68 research outputs found

    Visually estimated ejection fraction by two dimensional and triplane echocardiography is closely correlated with quantitative ejection fraction by real-time three dimensional echocardiography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Visual assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is often used in clinical routine despite general recommendations to use quantitative biplane Simpsons (BPS) measurements. Even thou quantitative methods are well validated and from many reasons preferable, the feasibility of visual assessment (eyeballing) is superior. There is to date only sparse data comparing visual EF assessment in comparison to quantitative methods available. The aim of this study was to compare visual EF assessment by two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE) and triplane echocardiography (TPE) using quantitative real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) as the reference method.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty patients were enrolled in the study. Eyeballing EF was assessed using apical 4-and 2 chamber views and TP mode by two experienced readers blinded to all clinical data. The measurements were compared to quantitative RT3DE.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were an excellent correlation between eyeballing EF by 2D and TP vs 3DE (r = 0.91 and 0.95 respectively) without any significant bias (-0.5 ± 3.7% and -0.2 ± 2.9% respectively). Intraobserver variability was 3.8% for eyeballing 2DE, 3.2% for eyeballing TP and 2.3% for quantitative 3D-EF. Interobserver variability was 7.5% for eyeballing 2D and 8.4% for eyeballing TP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Visual estimation of LVEF both using 2D and TP by an experienced reader correlates well with quantitative EF determined by RT3DE. There is an apparent trend towards a smaller variability using TP in comparison to 2D, this was however not statistically significant.</p

    Personality in the Cockroach (Diploptera punctate): Evidence for Stability Across Developmental Stages Despite Age Effects on Boldness

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    Despite a recent surge in the popularity of animal personality studies and their wide-ranging associations with various aspects of behavioural ecology, our understanding of the development of personality over ontogeny remains poorly understood. Stability over time is a central tenet of personality; ecological pressures experienced by an individual at different life stages may, however, vary considerably, which may have a significant effect on behavioural traits. Invertebrates often go through numerous discrete developmental stages and therefore provide a useful model for such research. Here we test for both differential consistency and age effects upon behavioural traits in the gregarious cockroach Diploptera punctata by testing the same behavioural traits in both juveniles and adults. In our sample, we find consistency in boldness, exploration and sociality within adults whilst only boldness was consistent in juveniles. Both boldness and exploration measures, representative of risk-taking behaviour, show significant consistency across discrete juvenile and adult stages. Age effects are, however, apparent in our data; juveniles are significantly bolder than adults, most likely due to differences in the ecological requirements of these life stages. Size also affects risk-taking behaviour since smaller adults are both bolder and more highly explorative. Whilst a behavioural syndrome linking boldness and exploration is evident in nymphs, this disappears by the adult stage, where links between other behavioural traits become apparent. Our results therefore indicate that differential consistency in personality can be maintained across life stages despite age effects on its magnitude, with links between some personality traits changing over ontogeny, demonstrating plasticity in behavioural syndromes

    Eye axial length changes after eye laser surgery

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstÄ«ts latvieĆĄu valodā uz 29 lapām, satur 12 attēlus, 2 tabulas un 16 atsauces uz literatĆ«ras avotiem, kā arÄ« 7 atsauces uz aizgĆ«tiem attēliem. Darba mērÄ·is: ir izvērtēt vai miopijas gadÄ«jumā acs aksiālais garums pieaug pēc redzes lāzerkorekcijas. PētÄ«juma dalÄ«bnieki: tika atlasÄ«ti 46 pacienti, 92 acis. No tiem 35 sievietes un 11 vÄ«rieĆĄi. Visiem atlasÄ«tajiem pacientiem bija miopija. Metode: pētÄ«jums tika veikts analizējot pacientu kartiƆas no „Dr.Solomatina acu rehabilitācijas un redzes korekcijas centra” datubāzes. Rezultāti: nevienai no atlasÄ«to dalÄ«bnieku grupai netika novērotas statistiski nozÄ«mÄ«gas acs aksiālā garuma izmaiƆas. Secinājumi: tuvredzÄ«bas progresēơana un redzes pasliktināƥanās pēc redzes lāzerkorekcijas nav saistÄ«ta ar priekơēji-mugurējās ass garuma palielināƥanos. Atslēgvārdi: acs aksiālais garums; interferometrs.Bachelor paper is written in Latvian and consists of 29 pages; contains 12 drawings, 2 tables and 16 sources of literature are used, 7 sources of pictures are used. Aim of the Study: Is to examine if the eye axial length increases after laser correction in case of myopia. Subjects of the Study: All in all, 46 patients (92 eyes) were studied; of those 35 were females and 11 - males. All the selected patients had myopia. Methods: The study was based on an analysis of patients’ medical records from the database of Dr. Solomatin’s Eye Rehabilitation and Vision Correction Centre. Results: None of the groups of the selected subjects showed any statistically significant changes in the axial length of the eye. Conclusion: Myopia progression and vision deterioration following laser vision correction are not related to anterior-posterior axial length increasing. Key words: eye axial length; interferomete

