15 research outputs found

    الصورة البيانية عند الملك الأمجد

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    قَامت هذهِ الدراسة بتسليط الضوء على أحد الشُّعراء الأيوبيين، وقد قُمنا في هذا البحثِ بدراسة الصورة البيانية للشاعر الملك الأمجد، هو شاعر بليغٌ و جاء البحث لإجلاء الصورة البيانية ومنها: التَّشبيه، والاستعارة، والكناية, وفي البداية تَطرقنا لِسيرتهِ الشخصية, وبعد ذلك ذكرنا أهم أقسام صوره البيانية التي ظَهرت لنا بشكل واسع في شعرهِ, ويُعَدُ الملك الأمجد من الشُعراء الأيوبيين, وهو أحد شُعراء العصر العباسي الثاني, وسُمي بأبي المظفر بهرام شاه بن فروخ شاه بن شاهنشاه بن أيوب بن شادي, لم تَذَكُر المصادر تأريخ ولادتَه ولكنهُ تمَلَكَ بعلبك سنة (٥٧٨ ه) التي يمثل عصر الازدِهار والتقدم الحضاري، إذ ازدهرت الحركة الأدبية ذلك لحب الملوك الأيوبيين للعلم والأدب وتشجيعهم لِدارسيها، وقد نال هؤلاء اهتمامًا كبيرًا من نقاد الأدب ومؤرخي الشعر على مر السنين، وعلى الرغم من وصول الشاعر الملك الأمجد المرتبة الشعرية العالية والجهد الكبير الذي بدلهُ في الشعر والأدب، إِلّا انه لم يُدوّن له شيء من شعره في أول حَياتِه، لقد برزت المواقف الحربية للملك الأمجد في الحروب الصليبية ضد الأفرنج حتى أنَّ كثيرًا من الشُعراء خلّدوا مواقفه الحربية في شِعرهم وذَلك لأهمية وعَظمة ما قام به الملك في الحروب الصليبية. وبالرغم من غزارة الدراسات والبحوث التي تناولت أعلام تلك الحقبة، إلا أنه لم ينل نصيبًا وافرًا من هذه الدراسات مثل غيره ممن هم في مرتبته الشعرية وربما أقل منه شأنًا, وتوفي الشاعر الملك الأمجد في ليلة الأربعاء الثاني عشر من شوال سنة ( ٦٢٨ للهجرة), وتناول ايضا دراسة الشاعر وصوره الشعرية و البيانية التي نظم فيها أوزانه الشعرية, والذي يُعد الحجر الأساس في ديوانه, ومن خلال أبياته وأوزانه وقوافيه, وإيقاعاته الشَّعرية, فقد قَسّمنا الصورة البيانية الى ثلاثة أقسام اعتمادًا على كثرة ورودها في الديوان، بدءً من: ( التَّشبيه, الاستعارة, الكناية) التي تشكل أهم الوسائل اللغوية والحسية في منظومة الصورة البيانية. التشبيه تَعتبر مَصدر اساسي لِلنابع اللغوي عند الشُعراء وخاصة عند ديوان الملك الأمجد, والاستعارة أيضا لا تقلُّ أهمية عن التشبيه ولم يكن مجهولاً عند الشعر العربي, وتأتي في المرتبة الثانية في الصورة البيانية, والكناية هي الطرف الثالث الذي يلجأ إليه الشاعر مع التشبيه والاستعارة, وتعتبر الكناية عند الشعراء فن من فنون البلاغة, ولم يستغنِ عنه الشعراء في شعرهم, ولكونه له أثر كبير في نفس المتلقي, وتأثيراً واضحاً في النص الشعري, نظراً لما يحققه من دلالات معنوية في النصوص الشعرية. واعتَمد البحثُ وفقًا للمنهج التحليلي للأبيات الشعرية لتحقيق الرؤية الشاملة للنّصّ و الكشف عن معانيه المختلفة, وخَتمتُ هذه الدراسة بأهم ّالنتائج التي وصلتُ إليها

