334 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Petuah Melayu: Analisis Buku Tunjuk Ajar Melayu Karya Tenas Effendy

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    Di Tahun 2021 tepatnya di bulan Maret, Indonesia dikejutkan dengan peristiwa terorisme yang pertama terjadi di Makasar dan yang kedua terjadi di Jakarta. Apapaun alasan dari kegiatan terorisme itu, tentu hal itu tidak dibenarkan terlebih lagi kegiatan terorisme yang dilakuan atas nama agama. Terorisme dengan alasan agama sangat jauh dari hakikat ajaran Islam itu sendiri. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang berbuat teror adalah masalah ideologi (cara berpikir), ideologi itu bisa didapatkan dari pemahaman keagamaan atau teks-teks agama, bisa juga melalui teks-teks budaya. Salah satu solusi terhadap paham terorisme adalah moderasi, suatu faham yang mengantarkan pada sikap moderat, meyakini kebenaran agama yang dianut disatu sisi, sementara disisi yang lain mengakui akan adanya keberagaman agama (ada agama diluar yang dianutnya. Tulisan ini mengangkat nilai-nilai moderasi beragama  dalam petuah Melayu  dengan menganalisis teks budaya yang ditulis oleh Tenas Effendy dalam bukunya Tunjuk Ajar Melayu. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dalam tunjuk ajar Melayu didapatilah bahwa  Petuah Melayu memuat nilai-nilai moderasi yang bisa disosialisasikan kemasyarakat sebagai upaya menangkal paham terorisme dengan pendekatan budaya


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    Salah satu sarjana muslim yang turut berpartisipasi dalam khazanah tafsir al-Qur’an masa kini adalah Muhammad ‘Ali alSabuni.Salah satu karya monumentalnya di bidang tafsir adalahS}afwat al-Tafasir. Diakui oleh al-Sabuni sendiri, bahwa ia menulistafsir tersebut dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman kepada umatdi tengah-tengah kesibukan mereka yang kesulitan untukmembuka berjilid-jilid tafsir yang ditulis ulama sebelumnya. Di dalamnya, ia merangkum beberapa intisari kitab-kitab tafsir terdahulu dan memadatkannya dalam suatu kitab tafsir. Namun, dalam posisinya sebagai seorang tokoh yang pernah mengajar di Universitas Ummul Qura dan King Abdul Aziz Universtity, dalam aktivitas menafsirkan ayat, al-Sabuni juga menuai kontra dari para ulama di Saudi, terutama terkait tafsir ayat-ayat sifat. Tulisan ini akan membahas seputar al-Sabuni dan tafsirnya Safwat al-Tafasir serta penafsirannya terhadap ayat-ayat sifat yang menuai kontroversi

    Analysis of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle and Construction of a Model

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    The purpose of thesis is to show the result of the analysis Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM). Thus, more information to understand on its behavior in generating force for actuation is obtained. The content of this report consists of few sections such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, result and discussion and conclusion. The introduction part consists of project background and problem statement that discuss PAM behavior while researching about this project. The introduction also discuss about the objective and scope of study which is to analyze the behavior of Pneumatic Muscle by using Finite Element Analysis on ANSYS software. The methodology and project planning is stated to show the flow of the thesis and also the Gantt chart provided shows the working schedule that I follow during all this period of year. The result and discussion shows that the construction of 3D PAM model is mainly consists of flexible, inflatable membrane for which the material type and properties are being specified as neoprene rubber. The result of the model is verified according to the solution obtained from the literature. The thesis is concluded by making an observation towards muscle deformation supported evidence by tables provided by ANSYS software. The deformation of the muscle shows the structural behavior changes after Finite Element Analysis. The PAM expanded with the change in volume and also in diameter. The volume increases while the length decrease when pressure applied

    Requirements engineering (RE) process for the adaptation of hospital information system (HIS)

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) process is an initial stage for any software development process. In this research, we adopted the RE process into a system adaptation software project for a Hospital Information System (HIS). Instead of developing from scratch, the adaptation of an existing system enables a working system to be configured into use in a similar situation in another organization, or use it in a different organization in a different geographical area. Nonetheless. the approach of systems adaptation has its own issues and challenges. This research considers investigating culture-specific behaviour when adapting a system to another environment. The research is motivated by the challenges faced by real-life cases of implementation of a HIS developed in South Korea at one of Saudi Arabian hospital. The outcome of the research is validated through evaluation of academic experts and feedback from a request tracking system. The contribution of the research outcome provides an insight to facilitate the HIS adaptation into Saudi Arabia HIS, and could also be used as a reference for any adaptation process to suit the needs of the stakeholders in similar application domains

