70 research outputs found

    Persepsi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Divisi Samsung Mobile Service center Malang

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    Perceptions of service quality is a comparison between the expectations of consumers for a service with the reality/experience gained on the service consumer. Quality of care starts from customer needs and ends on customer perception. This means that image quality is not good \ud based on the point of view or perception of service providers, but based on the customer's point of view or perception. Who consume and enjoy the customer service company, so that the customer is also a determining good/bad a quality service. \ud This research is a quantitative descriptive research that aims to determine the perceptions of service quality Samsung Mobile Service Center Malang. The measurement of the quality of the service itself is based on the dimensions of direct evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The sample in this research totalling 100 subjects. The sampling technique used \ud was accidentally sampling. Methods of data collection in this study using the scale of service quality scale. Further data analysis method used is T-Score and percentage analysis. \ud The research concluded that the perception of good service quality is only shown on the dimensions of empathy, with the remaining subjects had a bad perception of the dimension of direct evidence, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. Quality of service Samsung Mobile Service Center Malang is also not fully capable of giving satisfaction as customer expectations when seen from the characteristics of the subject In addition to these findings, the perception of service quality in general show that 50% of the subjects had positive perceptions (both) the quality of service and another 50% have a negative perception (poor) to service quality Samsung Mobile Service Center Malang

    Spatial Diversity Impact in Mobile Quantisation Mapping for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Mobile environment especially spatial diversity in spectrum exchange information in cognitive radio networks is an interesting topic for further investigation. Most of the cognitive radio researchers does not consider the spatial diversity of sensing nodes. However, the mobility of the SNs within PU’s coverage area is heavily influencing the detection performance on local observation of energy signals. The movement of the SNs creates spatial diversity in the observation of the PU’s signal. Due to the movement, spatial distance, velocity, Doppler Effect and geo-location information, the signals condition would fluctuate during the sensing process. Spatial diversity also reduces the average received signal strength and must be compensated by detection signal method which appropriate with the signal conditions.  Therefore, it is need to find a comprehensive solution to overcome the effects of spatial diversity. Moreover, this research could give a clearly analysis in spectrum exchange information regarding detection performance for cognitive radio networks. Finally, the cooperation overhead due to spatial diversity effects in master node station could reduce and increased the detection performance of PU’s spectrum hole channels


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    ABSTRAK Arief Satria Nugraha (2021) : Pelaksanaan Hak Dan Kewajiban Kontrak Pedagang Dengan PT. Makmur Papan Permata (PT. MPP) Dalam Penempatan Kios Pasca Kebakaran Di Plaza Sukaramai Trade Center (STC) Kota Pekanbaru Plaza Sukaramai sudah berdiri sejak pada tahun 1996. Dengan dikelolanya Plaza Sukaramai Trade Center (STC) oleh PT. MPP, maka perusahaan tersebut membuat perjanjian kontrak dengan pedagang. Sesuai dengan Pasal 1313 KUHPer, perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan dimana satu orang atau lebih mengikatkan diri terhadap satu orang atau lebih. Pasca kebakaran Plaza Sukaramai pada tahun 2015, pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban kontrak pedagang yang diterapkan oleh PT. MPP tidak berjalan dengan baik yang mana pasca kebakaran, pedagang belum mendapatkan hak nya sesuai yang tertera pada kontrak yang telah dibuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban kontrak pedagang dengan PT. Makmur Papan Permata (PT. MPP) dalam penempatan kios pasca kebakaran Di Plaza Sukaramai Trade Center (STC) Kota Pekanbaru serta kendala pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban kontrak pedagang dengan PT. Makmur Papan Permata (PT. MPP) dalam penempatan kios pasca kebakaran Di Plaza Sukaramai Trade Center (STC) Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian terhadap pelaksanaan hukum ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum sosiologis yakni melihat suatu kenyataan hukum di dalam masyarakat atau sinkronisasi antara hukum dengan masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan dengan analisis kualitatif serta penarikan kesimpulan induktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasca kebakaran, pelakasanaan kontrak para pihak tidak terlaksana sebagaimana semestinya atau wanprestasi. Hak dan kewajiban pedagang tidak dipenuhi oleh pihak PT. MPP sehingga menimbulkan berbagai polemik yang berkepanjangan. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh pihak pengelola adalah kerugian, kesulitan memungut service charge, kemudian pedagang menuntut pengelola ke pengadilan. serta pedagang memiliki kendala dalam aktivitas berjualan diantaranya harus beradaptasi di TPS dengan ukuran yang tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian awal, mendapat intimidasi dari pihak pengelola dan adanya pungutan sevice charge yang memberatkan bagi pedagang dari PT. MPP. Kata Kunci: Kontrak, Wanprestasi, Hak dan Kewajiba

    Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The detection of transmitted data collusion among sensing nodes needs to be resolved at data link layer. It takes a lot algorithm calculation effort and time constraint. A new method to sense the performance of cognitive radio (CR) by avoiding interference based on new master node (MN) algorithm. Interference could be reduced significantly by using only PHY (physical) information of the cognitive radio network. It saves a lot computational on above layer and detect the collusion of transmitted data as early as possible. By using a novel MN algorithm at PHY layer, it reduces the cost of computation and time to detect and avoid collusion of transmitted data

    Adaptive quantization for spectrum exchange information in mobile cognitive radio networks

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    To reduce the detection failure of the exchanging signal power onto the OFDM subcarrier signal at uniform quantization, dynamic subcarrier mapping is applied. Moreover, to addressing low SNR’s wall-less than pre-determine threshold, non-uniform quantization or adaptive quantization for the signal quantization size parameter is proposed. μ-law is adopted for adaptive quantization subcarrier mapping which is deployed in mobility environment, such as Doppler Effect and Rayleigh Fading propagation. In this works, sensing node received signal power then sampled into a different polarity positive and negative in μ-law quantization and divided into several segmentation levels. Each segmentation levels are divided into several sub-segment has representing one tone signal subcarrier number OFDM which has the number of quantization level and the width power. The results show that by using both methods, a significant difference is obtained around 8 dB compared to those not using the adaptive method

    Software Defined Radio Design for OFDM Based Spectrum Exchange Information Using Arduino UNO and X-Bee

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    A cost expenditure of software defined radio software has limiting the development of cognitive radio in third countries. Moreover, a complexity of signal processing library in a SDR platform has contributed to the hard implementation in real applications. In this works, the development of SDR platform with low cost expenditure is proposed. Arduino UNO and X Bee uses for the OFDM based spectrum exchange information. In a case of spectrum sensing scenario, the objective of the local spectrum sensing is to detect the PU’s signal detection. The performance of SN ability to sense the PU’s signal is crucial. It was shown that from the previous works as the detected power is quantized into information bit is simulated.  In  order  to  implemented  the  spectrum exchange  information during  sensing,  Arduino  UNO  and  X  Bee  is implemented to sense the presence of PU activity channels of wifi terminals based on the energy of the signals. The detected power (RSSI) of wifi terminals is exchanged into an OFDM subcarrier tone signal such as orthogonal sub-channel that being equally divided from the licensed band.   The results shows that using proposed software defined radio (SDR) based on Arduino and X Bee, the cognitive radio spectrum sensing is applied. The received power from the PU’s channels such as wifi networks can be detected as well. The system could received and exchanged into OFDM-based subcarrier information bits

    Prediction of Digital Eye Strain Due to Online Learning Based on the Number of Blinks

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    Eye strain is a big concern, especially when it comes to continuous and prolonged online learning. If this is allowed to continue, it will result in Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain (DES), which includes headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and even neck and shoulder pain. This condition can be observed either directly based on excessive eye blinking or indirectly based on observations of the electrical activity of eye movements or electrooculography (EOG). The observed blink signal from the EOG, as a representation of eye strain, is the focus of this study. Data acquisition was obtained using the EOG sensor and was carried out on the condition that the participants were conducting online learning activities. There are four different modes of observation taken in succession: when the eye is in a viewing state but without blinking, when the eye blinks intentionally, when the eye is closed, and finally when the eye sees naturally. Observation time is 10s, 20s and 30s, where each interval is performed three times for every mode. The obtained signal is processed by the proposed method. The resulting signal is then labeled as a Blinking signal. Determination of the number of blinks or CNT_PEAK is the result of training this signal by tuning its threshold and width. If the number of blinks is less than or more than 17 then the system will provide a prediction of eye status which is stated in two categories, the first is normal eye while the last is eye strain or fatigue


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    The objective of this research to analyze factors that have impact to financial statement fraud. Independent factors used in this research consists of financial distress, liquidity, leverage, and corporate governance. In other hand, the objective of this research also to analyze the factors that have influence to financial distress. Independent factors used in this research consist of profitability, liquidity, leverage, and corporate governance. Samples is all of manufacturing companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) period 2011-2015. Sampling method using purposive sampling with criterias setted by researcher and got 634 companies as the samples. Method of data analysis using path analysis and use PLS as software assisted. The results of this research are financial distress, liquidity, leverage, and corporate governance have a significant influence to financial statement fraud. In other hand profitability, liquidity, leverage, and corporate governance have significant influence to the financial distress

