1,651 research outputs found

    Sobrevivência e obtenção de mutantes induzidos por agentes mutagênicos em Metarhizium anisopliae

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    Uma linhagem selvagem do fungo entomopatogênico Metarhizium anisopliae foi submetida à ação de três agentes mutagênicos: radiação gama, luz ultravioleta e ácido nitroso. Curvas de sobrevivência foram obtidas para cada mutagênicos utilizado e mutantes foram selecionados a partir de doses dos mutagênicos que proporcionassem de 1 a 5% de sobrevivência. Mutantes morfológicos para a coloração de conídios e mutantes auxotróficos foram isolados. Mutantes para coloração de conidios foram agrupados em duas classes, uma com conídios amarelos e outra com conídios vinho pálido. Os mutantes auxotróficos obtidos foram deficientes para aminoácidos e vitaminas e mais de 58% deles eram auxotróficos para prolina/argmina. Radiação gama foi o mutagênico mais eficiente com uma porcentagem de obtenção de mulantes auxotróficos de aproximadamente 0,2%, seguido pela luz ultravioleta (0.12%) e pelo ácido nitroso (0.06%).Os mulantes morfológicos e auxotróficos obtidos até o momento em Metarhizium anisopliae foram revistos.A wild strain of Metarhizium anisopliae, an entomopathogenic fungus, was submitted to three mutagenic agents: gamma radiation, ultraviolet light and nitrous acid. Survival curves were obtained and mutants were selected using different mutagenic doses which gave 1 to 5% survival. Morphological and auxotrophic mutants were isolated. Morphological mutants were grouped in a class with yellow conidia and other with pale vinaceous conidia as opposed to the green wild type conidia. Auxotrophic mutants had requirements for vitamin and aminoacid biosynthesis. More than 58% of the total auxotrophk mutants required proline/aipnine. Gamma radiation showed to be the most efficient mutagenic agent giving 0.2% of auxotrophk mutants followed by ultraviolet light (0.12%) and nitrous acid (0.06%).The conidial colour and auxotrophk mutants isolated until now from M. anisopliae were reviewed

    Magnetoelastic modelling in soft nanocrystalline alloys

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    Magnetoelastic effects in ultra soft nanocrystalline alloys are investigated theoretically and experimentally. From Hc measurements, extraction of magnetoelastic contribution is carried out using a formalism obtained revisiting random anisotropy model (RAM) in the light of domain walls (DW) displacements, our approach based on theoretical investigations on the way of a reversal of a correlated volume (CV) located in the vicinity of a DW. Modelling of magnetoelastic effects shows that even in perfectly relaxed samples, a magnetoelastic contribution exists due to elastic frustration experienced by a CV during its magnetization reversal. Magnitude of this energy is large enough to drive coercivity of samples featuring grain diameter D around 10 nm, which are of major interest for applications

    Numerical comparison of two approaches for the study of phase transitions in small systems

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    We compare two recently proposed methods for the characterization of phase transitions in small systems. The validity and usefulness of these approaches are studied for the case of the q=4 and q=5 Potts model, i.e. systems where a thermodynamic limit and exact results exist. Guided by this analysis we discuss then the helix-coil transition in polyalanine, an example of structural transitions in biological molecules.Comment: 16 pages and 7 figure

    Structural analysis of APOB variants, p.(Arg3527Gln), p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del), causing Familial Hypercholesterolaemia provides novel insights into variant pathogenicity

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    Free PMC Article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4672294/Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is an inherited autosomal dominant disorder resulting from defects in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), in the apolipoprotein B (APOB) or in the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) genes. In the majority of the cases FH is caused by mutations occurring within LDLR, while only few mutations in APOB and PCSK9 have been proved to cause disease. p.(Arg3527Gln) was the first mutation in APOB being identified and characterized. Recently two novel pathogenic APOB variants have been described: p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del) showing impaired LDLR binding capacity, and diminished LDL uptake. The objective of this work was to analyse the structure of p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del) variants to gain insight into their pathogenicity. Secondary structure of the human ApoB100 has been investigated by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and LDL particle size both by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and electron microscopy. The results show differences in secondary structure and/or in particle size of p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del) variants compared with wild type. We conclude that these changes underlie the defective binding and uptake of p.(Arg1164Thr) and p.(Gln4494del) variants. Our study reveals that structural studies on pathogenic variants of APOB may provide very useful information to understand their role in FH disease

