270 research outputs found

    Aplicación de TIG en la reconstrucción de las disfunciones territoriales históricas de sistemas de dunas de Canarias

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    En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de integración de fuentes y técnicas para la reconstrucción de las condiciones naturales y de los usos del suelo acaecidos en períodos históricos próximos, con el fin de caracterizar disfunciones territoriales en sistemas frágiles desde el punto de vista natural, y estratégicos desde el punto de vista económico, como son los campos de dunas de Canarias. Se procede por medio del desarrollo de métodos de análisis histórico, como el contraste entre fuentes (interpretación de fotografías aéreas, análisis de textos históricos y de otros documentos y entrevistas a personas mayores), cuyos resultados se integran en un SIG. El contraste entre esta información y la obtenida de documentos recientes o actuales, permite reconstruir la evolución espacio-temporal acaecida desde que sucedieran tales hechos históricos, y entender la dinámica actual de los sistemas objeto de estudio. Se muestran en este trabajo algunos resultados obtenidos en el sistema de dunas de Maspalomas y en el extinto campo de dunas de Guanarteme, ambos en la isla de Gran Canaria, que han permitido interpretar de forma más exacta algunos procesos relacionados con la dinámica natural de estos sistemas.In this paper we present an example of integration of sources and techniques for the reconstruction of natural conditions and land use development in recent historical periods, in order to characterize some dysfunctions in the dune fields of the Canary Islands, which are fragile systems from an environmental point of view, and strategic in economic terms. We proceeded through the development of methods of historical analysis, as the contrast between sources (aerial photo interpretation, analysis of historical texts and other documents and interviews to older people), whose results were integrated into a GIS. The contrast between this information and recent documents allowed us the reconstruction of the evolution during the period since the occurrence of such historical facts, and understand the current dynamics of the systems under study. We show in this paper some results obtained in the Maspalomas dune system and in the late dune field of Guanarteme, both of them located in the island of Gran Canaria. These results have allowed us to accurate the interpretation of some processes related to the natural dynamics of these systems

    Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation of corrosion inhibitor films on copper

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    In this work, the applicability of localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS) to characterize metal-corrosion inhibitor systems has been investigated. Copper corrosion inhibition by benzotriazole (BTA) and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) has been studied, and compared to the electrochemical behaviour of the non inhibited metal. A rather wide frequency range of the AC potential signal was employed, namely 50 mHz ≤ f ≤ 65 kHz. The measurements were conducted for different probe-substrate distances in order to explore the effect of the different component of the localized impedance. Nyquist diagrams exhibit inductive loops in the high frequency range, and capacitive semicircles at intermediate and low frequencies for all the systems investigated, though they were affected in a different extent by the variation of the probe-substrate distance depending on the surface condition of the metal samples, this effect being more notorious for distances smaller than the dimensions of the bi-electrode probe

    Validation of a reduced scale to assess basic learning skills of university students