    Sustainability assessment of compact-city development using geodesign approach

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    Improving and evaluation of development plans is an essential to ensure a better planning and design practice. Compact city development is an urban design and planning concept that is noted to be very useful to ensure sustainability and overcome environmental, economic and social problems caused by urban sprawl. However, the outcomes and impacts of compact city development are not clear if using the conventional spatial analysis methods for evaluation. This study intends to improve and advance the process and methodology of assessing compact city development taking benefit from the new emerging concept of GeoDesign. This study is carried out in the city center of Johor Bahru, the capital city of the State of Johor, Malaysia. As a result, the study highlights compact city 2D and 3D indicators and the importance of these indicators is ranked under each development scenario based on expert’s opinions. The study develops a composite sustainability index map in three scenarios environmental protection, economic efficiency, and social equity. Then, the GeoDesign approach applied for evaluating the compact city development. Finally, the computed sustainability index map of Spatial Multi Criteria Analysis (SMCA) model was analyzed and combined with 3D GeoDesign visualization to examine the sustainability levels of future development of the study area. GeoDesign dealt with centrality, high density and proximity, intensification, mixed land uses and public transit systems. The study found that the future development of the study area is a polycentric urban structure, and the proposed light rail transit (LRT) stations of transit oriented development (TOD) concept are not located in the core of the proposed high density mixed land uses urban centers. Furthermore, the assessment of development sustainability by considering planning and design criteria through GeoDesign enhanced the results of simulated analysis and reduced the possibilities for disregarding any of the related measures of the involved sustainable development concept

    A Nested Case-Control Study On Predictors Of Tuberculosis Relapse, Compliance And Cost Evaluation In Urban Areas Of Yemen

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is considered to be one of the major public health problems in Yemen. It is estimated that TB is the fourth cause of death based on hospitals statistics. Relapse of TB and patients’ non-compliance are serious problems leading to several complications. The present study was aimed to examine the influence of different factors on relapse of TB and patients’ compliance as well as to estimate the economic burden as consequences of relapse. The study design was a nested case control study that included 814 new smear positive pulmonary TB patients registered during a one year period (01-07-2007/31-06-2008) in ten governorates of Yemen. Data collection included two main phases; interviewing the participants at the end of intensive phase and reviewing their medical cards and TB registers at the end of the treatment. Factors investigated on relapse were demographic, socioeconomic, treatment and disease-related factors as well as factors evaluated after 2-3 months of treatment, and compliance with anti-TB therapy, while the factors investigated on compliance were demographic and socioeconomic factors as well as patients’ knowledge on TB, health education at health centre and adverse reactions of anti-TB drugs. A direct cost of relapse from government perspective was also evaluated. Student T-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used at alpha level of 0.05. Multiple logistic regression was employed to determine independently associated factors with relapse and patients’ non-compliance. The descriptive analysis in this study showed that 90% of respondents were at their most economically productive age (15-54 years old). Forty four relapse and 133 non-compliant cases were identified during the follow-up period. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the employment status (OR 3.93, 95% CI 1.41, 10.99), number of cigarettes smoked per day (OR 11.76, 95% CI 1.55, 89.11), presence of cavitations (OR 4.67, 95% CI 1.86, 11.70), weight loss (OR 8.11, 95% CI 3.10, 21.39), adherence in continuous phase (OR 17.94, 95% CI 1.69, 190.64), diabetes (OR 14.67, 95% CI 3.57, 60.20) and compliance (OR 3.73, 95% CI 1.39, 9.99) were significantly associated with TB relapse. While literacy (OR 1.87, 95% CI 1.08,3.25), employment status (OR 2.19, 95% CI 1.26,3.80), travelling time (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.01,1.04), waiting time (OR 1.05, 95% CI 1.03,1.06), living status (OR 6.72, 95% CI 1.99,22.63), family support (OR 4.05, 95% CI 1.17,14.04), stigma (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.06,2.89), Qat-chewing habit (OR 3.26, 95% CI 1.89,5.60) and patients’ knowledge on TB (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.70,0.99) were risk factors for non-compliance

    A stand-alone hydrogen photovoltaic fuel cell hybrid system for efficient renewable energy generation

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    Today the main concern for World is energy and power age. By and by, out of around 7 billion populaces, just 65-69% approaches power. Essentially to carry the populaces into the office of power access however much as could be expected inside the restricted assets, we have used the regular assets like sun oriented and wind to satisfy this assumption. Utilizing sun based and wind energy in relationship with the power gadgets, we can supply the power to the buyers inside their capacity and we will want to limit the power issue as could really be expected. Hydrogen Photovoltaic Fuel (HPF) cell is the mix of force gadgets which lessens the major sun oriented emergency of expenses, where expenses are the enormous issue for non-industrial nations. Presently a-days, the coordinated circuits (IC) are entirely solid and modest, to the point that make the conveying and reversing or changing over components simplest than the massive and expensive instruments utilized in the traditional power supply framework. The examination expects that the lattice joining of the environmentally friendly power assets utilizing HPF inverter might cause a colossal comment in satisfying the absence of force use across the world. Solar energy is a rapidly growing resource, already providing 4.5% of electricity in the World and projected to supply up to 35% by 2050. On the other hand, the default model’s predictions were far from the actual metered HPF data. For renewability, the simulated renewable energy consumption with modified inputs is 3.9% below of actual metered renewable data while the default model’s prediction was more than 52% below actual renewable use. Using PV-HPF hybrid model indices to represent how well a simulated model describes the variability in the measured data; the modified model has achieved accurate renewability results; with a Solar of 10.99 % and Wind of 9.90%, while the hybrid model has a solar of 57.16% and a Wind of 57.20% in renewable energy comparison being performed in MATLAB

