27 research outputs found

    Using isotopic dilution to assess chemical extraction of labile Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils

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    Chemical extractants used to measure labile soil metal must ideally select for and solubilise the labile fraction, with minimal solubilisation of non-labile metal. We assessed four extractants (0.43 M HNO3, 0.43 M CH3COOH, 0.05 M Na2H2EDTA and 1 M CaCl2) against these requirements. For soils contaminated by contrasting sources, we compared isotopically exchangeable Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb (EValue, mg kg-1), with the concentrations of metal solubilised by the chemical extractants (MExt, mg kg-1). Crucially, we also determined isotopically exchangeable metal in the soil–extractant systems (EExt, mg kg-1). Thus ‘EExt - EValue’ quantifies the concentration of mobilised non-labile metal, while ‘EExt - MExt’ represents adsorbed labile metal in the presence of the extractant. Extraction with CaCl2 consistently underestimated EValue for Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb, while providing a reasonable estimate of EValue for Cd. In contrast, extraction with HNO3 both consistently mobilised non-labile metal and overestimated the EValue. Extraction with CH3COOH appeared to provide a good estimate of EValue for Cd; however, this was the net outcome of incomplete solubilisation of labile metal, and concurrent mobilisation of non-labile metal by the extractant (MExt EValue). The Na2H2EDTA extractant mobilised some non-labile metal in three of the four soils, but consistently solubilised the entire labile fraction for all soil-metal combinations (MExt ≈ EExt). Comparison of EValue, MExt and EExt provides a rigorous means of assessing the underlying action of soil chemical extraction methods and could be used to refine long-standing soil extraction methodologies

    Using isotope dilution assays to understand speciation changes in Cd, Zn, Pb and Fe in a soil model system under simulated flooding conditions

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    Flooded soils are systems with complex chemistry and understanding the mechanisms that control the mobility and bioavailability of metals in these soils is important for their management. This work uses stable metal multi-element isotopic dilution combined with sequential extraction assays to help understand the changes in solid and solution speciation of Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn in a contaminated soil following submergence. However, it is necessary to ensure that the isotopic dilution principles, originally developed for aerobic soils, are not compromised; in particular due to the presence of non-labile colloids in the solution phase. In particular, no studies examining the validity of these assays in systems where rapid pH and Eh changes are occurring due to fermentation reactions have been published. Thus sucrose (0.42% and 1.26% added C) was used as a carbon source to stimulate bacterial mediated fermentation reactions allowing changes in Cd, Zn, Fe and Pb isotopic exchangeability, speciation and solution chemistry to be examined after 10, 20 and 42 days of submergence. Without the addition of added C, submergence for 42 days only produced minor changes in the speciation of the metals in solid or solution phases. However, the presence of easily labile carbon produced significant responses depending on the quantity of C added. Assessments of whether fermentation products caused over-estimation of the isotopically exchangeable pool of metals (E-values) were made by measuring concentrations with and without a resin purification step. Results showed generally good agreement over a pH range of 4–7 for Pb, Cd, Zn and Fe and demonstrate that fermentation by-products do not induce the formation of non-exchangeable metal colloids. E-value concentrations were compared with fractions extracted using a modified Tessier sequential extraction. With no carbonate phases present in the soils, the E-values for Cd, Zn, Fe and Pb compared favourably with the concentrations of metal present in the combined solution, exchangeable and specifically adsorbed fractions. This provided additional evidence that the conditions for the isotopic dilution assays were not violated as these fractions should be isotopically exchangeable. Combining results from the different treatments and stages of the reduction process, strong pH dependence was found for the isotopically exchangeable and the solution pools of Cd, Zn and Pb

    Potential health and economic impacts of dexamethasone treatment for patients with COVID-19

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    Acknowledgements We thank all members of the COVID-19 International Modelling Consortium and their collaborative partners. This work was supported by the COVID-19 Research Response Fund, managed by the Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford. L.J.W. is supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation. R.A. acknowledges funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1193472).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effect of P2O5 and MnO2 on crystallization of magnetic glass ceramics

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    This work pointed out the effect of adding P2O5 and/or MnO2 on the crystallization behavior of magnetic glass ceramic in the system Fe2O3·ZnO·CaO·SiO2·B2O3. The differential thermal analysis of the quenched samples revealed decrease in the thermal effects by adding P2O5 and/or MnO2 to the base sample. The X-ray diffraction patterns show the development of nanometric magnetite crystals in a glassy matrix. Heat treatment at 800 °C for 2 h, under reducing atmosphere, caused an increase in the amount of the crystallized magnetite with the appearance of minor hematite and Ca2SiO4. The transmission electron microscope revealed a crystallite size in the range 10–30 nm. Magnetic hysteresis cycles were analyzed with a maximum applied field of 25 kOe at room temperature. The prepared magnetic glass ceramics are expected to be useful for localized treatment of cancer

    From platform to basin: the evolution of a Paleocene carbonate margin (Eastern Desert, Egypt)

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    In this study, progradation and the subsequent retrogradation of a late Paleocene isolated carbonate platform (Galala Mountains, Eastern Desert, Egypt) is demonstrated by variations of distinct facies associations from the platform margin in the north to the hemipelagic basin in the south. A combination of a sea-level drop and tectonic uplift at around 59 Ma (calcareous nannofossil biozone NP5) favored the initiation of the carbonate platform. From this time onwards, the facies distribution along the platform–basin transect can be subdivided into five facies belts comprising nine different facies associations. Their internal relationships and specific depositional settings are strongly coupled with the Maastrichtian–Paleocene seafloor topography, which resulted from local tectonic movements. Patch reefs and reef debris were deposited at the platform margin and the horizontally bedded limestones on the upper slope. Slumps and debris flows were stored on the lower slope. In the subhorizontal toe-of-slope facies belt, mass-flow deposits pass into calciturbidites. Further southwards in the basin, only hemipelagic marls were deposited. Between 59 and 56.2 Ma (NP5–NP8), the overall carbonate platform system prograded in several pulses. Distinct changes in facies associations from 56.2 to 55.5 Ma (NP9) resulted from rotational block movements. They led to increased subsidence at the platform margin and a coeval uplift in the toe-of-slope areas. This resulted in the retrogradation of the carbonate platform. Furthermore the patch-reef and reef-debris facies associations were substituted by the larger foraminifera shoal association. The retrogradation is also documented by a significant decrease in slump and debris-flow deposits on the slope and calciturbidites at the toe of slope