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    [ES] La relación entre evaluación y desarrollo de las competencias básicas para el aprendizaje del alumnado universitario es indiscutible, pues la evaluación juega un papel relevante al determinar lo que aprende el alumnado y la forma en la que realiza sus tareas académicas. Con el objetivo de contribuir en el avance de la metodología evaluativa para la valoración de dichas competencias, este estudio pretende validar una escala reducida la cual ha sido adaptada del Autoinforme de desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los estudiantes –COMPES-. Dicha escala busca medir, de forma concisa y breve, el nivel competencial percibido por parte del alumnado respecto a un conjunto de competencias básicas relacionadas con la participación del discente en la evaluación del aprendizaje. A través de un estudio de validación, a partir de las respuestas ofrecidas por una muestra de 480 estudiantes universitarios, se analiza la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna de la escala reducida. Los análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio, así como el análisis de consistencia asociado, muestran un modelo ajustado con 14 ítems distribuidos en cuatro dimensiones: Análisis; Resolución y Argumentación Creativa; Valoración y comunicación; Evaluación como proceso de aprendizaje y Trabajo en equipo. En conclusión, se hace patente, en primer lugar, el binomio evaluación y aprendizaje universitario y, en segundo lugar, la necesidad y utilidad de contar con una escala validada y reducida de autopercepción de las competencias básicas de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario.[EN] The relationship between evaluation and development of the basic competences for the learning of the university students is indisputable, since the evaluation plays an important role in determining what the students learn and the way in which they carry out their academic tasks. With the aim of contributing to the advancement of the evaluation methodology for the assessment of these competences, this study aims to validate a small scale which has been adapted from the Self-report on the development of the basic competences of the students –COMPES-. This scale seeks to measure, in a concise and brief way, the level of competence perceived by the students with respect to a set of basic competences related to the participation of the student in the evaluation of learning. Through a validation study, based on the answers offered by a sample of 480 university students, the factorial structure and internal consistency of the reduced scale are analyzed. The factorial, exploratory and confirmatory analyses, as well as the associated consistency analysis, show an adjusted model with 14 items distributed in four dimensions: Analysis; Resolution and Creative Argumentation; Assessment and communication; Evaluation as a learning process and Teamwork. In conclusion, it becomes clear, firstly, the binomial evaluation and university learning and, secondly, the need and usefulness of having a validated and reduced scale of self-perception of the basic learning competences of university students.Chiva Sanchis, I.; Ramos Santana, G.; Moral Mora, A.; Pérez Carbonell, A. (2021). Validación de una escala reducida para valorar competencias básicas de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 19(1):129-145. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2021.15125OJS129145191Abal, F.J.P., Auné, S.E., Lozzia, G.S. y Attorresi, H.F. (2017). Funcionamiento de la categoría central en ítems de Confianza para la Matemática. Revista Evaluar, 17(2), 18-31. https://doi.org/10.35670/1667-4545.v17.n2.18717Albareda, S. y Gonzalvo, M. (2013). Competencias genéricas en sostenibilidad en Educación Superior. Revisión y compilación. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 32, 141-159. http://dx.doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2013.32.141-159Arias, I. M. (2015). Diseño y validación de un cuestionario de escala formativa para valorar las competencias transversales de estudiantes universitarios. Una propuesta para dispositivos móviles basada en Android. [Tesis doctoral]. ]. https://doi.org/10.17345/ute.2015.1.661Baartman, L. y Ruijs, L. (2011). Comparing students' perceived and actual competence in higher vocational education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(4), 385-398. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2011.553274Bagozzi, R.P. y Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equatios models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (1), 74-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02723327Bolívar, A. (2008). El discurso de las competencias en España: educación básica y educación superior. Red-U. Revista Electrónica de Docencia Universitari, 6 (2), 2-23. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2008.6268Bollen, K.A (1989). Structural equations Mth latent variables. Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118619179Boud, D. y Molloy, E. (coord.) (2015). El feedback en educación superior y profesional. Madrid: Narcea ediciones.Browne, M.W., y Cudeck, R. (1992). Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit. Sociological Methods and Research, 21, 230-258. https://doi.org/10.1177/0049124192021002005Campo-Arias, A. y Oviedo, H. C. (2008). Propiedades Psicométricas de una Escala: la Consistencia Interna. Revista de Salud Pública, 10(5),831-839. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0124-00642008000500015Clemente, J.S., y Escribá C. (2013). Análisis de la percepción de las competencias genéricas adquiridas en la Universidad. Revista de Educación, 362, 535-561. https://doi.org/10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2013-362-241Días, C.B., Caro, N.P. y Gauna, E.J. (2015). Cambio en las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la nueva Generación Z o de los "nativos digitales". Repositorio Digital. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12579/4134Fernández, E., Bernardo, A., Suárez, N., Cerezo, R., Núñez, J.C., y Rosario, P. (2013). Predicción del uso de estrategias de autorregulación en educación superior. Anales de Psicología, 29(3), 865-875. http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesps.29.3.139341Frías, D., y Pascual, M. (2012). Prácticas del Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) en la investigación sobre conducta del consumidor y marketing. Suma Psicológica, 19 (1), 47-58.Gargallo, B., Almerich, G., Suárez-Rodríguez, J.M. y García-Félix, E. (2012). Estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios excelentes y medios. Su evolución a lo largo del primer año de carrera. RELIEVE, 18 (2), 1-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/relieve.18.2.2000Gijbels, D. (2011). Assessment of vocational competence in higher education: reflections and prospects. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(4), 381-383. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2011.581859Gómez-Ruiz, M.A., Rodríguez-Gómez, G. e Ibarra, M.S. (2013a). Desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los estudiantes de Educación Superior mediante la e-Evaluación orientada al aprendizaje. RELIEVE, 19 (1). http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/relieve.19.1.2457Gómez-Ruiz, M.A., Rodríguez-Gómez, G. e Ibarra, M.S. (2013b). COMPES: Autoinforme sobre las competencias básicas relacionadas con la evaluación de los estudiantes universitarios. Estudios sobre Educación, 24, 197-224.Henson, R.K., y Roberts, J.K. (2006). Use of Exploratory Analysis in Published Research: Common Errors and Some Comments on Improved Practice. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66, 393-416. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164405282485Hu, L.T., y Bentler, P.M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705519909540118JQI (Joint Quality Initiative) (2004). Shared 'Dublin' descriptors for Short Cycle, First Cycle, Second Cycle and Third Cycle Awards. https://www.aqu.cat/doc/doc_24496811_1.pdfLance, C.E., Butts, M.M., y Michels, L.C. (2006). The sources of four commonly reported cutoff criteria: what did they really say? Organizational Research Methods, 9(2), 202-220. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094428105284919Law, W., Elliot, A.J. y Murayama, K. (2012). Perceived competence modera¬tes the relation between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(3), 806-819. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0027179Lizasoain, L., Etxeberria, J., y Lukas, J.F. (2017). Propuesta de un nuevo cuestionario de evaluación de los profesores de la Universidad del País Vasco. Estudio psicométrico, dimensional y diferencial. RELIEVE, 23(2). https://doi.org/10.7203/relieve.23.2.10436Lloret, S., Ferreres, A., Hernández-Baeza, A., y Tomás, I. (2014). El análisis factorial exploratorio de los ítems: una guía práctica, revisada y actualizada. Anales de Psicología, 30(3), 1151-1169. http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesps.30.3.199361Loehlin, J.C., y Beaujean, A.A. (2017). Latent variable models: An introduction to factor, path, and structural equation analysis. New York: Taylor & Francis.López Castro, M., y Pantoja, A. (2017). Escala para valorar la percepción y grado de satisfacción del profesorado de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía respecto a los procesos tutoriales. Revista Complutense De Educación, 29(1), 287-306. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCED.52286Marko, I., Pikabea, I., Altuna, J., Eizagirre, A., y Perez-Sostoa, V. (2019). Propuesta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales en el Grado de Pedagogía. Un estudio de caso. Revista Complutense De Educación, 30(2), 381-398. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCED.57490Martínez-Clares, P., y González-Morga, N. (2018). Las competencias transversales en la universidad: propiedades psicométricas de un cuestionario. Educación XX1, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.5944/educxx1.20194Meroño, L., Calderón, A., Arias-Estero, J.-L., y Méndez-Giménez, A. (2017). Diseño y validación del cuestionario de percepción del profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre el aprendizaje del alumnado basado en competencias (#ICOMpri2). Revista Complutense De Educación, 29(1), 215-235. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCED.52200Moratto, N., Cárdenas, N. y Berbesí, D. (2012). Validación de un cuestionario breve para detectar intimidación escolar. Revista CES Psicología, 5(2), 70-78.National Union of Students. (2010). Charter on Assessment and Feedback.Navarro-Saldaña, G. (2017). Responsabilidad social universitaria en las universidades del siglo XXI. Conferencia realizada el 1 de febrero en la Inauguración del Programa Formación Integral del profesorado Universitario (FIPU). Universitat de València (Por Cortesía de la autora).Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales. (BOE de 30 de octubre).Real Decreto 1027/2011, de 15 de julio, por el que se establece el Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior. (BOE de 3 de agosto)Rodríguez-Espinar, S. (2015). Los estudiantes universitarios de hoy: una visión multinivel. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 13 (2), 91-124. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5440Rodríguez-Gómez, G., Ibarra, M.S. y Cubero, J. (2018). Competencias básicas relacionadas con la evaluación. Un estudio sobre la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios. Educación XXI, 21(1), 181-207. https://doi.org/10.5944/educxx1.20184Rodríguez-Gómez, G., Ibarra, M.S., Gallego, B., Gómez-Ruiz, M.A. y Quesada, V. (2012). 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    Inhibition of somatosensory mechanotransduction by annexin A6