    Requirements Engineering (RE) Process for The Adaptation of The Hospital Information System (HIS)

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) process is an initial stage for any software development process. In this research, we adopted the RE process into a system adaptation software project for a Hospital Information System (HIS) in a Saudi Arabian hospital.  Instead of developing from scratch, the adaptation of an existing system enables a working system to be configured into use in a similar situation in another organization, or use it in a different organization in a different geographical area. Nonetheless, the approach of systems adaptation has its own issues and challenges. This research considers investigating culture-specific behaviors when adapting a system to another environment. The research is motivated by the challenges faced by real-life cases of implementation of a HIS developed in South Korea at one of Kingdom of Saudi Arabian (KSA) hospital. The cultural behavioral requirements were identified using focus group technique and the outcomes were analyzed and represented using Unified Modelling Language (UML). The outcome of the research is validated through evaluation of feedback from a review session and academic experts. This work investigates cultural and behavioral features that have the potentials to support software engineers, who are considering new systematic techniques and approaches to improve systems adaptation processes, especially in HIS domain. This work could be used as a reference to guide developers to adapt similar systems in similar culture and environment settings. In addition to an adaptation to a specific environment, the outcome could also be useful for designing system for-reuse facet from the perspective of reusability

    The Physical Fields in Asas Al Balagha: A Semantic Study

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    This study sheds light on the semantic fields in the dictionary of “Asas al-Balaghah” by al-Zamakhshari, by applying the principles of that theory to its first part, and it seeks to highlight a historical linguistic dictionary by explaining the approach of al-Zamakhshari in its composition, and researching the true and metaphorical meanings that are addressed, the extent of their limitations or comprehensiveness, and the extent of The effect of time and place on its quality. Explaining the complementary role between the lexicon and the context in determining the connotations of expressions and diversifying them. The study is concerned with counting the meanings that al-Zamakhshari dealt with in his dictionary, analyzing them, and classifying them into interconnected fields of meaning, including the tangible fields that share their connotations for all that can be perceived by the senses, whether the senses are live or inanimate, and the study is concerned with research in the field of the human body, and what It falls under it from subfields, where these fields share semantic relationships that the study worked on detailing, and the study sheds light on lexical generation techniques, and semantic generation mechanisms at Zamakhshari, and shows the role of metaphor in generating new semantic

    The possible role of cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles in prevention of neurobehavioral and neurochemical changes in 6-hydroxydopamineinduced parkinsonian disease

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    Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2NPs) is an efficient neuroprotective agent and showed promising effects in some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. However, the implication of CeO2NPs in Parkinsonism remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to assess the possible role of CeO2NPs as a neuroprotective agent against the development of behavioral and biochemical changes in rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Thirty rats were included and received left intrastriatal injection of either saline (controls, n = 10) or 6-hydroxy dopamine (6-OHDA) in untreated group (n = 10) and 10 rats were received intraperitoneal injection of low dose CeO2NPs two hours before surgery, and continued once daily for 6 weeks (preventive group). At the end of experimental period, rats were subjected to behavioral assessment and then killed for biochemical analysis of striatal dopamine levels, oxidative stress markers and caspase-3 activity. Results showed that CeO2NPs resulted in partial neuroprotection against disturbances in motor performance. It also partially decreased apoptosis and oxidative stress in preventive group, while it failed to increase striatal dopamine level as compared to untreated rats. The present study verified some neuroprotective effects of CeO2NPs in 6-OHDA-induced Parkinsonian rats through their antioxidant and anti apoptotic effects. Some of these effects persisted till the end of six weeks whereas others declined after three weeks. A larger dose may be needed to produce more valuable effects and to maintain protection for a longer period

    Effect of Presence or Absence of Corpus Luteum on Ovarian Dimensions, Number of Follicles and the Quality of oocytes in Local Cows (Bos Indicus)

