3,269 research outputs found

    Identification of a Disease on Cocoa Caused by Fusariumin Sulawesi

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    A disease presumed to be caused by Fusarium was observed in cocoa open fields with few or without shade trees. Within the population of cocoa trees in the field, some trees had died, some had yellowing leaves and dieback, and the others were apparently healthy. In order to demonstrate Fusarium species as the causal pathogen and to obtain information concerning the incidence of the disease, its distribution and its impact on sustainability of cocoa, isolation of the pathogen, inoculation of cocoa seedlings with isolates and a survey of disease has been conducted. Fusarium was isolated from roots and branches, and inoculated onto cocoa seedlings (one month old) via soil. Symptoms appeared within 3-4 weeks after infection. These symptoms consisted of yellowing of leaves beginning from the bottom until the leaves falldown, and browning internal of vascular tissue. Darkened vascular traces in the petiole characteristic of vascularstreak dieback infection were absent. The occurrence of Fusarium in the field was characterized by the absence of obvious signs of fungal infestation on root of infected trees, yellowing of leaves on twigs, dieback, and tree mortality in severe infestations. Disease incidence could reach 77% and in this situation it was difficult for trees recover from heavy infections or to be regenerated in the farm. The study proves that Fusarium is a pathogen causing dieback and the disease is called as Fusarium vascular dieback (FVD). Its development is apparently enhanced by dry conditions in the field

    Adsorption behaviour of molecularly imprinted-beta-cyclodextrin polymers prepared by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization for selective recognition of benzylparaben

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    Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are kinds of powerful materials with promising selective molecule recognition abilities. However, the conventional MIPs have relatively low binding capacity. In order to improve this characteristic of MIPs, the modification monomer based on β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and the essential of reversible addition�fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization process were studied to generate potential MIPs. The study focuses on the characterization and adsorption behaviour of MIPs for selective recognition of benzylparaben (BzP) analyte. The potential of β-CD in MIP was investigated by synthesizing a reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer molecularly imprinted methacrylic acid functionalized β-cyclodextrin polymer; RAFT�MIP(MAA-β-CD) based on methacrylic acid functionalized β-cyclodextrin (MAA-β-CD) monomer, which was then compared to a reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer molecularly imprinted methacrylic acid polymer; RAFT-MIP(MAA) synthesized without β-CD. Both MIPs were prepared by the RAFT polymerization process in bulk polymerization method. The resulting MIPs were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Field Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. The batch adsorption study that includes studying of the pH, kinetic, isotherm and thermodynamic was conducted. The essential of RAFT polymerization on MIP was studied by comparing RAFT-MIP(MAA-β-CD) with the molecularly imprinted methacrylic acid functionalized β-cyclodextrin polymer; MIP(MAA-β-CD) was synthesized without RAFT agent, and characterized by using FTIR, elemental analysis, FESEM and BET. The binding experiments demonstrated that the RAFT-MIP(MAA-β-CD) has a higher binding capacity and higher accessibility compared to RAFT-MIP(MAA) and MIP(MAA-β-CD) for selective of BzP, respectively. The β-CD and RAFT polymerization process improved the MIP’s physical properties and iv enhanced its recognition capacity, thus affecting the adsorption behaviour of RAFT�MIP(MAA-β-CD). The effects of RAFT polymerization process were also investigated by a reversible addition-fragmentation transfer molecularly imprinted hydroxylethyl methacrylate functionalized β-cyclodextrin polymer; RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β-CD). The RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β-CD) was synthesized based on the hydroxylethyl-methacrylate functionalized β-cyclodextrin (HEMA-β-CD) monomer and was prepared by the RAFT polymerization process in bulk polymerization method. The molecularly imprinted hydroxylethyl-methacrylate functionalized β-cyclodextrin polymer; MIP(HEMA-β-CD) without a RAFT agent was synthesized as comparison. A similar study to RAFT�MIP(MAA-β-CD) had also been carried out for RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β-CD).The effects of RAFT polymerization on RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β-CD) were contrasted with RAFT�MIP(MAA-β-CD). The compact and non-porous morphology of RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β�CD) reduces its binding capacity performance compared to MIP(HEMA-β-CD). Thus, this directly affected the RAFT-MIP(HEMA-β-CD) adsorption behaviour towards BzP. It was resulted that the RAFT polymerization had not improved the synthesis of RAFT�MIP(HEMA-β-CD). Careful choice of RAFT agent and monomer is essential in realizing good control over the RAFT-MIP polymerization process, and generating potential MIP

