed. HVL measurements using a single exposure method are performed without the addition of an aluminium filter. This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of measurements of HVL values in a single exposure method using a RaySave ion space detector. a standard method with a variation in aluminium filter thickness from 0.110 to 0.980 mm. The HVL measurement values were performed with the distance between the focus of the detector 60.5 cm, and the current 80 mAs at a voltage of 23 kVp, 25 kVp, 27 kVp, 29 kVp and 32 kVp. The HVL value is determined by using the interpolation formula. The results showed that the HVL value using aluminium filter was 0.03 mm higher than the standard method by using multiple exposures for the same thickness of the aluminium filter

    Implementasi Ritual Addinging-dinging pada Masyarakat Modern di Tambung Batua Gowa: Tinjauan Sosio-Kultural

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    This research aims to analyze the rituals or practices Addinging-dinging that survives in the context of modern society. This research is descriptive research using a qualistative approach. Primary data are obtained from research informants, cultural figures and community leaders, while secondary data are obtained from the relevant literatur, documents and references. The techniques of collecting data are done by interviewing, observing and documenting. This research also employs a relational social culture. The results conclude the implementation of Addinging-dinging ritual means relasing the nazar that had been said. They are grateful for the bountiful harvest and as a forms of repellent against things that are feared. The addinging-dinging ritual has been able to survive until now because it is based on religious values, spiritual values, social values, cultural values and economic values. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis makna impelentasi ritual (amalan) Addinging-dinging yang bertahan dalam konteks masyarakat modern. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analisis yang menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang diperlukan berupa proses pelaksanaan, benda-benda yang digunakan dalam tradis serta analisis nilai yang ada dalam ritual. Data utama bersumber dari informan, tokoh adat dan tokoh masyarakat. Data sekunder diperoleh dari literatur, dokumen dan referensi yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan teori budaya sosial. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan impelementasi ritual addinging-dinging bermakna pelepas nazar yang pernah diucapkan sebagai tanda syukur patas hasil panen yang melimpah dan sebagai wujud penolak bala terhadap hal-hal yang ditakutkan. Adapun ritual Addinging-dinging mampu bertahan sampai sekarang karena dilandasi nilai religious, nilai kesadaran spiritual, nilai sosial, nilai budaya dan nilai ekonomi