183 research outputs found


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    Apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo, do tipo descritiva, que teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades de desenvolvimento de aulas de Educação Física nos anos finais do ensino fundamental, por meio de metodologia situacional, em quatro escolas da Rede Estadual de Tupanciretã – RS. Fizeram parte da pesquisa seis (06) professores de Educação Física que ministram aulas nos anos finais do ensino fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) nestas escolas. O instrumento de pesquisa utilizado foi uma entrevista com estes professores. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que os professores da Rede Estadual, atuantes no município de Tupanciretã, possuem planejamento de trabalho, detendo-se nos conteúdos previstos legalmente para o currículo da Educação Física. Porém, observamos uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre as metodologias de ensino de Educação Física, pois em suas repostas predominaram as concepções de ensino e não sobre métodos. Em relação ao uso da Metodologia Situacional em suas aulas, percebeu-se que os educadores possuem pouco conhecimento sobre e, consequentemente não a utilizam. Assim como também há profissionais que não conhecem e que nunca ouviram falar, o que nos faz concluir que a aprendizagem nas aulas de Educação Física poderia ser mais significativa, a partir do uso da Metodologia Situacional. Sugerimos, portanto, cursos de formação continuada para esses professores.

    A Straightforward Method for Synthesizing Bioactive Resorcinolic Lipid Analogues

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    Resorcinolic lipids, a class of bioactive amphiphilic molecules found widely in nature, hold potential for a variety of biological and industrial applications. This report describes the synthesis of three bioactive structural analogues of resorcinolic lipids, obtained by subjecting ethyl (E)-2-undecenoate and ethyl acetoacetate to a Michael reaction in the presence of sodium ethoxide to generate a Michael adduct, followed by cyclization in the reaction medium. Ethyl 2-octyl-4,6-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate (7) was thus produced with a 60% yield. To perform an aromatization step, 7 was subsequently treated with I2 in methanol under reflux, producing a combined 80% yield of 2,4-dimethoxy-6-octyl-ethyl benzoate (1) and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-octyl-ethyl benzoate (2) at a 7:3 ratio, respectively. 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-octyl-benzoic acid was obtained with a 60% yield by treating 1 with BBr3/CHCl3. The structures of the synthesized compounds and intermediates were elucidated by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, employing two-dimensional techniques (HSQC and HMBC). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v12i2.23

    Comportamento de estridulação em Heilipus odoratus Vanin & Gaiger (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae)

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    Heilipus odoratus Vanin & Gaiger, 2005 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) is considered the main plague of rosewood fruit. Being recently described, the biological aspects of this species are not very well known. This study aimed at contributing for the knowledge of this species' behavior and providing a method for sexing adults based on stridulation. Individuals were divided into two groups: stridulating and non-stridulating. After dissection, stridulation was associated with the sex of each individual. Most males (92.2 %, N= 115) emitted sound by stridulation due to the presence of stridulatory organs on the posterior internal surface of their elytra and penultimate tergite, while none of the females (N=92) have such organs. This result is the first report of stridulatory activity in H. odoratus

    Glicerol: um breve histórico e aplicação em sínteses estereosseletivas

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    Presently glycerol is considered a co-product of biodiesel industry. As the biodiesel production is exponentially increasing, glycerol generated from the transesterification of vegetable oils and fats is also being produced on a large scale, and turned out to be essential seeking for novel alternatives to the consumption of the extra volume, in crude and/or as derivatives high added value. This review mainly deals with chemical and enzymatic transformations of glycerol to obtain chiral building blocks for synthesis of pharmaceuticals and natural products

    Análisis de citación de la revista Ciência da Informação del IBICT

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    Esta investigación estudia el análisis de citaciones utilizadas por los autores que publican dentro de la revista Ciência da Informação, de donde fueron recuperados 278 artículos científicos en el periodo de 1995 a 2003. En relación al método, utilizamos un fichero en Excel para cuantificar los datos, donde dividimos por género de citas bibliográficas. Se han aplicado técnicas cuantitativas de investigación para analizar las citas de las revistas utilizadas, trabajando con el factor de impacto de las revistas ISI y algunas del SciELO. Otro aspecto fue analizar las citas de libros, tesis, actas de congresos, documentos electrónicos y comunicaciones, que son una fuente fundamental en la confección de un trabajo científico. Posteriormente se investigaron las relaciones y la colaboración institucional de los autores que publican dentro de la revista Ciência da Informação, utilizando el programa Pajek. Y por fin observamos la relación entre las palabras-clave empleadas por los autores que publicaron en la revista, con las temáticas de revistas indizadas en ISI, SciELO y Latindex. Para las conclusiones, destacamos que el mejor periodo de las citas utilizadas fue de 1996 hasta 1998, con una fuerte presencia de revistas ISI y de la propia revista Ciência da Informação. Palabras-clave Análisis de citación. Revista Ciência da Informação – Ibict. Revistas ISI. Revistas SciELO y Latindex. Citation analysis of the Ciência da Informação journal of the Ibict Abstract The research studies the analysis of used citations by authors who publish inside the Ciência da Informação journal, where were rescued 278 scientific papers between the period 1995 to 2003. Related to the method, an Excel file was used with the aim of quantify the data, and where we divide by genre the bibliographic cites. Quantitative methods of investigation have been applied to analyze the cites of the used journals, working with the impact factors of ISI journals and some of SciELO. Another aspect of the present study was to analyze the books citations, thesis, electronic acts of congresses, electronic documents and communications, which are a fundamental source to make a scientific work. Lately, the relations and de institutional collaboration of authors who publish inside the Ciência da Informação journal were investigated, using Pajek program. Finally we observed the relation between the used keywords by the authors which published in the journal, with the indexed thematic in ISI, Scielo an Latindex. To conclude, we emphasized that the best period of cites used was between 1996 until 1998, with a strong presence of ISI journals and the own Ciencia da informaçao journal. Keywords Citation analysis. Ciência da Informação Journal – Ibict. ISI Journals. SciELO and Latindex Journals