    Inequality of Gender Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Violence against Women in Sambas, West Kalimantan

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    This study aims to determine the causes of acts of violence. These actions can occur by anyone and anywhere closely related to health and human rights, one of which is in Sambas, West Kalimantan. In these cases, acts of violence are often used to maintain and enforce the subordination of women to men. In 2019-2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence cases within a year of the number of reports from the Sambas Religious Court, there were approximately 760 domestic violence cases. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with an empirical sociological approach. The focus of this research is the constituents of violence against Women. The results in this study are that since the COVID-19 pandemic from 2019-2020, acts of violence against women increased from 450 cases to 760 cases during COVID-19 due to changes in lifestyle in households with limitations, especially family economic problems. With the low community mindset about the equality of men and women between fellow interactions, they are not benefited in this situation. Some factors cause violence against women, namely economic and socio-cultural problems or the imbalance of power relations that pushes women's subordination

    Inequality of Gender Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Violence against Women in Sambas, West Kalimantan

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    This study aims to determine the causes of acts of violence. These actions can occur by anyone and anywhere closely related to health and human rights, one of which is in Sambas, West Kalimantan. In these cases, acts of violence are often used to maintain and enforce the subordination of women to men. In 2019-2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence cases within a year of the number of reports from the Sambas Religious Court, there were approximately 760 domestic violence cases. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with an empirical sociological approach. The focus of this research is the constituents of violence against Women. The results in this study are that since the COVID-19 pandemic from 2019-2020, acts of violence against women increased from 450 cases to 760 cases during COVID-19 due to changes in lifestyle in households with limitations, especially family economic problems. With the low community mindset about the equality of men and women between fellow interactions, they are not benefited in this situation. Some factors cause violence against women, namely economic and socio-cultural problems or the imbalance of power relations that pushes women's subordination

    An-Na'im's Nasakh and the Flexibility of Islamic Law

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    This study analyzes the thoughts of Abdullahi Ahmed an Na'im in the reform of Islamic law, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im is one of Sudan's intellectual figures. The purpose of this study is to uncover conceptual textual thinking, an object of study that is placed as part of the study of Islamic law studies in reform. This critical study emphasizes the need for a review of the naskh principle, for an-Na'im, which lies in the necessity to treat the texts of Al-Quran in a relevant manner in order to realize an adequate reform of Islamic law in a modern context. By understanding the texts of the verses in the Al-Quran as a form of delaying their implementation until the right time, he uses the logic or reverse paradigm of the conventional textual principles, namely by re-effective the principles of Islamic teachings contained in the verses of the Mecca phase, which in conventional text theory is stated to have been by later Madaniyyah verses. For him, reversing the naskh process is an evolutionary principle of interpretation. The method used is descriptive, hermeneutic, and phenomenological methods. Practically speaking, his textual thought, which is aimed at making the interpretation of Islamic teachings relevant in the context of the modern world, can be useful in its application for the good and benefit of the ummah in the renewal of Islamic law in the reform of Islamic law. Kajian ini menelaah pemikiran dalam pembaharuan hukum Islam, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im merupakan seorang tokoh intelektual dari Sudan. Arah tujuan dari kajian ini diarahkan untuk mengungkap pemikiran naskh secara konseptual, sebuah objek kajian yang diletakkan bagian dari kajian pembaharuan hukum Islam. Dalam pembahasan ini menjelaskan bahwa perlunya adanya kajian ulang terhadap prinsip-prinsip naskh an­-Na'im, bagi yang harus segera diluruskan adalah harus memperlakukan teks-teks al-Quran secara relevan demi mewujudkan sebagai pembaruan hukum dalam Islam yang sesuia dengan perkembangan zama modern. Dengan menafsirkan teks-teks ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an sebagai  bentuk penundaan eksekusi sampai waktu yang tepat, ia menggunakan logika atau pola terbalik dibandingkan dengan prinsip tekstual biasa, yaitu dengan menegaskan kembali prinsip-prinsip doktrin Islam yang ditemukan dalam ayat-ayat periode Mekah, yang menurut teori naskah umum dikatakan terkandung dalam ayat-ayat Madaniyyah yang kemudian beredar. Bagin Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im, membalikkan proses naskh adalah prinsip interpretasi evolusioner Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, hermeneutika, dan fenomenologi. Secara praktis, bahwa pemikiran naskhnya yang ditujukan untuk merelevansikan penafsiran ajaran Islam dalam konteks dunia modem, dapat berguna penerapannya bagi kebaikan dan kemaslahatan umat dalam pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam reformasi hukum Islam

