223 research outputs found


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    The production of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) copolymer, P (3HB-co-3HV) from palm oil and a second carbon source by using bacteria Erwinia sp. USMI-20 in a 10L bioreactor has been done. Fermentation process was conducted through a single stage batch cultivation method under aerobic condition at pH 7.0, incubation temperature of 30 oC, and an agitation rate of 200 rpm for 66 hours. The production of the biopolymer was done from an initial growth on palm oil with a subsequent single feeding of n-pentanol. In this case, n-pentanol was used as a second carbon source to introduce the mole fraction of the 3-hydroxyvalerate, 3HV unit. The characterization of the polymer production was supported cell growth, polymer compound content and therefore the mole fraction of the 3-hydroxyvalerate unit. From this study, the composition of the polyester was noted to vary during the cultivation period. The highest amount of 3HV unit in the polyester at 48 hours of cultivation was 20 mole percent, the maximum amount of polymer content at 62.37 weight percent, biomass of 4.8 g/l and the maximum specific growth rate and specific polymer production were 0.401 hr-1 and 0.047 hr-1 respectively

    Analisis Bibliometrik Penelitian Bio-Sintesis Nanopartikel Perak (NP-Ag) di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik terhadap artikel ilmiah yang terbit dalam kurun waktu 2011-2020 terkait penelitian bio-sintesis nanopartikel perak (NP-Ag) di Indonesia. Analisi bibliometric dilakukan terhadap 55 artikel ilmiah yang diperoleh melalui pencarian di database Scopus. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penelitian dan pengembangan bio-sintesis NP-Ag di Indonesia cukup mendapat banyak perhatian yang dibuktikan oleh adanya temuan berikut. Trend pertumbuhan artikel ilmiah terkait NP-Ag diperkirakan masih akan terus mengalami kenaikan untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Posisi pertama untuk peneliti dan institusi yang paling produktif dalam memublikasikan artikel ilmiah adalah masing-masing ditempati oleh Handayani, W., dan Universitas Indonesia (UI). Handayani, W. juga diketahui merupakan peneliti yang mempunyai jaringan kolaborasi yang terbanyak, dan untuk kolaborasi tingkat insitusi, di tempati oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). Untuk jurnal sebagai sumber artikel ilmiah yang paling menonjol ditempati oleh “Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry”. Lebih lanjut, hasil analisis konten terhadap 55 jurnal ilmiah yang terbagi menjadi tiga klaster menunjukkan bahwa penelitian bio-sintesis dimasa yang akan datang hendaknya melibatkan peneliti dari multidisiplin ilmu dengan hasil yang lebih inovatif, dengan arah dan skala pengembangan NP-Ag yang bersifat aplikatif, serta menuju arah industrilisasi

    Estimating the Global Influence of Cover Crops on Ecosystem Service Indicators in Croplands With the LPJ‐GUESS Model

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    Cover crops (CCs) can improve soil nutrient retention and crop production while providing climate change mitigation co-benefits. However, quantifying these ecosystem services across global agricultural lands remains inadequate. Here, we assess how the use of herbaceous CCs with and without biological nitrogen (N) fixation affects agricultural soil carbon stocks, N leaching, and crop yields, using the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS. The model performance is evaluated with observations from worldwide field trials and modeled output further compared against previously published large-scale estimates. LPJ-GUESS broadly captures the enhanced soil carbon, reduced N leaching, and yield changes that are observed in the field. Globally, we found that combining N-fixing CCs with no-tillage technique could potentially increase soil carbon levels by 7% (+0.32 Pg C yr1^{−1} in global croplands) while reducing N leaching loss by 41% (−7.3 Tg N yr1^{−1}) compared with fallow controls after 36 years of simulation since 2015. This integrated practice is accompanied by a 2% of increase in total crop production (+37 million tonnes yr1^{−1} including wheat, maize, rice, and soybean) in the last decade of the simulation. The identified effects of CCs on crop productivity vary widely among main crop types and N fertilizer applications, with small yield changes found in soybean systems and highly fertilized agricultural soils. Our results demonstrate the possibility of conservation agriculture when targeting long-term environmental sustainability without compromising crop production in global croplands

    Diverging land-use projections cause large variability in their impacts on ecosystems and related indicators for ecosystem services