    Indução de mutação visando a redução de altura de planta e resistência às doenças no cultivar de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) IAC-17

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    The objective of the present research was to obtain mutants with reduced plant height and resistance to diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), variety IAC-17, through gamma-irradiation. Seeds were irradiated with gamma-rays (35 krad) and the selection was started in the M2 generation. Three selected lines were compared to the control IAC-17 during three years, in seven trials carried out in several localities under or without irrigation. One mutant line showed significant reduction in plant height, less lodging and increased resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici) This mutant also showed the same yield, yield components, tolerance to aluminium, cycle and reaction to Helminthosporium sativum, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, P. recondita as the original variety. The results indicated the usefulness of the mutation breeding method to correct defects of simple inherited characters in oustanding commercial varieties.A redução na altura da planta e obtenção de resistência às doenças foi experimentada através da indução de mutação por raios-gama na variedade de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) IAC-17. Sementes foram irradiadas com 35 krad e a partir da geração M2 iniciou-se a seleção. Três das linhagens selecionadas foram comparadas com o cultivar original IAC-17, durante três anos, em sete ensaios avançados realizados em vários locais, em condição de sequeiro e irrigação. Os resultados demonstraram a obtenção de um mutante que apresentou redução na altura da planta, tendência de sofrer menos acamamento e maior resistência a oídio (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici). As demais características agronômicas avaliadas, tais como produção de grãos e seus componentes, reação ao Helminthosporium sativum, causador da mancha das folhas, reação a Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (ferrugem do colmo) e P. recôndita (ferrugem da folha), tolerância a alumínio e ciclo permaneceram inalteradas em relação a IAC-17. Os resultados indicaram a utilidade da indução de mutações por raios gama para a correção de defeitos de caracteres de herança simples em variedades elites

    Universality and scaling study of the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model in short-time dynamics

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    In this paper we study the short-time behavior of the Blume-Capel model at the tricritical point as well as along the second order critical line. Dynamic and static exponents are estimated by exploring scaling relations for the magnetization and its moments at early stage of the dynamic evolution. Our estimates for the dynamic exponents, at the tricritical point, are z=2.215(2)z= 2.215(2) and θ=0.53(2)\theta= -0.53(2).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae

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    Botryosphaeria is a species-rich genus with a cosmopolitan distribution, commonly associated with dieback and cankers of woody plants. As many as 18 anamorph genera have been associated with Botryosphaeria, most of which have been reduced to synonymy under Diplodia (conidia mostly ovoid, pigmented, thick-walled), or Fusicoccum (conidia mostly fusoid, hyaline, thin-walled). However, there are numerous conidial anamorphs having morphological characteristics intermediate between Diplodia and Fusicoccum, and there are several records of species outside the Botryosphaeriaceae that have anamorphs apparently typical of Botryosphaeria s.str. Recent studies have also linked Botryosphaeria to species with pigmented, septate ascospores, and Dothiorella anamorphs, or Fusicoccum anamorphs with Dichomera synanamorphs. The aim of this study was to employ DNA sequence data of the 28S rDNA to resolve apparent lineages within the Botryosphaeriaceae. From these data, 12 clades are recognised. Two of these lineages clustered outside the Botryosphaeriaceae, namely Diplodia-like anamorphs occurring on maize, which are best accommodated in Stenocarpella (Diaporthales), as well as an unresolved clade including species of Camarosporium/Microdiplodia. We recognise 10 lineages within the Botryosphaeriaceae, including an unresolved clade (Diplodia/Lasiodiplodia/Tiarosporella), Botryosphaeria s.str. (Fusicoccum anamorphs), Macrophomina, Neoscytalidium gen. nov., Dothidotthia (Dothiorella anamorphs), Neofusicoccum gen. nov. (Botryosphaeria-like teleomorphs, Dichomera-like synanamorphs), Pseudofusicoccum gen. nov., Saccharata (Fusicoccum- and Diplodia-like synanamorphs), “Botryosphaeria” quercuum (Diplodia-like anamorph), and Guignardia (Phyllosticta anamorphs). Separate teleomorph and anamorph names are not provided for newly introduced genera, even where both morphs are known. The taxonomy of some clades and isolates (e.g. B. mamane) remains unresolved due to the absence of ex-type cultures

