142 research outputs found

    Choroidal thickness measured using swept-source optical coherence tomography is reduced in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Objective To compare choroidal thickness between patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and healthy controls measured using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Methods The sample comprised 157 eyes of 94 T2D patients, 48 eyes of which had diabetic macular edema (DME), and 71 normal eyes of 38 healthy patients. Subfoveal (SF) choroidal thickness, and choroidal thickness at 500-µm intervals up to 2500 µm nasal and temporal from the fovea were measured using the SS-OCT. Choroidal thicknesses were compared between groups using Student’s t-test. Additionally, Pearson correlations were calculated between diabetes duration, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, and choroidal thickness. Results Mean diabetes duration was 16.6±9.5 years, while mean glycosylated hemoglobin was 7.7 ±1.3%. Overall, the choroid was significantly thinner in T2D patients. Individuals with DME had reduced choroidal thickness in all measurements, except at 2000 and 2500-µm nasal positions, compared to healthy controls. There was a moderate correlation between choroidal thickness and HbA1c levels in DME patients (SF: r = 0.342; p = 0.017). Diabetes duration did not correlate significantly with choroidal thickness. Conclusion SS-OCT measurements revealed that the choroid was significantly thinner in T2D patients, moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy patients, and DME patients than in healthy individuals. Further studies are needed to clarify the effect of diabetes on this layer and the relationship between choroidal thickness and DME

    The impact of COVID-19 on radiological findings in patients accessing the emergency department: a multicentric study

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    The aim of this multicentric study is to illustrate how the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown affected the workload and outcomes of radiological examinations in emergency radiology

    Myocardial extracellular volume fraction to differentiate healthy from cardiomyopathic myocardium using dual-source dual-energy CT

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    Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of dual-energy CT (DECT)-based iodine quantification to estimate myocardial extracellular volume (ECV) fraction in patients with and without cardiomyopathy (CM), as well as to assess its ability to distinguish healthy myocardial tissue from cardiomyopathic, with the goal of defining a threshold ECV value for disease detection. Methods: Ten subjects free of heart disease and 60 patients with CM (mean age 66.4 ± 9.4; 59 males and 11 females; 40 ischemic and 20 non-ischemic CM) underwent late iodine enhanced DECT imaging. Myocardial iodine maps were obtained using 3-material decomposition. ECV of the left ventricle was estimated from hematocrit levels and the iodine maps using the AHA 16-segment model. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed, with corresponding area under the curve, along with Youden's index assessment, to establish a threshold for CM detection. Results: The median ECV for healthy myocardium, non-ischemic CM, and ischemic CM were 25.4% (22.9–27.3), 38.3% (33.7–43.0), and 36.9% (32.4–41.1), respectively. Healthy myocardium showed significantly lower ECV values compared to ischemic and non-ischemic CM (p 29.5% would indicate the presence of CM in the myocardium (sensitivity = 90.3; specificity = 90.3); the AUC for this criterion was 0.950 (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The findings of this study resulted in a statistically significant distinction between healthy myocardium and CM ECVs. This led to the establishment of a promising threshold ECV value that could facilitate the differentiation between healthy and diseased myocardium, and highlights the potential of this DECT methodology to detect cardiomyopathic tissue

    A robust SNP barcode for typing Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains

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    Strain-specific genomic diversity in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) is an important factor in pathogenesis that may affect virulence, transmissibility, host response and emergence of drug resistance. Several systems have been proposed to classify MTBC strains into distinct lineages and families. Here, we investigate single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as robust (stable) markers of genetic variation for phylogenetic analysis. We identify ~92k SNP across a global collection of 1,601 genomes. The SNP-based phylogeny is consistent with the gold-standard regions of difference (RD) classification system. Of the ~7k strain-specific SNPs identified, 62 markers are proposed to discriminate known circulating strains. This SNP-based barcode is the first to cover all main lineages, and classifies a greater number of sublineages than current alternatives. It may be used to classify clinical isolates to evaluate tools to control the disease, including therapeutics and vaccines whose effectiveness may vary by strain type

    Post-transcriptional control of a stemness signature by RNA-binding protein MEX3A regulates murine adult neurogenesis

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult murine subependymal zone balance their self-renewal capacity and glial identity with the potential to generate neurons during the lifetime. Adult NSCs exhibit lineage priming via pro-neurogenic fate determinants. However, the protein levels of the neural fate determinants are not sufficient to drive direct differentiation of adult NSCs, which raises the question of how cells along the neurogenic lineage avoid different conflicting fate choices, such as self-renewal and differentiation. Here, we identify RNA-binding protein MEX3A as a post-transcriptional regulator of a set of stemness associated transcripts at critical transitions in the subependymal neurogenic lineage. MEX3A regulates a quiescence-related RNA signature in activated NSCs that is needed for their return to quiescence, playing a role in the long-term maintenance of the NSC pool. Furthermore, it is required for the repression of the same program at the onset of neuronal differentiation. Our data indicate that MEX3A is a pivotal regulator of adult murine neurogenesis acting as a translational remodeller.© 2023. The Author(s)

    Transition between Variscan and Alpine cycles in the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain): Geodynamic evolution of near-equator European Permian basins

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    In the northern Iberian Peninsula, the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogenic belt extends E-W for ca. 1000 km between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. This orogen developed from the collision between Iberia and Eurasia, mainly in Cenozoic times. Lower-middle Permian sediments crop out in small, elongated basins traditionally considered independent from each other due to misinterpretations on incomplete lithostratigraphic data and scarce radiometric ages. Here, we integrate detailed stratigraphic, sedimentary, tectonic, paleosol and magmatic data from well-dated lithostratigraphic units. Our data reveal a similar geodynamic evolution across the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Ranges at the end of the Variscan cycle. Lower-middle Permian basins started their development under an extensional regime related to the end of the Variscan Belt collapse, which stars in late Carboniferous times in the Variscan hinterland. This orogenic collapse transitioned to Pangea breakup at the middle Permian times in the study region. Sedimentation occurred as three main tectono-sedimentary extensional phases. A first phase (Asselian-Sakmarian), which may have even started at the end of the Carboniferous (Gzhelian) in some sections, is mainly represented by alluvial sedimentation associated with calc-alkaline magmatism. A second stage (late Artinskian-early Kungurian), represented by al-luvial, lacustrine and palustrine sediments with intercalations of calc-alkaline volcanic beds, shows a clear up-ward aridification trend probably related to the late Paleozoic icehouse-greenhouse transition. The third and final stage (Wordian-Capitanian) comprised of alluvial deposits with intercalations of alkaline and mafic beds, rarely deposited in the Cantabrian Mountains, and underwent significant pre-and Early Mesozoic erosion in some segments of the Pyrenees. This third stage can be related to a transition towards the Pangea Supercontinent breakup, not generalized until the Early/Middle Triassic at this latitude because the extensional process stopped about 10 Myr (Pyrenees) to 30 Myr (Cantabrian Mountains). When compared to other well-dated basins near the paleoequator, the tectono-sedimentary and climate evolution of lower-middle Permian basins in Western and Central Europe shows common features. Specifically, we identify coeval periods with magmatic activity, extensional tectonics, high subsidence rates and thick sedi-mentary record, as well as prolonged periods without sedimentation. This comparison also identifies some evolutionary differences between Permian basins that could be related to distinct locations in the hinterland or foreland of the Variscan orogen. Our data provide a better understanding of the major crustal re-equilibration and reorganization that took place near the equator in Western-Central Europe during the post-Variscan period

    Perinatal Derivatives: Where Do We Stand? A Roadmap of the Human Placenta and Consensus for Tissue and Cell Nomenclature

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    Progress in the understanding of the biology of perinatal tissues has contributed to the breakthrough revelation of the therapeutic effects of perinatal derivatives (PnD), namely birth-associated tissues, cells, and secreted factors. The significant knowledge acquired in the past two decades, along with the increasing interest in perinatal derivatives, fuels an urgent need for the precise identification of PnD and the establishment of updated consensus criteria policies for their characterization. The aim of this review is not to go into detail on preclinical or clinical trials, but rather we address specific issues that are relevant for the definition/characterization of perinatal cells, starting from an understanding of the development of the human placenta, its structure, and the different cell populations that can be isolated from the different perinatal tissues. We describe where the cells are located within the placenta and their cell morphology and phenotype. We also propose nomenclature for the cell populations and derivatives discussed herein. This review is a joint effort from the COST SPRINT Action (CA17116), which broadly aims at approaching consensus for different aspects of PnD research, such as providing inputs for future standards for the processing and in vitro characterization and clinical application of PnD.Austrian Science Fund (FWF) DOC 31-B26Medical University GrazUniversita Cattolica del Sacro CuorePRIN 2017 program of Italian Ministry of Research and University (MIUR) 2017RSAFK7Ministry of Health, Italy GR-2018-12366992Slovenian Research Agency - Slovenia P3-0108MRIC UL IP-0510Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de InnovacionISCIII Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la InvestigacionMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain PI16/01642European Union (EU)European Community (EC)German Research Foundation (DFG) GE-2223/2-

    Methodology to improve water and energy use by proper irrigationscheduling in pressurised networks

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    With the aim of reducing energy consumption and improving water use in pressurised irrigation systems, the methodology to minimise energy consumption by grouping intakes of pressurised irrigation networks into sectors, as developed by Jimenez Bello et al. (2010a), was modified to enable irrigation intakes to operate during the scheduled period for each intake instead of operating during restricted irrigation periods of the same length. Moreover, a method was developed to detect the maximum number of intakes that can operate without extra energy if the source has sufficient head to feed at least some of the intakes. These methods were applied to a Mediterranean irrigation system, where the total cropped area was mainly citrus orchards. In this case study, water was allocated to two groups of intakes, one fed by gravity and the other by pumps. A saving of 36.3 % was achieved by increasing the total volume supplied by gravity, decreasing the injection pump head, and improving the pump performance. Therefore, all the intakes only operated during the irrigation periods at the minimum required pressure.This research was supported by funds from Climate-KIC AGADAPT and from EU 7th Framework Programme FIGARO projects. The authors wish to acknowledge the support provided by Picassent Sector XI staff. The revision of this paper was funded by "The Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain".Jiménez Bello, MA.; Royuela Tomás, Á.; Manzano Juarez, J.; García Prats, A.; Martínez Alzamora, F. (2015). Methodology to improve water and energy use by proper irrigationscheduling in pressurised networks. Agricultural Water Management. 149:91-101. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.10.026S9110114