20 research outputs found

    Non-minimal coupling of the scalar field and inflation

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    We study the prescriptions for the coupling constant of a scalar field to the Ricci curvature of spacetime in specific gravity and scalar field theories. The results are applied to the most popular inflationary scenarios of the universe; their theoretical consistency and certain observational constraints are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTex, no figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Deciphering The Synergism Of Endogenous Glycoside Hydrolase Families 1 And 9 From Coptotermes Gestroi

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    Termites can degrade up to 90% of the lignocellulose they ingest using a repertoire of endogenous and symbiotic degrading enzymes. Termites have been shown to secrete two main glycoside hydrolases, which are GH1 (EC and GH9 (EC members. However, the molecular mechanism for lignocellulose degradation by these enzymes remains poorly understood. The present study was conducted to understand the synergistic relationship between GH9 (CgEG1) and GH1 (CgBG1) from Coptotermes gestroi, which is considered the major urban pest of SĂŁo Paulo State in Brazil. The goal of this work was to decipher the mode of operation of CgEG1 and CgBG1 through a comprehensive biochemical analysis and molecular docking studies. There was outstanding degree of synergy in degrading glucose polymers for the production of glucose as a result of the endo-ÎČ-1,4-glucosidase and exo-ÎČ-1,4-glucosidase degradation capability of CgEG1 in concert with the high catalytic performance of CgBG1, which rapidly converts the oligomers into glucose. Our data not only provide an increased comprehension regarding the synergistic mechanism of these two enzymes for cellulose saccharification but also give insight about the role of these two enzymes in termite biology, which can provide the foundation for the development of a number of important applied research topics, such as the control of termites as pests as well as the development of technologies for lignocellulose-to-bioproduct applications. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.4310970981Aguiar-Oliveira, E., Maugeri, F., Thermal stability of the immobilized fructosyltransferase from Rhodotorula sp. (2011) Braz. J. Chem. 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Biol., 43, pp. 91-101Soccol, C.R., Vandenberghe, L.P., Medeiros, A.B., Karp, S.G., Buckeridge, M., Ramos, L.P., Pitarelo, A.P., Torres, F.A., Bioethanol from lignocelluloses: status and perspectives in Brazil (2010) Bioresour. Technol., 101, pp. 4820-4825Souza, A., Leite, D., Pattathil, S., Hahn, M., Buckeridge, M., Composition and structure of sugarcane cell wall Polysaccharides: implications for second-generation bioethanol production (2013) Bioenerg. Res., 6, pp. 564-579Squina, F.M., Prade, R.A., Wang, H., Murakami, M.T., Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of an endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinanase from hyperthermophilic Thermotoga petrophila (2009) Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst Commun., 65, pp. 902-905Tartar, A., Wheeler, M.M., Zhou, X., Coy, M.R., Boucias, D.G., Scharf, M.E., Parallel metatranscriptome analyses of host and symbiont gene expression in the gut of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes (2009) Biotechnol. 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    Spatial and temporal variability of ice algal production in a 3D ice–ocean model of the Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait and Foxe Basin system

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    Do target and non-target ethnic group adolescents process advertisements differently?

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    Research on ethnic advertisements has identified attitudinal differences between target and non-target groups. However, investigators have largely failed to explain the reasons behind these differences. Accordingly, this study examines the process by which target and non-target group adolescents build attitudes towards ethnically focused advertisements. The Elaboration Likelihood Model and Dual Mediation Hypothesis models are used as theoretical and operational frameworks. This study uses a modified DMH model that incorporates ethnic identity strength and self-reference as important antecedents of ad attitude and ad cognition in the context of ethnic advertising. The data are analysed with the help of structural equation modelling procedures. The results suggest that non-target ethnic group adolescents generally process advertisements in a peripheral manner, whereas target ethnic group adolescents tend to engage in both central and peripheral processing. More importantly, for both majority and minority groups, the strength of subjects’ ethnic identity and self-reference impact their response to ethnic advertisements when the advertisement is compatible with their ethnic background