    Cultural values in Swedish brands

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    Bakgrund: Idag slĂ„ss mĂ„nga företag om att fĂ„ en plats i vĂ„rt medvetande och de lĂ€gger dĂ€rmed ut stora summor pĂ„ varumĂ€rkesbyggande och varumĂ€rkesvĂ„rd. Det handlar inte lĂ€ngre om att bara prĂ€nta in logotypen, utan Ă€ven att ge sitt varumĂ€rke en "sjĂ€l" och ladda det med olika vĂ€rden. I och med dagens globalisering Ă€r det ocksĂ„ ur ett kulturellt perspektiv mer intressant. Men att exportera ett varumĂ€rke till en utlĂ€ndsk marknad Ă€r inte samma sak som att ta med sig sin kunskap och tro att det ska fungera lika bra i det nya landet. Ett varumĂ€rke Ă€r medvetet och omedvetet laddat med vĂ€rderingar, bĂ„de kulturella och affĂ€rsmĂ€ssiga. I Sverige har vi typiskt svenska vĂ€rden som man kanske inte direkt tĂ€nker pĂ„ men som faktiskt följer med oss. Dessa vĂ€rden kanske inte passar in pĂ„ den nya marknaden, utan vissa vĂ€rden kanske tas med medan andra byts ut. Vi finner det dĂ€rmed intressant att undersöka dessa kulturella vĂ€rden. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att beskriva vad för slags kulturella vĂ€rden svenska företags varumĂ€rken avser kommunicera utomlands.Genomförande: Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie. VĂ„r empiriska studie Ă€r huvudsakligen baserad pĂ„ de personliga intervjuer och den telefonintervju vi gjort. Referensramarna bygger pĂ„ vĂ€letablerade teorier inom omrĂ„det. Resultat: VĂ„r studie har visat att svenska företag laddar sina varumĂ€rken med vĂ€rdena kvalitet, pĂ„litlighet, enkelhet och modern&amp;innovativ. Vi har funnit att dessa vĂ€rden finns Ă„terspeglade i den svenska kulturen bĂ„de vad gĂ€ller national- respektive affĂ€rs och företagskultur.Background: Today many companies are competing to get space in our minds. Companies spend a tremendous amount of money on building strong brands. It is not just about making us aware of their logo, today it’s more about giving the brand a ”soul” and to load it with different values. Due to today’s globalization there is also interesting to look at it from a cultural perspective. To export a brand name into a new market abroad is not the same as just transferring your knowledge and believe it should work in another country and culture. A brand is consciously and unconsciously loaded with values, especially cultural values. In Sweden there are values typically Swedish that might not be obvious to you but still follow us. These values might not fit the new market the company is entering, therefore some values might get left behind, while others are easily transferred to another country. We therefore find it very interesting to study these cultural values. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe which cultural values Swedish company’s brands intend to communicate abroad. Performance: We have done a qualitative study. Our empirical study is based mainly on personal interviews. The frames of references are based on well established theories within the brand- and cultural field

    Kommunikation inom projekt : En analys av projektledarrollen utifrÄn en beteendevetenskaplig metod

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    MÄnga problem som uppstÄr inom projekt beror pÄ dÄlig kommunikation. Om man pÄ nÄgot vis kan undvika dessa kommunikationsmisstag kan man spara en hel del tid och resurser. En analys av hur projektledare kommunicerar har genomförts med utgÄngspunkt i en beteendevetenskaplig modell. FrÄgor som utretts Àr: 1. Hur kan en projektledare kommunicera pÄ ett sÄ individanpassat sÀtt som möjligt? 2. Vilka problem finns med individanpassad kommunikation inom ett projekt? Som metod för inhÀmtning av kunskap har en omfattande litteraturstudie genomförts för att sedan följas upp av en intervju med en sakkunnig inom den teoretiska referensram som valts. IPU Profilanalys Àr en metod som kategoriserar mÀnniskors beteenden pÄ ett pedagogiskt sÀtt. De mÀnskliga beteendena delas upp i fyra typer vilka allmÀnt kallas för Dominant, Inspiratör, Stabil och Analytisk. För att fÄ en empirisk grund inom Àmnet samt för att se hur teorin stÀmmer med verkligheten har tre intervjuer genomförts. TvÄ projektledare frÄn Ericsson respektive Statens Maritima museer samt en objektledare frÄn Scania har intervjuats. IntervjufrÄgorna var av semistrukturerad karaktÀr och byggde pÄ ett tÀnkt projekt. De omfattade sÄvÀl vilka sÀtt projektledaren vanligen vÀljer att kommunicera pÄ som hur denne resonerar kring tekniska hjÀlpmedel. Syftet var att utreda hur projektledarna av- eller oavsiktligt anpassade kommunikationen efter individerna inom organisationen. Svaren frÄn intervjuerna har sedan jÀmförts med teorin frÄn IPU Profilanalys för att avgöra om individanpassad kommunikation tillÀmpas och i sÄ fall hur mycket. För att kommunikationen ska bli sÄ anpassad efter de olika grupperna projektledaren har kring sig som möjligt bör denne beakta ett antal faktorer speciellt noggrant. Dessa Àr: En gemensam mÄlbild Varierande kommunikation Ge projektmedlemmar möjlighet att förbereda sig innan möten Problematiken med individanpassad kommunikation visade sig frÀmst vid stressade tidsplaner. Det visade sig Àven att det inte alltid var möjligt att anvÀnda sig av individanpassad kommunikation fullt ut.Many issues within project management emerge due to insufficient communication. If such missteps can be avoided companies will be able to save both time and recourses.An analysis of how project managers communicate has been conducted based upon a behavioural model. Evaluated questions are: 1. How can project managers communicate as individual-based as possible? 2. Which problems exist with individual-based communication? The scientific method used in this project includes an extensive literature review, which has been followed by an interview with an expert within the chosen theoretical framework. IPU profilanalys is a method, which categorises human behaviour in a pedagogical way. The human behaviours are divided into four categories commonly known as Dominance, Influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. Three interviews have been conducted to achieve an empirical foundation within the chosen subject as well as to compare the theory with reality. Three project managers from Ericsson, The National Maritime Museums, and Scania have been interviewed. The questions were semi-structured and were based on an imaginable project. Common ways for the interviewed project manager to handle communication were discussed as well as his or her view upon technical devices. The purpose was to evaluate if the project managers deliberately adapted their communication towards the individuals within the organisation. The answers were then compared to the chosen theory to determine if individual-based communication were used and if so, how much it occurs. By adjusting the communication from the project manager to surrounding groups several factors are to be considered closely. They are: Mutual goals, Diversified communications, Give project members time to prepare. The problems with individual-based communication mainly occurred when facing tight schedules. It also showed that individual-based communication is not always possible to use