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية لتقويم تأثير الجسم الأصفر أو غيابه في أبعاد المبايض وعدد الجريبات ونوعية البويضات في الأبقار المحلية. جُمع 256 مبيضاً بقرياً من مجازر محافظة بابل للمدة من أيلول 2017 لغاية نيسان 2018. نُقلت الأجهزة التناسلية الأنثوية إلى المختبر خلال ساعتين بعد الذبح. أُزيلت المبايض وصُنفت على مجموعتين بناءً على وجود الجسم الأصفر (عدد= 150) أو عدم وجود الجسم الأصفر (عدد = 106) . وقيست أبعادها. وعُدت وقيست وصُنفت الجريبات على أساس قطرها إلى صغيرة 3-5 (ملم) ومتوسطة 6-9 (ملم) وكبيرة 10-20 (ملم) . سُحب السائل الجريبي وجُمعت وفُحصت وعُدت وقُومت ودُرجت البويضات. بينت نتائج الدراسة الحالية أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P<0.05)  في أبعاد المبايض مع وجود الجسم الأصفر مقارنة مع المبايض التي لا تحتوي على الجسم الأصفر. أوضحت النتائج أيضاً أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P<0.05) في متوسط العدد الكلي للجريبات والبويضات لكل مبيض مع غياب الجسم الأصفر مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجسم الأصفر.  نستنتج من هذه الدراسة وإن وجود الجسم الأصفر يؤثر سلبياً على عدد الجريبات ونوعية البويضة.The present study was aimed to assessing the influence of presence or absence of corpus luteum (CL) on the dimensions of ovaries and the number of follicles and oocytes and their quality in local cows. A total of 256 cow ovaries were collected from abattoirs of Babylonian province for the period from September 2017 until April 2018. The female reproductive system were transported to the laboratory within 2 hour post slaughter. The ovaries were removed and categorize into 2 groups based on the presence (n=150) or absence (n=106) of CL. The ovaries were measured their dimensions, and the follicle were counted, measured and classified according to their diameter as small 3-5 (mm) , medium 6-9 (mm) and large 10-20 (mm). The follicular fluid were aspirated and the oocyte were collected, examined , measured , evaluated, and graded. The result of present study showed a significant higher (P<0.05) in dimension of the ovaries with the presence of CL compared to the ovaries without CL. The result also showed significant increase (P<0.05) in the average total number of follicles and oocytes recovered per ovary of ovaries without CL compared with the ovaries with CL. This study concluded that the presence of CL negatively affects on the number of follicles and the quality of oocyte

    Proapoptotic and antimetastatic properties of supercritical CO2 extract of Nigella sativa Linn. Against breast cancer cells

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    Nigella sativa, commonly referred as black cumin, is a popular spice that has been used since the ancient Egyptians. It has traditionally been used for treatment of various human ailments ranging from fever to intestinal disturbances to cancer. This study investigated the apoptotic, antimetastatic, and anticancer activities of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO) extracts of the seeds of N. sativa Linn. against estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). Twelve extracts were prepared from N. sativa seeds using the SC-CO extraction method by varying pressure and temperature. Extracts were analyzed using FTIR and UV-Vis spectrometry. Cytotoxicity of the extracts was evaluated on various human cancer and normal cell lines. Of the 12 extracts, 1 extract (A3) that was prepared at 60 C and 2500 psi (∼17.24 MPa) showed selective antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 cells with an IC of 53.34±2.15 μg/mL. Induction of apoptosis was confirmed by evaluating caspases activities and observing the cells under a scanning electron microscope. In vitro antimetastatic properties of A3 were investigated by colony formation, cell migration, and cell invasion assays. The elevated levels of caspases in A3 treated MCF-7 cells suggest that A3 is proapoptotic. Further nuclear condensation and fragmentation studies confirmed that A3 induces cytotoxicity through the apoptosis pathway. A3 also demonstrated remarkable inhibition in migration and invasion assays of MCF-7 cells at subcytotoxic concentrations. Thus, this study highlights the therapeutic potentials of SC-CO extract of N. sativa in targeting breast cancer

    Implantable slot antenna with substrate integrated waveguide for biomedical applications

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    This work presents a new design of capsule slot antenna with substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for wireless body area networks (WBANs) operating at the range of (2.5-4 GHz) which is located in the body area networks (BAN) standard in IEEE802.15.6. The proposed antenna was designed for WBANs. The substrate is assumed to be from Rogers 5880 with relative permittivity of 2.2, and thickness of 0.787 mm. The ground and the patch are created from annealed copper while the capsule is assumed to be a plastic material of medical grade polycarbonate. The antenna designed and summited using computer simulation technology (CST) software. A CST voxel model was used to study the performance of SIW capsule antenna and the ability of the band (2.5-4 GHz). Results indicated a wide bandwidth of 1.5 GHz between the range of (2.5-4) GHz at 3.3 GHz as center frequency, with return loss with more than -24.52 dB, a gain of -18.2 dB, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of 1.17, and front-to-back ratio (FBR) of 10.07 dB. Through simulation, all considerable parameters associated with the proposed antenna including return loss, bandwidth, operating frequency, VSWR less than 2, radiation pattern were examined. Regarding size, gain, and frequency band, the proposed antenna is located with the standards of implantable medical devices (IMDs)