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    Mechanically activated, slowly adapting currents in sensory neurons have been linked to noxious mechanosensation. The conotoxin NMB-1 (noxious mechanosensation blocker-1) blocks such currents and inhibits mechanical pain. Using a biotinylated form of NMB-1 in mass spectrometry analysis, we identified 67 binding proteins in sensory neurons and a sensory neuron-derived cell line, of which the top candidate was annexin A6, a membrane-associated calcium-binding protein. Annexin A6-deficient mice showed increased sensitivity to mechanical stimuli. Sensory neurons from these mice showed increased activity of the cation channel Piezo2, which mediates a rapidly adapting mechano-gated current linked to proprioception and touch, and a decrease in mechanically activated, slowly adapting currents. Conversely, overexpression of annexin A6 in sensory neurons inhibited rapidly adapting currents that were partially mediated by Piezo2. Furthermore, overexpression of annexin A6 in sensory neurons attenuated mechanical pain in a mouse model of osteoarthritis, a disease in which mechanically evoked pain is particularly problematic. These data suggest that annexin A6 can be exploited to inhibit chronic mechanical pain

    Total lipids, fatty acid composition, total cholesterol and lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins in the longissimus lumborum muscle of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) from different production systems of the Brazilian Eastern Amazon

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyThe aim of this study was to analyze the influence of distinct production systems and seasonal variation in the Brazilian Eastern Amazon on the meat lipid composition of water buffaloes. Water buffaloes were reared in commercial farms in the Eastern Amazon either in extensive systems (Marajó Island, Nova Timboteua and Santarém locations), during rainy or dry seasons, or intensive (feedlot) systems. Animals reared in extensive systems were fed natural pastures, and those reared in feedlots were fed sorghum silage and commercial pellets. Buffaloes were slaughtered and ribeye muscle (longissimus lumborum) samples collected. Lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids were analyzed. The nutritional value of meat from buffaloes reared in Marajó Island extensive system during the rainy season was higher than that of other systems, as it had lower levels of cholesterol and higher amounts of α-tocopherol associated with higher hypocholesterolaemic/hypercholesterolaemic ratio and lower index of atherogenic. Also, this meat had lower percentages of saturated fatty acids and higher proportions of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly n-3 PUFA, with increased PUFA/saturated fatty acids ratio and decreased n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio. However, all extensive systems produced meat with a relatively low index of thrombogenicity values, which is advantageous for human healthinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mesotelioma peritoneal multiquístico benigno: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Introducción: El mesotelioma peritoneal multiquístico benigno (MPMB) es una entidad con muy baja incidencia que se presentan con mayor frecuencia en mujeres jóvenes. Caso clínico: Paciente de 17 años que consulta por amenorrea secundaria. Además, refería pérdida de peso, estreñimiento y molestias abdominales. La exploración fue normal y en las pruebas de imagen se objetivó una pelvis ocupada por una masa multiquística, de unos 20 cm de diámetro máximo, de paredes finas y contenido anecoico. Se solicitaron marcadores tumorales de los cuales sólo se encontró elevado