331 research outputs found

    Generalized conductance sum rule in atomic break junctions

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    When an atomic-size break junction is mechanically stretched, the total conductance of the contact remains approximately constant over a wide range of elongations, although at the same time the transmissions of the individual channels (valence orbitals of the junction atom) undergo strong variations. We propose a microscopic explanation of this phenomenon, based on Coulomb correlation effects between electrons in valence orbitals of the junction atom. The resulting approximate conductance quantization is closely related to the Friedel sum rule.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, appears in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop ``Size dependent magnetic scattering'', Pecs, Hungary, May 28 - June 1, 200

    Effect of FCNC mediated Z boson on lepton flavor violating decays

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    We study the three body lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^-, τlilj+lj\tau^- \to l_i^- l_j^+ l_j^- and the semileptonic decay τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi in the flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) mediated ZZ boson model. We also calculate the branching ratios for LFV leptonic B decays, Bd,sμeB_{d,s} \to \mu e, Bd,sτeB_{d,s} \to \tau e, Bd,sτμB_{d,s} \to \tau \mu and the conversion of muon to electron in Ti nucleus. The new physics parameter space is constrained by using the experimental limits on μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^- and τμμ+μ\tau^- \to \mu^- \mu^+ \mu^-. We find that the branching ratios for τeee\tau \to eee and τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi processes could be as large as O(108)\sim {\cal O}(10^{-8}) and BrBd,sτμ,τe)O(1010){\rm Br}B_{d,s} \to \tau \mu, \tau e) \sim {\cal O}(10^{-10}). For other LFV B decays the branching ratios are found to be too small to be observed in the near future.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, one more section added, version to appear in EPJ

    Probing the unparticle signal in bdb \to d penguin processes

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    We investigate the effect of unparticles in the pure bd b \to d penguin processes B0K0Kˉ0 B^0 \to K^0 \bar K^0 and B+,0ϕπ+,0B^{+,0} \to \phi \pi^{+,0} . Since these processes receive dominant contributions due to the {\it top} quark in the loop, direct and mixing-induced CP asymmetry parameters in these processes are expected to be vanishingly small in the standard model. We find that due to the unparticle effect sizable nonzero CP violation could be possible in these channels.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Adjustment of the electric current in pulsar magnetospheres and origin of subpulse modulation

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    The subpulse modulation of pulsar radio emission goes to prove that the plasma flow in the open field line tube breaks into isolated narrow streams. I propose a model which attributes formation of streams to the process of the electric current adjustment in the magnetosphere. A mismatch between the magnetospheric current distribution and the current injected by the polar cap accelerator gives rise to reverse plasma flows in the magnetosphere. The reverse flow shields the electric field in the polar gap and thus shuts up the plasma production process. I assume that a circulating system of streams is formed such that the upward streams are produced in narrow gaps separated by downward streams. The electric drift is small in this model because the potential drop in narrow gaps is small. The gaps have to drift because by the time a downward stream reaches the star surface and shields the electric field, the corresponding gap has to shift. The transverse size of the streams is determined by the condition that the potential drop in the gaps is sufficient for the pair production. This yields the radius of the stream roughly 10% of the polar cap radius, which makes it possible to fit in the observed morphological features such as the "carousel" with 10-20 subbeams and the system of the core - two nested cone beams.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Fe and N self-diffusion in amorphous FeN: A SIMS and neutron reflectivity study

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    Simultaneous measurement of self-diffusion of iron and nitrogen in amorphous iron nitride (Fe86N14) using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) technique has been done. In addition neutron reflectivity (NR) technique was employed to study the Fe diffusion in the same compound. The broadening of a tracer layer of 57Fe8615N14 sandwiched between Fe86N14 layers was observed after isothermal vacuum annealing of the films at different temperatures in SIMS measurements. And a decay of the Bragg peak intensity after isothermal annealing was observed in [Fe86N14/57Fe86N14]10 multilayers in NR. Strong structural relaxation of diffusion coefficient was observed below the crystallization temperature of the amorphous phase in both measurements. It was observed from the SIMS measurements that Fe diffusion was about 2 orders of magnitude smaller compared to nitrogen at a given temperature. The NR measurements reveal that the mechanism of Fe self-diffusion is very similar to that in metal-metal type metallic glasses. The structural relaxation time for Fe and N diffusion was found comparable indicating that the obtained relaxation time essentially pertain to the structural relaxation of the amorphous phase.Comment: 10 pages 12 figure

    Experimental Tests of Factorization in Charmless Non-Leptonic Two-Body B Decays

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    Using a theoretical framework based on the next-to-leading order QCD-improved effective Hamiltonian and a factorization Ansatz for the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators, we reassess branching fractions in two-body non-leptonic decays BPP,PV,VVB \to PP, PV, VV, involving the lowest lying light pseudoscalar (P)(P) and vector (V)(V) mesons in the standard model. Using the sensitivity of the decay rates on the effective number of colors, NcN_c, as a criterion of theoretical predictivity, we classify all the current-current (tree) and penguin transitions in five different classes. The recently measured charmless two-body BPPB \to PP decays (B+K+η,B0K0η,B0K+π,B+π+K0(B^+ \to K^+ \eta^\prime, B^0 \to K^0 \eta^\prime, B^0 \to K^+\pi^-, B^+ \to \pi^+ K^0 and charge conjugates) are dominated by the NcN_c-stable QCD penguins (class-IV transitions) and their estimates are consistent with data. The measured charmless BPVB \to PV (B+ωK+, B+ωh+)(B^+ \to \omega K^+, ~B^+ \to \omega h^+) and BVVB\to VV transition (BϕK)(B \to \phi K^*), on the other hand, belong to the penguin (class-V) and tree (class-III) transitions. The class-V penguin transitions are in general more difficult to predict. We propose a number of tests of the factorization framework in terms of the ratios of branching ratios for some selected Bh1h2B \to h_1 h_2 decays involving light hadrons h1h_1 and h2h_2, which depend only moderately on the form factors. We also propose a set of measurements to determine the effective coefficients of the current-current and QCD penguin operators. The potential impact of Bh1h2B \to h_1 h_2 decays on the CKM phenomenology is emphasized by analyzing a number of decay rates in the factorization framework.Comment: 64 pages (LaTex) including 13 figures, requires epsfig.sty; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Study of Bs-> \phi l^+ l^-$ Decay in a Single Universal Extra Dimension