    Cultural values in Swedish brands

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    Background: Today many companies are competing to get space in our minds. Companies spend a tremendous amount of money on building strong brands. It is not just about making us aware of their logo, today it’s more about giving the brand a ”soul” and to load it with different values. Due to today’s globalization there is also interesting to look at it from a cultural perspective. To export a brand name into a new market abroad is not the same as just transferring your knowledge and believe it should work in another country and culture. A brand is consciously and unconsciously loaded with values, especially cultural values. In Sweden there are values typically Swedish that might not be obvious to you but still follow us. These values might not fit the new market the company is entering, therefore some values might get left behind, while others are easily transferred to another country. We therefore find it very interesting to study these cultural values. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to describe which cultural values Swedish company’s brands intend to communicate abroad. Performance: We have done a qualitative study. Our empirical study is based mainly on personal interviews. The frames of references are based on well established theories within the brand- and cultural field. Result: Our study showed that Swedish companies load their brands with the four values; quality, reliability, simplicity and modern&amp;innovative. We also found that the Swedish culture is reflected in these values, in both national-, business- and corporate culture.Bakgrund: Idag slĂ„ss mĂ„nga företag om att fĂ„ en plats i vĂ„rt medvetande och de lĂ€gger dĂ€rmed ut stora summor pĂ„ varumĂ€rkesbyggande och varumĂ€rkesvĂ„rd. Det handlar inte lĂ€ngre om att bara prĂ€nta in logotypen, utan Ă€ven att ge sitt varumĂ€rke en "sjĂ€l" och ladda det med olika vĂ€rden. I och med dagens globalisering Ă€r det ocksĂ„ ur ett kulturellt perspektiv mer intressant. Men att exportera ett varumĂ€rke till en utlĂ€ndsk marknad Ă€r inte samma sak som att ta med sig sin kunskap och tro att det ska fungera lika bra i det nya landet. Ett varumĂ€rke Ă€r medvetet och omedvetet laddat med vĂ€rderingar, bĂ„de kulturella och affĂ€rsmĂ€ssiga. I Sverige har vi typiskt svenska vĂ€rden som man kanske inte direkt tĂ€nker pĂ„ men som faktiskt följer med oss. Dessa vĂ€rden kanske inte passar in pĂ„ den nya marknaden, utan vissa vĂ€rden kanske tas med medan andra byts ut. Vi finner det dĂ€rmed intressant att undersöka dessa kulturella vĂ€rden. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att beskriva vad för slags kulturella vĂ€rden svenska företags varumĂ€rken avser kommunicera utomlands. Genomförande: Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie. VĂ„r empiriska studie Ă€r huvudsakligen baserad pĂ„ de personliga intervjuer och den telefonintervju vi gjort. Referensramarna bygger pĂ„ vĂ€letablerade teorier inom omrĂ„det. Resultat: VĂ„r studie har visat att svenska företag laddar sina varumĂ€rken med vĂ€rdena kvalitet, pĂ„litlighet, enkelhet och modern&amp;innovativ. Vi har funnit att dessa vĂ€rden finns Ă„terspeglade i den svenska kulturen bĂ„de vad gĂ€ller national- respektive affĂ€rs och företagskultur