el CA 19.9 (35, 2 U/mL). Se decidió realizar una laparoscopia exploradora para establecer un diagnóstico y ante los hallazgos y al considerarse la masa fácilmente resecable, en el mismo acto quirúrgico se extirpó por completo para su estudio anatomopatológico, que confirmó un MPMB. Se desestimaron tratamientos adicionales y actualmente se encuentra en seguimiento y asintomática. Conclusión: La patogénesis del MPMB no está clara. Algunos autores defienden que se trata de una reacción peritoneal a un daño inflamatorio, otros apoyan que se trata de una neoplasia benigna. Esta naturaleza incierta, junto con la escasa experiencia, hacen que el manejo resulte complejo. Es necesario individualizar cada caso e intentar ser conservadores especialmente en pacientes jóvenes. Si se opta por un manejo activo, lo más acertado es la citorreducción completa seguida de quimioterapia hipertérmica peritoneal. El seguimiento, en cualquier caso, debe ser exhaustivo y multidisciplinar principalmente con pruebas de imagen. Background: Benign Multicystic Peritoneal Mesothelioma (BMPM) is an entity with a very low incidence that occurs more frequently in young women. Case report: A 17-year-old woman attended for secondary amenorrhea. She also referred to weight loss, constipation and abdominal discomfort. The examination was normal and echography revealed a pelvis occupied by a 20 centimeters multicystic mass, with thin walls and anechoic content. A preoperative study with tumor markers was requested in which only a CA 19.9 elevation was observed (35.2 U/ml 0-27). It was decided to perform an exploratory laparoscopy to establish a diagnosis. Due to the findings and because of the fact that the mass was considered easy to remove, it was completely removed in the same surgical act. The pathological result confirmed a BMPM. Additional treatments have been dismissed and are the patient is currently being followed up without symptoms. Conclusion: The pathogenesis of BMPM is unclear. Some authors argue that it is a peritoneal reaction to inflammatory damage, others support that it is a benign neoplasm. This uncertain nature coupled with limited experience make management complex. It is necessary to evaluate each case and try to be conservative especially in young patients. If surgery management is chosen, complete cytoreduction followed by hyperthermic peritoneal chemotherapy is the most successful option. The follow-up in any case must be exhaustive and multidisciplinary, mainly with imaging tests

    Adsorption Of A Copper (ii) Complex On Calcium Phosphate Intercalated With 4-aminobenzoic Acid -synthesis And Electrochemical Investigation

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    In this study, the adsorption isotherm of copper (II) on a calcium phosphate host intercalated with 4-aminobenzoic acid in an ethanol solution was investigated. This gave a maximum adsorption capacity of 1.74 mmol g -1. The material was incorporated into a carbon-paste electrode, and its electrochemical properties were investigated. However, for a dopamine solution, the anodic peak current increased owing to the electrocatalytic oxidation. The electrode presented the same response for at least 150 successive measurements, showing good repeatability. The modified electrode is very stable and reproducible. The electrode sensor was successfully applied for dopamine determination in pharmaceutical preparations.36811701175Song, S., Clark, R.A., Bowden, E.F., Taylor, M.J., (1993) J. Phys. Chem., 97, p. 6564Edmonds, T., (1988) Chemical Sensors, , Blackie: GlasgowYabuki, S., Mizutani, F., Asai, M., (1991) Biosens. 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    A novel human pain insensitivity disorder caused by a point mutation in ZFHX2