    Delematika Hak Waris Anak Al-Laqith

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang anak al-Laqith atau yang sering disebut pengangkatan anak dalam Islam, terutama mengenai ketentuan hukum dalam pembagian warisannya. Adopsi anak dalam hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia masih dalam perdebatan baik menurut hukum Islam maupun hukum Perdata Indonesia serta menjadi delematika bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang bergama Islam. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perbadingan hukum tentang hak waris anak al-liqath dalam perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa persamaan dan perbedaan dalam pembagian harta warisan kepada anak al-Laqith berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata di Indonesia. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil dari penelitian menjelaskan bahwa persamaan anak hasil adopsi memperoleh bagian dari warisan dari orang tua angkatnya. Pernyataan tersebut selaras dengan ketentuan KHI dan Hukum Perdata Indonesia. Perbedaannya adalah dalam KHI anak al-Laqith tidak menjadi ahli waris dari orang tua angkatnya namun bisa memperoleh harta warisan melalui wasiat wajibah memperoleh 1/3 warisan, menurut Hukum Perdata Indonesia anak al-Laqith ahli waris dari orang tua angkatnya dan bisa menjadi ahli waris golongan pertama yang bagiannya sama dengan diperoleh anak kandung dari orang tuanya

    Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Kajian Hukum Islam

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    Households in the modern era experience many challenges and problems, so that many households in their journey end up in a messy household. Husbands or wives and even children no longer feel comfortable in the house, so each of them looks for pleasure and an antidote for the anxiety he faces. From this background, the writer wants to explain scientifically about the sakinah family in the study of Islamic law. This research is a literature study by taking sources from books, journals and other literature that support this research. The findings of this study explain that in theory the Sakinah family is different from its practice in society. The application of the sakinah family can be grouped into three groups, First, to obey religious advice, Second, to create a sakinah family, Third, to develop Islamic da'wah

    THE RED YARN OF CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC LAW REFORM: A Critical Study of Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im's Thought