    Sports Injuries of a portuguese professional football team during three consecutive seasons

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    © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Professional football players are exposed to high injury risk due to the physical demands of this sport. The purpose of this study was to characterize the injuries of a professional football team in the First Portuguese League over three consecutive sports seasons. Seventy-one male professional football players in the First Portuguese Football League were followed throughout the sports seasons of 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022. In total, 84 injuries were recorded. Each player missed an average of 16.6 days per injury. Lower limbs were massively affected by injuries across all three seasons, mainly with muscular injuries in the quadriceps and hamstrings and sprains in the tibiotarsal structure. Overall, the injury incidence was considerably higher in matches than in training. The two times of the season that proved most conducive to injuries were the months of July and January. Our results emphasize the importance of monitoring sports performance, including injury occurrence, and assisting in identifying risk factors in professional football. Designing individualized training programs and optimizing prevention and recovery protocols are crucial for maximizing this global process.C.F. and E.G. acknowledge support from LARSyS—Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology (FCT) pluriannual funding 2020–2023 (Reference: UIDB/50009/2020). This study was framed in the Marítimo Training Lab Project. The project received funding under application no. M1420-01-0247-FEDER-000033 in the System of Incentives for the Production of Scientific and Technological Knowledge in the Autonomous Region of Madeira—PROCiência 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving bioactive compounds extractability of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson

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    Elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) is an underground, unbranched deciduous plant that produces a large tubercle (rhizome) with recognized health effects. In this study, the influence of solvent nature (water, water/etanol (1:1) and absolute ethanol) and processing type (fresh, lyophilized and boiled) on the antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds extractability of elephant foot yam was evaluated. Extracts were compared for their contents in total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins. Moreover, their antioxidant capacity was assessed by the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH▪) scavenging capacity assays. Phenolics (154 mg GAE/L) and tannins (109 mg GAE/L) were maximized in lyophilized samples extracted with the hydroalcoholic solvent, which attained also the highest FRAP value (711 mg FSE/L). In turn, flavonoids reached the highest yields in lyophilized samples (95 mg ECE/L) extracted with pure ethanol, as well as the highest DPPH▪ scavenging activity. These findings might have practical applications to define the best processing methodology regarding the enhancement of elephant foot yam, either for prompt consumption, as well as to develop food supplements or pharmaceutical related products.J.C.M. Barreira and R.C. Alves thank to FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for their grants (SFRH/BD/76019/2011 and SFRH/BPD/68883/2010, respectively). This work received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT) through project LAQV UID/QUI/50006/2013. This work also received financial support from the European Union (FEDER funds) under the framework of QREN through Project NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000069

    Dental extraction in patients with HIV/AIDS: report of two cases

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    Introduction and objective: The oral health of patients with HIV infection is often compromised by caries and periodontal disease. Thus, many patients need to undergo oral surgical procedures. Case report: This article describes two cases of patients with HIV infection who had undergone exodontia due to prosthetic indications. Both patients had been hospitalized for treatment of respiratory complications from HIV infection and were referred for dental treatment. In the first case, the adult patient had generally good oral health. However, the treatment plan for the installation of a removable prosthesis required the removal of tooth 38 since it was fairly inclined to the mesial. The second patient had poor oral conditions due to advanced periodontal disease. Thus, all upper arch teeth were removed in a single session followed by the installationof an immediate total prosthesis. No postoperative complications were recorded and the healing process occurred without incident for both patients. Dental treatment of patients with asymptomatic HIV infection does not differ from that performed for any other patient in practice. Nevertheless, patients in advanced stages of disease may require special treatment and an individual treatment plan must be developed for even routine procedures. Conclusion: The dental careof these individuals often requires more rigorous clinical follow-up for maintaining oral health. The performance of dental surgery in patients with HIV infection does not require technical modifications, but does require a complete anamnesis.Introduction and objective: The oral health of patients with HIV infection is often compromised by caries and periodontal disease. Thus, many patients need to undergo oral surgical procedures. Case report: This article describes two cases of patients with HIV infection who had undergone exodontia due to prosthetic indications. Both patients had been hospitalized for treatment of respiratory complications from HIV infection and were referred for dental treatment. In the first case, the adult patient had generally good oral health. However, the treatment plan for the installation of a removable prosthesis required the removal of tooth 38 since it was fairly inclined to the mesial. The second patient had poor oral conditions due to advanced periodontal disease. Thus, all upper arch teeth were removed in a single session followed by the installationof an immediate total prosthesis. No postoperative complications were recorded and the healing process occurred without incident for both patients. Dental treatment of patients with asymptomatic HIV infection does not differ from that performed for any other patient in practice. Nevertheless, patients in advanced stages of disease may require special treatment and an individual treatment plan must be developed for even routine procedures. Conclusion: The dental careof these individuals often requires more rigorous clinical follow-up for maintaining oral health. The performance of dental surgery in patients with HIV infection does not require technical modifications, but does require a complete anamnesis