294 research outputs found

    Spawning Induction in the Carp: Past Experience and Future Prospects - A Review

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    Most fish in aquaculture either fail to breed in captivity or their spawning occurs sporadically and late in the season. This is mainly due to the lack of natural cues in captivity, which leads to dysfunction of the endocrine axis regulating oocyte maturation and ovulation. Hypophysation as a remedy for this situation in fish has been employed in aquaculture since the 1930s and is still widely practiced. However, using crude pituitary homogenates in local hatcheries has frequently ended in failures that were attributed to the incon- sistent potency of the injected material and the unknown ovarian stage of the recipient fish. Since the mid 1980s, hypophysation has improved through the introduction of a standardized dry carp pituitary extract in which the luteinizing hormone (LH) content and activity have been calibrated (cal- ibrated carp pituitary extract = CCPE). Induction of spawning, however, is successful mainly in female cohorts in which 65% or more of the oocytes in an ovarian biopsy have migrating germinal vesicles. Further, due to decreasing quantities of industry-processed common carp and the expan- sion of ornamental carp production (koi and goldfish), the growing demand for CCPE could not be met, and an alternative had to be found. A hypo- thalamic approach, introduced into Israeli aquaculture in 1993 (called Dagin), combines a superactive analog of sGnRH (10 μg/kg), with the water-soluble dopamine (D2) receptor antagonist, metoclopramide (20 mg/kg). The progress of oocyte maturation in ovarian biopsies has been studied in parallel with changes in levels of LH, estradiol, and the matura- tion-inducing steroid (MIS; 17α, 20β, dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3-one). The hormone profile indicated that the gradual increases in LH and MIS follow- ing a single administration of Dagin were similar to those in fish treated with priming and resolving doses of CCPE. This would explain why Dagin is effective even when only a single injection is given, saving labor and reduc- ing handling stress. CCPE and Dagin were tested in parallel on common carp in a commercial hatchery. The spawning ratio and embryo viability were similar, although the latency between injection and ovulation was con- siderably longer and more variable in Dagin-treated than in CCPE-treated carp. It is recommended to use CCPE at the beginning and end of the spawning season when the LH content in the pituitary is low, and Dagin in mid-season and in field spawning. Future prospects raise the possibility that by employing molecular tools, a recombinant carp LH will be produced that will have the regular and expected potency of the hypophyseal approach without the risk of spreading pathogens from donor fish to broodstock. Work along this line is currently in progress

    Interactive Effects of Large- and Small-Scale Sources of Feral Honey-Bees for Sunflower in the Argentine Pampas

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    Pollinators for animal pollinated crops can be provided by natural and semi-natural habitats, ranging from large vegetation remnants to small areas of non-crop land in an otherwise highly modified landscape. It is unknown, however, how different small- and large-scale habitat patches interact as pollinator sources. In the intensively managed Argentine Pampas, we studied the additive and interactive effects of large expanses (up to 2200 ha) of natural habitat, represented by untilled isolated “sierras”, and narrow (3–7 m wide) strips of semi-natural habitat, represented by field margins, as pollinator sources for sunflower (Helianthus annus). We estimated visitation rates by feral honey-bees, Apis mellifera, and native flower visitors (as a group) at 1, 5, 25, 50 and 100 m from a field margin in 17 sunflower fields 0–10 km distant from the nearest sierra. Honey-bees dominated the pollinator assemblage accounting for >90% of all visits to sunflower inflorescences. Honey-bee visitation was strongly affected by proximity to the sierras decreasing by about 70% in the most isolated fields. There was also a decline in honey-bee visitation with distance from the field margin, which was apparent with increasing field isolation, but undetected in fields nearby large expanses of natural habitat. The probability of observing a native visitor decreased with isolation from the sierras, but in other respects visitation by flower visitors other than honey-bees was mostly unaffected by the habitat factors assessed in this study. Overall, we found strong hierarchical and interactive effects between the study large and small-scale pollinator sources. These results emphasize the importance of preserving natural habitats and managing actively field verges in the absence of large remnants of natural habitat for improving pollinator services

    The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership: An Example of Science Applied to Societal Needs

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    Northern Eurasia, the largest landmass in the northern extratropics, accounts for ~20% of the global land area. However, little is known about how the biogeochemical cycles, energy and water cycles, and human activities specific to this carbon-rich, cold region interact with global climate. A major concern is that changes in the distribution of land-based life, as well as its interactions with the environment, may lead to a self-reinforcing cycle of accelerated regional and global warming. With this as its motivation, the Northern Eurasian Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) was formed in 2004 to better understand and quantify feedbacks between northern Eurasian and global climates. The first group of NEESPI projects has mostly focused on assembling regional databases, organizing improved environmental monitoring of the region, and studying individual environmental processes. That was a starting point to addressing emerging challenges in the region related to rapidly and simultaneously changing climate, environmental, and societal systems. More recently, the NEESPI research focus has been moving toward integrative studies, including the development of modeling capabilities to project the future state of climate, environment, and societies in the NEESPI domain. This effort will require a high level of integration of observation programs, process studies, and modeling across disciplines

