45 research outputs found

    Abundance analysis of Am binaries and search for tidally driven abundance anomalies - III. HD116657, HD138213, HD155375, HD159560, HD196544 and HD204188

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    We continue here the systematic abundance analysis of a sample of Am binaries in order to search for possible abundance anomalies driven by tidal interaction in these binary systems. New CCD observations in two spectral regions (6400-6500, 6660-6760 AA) of HD116657, HD138213, HD155375, HD159560, HD196544 and HD204188 were obtained. Synthetic spectrum analysis was carried out and basic stellar properties, effective temperatures, gravities, projected rotational velocities, masses, ages and abundances of several elements were determined. We conclude that all six stars are Am stars. These stars were put into the context of other Am binaries with 10 < Porb < 200 days and their abundance anomalies discussed in the context of possible tidal effects. There is clear anti-correlation of the Am peculiarities with v sin i. However, there seems to be also a correlation with the eccentricity and may be with the orbital period. The dependence on the temperature, age, mass, and microturbulence was studied as well. The projected rotational velocities obtained by us were compared to those of Royer et al. (2002) and Abt & Morrell (1995).Comment: 11 pages, 3 tables, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Scandium: A key element for understanding Am stars

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    {\rm Context.} Atomic diffusion is believed to cause the abundance anomalies observed in AmFm stars. However, the detailed process has still not been well-established. For instance, two possible scenarios for the diffusion theory are presently envisaged. They differ mainly by the depth from which the abundance anomalies emanate. The first scenario predicts that the abundances are modified in the superficial regions of the star, just below the hydrogen convection zone. The second scenario predicts that a much deeper extension of the mixing zone exists due to the convection caused by Fe accumulation in regions below the hydrogen convection zone. {\rm Aims.} We calculate much more accurate radiative accelerations of Sc than previously, to better understand the observed abundance anomalies of this element. We believe that it is a key element to use as a diagnostic tool for understanding AmFm stars. {\rmMethods.} The method employed to obtain these radiative accelerations is based on an interpolation from the parameters of the so-called SVP parametric method. {\rm Results.} The radiative accelerations, shown here in a typical Am stellar model, are discussed in light of the observed anomalies of Ca and Sc. Our results suggest that the deeper mixing scenario is not entirely satisfactory: the mixing zone should be deeper than what is predicted by recent models to account for observed Sc underabundances. Our results seem more compatible with the scenario where the abundances anomalies are created in the superficial regions. However, only detailed evolutionary modelling with mass loss and diffusion of all important species, including Ca and Sc, with accurate radiative accelerations, will be able to give more insight into where the source of these anomalies occur in AmFm stars.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Atmospheric velocity fields in tepid main sequence stars

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    The line profiles of the stars with v sin i below a few km/s can reveal direct signatures of local velocity fields (e.g. convection) in stellar atmospheres. This effect is well established in cool main sequence stars, and has been detected and studied in three A stars. This paper reports observations of main sequence B, A and F stars with two goals: (1) to identify additional stars having sufficiently low values of v sin i to search for spectral line profile signatures of local velocity fields, and (2) to explore how the signatures of the local velocity fields in the atmosphere depend on stellar parameters such as effective temperature T_eff and peculiarity type. For stars having T_eff below about 10000 K, we always detect local atmospheric velocity fields indirectly through a non-zero microturbulence parameter, but not for hotter stars. Among the A and F stars in our sample having the sharpest lines, direct tracers of atmospheric velocity fields are found in six new stars. The velocity field signatures identified include asymmetric excess line wing absorption, deeper in the blue line wing than in the red; line profiles of strong lines that are poorly fit by computed profiles; and strong lines that are broader than they should be for the v sin i values deduced from weak lines. These effects are found in both normal and Am stars, but seem stronger in Am stars. These data still have not been satisfactorily explained by models of atmospheric convection, including numerical simulations.Comment: Acepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Late stages of the evolution of A-type stars on the main sequence: comparison between observed chemical abundances and diffusion models for 8 Am stars of the Praesepe cluster

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    Aims. We aim to provide observational constraints on diffusion models that predict peculiar chemical abundances in the atmospheres of Am stars. We also intend to check if chemical peculiarities and slow rotation can be explained by the presence of a weak magnetic field. Methods. We have obtained high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of eight previously-classified Am stars, two normal A-type stars and one Blue Straggler, considered to be members of the Praesepe cluster. For all of these stars we have determined fundamental parameters and photospheric abundances for a large number of chemical elements, with a higher precision than was ever obtained before for this cluster. For seven of these stars we also obtained spectra in circular polarization and applied the LSD technique to constrain the longitudinal magnetic field. Results. No magnetic field was detected in any of the analysed stars. HD 73666, a Blue Straggler previously considered as an Ap (Si) star, turns out to have the abundances of a normal A-type star. Am classification is not confirmed for HD 72942. For HD 73709 we have also calculated synthetic Delta-a photometry that is in good agreement with the observations. There is a generally good agreement between abundance predictions of diffusion models and values that we have obtained for the remaining Am stars. However, the observed Na and S abundances deviate from the predictions by 0.6 dex and >0.25 dex respectively. Li appears to be overabundant in three stars of our sample.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Chemical composition of A and F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster

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    Abundances of 18 chemical elements have been derived for 16 A (normal and chemically peculiar CP) and 5 F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster in order to set constraints on evolutionary models. The abundances, rotational velocities and microturbulent velocities were derived by iteratively adjusting synthetic spectra to observations at high resolution (R~42000 and R~75000) and high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios. The abundances obtained do not exhibit any clear correlation with the effective temperature nor the projected rotational velocity. Interestingly, A stars exhibit larger star-to-star variations in C, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Sr, Y, Zr and Ba than F stars. F stars exhibit solar abundances for almost all the elements. In A stars, the abundances of Si, Ti and Cr are found to be correlated with that of Fe, the [X/Fe] ratios being solar for these three elements. The derived abundances have been compared to the predictions of published evolutionary models at the age of Pleiades (100 Myr). For the F stars, the predicted slight underabundances of light elements and overabundances of Cr, Fe and Ni are indeed confirmed by our findings. For A stars, the predicted overabundances in iron peak elements are confirmed in a few stars only. The large scatter of the abundances in A stars, already found in the Hyades, Coma Berenices and the UMa group and in field stars appears to be a characteristic property of dwarf A stars. The occurence of hydrodynamical processes competing with radiative diffusion in the radiative zones of the A dwarfs might account for the found scatter in abundances.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&

    AmFm and lithium gap stars: Stellar evolution models with mass loss

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    A thorough study of the effects of mass loss on internal and surface abundances of A and F stars is carried out in order to constrain mass loss rates for these stars, as well as further elucidate some of the processes which compete with atomic diffusion. Self-consistent stellar evolution models of 1.3 to 2.5 M_sun stars including atomic diffusion and radiative accelerations for all species within the OPAL opacity database were computed with mass loss and compared to observations as well as previous calculations with turbulent mixing. Models with unseparated mass loss rates between 5 x 10^-14 and 10^-13 M_sun/yr reproduce observations for many cluster AmFm stars as well as Sirius A and o Leonis. These models also explain cool Fm stars, but not the Hyades lithium gap. Like turbulent mixing, these mass loss rates reduce surface abundance anomalies; however, their effects are very different with respect to internal abundances. For most of the main sequence lifetime of an A or F star, surface abundances in the presence of such mass loss depend on separation which takes place between log(Delta M/M_star)= -6 and -5. The current observational constraints do not allow us to conclude that mass loss is to be preferred over turbulent mixing (induced by rotation or otherwise) in order to explain the AmFm phenomenon. Internal concentration variations which could be detectable through asteroseismic tests should provide further information. If atomic diffusion coupled with mass loss are to explain the Hyades Li gap, the wind would need to be separated.Comment: 27 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Abundances and search for vertical stratification in the atmospheres of four HgMn stars

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    Using high resolution, high-S/N archival UVES spectra, we have performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 4 chemically peculiar HgMn stars (HD 71066, HD 175640, HD 178065 and HD 221507). Using spectrum synthesis, mean photospheric chemical abundances are derived for 22 ions of 16 elements. We find good agreement between our derived abundances and those published previously by other authors. For the 5 elements that present a sufficient number of suitable lines, we have attempted to detect vertical chemical stratification by analyzing the dependence of derived abundance as a function of optical depth. For most elements and most stars we find no evidence of chemical stratification with typical 3\sigma upper limits of \Delta\log N_elem/N_tot~0.1-0.2 dex per unit optical depth. However, for Mn in the atmosphere of HD 178065 we find convincing evidence of stratification. Modeling of the line profiles using a two-step model for the abundance of Mn yields a local abundance varying approximately linearly by ~0.7 dex through the optical depth range log \tau_5000=-3.6 to -2.8.Comment: 11 figures, 9 tables, table 6-9 (online material), accepted by MNRA

    No detection of large-scale magnetic fields at the surfaces of Am and HgMn stars

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    We investigate the magnetic dichotomy between Ap/Bp and other A-type stars by carrying out a deep spectropolarimetric study of Am and HgMn stars. Using the NARVAL spectropolarimeter at the Telescope Bernard Lyot (Observatoire du Pic du Midi, France), we obtained high-resolution circular polarisation spectroscopy of 12 Am stars and 3 HgMn stars. Using Least Squares Deconvolution (LSD), no magnetic field is detected in any of the 15 observed stars. Uncertaintiies as low as 0.3 G (respectively 1 G) have been reached for surface-averaged longitudinal magnetic field measurements for Am (respectively HgMn) stars. Associated with the results obtained previously for Ap/Bp stars, our study confirms the existence of a magnetic dichotomy among A-type stars. Our data demonstrate that there is at least one order of magnitude difference in field strength between Zeeman detected stars (Ap/Bp stars) and non Zeeman detected stars (Am and HgMn stars). This result confirms that the spectroscopically-defined Ap/Bp stars are the only A-type stars harbouring detectable large-scale surface magnetic fields.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&