    Departure from the vogel behaviour in the glass transition region-thermally stimulated recovery, creep and dynamic mechanical analysis studies

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    In this work the study of the dynamics of the segmental motions close to Tg of a poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, network was analysed by distinct mechanical spectroscopy techniques. Three techniques were employed: dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), creep and thermally stimulated recovery (TSR). The time–temperature superposition principle was applied to the DMA and creep results, and master curves were successfully constructed. A change from a Vogel to an Arrhenius behaviour was observed in these results. Above Tg it was found a distinct temperature dependence for the retardation times calculated from creep and the relaxation times calculated from DMA. This unexpected behaviour was attributed to the merging of the a and the b relaxations that occurs in PMMA systems. The apparent activation energies ðEaÞ were also calculated from DMA, creep and TSR experiments. Above Tg the Ea values obtained agreed very well for all the techniques. In addition, the fragility exhibited by this material was investigated by the mechanical spectroscopy techniques referred above and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The obtained values of the fragility index m indicated that the PMMA network is a kinetically fragile system. The thermodynamic manifestation of the fragility was also analysed


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    Foram utilizados seis eqüinos adultos sem raça definida (SRD), com o objetivo de estudar os aspectos macroscópicos e histopatológicos da cicatrização de pele por segunda intenção, em feridas provocadas cirurgicamente e tratadas topicamente por fitoterápicos: barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman), calêndula (Calendula officinalis) e confrey (Symphytum officinale), tendo a solução salina como controle das demais. Foram feitas quatro lesões de cada lado da região lombar, do lado direito destinadas à macroscopia e do lado esquerdo à análise histopatológica. As lesões foram tratadas diariamente, observando-se a evolução de cada ferida quanto à retração centrípeta e aspecto macroscópico, até a cicatrização completa. Finalizado o experimento, a análise estatística não revelou variações significativas no estudo comparativo dos fitoterápicos. As observações macroscópicas, histopatológica e a retração centrípeta do halo da lesão nos 15 primeiros dias permitiram concluir que o barbatimão revelou efeito benéfico no processo de cicatrização, seguido pela calêndula, sendo os resultados do grupo controle superiores ao confrey. Comparison between phytotherapics on equine wound healing Abstract It has been carried out a study on the macroscopic and histopathologic aspects of equine skin healing by second intention in wounds cirurgically performed and topically treated with phytotherapics: barbatiman (Stryphnodendrom barbattiman), calendula (Calendula officinalis) and confrey (Symphytum officinale) and physiological solution as control. Four lesions were performed in each side of the lumbar area: the ones in the right side for macroscopic observations and the ones on the left side for histopathologic analysis. The lesions were daily treated with the above mentioned phytotherapics. Each wounds was observed in regard to its centripetal contraction and macroscopic aspects until the complete healing. In this model, the statistic analysis did not reveal significant variations in regard to the comparative effect of the phytoterapics. Macroscopic observations, histopathologic analysis and wound area centripetal retraction in the first fifteen days displayed a beneficial effect of barbatiman in the healing process, better than the other treatment groups, followed by calendula. The results displayed by the control group showed to be superior when compared with confrey

    Atomic Dark Matter

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    We propose that dark matter is dominantly comprised of atomic bound states. We build a simple model and map the parameter space that results in the early universe formation of hydrogen-like dark atoms. We find that atomic dark matter has interesting implications for cosmology as well as direct detection: Protohalo formation can be suppressed below Mproto103106MM_{proto} \sim 10^3 - 10^6 M_{\odot} for weak scale dark matter due to Ion-Radiation interactions in the dark sector. Moreover, weak-scale dark atoms can accommodate hyperfine splittings of order 100 \kev, consistent with the inelastic dark matter interpretation of the DAMA data while naturally evading direct detection bounds.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure