87 research outputs found

    Radiation phase of a dipole field

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    In the case of a dipole electromagnetic radiation, the operator of the "radiation phase" is defined. It is shown that this operator has a discrete spectrum with eigenvalues, lying in the segment [0,2π]. Some properties of the radiation phase and polarization are discussed

    Dual representation of dipole photons

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    The quantum polarization and phase properties of an electric dipole radiation are examined. It is shown that, unlike the classical picture, the quantum description of polarization needs nine independent Stokes operators, forming a representation of SU (3) sub-algebra in the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra of photons. A corresponding Cartan algebra determines the cosine and sine of the radiation phase operators. A new representation of dipole photons is proposed. The generators of the Cartan algebra are diagonal in this representation so that the corresponding number states describe the number of photons with given radiation phase. The eigenstates of the radiation phase are determined. They have a discrete spectrum and natural behaviour in the classical limit. The relation between the radiation phase, operational phases and the Pegg-Barnett approach is discussed

    Quantum-statistical properties of a Raman-type model

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    A model describing three boson fields with the decay of Rayleigh mode into the Stokes and vibration (phonon) modes is examined. The problem of exact eigenvalues and eigenstates is reduced to the calculation of zeros of new orthogonal polynomials defined in terms of difference and differential equations. The instability of the spectrum of eigenvalues is established. The quantum-statistical properties are investigated for various initial conditions. The possibility of using the correlation Raman spectroscopy to measure the quantum-statistical properties of the vibration mode is discussed. © 1993 The American Physical Society

    Statistics of Raman-active excitations via measurement of Stokes-anti-Stokes correlations

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    A general fundamental relation connecting the correlation of Stokes and anti-Stokes modes to the quantum statistical behavior of vibration and pump modes in Raman-active materials is derived. We show that under certain conditions this relation can be used to determine the equilibrium number variance of phonons. Time and temperature ranges for which such conditions can be satisfied are studied and found to be available in today's experimental standards. Furthermore, we examine the results in the presence of multimode pump as well as for the coupling of pump to the many vibration modes and discuss their validity in these cases. ©1999 The American Physical Society

    General approach to quantum entanglement

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    We examine quantum entanglement as a physical phenomenon independent of specific problems of quantum information technologies. Within the dynamic symmetry approach, we briefly discuss the role of quantum fluctuations in formation of entangled states, including single-particle entanglement, relativity of entanglement with respect to the choice of basic observables, and stabilization of robust entanglement. © Nauka/Interperiodica 2007

    Conditions for observation of Rabi oscillations in an exciton-polariton system

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    The pure quantum model describing Rabi oscillations of exciton-polaritons (EP) in a micro-cavity with finite quality is considered. It is shown that the oscillations can be observed if the cavity damping rate does not exceed some critical value depending on the EP coupling constant and the detuning of the cavity mode. An explicit expression for the renormalized Rabi frequency is found. Comparison of the results with experimental data shows a good agreement. © 1995

    Maximum entanglement and its proper measure

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    We discuss a definition of maximally entangled states in terms of maximum uncertainty of corresponding measurements. We describe a method of construction of bases of maximally entangled states. The entangled states that can be obtained from the maximally entangled states by means of SLOCC (stochastic local operations assisted by classical communications) we consider as semistable vectors. We discuss a measure of entanglement expressed in terms of a geometric invariant

    Quantum phase in the Jaynes-Cummings model describing an electric dipole transition

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    The quantum phase properties of radiation in the Jaynes-Cummings model for an electric dipole transition are examined. It is shown that due to the conservation of the angular momentum the quantum "phase information" is coherently transmitted from the atom to radiation and vice versa. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V

    Relation between quantum statistics of phonons and scattered light

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    The resonance model of the Raman process with the generation of a Stokes component is solved exactly. The asymptotic behavior of the solution is discussed. Mandel's Q-factor is calculated as a function of time both for the Stokes and the Rayleigh components for their dependence on the quantum statistical properties of the vibration mode (phonons). A qualitative difference between the cases of uncorrelated and correlated phonons is found which may have interesting experimental implications. © 1993

    Polarization of dipole radiation in quantum domain

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    For a dipole radiation, the set of generalized Stokes parameters and corresponding Stokes operators are discussed. A qualitatively new behavior of quantum fluctuations of the Stokes parameters is predicted. The possibility to check this behavior in the eight-port operational measurement is shown