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    Land-use models and integrated assessment models provide scenarios of land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes following pathways or storylines related to different socioeconomic and environmental developments. The large diversity of available scenario projections leads to a recognizable variability in impacts on land ecosystems and the levels of services provided. We evaluated 16 projections of future LULC until 2040 that reflected different assumptions regarding socioeconomic demands and modeling protocols. By using these LULC projections in a state-of-the-art dynamic global vegetation model, we simulated their effect on selected ecosystem service indicators related to ecosystem productivity and carbon sequestration potential, agricultural production and the water cycle. We found that although a common trend for agricultural expansion exists across the scenarios, where and how particular LULC changes are realized differs widely across models and scenarios. They are linked to model-specific considerations of some demands over others and their respective translation into LULC changes and also reflect the simplified or missing representation of processes related to land dynamics or other influencing factors (e.g., trade, climate change). As a result, some scenarios show questionable and possibly unrealistic features in their LULC allocations, including highly regionalized LULC changes with rates of conversion that are contrary to or exceed rates observed in the past. Across the diverging LULC projections, we identified positive global trends of net primary productivity (+10.2 % ± 1.4 %), vegetation carbon (+9.2 % ± 4.1 %), crop production (+31.2 % ± 12.2 %) and water runoff (+9.3 % ± 1.7 %), and a negative trend of soil and litter carbon stocks (−0.5 % ± 0.4 %). The variability in ecosystem service indicators across scenarios was especially high for vegetation carbon stocks and crop production. Regionally, variability was highest in tropical forest regions, especially at current forest boundaries, because of intense and strongly diverging LULC change projections in combination with high vegetation productivity dampening or amplifying the effects of climatic change. Our results emphasize that information on future changes in ecosystem functioning and the related ecosystem service indicators should be seen in light of the variability originating from diverging projections of LULC. This is necessary to allow for adequate policy support towards sustainable transformations

    Uncertainties in the land-use flux resulting from land-use change reconstructions and gross land transitions

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    Land-use and land-cover (LUC) changes are a key uncertainty when attributing changes in measured atmospheric CO2 concentration to its sinks and sources and must also be much better understood to determine the possibilities for land-based climate change mitigation, especially in the light of human demand on other land-based resources. On the spatial scale typically used in terrestrial ecosystem models (0.5 or 1°) changes in LUC over time periods of a few years or more can include bidirectional changes on the sub-grid level, such as the parallel expansion and abandonment of agricultural land (e.g. in shifting cultivation) or cropland–grassland conversion (and vice versa). These complex changes between classes within a grid cell have often been neglected in previous studies, and only net changes of land between natural vegetation cover, cropland and pastures accounted for, mainly because of a lack of reliable high-resolution historical information on gross land transitions, in combination with technical limitations within the models themselves. In the present study we applied a state-of-the-art dynamic global vegetation model with a detailed representation of croplands and carbon–nitrogen dynamics to quantify the uncertainty in terrestrial ecosystem carbon stocks and fluxes arising from the choice between net and gross representations of LUC. We used three frequently applied global, one recent global and one recent European LUC datasets, two of which resolve gross land transitions, either in Europe or in certain tropical regions. When considering only net changes, land-use-transition uncertainties (expressed as 1 standard deviation around decadal means of four models) in global carbon emissions from LUC (ELUC) are ±0.19, ±0.66 and ±0.47 Pg C a−1 in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively, or between 14 and 39 % of mean ELUC. Carbon stocks at the end of the 20th century vary by ±11 Pg C for vegetation and ±37 Pg C for soil C due to the choice of LUC reconstruction, i.e. around 3 % of the respective C pools. Accounting for sub-grid (gross) land conversions significantly increased the effect of LUC on global and European carbon stocks and fluxes, most noticeably enhancing global cumulative ELUC by 33 Pg C (1750–2014) and entailing a significant reduction in carbon stored in vegetation, although the effect on soil C stocks was limited. Simulations demonstrated that assessments of historical carbon stocks and fluxes are highly uncertain due to the choice of LUC reconstruction and that the consideration of different contrasting LUC reconstructions is needed to account for this uncertainty. The analysis of gross, in addition to net, land-use changes showed that the full complexity of gross land-use changes is required in order to accurately predict the magnitude of LUC change emissions. This introduces technical challenges to process-based models and relies on extensive information regarding historical land-use transitions

    Modeling symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation in grain legumes globally with LPJ-GUESS (v4.0, r10285)

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    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from grain legumes is of significant importance in global agricultural ecosystems. Crops with BNF capability are expected to support the need to increase food production while reducing nitrogen (N) fertilizer input for agricultural sustainability, but quantification of N fixing rates and BNF crop yields remains inadequate on a global scale. Here we incorporate two legume crops (soybean and faba bean) with BNF into a dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS (Lund–Potsdam–Jena General Ecosystem Simulator). The performance of this new implementation is evaluated against observations from a range of water and N management trials. LPJ-GUESS generally captures the observed response to these management practices for legume biomass production, soil N uptake, and N fixation, despite some deviations from observations in some cases. Globally, simulated BNF is dominated by soil moisture and temperature, as well as N fertilizer addition. Annual inputs through BNF are modeled to be 11.6±2.2 Tg N for soybean and 5.6±1.0 Tg N for all pulses, with a total fixation of 17.2±2.9 Tg N yr1^{-1} for all grain legumes during the period 1981–2016 on a global scale. Our estimates show good agreement with some previous statistical estimates but are relatively high compared to some estimates for pulses. This study highlights the importance of accounting for legume N fixation process when modeling C–N interactions in agricultural ecosystems, particularly when it comes to accounting for the combined effects of climate and land-use change on the global terrestrial N cycle