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    Abstract: This study analyzes the thoughts of Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im in Islamic law reform, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im, a Sudanese intellectual figure. The objective of this study is for discovering Naskh's thinking conceptually, as an object for Islamic law studies. This critical study emphasizes that it is a need to review the naskh principle, for an-Na'im, which lies in the requirement to treat the texts in the Quran relevantly to fillenough Islamic law reform in a modern context. By comprehending the naskh verses in the Koran as a form of delaying their implementation to the right time, He uses logic or paradigm reversed from the conventional naskh principles, by re-streamlining the principles of Islamic teachings contained in the verses in the Mecca phase, which in conventional naskh theory have stated by the Madaniyyah verses that came down later. For him, reversing the naskh process is an evolutionary principle of interpretation. The methods used are descriptive, hermeneutic, and phenomenological methods. In practical terms, his naskh thinking which is aimed at revitalizing the interpretation of Islamic teachings in the context of the modern world can be useful for its application for the benefits of the ummah in the renewal of Islamic law in Islamic legal reform.Keywords: reform, Islamic law, critical, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'in Abstrak: Kajian ini menganalisis pemikiran Abdullahi Ahmed an­-Na'im dalam reformasi hukum Islam, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im adalah salah seorang tokoh intelektual Sudan. Arah tujuan dalam kajian ini diarahkan untuk menguak pemikiran naskh secara konseptual, sebuah objek kajian yang diletakkan sebagai bagian dari kajian studi hukum Islam dalam pembahruan. Studi kritis ini menegaskan bahwa perlunya peninjauan kembali prinsip naskh, bagi an-Na'im yang terletak pada keharusan untuk memperlakukan teks-teks al-Quran secara relevan demi mewujudkan pembaruan hukum Islam yang memadai dalam konteks modern. Dengan memahami naskh ayat-ayat dalam al­-Quran sebagai suatu bentuk penundaan pelaksanaannya hingga waktu yang tepat, ia menggunakan logika atau paradigma terbalik dari prinsip naskh konvensional, yaitu dengan mengefektifkan kembali prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam yang terdapat pada ayat-ayat fase Makkah, yang dalam teori naskh konvensional dinyatakan telah oleh ayat­-ayat Madaniyyah yang turun belakangan. Baginya, membalikkan proses naskh merupakan prinsip interpretasi yang evolusioner. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, hermeneutika, dan fenomenologi. Secara praktis, bahwa pemikiran naskhnya yang ditujukan untuk merelevansikan penafsiran ajaran Islam dalam konteks dunia modem, dapat berguna penerapannya bagi kebaikan dan kemaslahatan umat dalam pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam reformasi hukum Islam.Kata kunci: reformasi, hukum Islam, kritis, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'i


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    After the consent is granted in the marriage of a husband and wife, the recitation of taklik talak takes place as part of a marriage agreement in Islam. This research is based on the consideration of the pros and cons of the Sambas Malay community, especially religious leaders regarding the marriage agreement called taklik talak in Islam. With a qualitative research method that is a phenomenological approach in the field, the author described how taklik talak exists as a marriage agreement in Islam and its application to the Sambas Malay community. The fact is that almost every married couple in the Malay community of Sambas does not say taklik talak by the husband to his wife after the consent is granted, only knowing it has been written or included in the marriage book without notification to the husband and wife. Although it is not obligatory to verbally express the taklik talak which is already written on the marriage certificate, once the taklik talak has been read out, it cannot be challenged again. If an agreement that has been agreed with a husband and wife is not fulfilled by one of the parties, then the other party has the right to submit the matter to the Religious Court to resolve it. The results in the study concluded that the pros and cons of implementing taklik talak as a marriage agreement in Islam were caused by a lack of knowledge of the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 Article 29 concerning Marriage Agreement and Islamic Law Compilation (KHI) Article 46 concerning taklik talak as well as the lack of exposure from the KUA through religious counselors and BP4 to premarital couples  in Sambas

    The Role Of Zakat In The Digital Era 4.0 For Families In Solving Social Problems Integrated With Technology

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    Management in the management of zakat nationally was socialized after the issuance of Law Number 38 of 1999 concerning Zakat Management in Indonesia. However, in the course of the management of zakat management in Indonesia, there are problems in the formation of zakat management at the regional, district, sub-district and zakat managers in the form of community organizations. So that in zakat management the distribution of zakat is not right on target so that zakat management gets pros and cons in the community. The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply the implications of zakat management in Indonesia through the literature so that answers are obtained such as the contribution of solutions in this study. The methodology in this research is the type in this research is a qualitative research literature. While the approach in this study uses a normative juridical approach. The results in this study are the management of zakat management must be adjusted to the needs of those who are entitled to receive it according to the socio-economic conditions of Muslim citizens.Keywords: Role, Zakat, digital era 4.0, family, technolog