    تعليم المحادثة بأسلوب تمثيلي بمعهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو

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    الأغراض من هذا البحث هي:  معرفة استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي فى تعليم المحادثة بمعهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو واهدافها، ومعرفة المشكلات العارضة فى استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي فى تعليم المحادثة بمعهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو. ومعرفة حل المشكلات الموجودة في استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي في تعليم المحادثة فى معهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو. أما المنهج المستعمل في كتابة هذا البحث فهو المنهج الوصفي على البحث الميدانى، بالمدخل الكيفي. ونتائج البحث  فهي  : استعمال أسلوب تمثيليي فى المعهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو قد يسير على أهداف هذا المعهد، تنوَّع معلم اللغة العربية فى استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي منها يستعمل المعلم وقت القصيرة فى التمثيل، ومنها يستعمل المعلم وقت الطويل للتمثيل. أما المشكلات العارضة فى استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي فى المعهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو هي: (أ) مشكلات الوسائل التعليمية (ب) مشكلات المتعلم (ج) مشكلات المعلم.  وأما معالجة المشكلات الموجودة في استعمال أسلوب تمثيلي في تعليم المحادثة في معهد دار العلوم تيكو جنكو لنتو قد تحققت في كل مشكلاتها

    Aluminium Dapat Dipertukarkan dan Fosfor Tersedia pada Tanah di Provinsi Bangka Belitung: Exchangeable aluminum and available phosphorus in the soils of Bangka Belitung Province

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    Productivity of pepper in Bangka Belitung Province has decreased because one of the causes is the problem of the low nutrient availability. The research was conducted in Bangka Belitung Province to determine the distribution of pH, exchangeable aluminium (Exch Al), and available phosphorus (P) and the correlation among those parameters. Soil samples at depths of 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm were collected at the specified points on a 1: 250,000 scale land system map. The pH was determined by shaking the soil sample with distilled water and the ratio of soil sample and distilled water was 1:5. Exch Al was extracted using 1.00 mol L-1 KCl and determined by titration. Available P was determined using the Bray 1 method. Basic statistic analyses to have minimum, maximum, average and standar deviation (SD) values were conducted.  Correlation test among pH, exch Al, and available P to evaluate their relationship were also conducted.  The results showed that soils in Bangka Belitung were relatively acid, relatively high exch Al especially in the depth of 0-30 cm and relatively low available P as Bray 1-P. Bray 1-P and exch Al on the depth of 0-30 cm had higher SD than that of the other paramaters. As for correlation analyses, pH significantly negatively correlated with exch Al. pH and exch Al did not correlate with Bray 1-P. This research suggested that soil in Bangka Belitung had problem with soil acidity and low amount of available P in the form of Bray 1-P. The amount of Bray 1-P did not correlate with the amount of exch Al.Produktivitas lada di Provinsi Bangka Belitung mengalami penurunan karena salah satunya penyebabnya adalah masalah ketersediaan hara yang rendah. Penelitian dilakukan di Provinsi Bangka Belitung untuk menentukan distribusi pH, aluminium yang dapat ditukar (Al-dd), dan fosfor (P) yang tersedia dan korelasi antar parameter tersebut. Contoh tanah pada kedalaman 0-30 cm dan 30-60 cm diambil pada titik yang telah ditentukan pada peta sistem lahan skala 1: 250,000.  pH ditetapkan dengan mengocok contoh tanah dengan air destilata dan rasio contoh tanah dan air destilata adalah 1:5. Al-dd diekstraksi menggunakan 1.00 mol L-1 KCl dan ditetapkan dengan titrasi. P tersedia ditetapkan menggunakan metode Bray 1. Analisis statistik dasar untuk memperoleh nilai minimum, maksimum, rata-rata dan standar deviasi dilakukan.  Uji korelasi antara pH, Al-dd, dan P tersedia untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antar parameter tersebut dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah di Bangka Belitung relatif asam, Al-dd yang relatif tinggi terutama di kedalaman 0-30 cm dan Bray 1-P yang relatif rendah. Bray 1-P dan Al yang dapat ditukar pada kedalaman 0-30 cm memiliki SD yang lebih tinggi daripada paramater lainnya. Untuk uji korelasi, pH secara signifikan berkorelasi negatif dengan Al-dd. pH dan Al-dd tidak berkorelasi dengan Bray 1-P. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanah di Bangka Belitung memiliki masalah dengan kemasaman tanah dan rendahnya jumlah P yang tersedia dalam bentuk Bray 1-P. Bray 1-P tidak berkorelasi dengan jumlah Al-dd