    Spatial and Temporal Trends of Global Pollination Benefit

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    Pollination is a well-studied and at the same time a threatened ecosystem service. A significant part of global crop production depends on or profits from pollination by animals. Using detailed information on global crop yields of 60 pollination dependent or profiting crops, we provide a map of global pollination benefits on a 5′ by 5′ latitude-longitude grid. The current spatial pattern of pollination benefits is only partly correlated with climate variables and the distribution of cropland. The resulting map of pollination benefits identifies hot spots of pollination benefits at sufficient detail to guide political decisions on where to protect pollination services by investing in structural diversity of land use. Additionally, we investigated the vulnerability of the national economies with respect to potential decline of pollination services as the portion of the (agricultural) economy depending on pollination benefits. While the general dependency of the agricultural economy on pollination seems to be stable from 1993 until 2009, we see increases in producer prices for pollination dependent crops, which we interpret as an early warning signal for a conflict between pollination service and other land uses at the global scale. Our spatially explicit analysis of global pollination benefit points to hot spots for the generation of pollination benefits and can serve as a base for further planning of land use, protection sites and agricultural policies for maintaining pollination services

    Glargine and degludec: solution behaviour of higher dose synthetic insulins

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    Single, double and triple doses of the synthetic insulins glargine and degludec currently used in patient therapy are characterised using macromolecular hydrodynamic techniques (dynamic light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation) in an attempt to provide the basis for improved personalised insulin profiling in patients with diabetes. Using dynamic light scattering and sedimentation velocity in the analytical ultracentrifuge glargine was shown to be primarily dimeric under solvent conditions used in current formulations whereas degludec behaved as a dihexamer with evidence of further association of the hexamers (“multi-hexamerisation”). Further analysis by sedimentation equilibrium showed that degludec exhibited reversible interaction between mono- and-di-hexamer forms. Unlike glargine, degludec showed strong thermodynamic non-ideality, but this was suppressed by the addition of salt. With such large injectable doses of synthetic insulins remaining in the physiological system for extended periods of time, in some case 24–40 hours, double and triple dose insulins may impact adversely on personalised insulin profiling in patients with diabetes

    A temporal dimension to the influence of pollen rewards on bee behaviour and fecundity in Aloe tenuior

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    The net effect of pollen production on fecundity in plants can range from negative – when self-pollen interferes with fecundity due to incompatibility mechanisms, to positive – when pollen availability is associated with increased pollinator visitation and fecundity due to its utilization as a reward. We investigated the responses of bees to pollen and nectar rewards, and the effects of these rewards on pollen deposition and fecundity in the hermaphroditic succulent shrub Aloe tenuior. Self-pollinated plants failed to set fruit, but their ovules were regularly penetrated by self-pollen tubes, which uniformly failed to develop into seeds as expected from ovarian self-incompatibility (or strong early inbreeding depression). Bees consistently foraged for pollen during the morning and early afternoon, but switched to nectar in the late afternoon. As a consequence of this differential foraging, we were able to test the relative contribution to fecundity of pollen- versus nectar-collecting flower visitors. We exposed emasculated and intact flowers in either the morning or late afternoon to foraging bees and showed that emasculation reduced pollen deposition by insects in the morning, but had little effect in the afternoon. Despite the potential for self-pollination to result in ovule discounting due to late-acting self-sterility, fecundity was severely reduced in artificially emasculated plants. Although there were temporal fluctuations in reward preference, most bee visits were for pollen rewards. Therefore the benefit of providing pollen that is accessible to bee foragers outweighs any potential costs to fitness in terms of gender interference in this species

    Contribution of Pollinator-Mediated Crops to Nutrients in the Human Food Supply

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    The contribution of nutrients from animal pollinated world crops has not previously been evaluated as a biophysical measure for the value of pollination services. This study evaluates the nutritional composition of animal-pollinated world crops. We calculated pollinator dependent and independent proportions of different nutrients of world crops, employing FAO data for crop production, USDA data for nutritional composition, and pollinator dependency data according to Klein et al. (2007). Crop plants that depend fully or partially on animal pollinators contain more than 90% of vitamin C, the whole quantity of Lycopene and almost the full quantity of the antioxidants β-cryptoxanthin and β-tocopherol, the majority of the lipid, vitamin A and related carotenoids, calcium and fluoride, and a large portion of folic acid. Ongoing pollinator decline may thus exacerbate current difficulties of providing a nutritionally adequate diet for the global human population