    Exploratory study involving observation of traffic behaviour and conflicts in Nigeria using the Traffic Conflict Technique

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    Road traffic crashes are a major public health problem affecting those living in developing countries, exacerbated by the lack of available resources to tackle the issue (WHO, 2015). Whilst crash reduction measures have been developed and implemented, there has been limited success in developing countries and the crash rate keeps increasing. Partly to blame are the lack of empirical research and high quality crash data. Data do exist – but their reliability is questionable, with respect to the data collection methods used and underreporting. This study, undertaken in Nigeria, used surrogate safety measures based on systematic observation of traffic behaviour and conflicts to assess the behaviour of different road users and investigate the role various factors play in determining conflict severity. Data were analysed using the Traffic Conflict Technique and binary logistic regression. Results show that direction of traffic, time of day and the relevant road user’s age, gender and speed are important determinants of conflict severity. This study highlights the applicability of surrogate safety measures in traffic safety assessment in a developing country and demonstrates that quality data needed for road safety assessment in developing countries could be collected over a short period of time by making use of resources which are readily available

    Al-Qarmani interpretation Ahmad b. Mahmoud, who died in the year (971 AH-1564 AD) (study and investigation) from the beginning of Surah Yusuf to the end of Surah an-Nahl

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    Doktora TeziBu araştırma, Türk âlimi Ahmed bin Mahmud el-Kâramânî el-Hanefî'nin "Al-Asam" lakaplı, (ö. 971/1564) tefsirinin Yusuf, er-Ra'd, İbrahim, el-Hicr ve en-Nahl surelerinden oluşan bölümünün tahkiki olup onun tefsirinde izlediği metottan ayrıntılı bir şekilde bahsetmektedir. Bu kitaba, ilmî değerinden dolayı "Vaiz el-Kâramânî Tefsiri" adı verilmiştir. Çalışmamız el- Kâramânî'nin doğumu, yetiştiği ortam, yaşadığı dönemdeki ilmi hayatından bahsetmektedir. Ayrıca müfessirin, tefsir ilminin yanı sıra hadis, fıkıh, akaid, tasavvuf ve kıraat ilimleri ile ilgili görüşlerine dair önemli bilgileri anlatılmaktadır. Köken itibariyle Arap olmamasına rağmen eserde dil ilimleri ve belagatın büyük payı olduğu, müellifin fesahat ve belagat konusundaki hassasiyeti dikkat çekmektedir. Araştırmada tahkik yöntemi olarak İSAM kurallarına bağlı kalınmış, ulaşılan önemli neticeler sonuç kısmında paylaşılmıştır.This research is a study and investigation of five chapters from the Qur'an with the exegesis of Ahmed bin Mahmoud El-Kâramânî Al-hanafi, known as "Al-Asam" (d. 1564-971), due to the scientific value of the book, it was given the name of "Vaiz El-Kâramânî Exegesis". It should be noted that this study does not include the entire Qur'an, but only handles with some chapters (Surahs) such as Yusuf, Al-Ra'd, Ibrahim, Al-Hijr and An-Nahl. Our study also contained the introduction of the author, his birth, upbringing, and the scholars whom he is contemporary with beside scientific value of him. It also turned out through that the study various religious sciences such as Hadith, Jurisprudence, Doctrines, Mysticism and Readings of the Qur'an had contributions to the interpretation of the Qur'an. As the author stated the language sciences and rhetoric had great share in the interpretation. Despite his non-Arabic origin, we find out the accuracy and eloquence of the work. The İSAM method is followed in our research. We summarized the most important results that we reached in conclusion section

    Crash Severity Modeling in Transportation Systems

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    Modeling crash severity is an important component of reasoning about the issues that may affect highway safety. A better understanding of the factors underlying crash severity can be used to reduce the degree of crash severity injury, locate road hazardous sites, and adopt suitable countermeasures. In order to provide insights on the mechanism and behavior of the crash severity injury, a variety of statistical approaches have been utilized to model the relationship between crash severity and potential risk factors. Many of the traditional approaches for analyzing crash severity are limited in that they are based on the assumption that all observations are independent of each other. However, given the reality of vehicle movement in networked systems, the assumption of independence of crash incidence is not likely valid. For instance, spatial and temporal autocorrelations are important sources of dependency among observations that may bias estimates if not considered in the modeling process. Moreover, there are other aspects of vehicular travel that may influence crash severity that have not been explored in traditional analysis approaches. One such aspect is the roadway visibility that is available to a driver at a given time that can impact their ability to react to changing traffic conditions, a characteristics known as sight distance. Accounting for characteristics such as sight distance in crash severity modeling involve moving beyond statistical analysis and modeling the complex geospatial relationships between the driver and the surrounding landscape. To address these limitations of traditional approaches to crash severity modeling, this dissertation first details a framework for detecting temporal and spatial autocorrelation in crash data. An approach for evaluating the sight distance available to xiv drivers along roadways is then proposed. Finally, a crash severity model is developed based upon a multinomial logistic regression approach that incorporates the available sight distance and spatial autocorrelation as potential risk factors, in addition to a wide range of other factors related to road geometry, traffic volume, driver’s behavior, environment, and vehicles. To demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed model, an analysis of vehicular crashes (years 2013-2015) along the I-70 corridor in the state of Missouri (MO) and on roadways in Boone County MO is conducted. To assess existing stopping sight distance and decision sight distance on multilane highways, a geographic information system (GIS)-based viewshed analysis is developed to identify the locations that do not conform to AASHTO (2011) criteria regarding stopping and decision sight distances, which could then be used as potential risk factors in crash prediction. Moreover, this method provides a new technique for estimating passing sight distance along two-lane highways, and locating the passing zones and no-passing zones. In order to detect the existence of temporal autocorrelation and whether it’s significant in crash data, this dissertation employs the Durbin-Watson (DW) test, the Breusch-Godfrey (LM) test, and the Ljung-Box Q (LBQ) test, and then describes the removal of any significant amount of temporal autocorrelation from crash data using the differencing procedure, and the Cochrane-Orcutt method. To assess whether vehicle crashes are spatially clustered, dispersed, or random, the Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics are used as measures of spatial autocorrelation among vehicle incidents. To incorporate spatial autocorrelation in crash severity modeling, the use of the Gi* statistic as a potential risk factor is also explored. The results provide firm evidence on the importance of accounting for spatial and temporal autocorrelation, and sight distance in modeling traffic crash data

    Detection effect toxins produced by some types of fungi isolated from medicinal plants

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    Medicinal plants accompany many fungi belonging to different groups, including different types of zygomycotina, ascomycotina, deuteromycotina and yeasts (yeasts). Some of these fungi accompany the plant during its growth in the field and others contaminate weeds during Harvest and storage process. The fungi that infect crops were divided by Christensen (1965) into three groups. The first group includes the field fungi, which infect agricultural crops before harvest, and includes species belonging to the genera Alternaria, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, and Cladosporium. The second group is known as storage fungi, and includes fungi that attack crops. agricultural crops during storage. It includes species of the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium, These fungi are characterized by the fact that most of them produce toxins (Mycotoxins), which cause diseases to humans and animals when consuming crops contaminated with them. The third group includes rot fungi (RootFungi) that grow on the remains of plant materials and include: Chaetomiumspp, Papulosporaspp, Fusarium graminearum and Sordaria spp and found that most of the toxin-producing fungi belong to storage fungi and a few of them belong to rotting fungi that have the ability to produce toxins

    Performance analysis of linear detection for uplink massive MIMO system based on spectral and energy efficiency with Rayleigh fading channels in 3D plotting pattern

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    Abstract Massive multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) is a critical component of 5G cellular networks, which utilizes large numbers of antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to enhance throughput and radiated energy efficiency. Various linear detection techniques are employed with massive MIMO to counteract path loss and interference, and maximize throughput. The first aim of this paper is to analyse the performance of uplink massive MIMO system for different linear detection techniques including: Maximum ratio combining (MRC), zero‐forcing (ZF), regularized ZF (RZF) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) over Rayleigh channel model. The second aim is to jointly investigate the optimal values of signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), the number of antennas M and the number of users K for maximizing the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) through simulation using MATLAB and 3D plotting patterns. The obtained results show that the best SE and EE are achieved by uplink massive MIMO setup while using optimal values of SNR, M and K. It is observed that MMSE achieved the best performance. However, it requires estimation of average SNR at BS. Therefore, the best choice is ZF or RZF without any need for SNR estimation