    Climatic versus biotic constraints on carbon and water fluxes in seasonally drought-affected ponderosa pine ecosystems

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    We investigated the relative importance of climatic versus biotic controls on gross primary production (GPP) and water vapor fluxes in seasonally drought-affected ponderosa pine forests. The study was conducted in young (YS), mature (MS), and old stands (OS) over 4 years at the AmeriFlux Metolius sites. Model simulations showed that interannual variation of GPP did not follow the same trends as precipitation, and effects of climatic variation were smallest at the OS (50%), and intermediate at the YS (<20%). In the young, developing stand, interannual variation in leaf area has larger effects on fluxes than climate, although leaf area is a function of climate in that climate can interact with age-related shifts in carbon allocation and affect whole-tree hydraulic conductance. Older forests, with well-established root systems, appear to be better buffered from effects of seasonal drought and interannual climatic variation. Interannual variation of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was also lowest at the OS, where NEE is controlled more by interannual variation of ecosystem respiration, 70% of which is from soil, than by the variation of GPP, whereas variation in GPP is the primary reason for interannual changes in NEE at the YS and MS. Across spatially heterogeneous landscapes with high frequency of younger stands resulting from natural and anthropogenic disturbances, interannual climatic variation and change in leaf area are likely to result in large interannual variation in GPP and NEE

    Assessing the impacts of agricultural managements on soil carbon stocks, nitrogen loss, and crop production – a modelling study in eastern Africa

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    Improved agricultural management plays a vital role in protecting soils from degradation in eastern Africa. Changing practices such as reducing tillage, fertilizer use, or cover crops are expected to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, with climate change mitigation co-benefits, while increasing crop production. However, the quantification of cropland management effects on agricultural ecosystems remains inadequate in this region. Here, we explored seven management practices and their potential effects on soil carbon (C) pools, nitrogen (N) losses, and crop yields under different climate scenarios, using the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS. The model performance is evaluated against observations from two long-term maize field trials in western Kenya and reported estimates from published sources. LPJ-GUESS generally produces soil C stocks and maize productivity comparable with measurements and mostly captures the SOC decline under some management practices that is observed in the field experiments. We found that for large parts of Kenya and Ethiopia, an integrated conservation agriculture practice (no-tillage, residue and manure application, and cover crops) increases SOC levels in the long term (+11 % on average), accompanied by increased crop yields (+22 %) in comparison to the conventional management. Planting nitrogen-fixing cover crops in our simulations is also identified as a promising individual practice in eastern Africa to increase soil C storage (+4 %) and crop production (+18 %), with low environmental cost of N losses (+24 %). These management impacts are also sustained in simulations of three future climate pathways. This study highlights the possibilities of conservation agriculture when targeting long-term environmental sustainability and food security in crop ecosystems, particularly for those with poor soil conditions in tropical climates

    Tissue factor: a mediator of inflammatory cell recruitment, tissue injury, and thrombus formation in experimental colitis

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    There is growing evidence for an interplay between inflammatory and coagulation pathways in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. However, it remains unclear whether components of the coagulation pathway, such as tissue factor (TF), contribute to intestinal inflammation, and whether targeting TF will blunt the inflammatory cell recruitment, tissue injury, and enhanced thrombus formation that occur in experimental colitis. Mice were fed 3% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) to induce colonic inflammation, with some mice receiving a mouse TF-blocking antibody (muTF-Ab). The adhesion of leukocytes and platelets in colonic venules, light/dye-induced thrombus formation in cremaster muscle microvessels, as well as disease activity index, thrombin–antithrombin (TAT) complexes in plasma, and histopathologic changes in the colonic mucosa were monitored in untreated and muTF-Ab–treated colitic mice. In untreated mice, DSS elicited the recruitment of adherent leukocytes and platelets in colonic venules, caused gross and histologic injury, increased plasma TAT complexes, and enhanced thrombus formation in muscle arterioles. muTF-Ab prevented elevation in TAT complexes, reduced blood cell recruitment and tissue injury, and blunted thrombus formation in DSS colitic mice. These findings implicate TF in intestinal inflammation and support an interaction between inflammation and coagulation in experimental colitis