3,236 research outputs found


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    Using AC Nielsen scanner data on U.S. household consumption of selected fresh vegetables from 1999 to 2003, this study provides an overview of the organic fresh vegetable market by investigating market shares and price premiums of selected organic fresh vegetables and estimating the interrelationship between consumer demand for organic and conventional fresh vegetables. The linear Almost Ideal Demand System was found to fit the data best among other differential demand models.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Медіа - вимірювання інтернету в Україні

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    Медіа вимірювання Інтернету порівняно з іншими методами досліджень - молодий напрям не тільки в Україні, але й у світі. У різних країнах таке вивчення проводять різні оператори дослідних ринків AC Nielsen, omScore, Mediametrie, TNS, Factum Group, до складу яких входить InMind, Gemius та ін. Аналіз відвідування аудиторією інтернет ресурсів розрізняють за способом, що лежить в їхній основі: site centric і panel centric

    How Can I Drink Safely?; Perception Versus the Reality of Alcohol Consumption

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    This article investigates differences between perception and actual consumption of alcohol in young adults within the UK, suggesting that inaccurate information in the public domain may hamper those seeking to drink safely plus the development of moderate drinking cultures. Results confirm that inaccurate information may be preventing the development of safe drinking behaviours among certain groups. In addition, they indicate that some groups choose to ignore safe consumption limits in particular circumstances. Results indicate that many government strategies aimed at reducing unsafe drinking behaviour are inaccurately targeted; changing male public consumption behaviour may trigger changes in female behaviour

    Angry opposition to government redress: when the structurally advantaged perceive themselves as relatively deprived

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    We examined (structurally advantaged) non-Aborigines' willingness for political action against government redress to (structurally disadvantaged) Aborigines in Australia. We found non-Aborigines opposed to government redress to be high in symbolic racism and to perceive their ingroup as deprived relative to Aborigines. However, only perceived relative deprivation was associated with feelings of group-based anger. In addition, consistent with relative deprivation and emotion theory, it was group-based anger that fully mediated a willingness for political action against government redress. Thus, the specific group-based emotion of anger explained why symbolic racism and relative deprivation promoted a willingness for political action against government redress to a structurally disadvantaged out-group. Theoretical and political implications are discussed

    Propuesta estratégica de mejora en la implementación de los estándares mínimos del Sistema De Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la Empresa Ac Nielsen De Colombia LTDA Para Primer Semestre De 2019

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    El trabajo consistió en realizar un autodiagnóstico a una empresa en este caso AC Nielsen de Colombia, donde se aplico la matriz de evaluacion del sistema de seguridad en el trabajo "Estándares mínimos" donde nos arrojo un resultado en la evaluación y posterior a esto se realizan unas acciones de mejora para llegar al 100% mediante un Diagrama de Gantt de acuerdo a la normatividad vigente según Resolución 0312 de 2019.The work consisted of doing a self-diagnosis to a company in this case AC Nielsen of Colombia, where the matrix of evaluation of the safety system in the work "Minimum Standards" was applied where we throw a result in the evaluation and after this are carried out improvement actions to reach 100% through a Gantt Chart according to the current regulations according to Resolution 0312 of 2019

    Propuesta estratégica de mejora en la implementación de los estándares mínimos del sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa AC Nielsen de Colombia LTDA para el primer semestre de 2019

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    El presente trabajo integra todos los temas aprendidos durante la permanencia en el curso de Diplomado en Gestión del Talento Humano, donde se apropiaron conocimientos y herramientas clave, que permitieron tener una visión integral relacionada con la generación de valor del capital humano en las organizaciones como estrategia de productividad, modelos actuales de Gestión como herramienta de competitividad, internacionalización del capital humano y por último el Sistema de Gestión de la seguridad en el trabajo, proponiendo planes y acciones de mejora para la empresa AC Nielsen LTDA.The present project integrates all of the topics learned during the stay on the course of Licensed in Managing Human Talent, where knowledge and key tools was taken, they allow to have a full view related to creating the value of human capital in organizations as a productivity strategy, current management models as a competitiveness tools, internationalization of human capital and finally, the occupational safety management system, putting up plans and improvement actions for the company AC Nielsen LTDA

    Codebook: The LSAY 1995 Year 9 Sample Wave 4 (1998) Technical Paper No. 18

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    In 1995, a nationally representative sample of approximately 13,000 Year 9 students was selected to form the first cohort of the new Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth program. The sample was constructed by randomly selecting two Year 9 classes from a national sample of 300 schools designed to represent state and sector. Reading and numeracy tests were administered to students in their schools to provide information on early school achievement for use in later analyses of educational and labour market participation. Students also completed a background questionnaire about their educational and vocational plans and attitudes to school. In 1996 these students provided information in response to a mailed questionnaire. Information was also obtained from their schools about curricula and organisation. In 1997 members of the sample were contacted in the first of the annual telephone interviews (conducted by AC Nielsen, then Reark Research). That questionnaire included questions on school; transitions from school; post school education and training; work; job history; job search history; non-labour force activities; health, living arrangements and finance; and general attitudes. Subsequent surveys have asked similar questions but with the emphasis changing over time from school, to post-school education and training, and work . In 1998 the 1995 Year 9 sample consisted primarily of young people in Year 12 in secondary school. Therefore, the emphasis was school activities. The section on school included questions on subjects being studied in 1998 and whether they were being studied at tertiary-entrance level and questions on vocational education and training. These topics were included in addition to the areas on which information is sought annually (see above). AC Nielsen conducted the 1998 telephone survey. They approached a total 10,249 panel members and 9738 were successfully interviewed, representing a response rate of 95%. There were 289 refusals, 182 were unable to be contacted and 40 were unable to be interviewed for other reasons. This technical report details the responses provided by cohort members in 1998

    Un análisis bayesiano de la variación temporal del escenario de compra de los hogares

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    This paper aims to analyse the underlying factors of varied behaviour shown in the store set of purchase of households during a time period (temporal variation). In order to examine whether there are differences between households with and without shopping varied behaviour, a Bayesian Separate Decisions Model has been used. By using data from AC Nielsen, results show that shopping frequency, monthly expenditure volume per capita, age of the person responsible for purchasing of grocery and household products, social status, household size, geographical area and population size, have a significant influence on the dynamic variation shown by the store set of purchase. The results reported here allow us to provide guidelines for both researchers and practitioners. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los determinantes del comportamiento variado de los hogares en la selección de su escenario de compra habitual a lo largo de un período de tiempo (variación temporal). Para ello, se plantea un modelo bayesiano de decisiones separadas que permite, en particular, analizar si existen diferencias entre las familias con y sin comportamiento variado de compra. Utilizando datos de AC Nielsen, los resultados obtenidos muestran que la frecuencia de compra, el volumen de gasto mensual per cápita del hogar, la edad del responsable de la compra, la clase social a la que pertenece la familia, el tamaño del hogar, el área geográfica y el tamaño de la población en la que habitan sus miembros, ejercen una influencia significativa en la variación dinámica de dicho escenario. Dichos resultados permiten ofrecer implicaciones directas para la gestión minorista y para la investigación.Análisis Bayesiano, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Elección de Establecimiento, Modelo de Decisiones Separadas, Variación Temporal. Bayesian Análisis, Consumer Behaviour, Store Choice, Separate Decisions Model, Temporal Variation


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    Pasar tradisional merupakan indikator paling nyata dari kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat dalam suatu wilayah. Keberadaan pasar tradisional membuka kesempatan berusaha masyarakat karena entitas pasar tradisional bersinggungan langsung dengan kelompok masyarakat menengah ke bawah. Di sisi lain, kondisi fisik pasar dan pengelolaannya yang kurang tepat membuat eksistensi pasar tradisional kian menghawatirkan. Pertumbuhan pasar tradisional hanya 8% /tahun (AC Nielsen), 400 pasar tutup setiap tahunnya (APPSI)

    Hubungan Partisipasi Pendengar dalam Event Off-Air dan Partisipasi Interaksi Pendengar melalui Social Media Online dengan Frekuensi Mendengarkan Radio 105,2 SSFM

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    Based on AC Nielsen data, the scale cume obtained by the Radio 105.2 SSFM decreased by 2,000 listeners in October to December of 2012. It shows that the activity of a vigorous campaign conducted by the Radio 105.2 SSFM through event off-air and online social media, inversely proportional to the AC Nielsen research data results, which demonstrate the scale cume of the SSFM 105.2 radio decreased. Thus, this study aimed to finding out the correlation among audience\u27s participation in off-air event (X1), audience\u27s participation in interaction through online social media (X2), and audience\u27s frequency of listening on the Radio 105,2 SSFM (Y).Theoretical framework are used as a basic premise in this study is the theory of classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov and Expectancy Value Theory, and social information processing theory by Walter. Classical conditioning theory and Expectancy Value Theory helps to explain that the association established between off-air event with the radio 105.2 SSFM, can motivate audience to act towards the radio 105.2 SSFM. While the social information processing theory helps to explain that the activity of the interaction between the audience with the radio 105.2 SSFM in cyberspace, is pioneering the future of relationship commitment, namely to increase the loyalty of listeners to the radio 105.2 SSFM. The method used on this research is quantitative-survey, involving 100 respondents and non-randomly selected using accidental sampling technique. The hypothesis testing tool used is a statistical test of correlation coefficient kendall\u27s tau-b, with the help of SPSS ver. 16 for Windows.The results of this study are : (1) there is no correlation between participation in audience\u27s participation in off-air event and audience\u27s frequency of listening on the Radio 105,2 SSFM, and (2) there is a significant correlation between audience\u27s participation in interaction through online social media and audience\u27s frequency of listening on the Radio 105,2 SSFM. Thus the recommendations given to the radio 105.2 SSFM which can increases the frequency of the listening on the radio 105,2 SSFM by the audience are : (1) the need to review of the use of off-air events as a tool of brand activation by the radio 105.2 SSFM, and (2) the need of a massive effort to use social media online as a tool of brand activation by the radio 105.2 SSFM