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    Utilizing form factors calculated within the light-cone sum rules, we have evaluated the decay branching ratios of BsϕγB_s\to \phi\gamma and Bsϕ+B_s\to \phi \ell^+\ell^- in a single universal extra dimension model (UED), which is viewed as one of the alternative theories beyond the standard model (SM). For the decay Bsϕ+B_s \to \phi \ell^+\ell^-, the dilepton invariant mass spectra, the forward-backward asymmetry, and double lepton polarization are also calculated. For each case, we compared the obtained results with predictions of the SM. In lower values of the compactification factor 1/R, the only parameter in this model, we see the considerable discrepancy between the UED and SM models. However, when 1/R increases, the results of UED tend to diminish and at 1/R=1000GeV1/R = 1000 \mathrm{GeV}, two models have approximately the same predictions. Compared with data from CDF of Bsϕμ+μB_s \to \phi \mu^+ \mu^-, the 1/R tends to be larger than 350GeV350 \mathrm{GeV}. We also note that the zero crossing point of the forward-backward asymmetry is become smaller, which will be an important plat to prob the contribution from the extra dimension model. The results obtained in this work will be very useful in searching new physics beyond SM. Moreover, the order of magnitude for branching ratios shows a possibility to study these channels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CDF and the future super-B factory.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Gluino Contribution to Radiative B Decays: Organization of QCD Corrections and Leading Order Results

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    The gluino-induced contributions to the decay b-> s gamma are investigated in supersymmetric frameworks with generic sources of flavour violation. It is shown that, when QCD corrections are taken into account, the relevant operator basis of the Standard Model effective Hamiltonian gets enlarged to contain: i) magnetic and chromomagnetic operators with a factor of alpha_s and weighted by a quark mass m_b or m_c; ii) magnetic and chromomagnetic operators of lower dimensionality, also containing alpha_s; iii) four-quark operators weighted by a factor alpha_s^2. Numerical results are given, showing the effects of the leading order QCD corrections on the inclusive branching ratio for b-> s gamma. Constraints on supersymmetric sources of flavour violation are derived.Comment: 36 pages including 16 postscript figures; uses epsf; journal version: one ref. added; rephrasing of a couple of paragraph

    Model Independent Analysis of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry for the BK1μ+μB\to K_{1}\mu^{+}\mu^{-} Decay

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    The sensitivity of the zero position of the forward backward asymmetry AFB\mathcal{A}_{FB} for the exclusive BK1(1270)μ+μB\rightarrow K_{1}(1270)\mu^{+}\mu^{-} decay is examined by using most general non-standard 4-fermion interactions. Our analysis shows that the zero position of the forward backward asymmetry is very sensitive to the sign and size of the Wilson coefficients corresponding to the new vector type interactions, which are the counter partners of the usual Standard Model operators but have opposite chirality. In addition to these, the other significant effect comes from the interference of Scalar-Pseudoscalar and Tensor type operators. These results will not only enhance our theoretical understanding about the axial vector mesons but will also serve as a good tool to look for physics beyond the SM.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Published version that appears in EPJ

    Mass Splitting and Production of Σc0\Sigma_c^0 and Σc++\Sigma_c^{++} Measured in 500GeV500 {GeV} π\pi^- -N Interactions

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    From a sample of 2722±782722 \pm 78 Λc+\Lambda_c^+ decaying to the pKπ+pK^-\pi^+ final state, we have observed, in the hadroproduction experiment E791 at Fermilab, 143±20143 \pm 20 Σc0\Sigma_c^0 and 122±18122 \pm 18 Σc++\Sigma_c^{++} through their decays to Λc+π±\Lambda_c^+ \pi^{\pm}. The mass difference M(Σc0)M(Λc+M(\Sigma_c^0) - M(\Lambda_c^+) is measured to be (167.38±0.29±0.15)MeV(167.38\pm 0.29\pm 0.15) {MeV}; for M(Σc++)M(Λc+)M(\Sigma_c^{++}) - M(\Lambda_c^+), we find (167.76±0.29±0.15)MeV(167.76\pm 0.29\pm0.15) {MeV}. The rate of Λc+\Lambda_c^+ production from decays of the Σc\Sigma_c triplet is (22\pm 2\pm 3) {%} of the total Λc+\Lambda_c^+ production assuming equal rate of production from all three, as measured for Σc0\Sigma_c^0 and Σc++\Sigma_c^{++}. We do not observe a statistically significant Σc\Sigma_c baryon-antibaryon production asymmetry. The xFx_F and pt2p_t^2 spectra of Λc+\Lambda_c^+ from Σc\Sigma_c decays are observed to be similar to those for all Λc+\Lambda_c^+'s produced.Comment: 15 pages, uuencoded postscript 3 figures uuencoded, tar-compressed fil