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    Chronic pain is a major global public health issue causing a severe impact on both the quality of life for sufferers and the wider economy. Despite the significant clinical burden, little progress has been made in terms of therapeutic development. A unique approach to identifying new human-validated analgesic drug targets is to study rare families with inherited pain insensitivity. Here we have analysed an otherwise normal family where six affected individuals display a pain insensitive phenotype that is characterized by hyposensitivity to noxious heat and painless bone fractures. This autosomal dominant disorder is found in three generations and is not associated with a peripheral neuropathy. A novel point mutation in ZFHX2, encoding a putative transcription factor expressed in small diameter sensory neurons, was identified by whole exome sequencing that segregates with the pain insensitivity. The mutation is predicted to change an evolutionarily highly conserved arginine residue 1913 to a lysine within a homeodomain. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice bearing the orthologous murine p.R1907K mutation, as well as Zfhx2 null mutant mice, have significant deficits in pain sensitivity. Gene expression analyses in dorsal root ganglia from mutant and wild-Type mice show altered expression of genes implicated in peripheral pain mechanisms. The ZFHX2 variant and downstream regulated genes associated with a human pain-insensitive phenotype are therefore potential novel targets for the development of new analgesic drugs. awx326media1 5680039660001 The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.We thank the Medical Research Council (J.J.C., Career Development Award, G1100340), Wellcome Trust (200183/ Z/15/Z and 101054/Z/13/Z) and Arthritis Research UK (20200) for generous support and Shionogi for an academic research grant (165302). Thanks to the University of Siena for partially funding this research. J.T.B. is supported by a Research Fellowship from the Alzheimer�s Society. J.D.R. received funding from the Wellcome Trust through the London Pain Consortium and from Colciencias through a Francisco Jose de Caldas Scholarship (LASPAU, Harvard University). D.L.H.B. is a Wellcome senior clinical scientist (ref. no. 095698z/11/z and 202747/Z/16/Z) and member of the Wellcome Pain Consortium.Scopu

    DIS and the effects of fluctuations: a momentum space analysis

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    Among the dipole models of deep inelastic scattering at small values of the Bjorken variable xx, one has been recently proposed which relates the virtual photon-proton cross section to the dipole-proton forward scattering amplitude in momentum space. The latter is parametrized by an expression which interpolates between its behavior at saturation and the travelling wave, ultraviolet, amplitudes predicted by perturbative QCD from the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. Inspired by recent developments in coordinate space, we use this model to parametrize the proton structure function and confront it to HERA data on epep deep inelastic scattering. Both event-by-event and the physical amplitudes are considered, the latter used to investigate the effect of gluon number fluctuations, beyond the mean-field approximation. We conclude that fluctuations are not present in DIS at HERA energies.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Modelling spectral and timing properties of accreting black holes: the hybrid hot flow paradigm

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    The general picture that emerged by the end of 1990s from a large set of optical and X-ray, spectral and timing data was that the X-rays are produced in the innermost hot part of the accretion flow, while the optical/infrared (OIR) emission is mainly produced by the irradiated outer thin accretion disc. Recent multiwavelength observations of Galactic black hole transients show that the situation is not so simple. Fast variability in the OIR band, OIR excesses above the thermal emission and a complicated interplay between the X-ray and the OIR light curves imply that the OIR emitting region is much more compact. One of the popular hypotheses is that the jet contributes to the OIR emission and even is responsible for the bulk of the X-rays. However, this scenario is largely ad hoc and is in contradiction with many previously established facts. Alternatively, the hot accretion flow, known to be consistent with the X-ray spectral and timing data, is also a viable candidate to produce the OIR radiation. The hot-flow scenario naturally explains the power-law like OIR spectra, fast OIR variability and its complex relation to the X-rays if the hot flow contains non-thermal electrons (even in energetically negligible quantities), which are required by the presence of the MeV tail in Cyg X-1. The presence of non-thermal electrons also lowers the equilibrium electron temperature in the hot flow model to <100 keV, making it more consistent with observations. Here we argue that any viable model should simultaneously explain a large set of spectral and timing data and show that the hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot flow model satisfies most of the constraints.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures. To be published in the Space Science Reviews and as hard cover in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher