232 research outputs found

    The White Stone Band of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, an integrated high resolution approach to understanding environmental change

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    The Kimmeridge Clay is a Jurassic mudrock succession that shows Milankovitch Band climatic cyclicity. A key issue is to determine how the subtle changes that define this cyclicity result from climatic change. Using material from the Natural Environment Research Council Rapid Global Geological Events (RGGE) Kimmeridge Drilling Project boreholes, the White Stone Band was investigated at the lamination scale using backscattered electron imagery and quantitative palynofacies. Fabric analysis shows the lamination to represent successive deposition of coccolith-rich and organic-matter-rich layers. Individual laminae contain unsorted palynological debris with a consistent ratio of marine and terrestrial components. Such mixed organic matter input is interpreted as the result of storm transport. Linking water column processes to laminae deposition suggests seasonal input with a coccolith bloom followed by a more diverse assemblage including dinoflagellates and photosynthetic chlorobiacean bacteria. As the photic zone extended into the euxinic water column organic matter export to the sea bed underwent minimal cycling through oxidation and subsequently became preserved through sulphurization with greatly increased sequestration of carbon. This was significantlyincreased by late season storm-driven mixing of euxinic water into the photic zone. Increased frequency ofstorm systems would therefore dilute the coccolith input to give an oil shale. Hence climatically induced changes in storm frequency would progressively vary the organic content of the sediment and generate the climate cycle signal. Keywords: Milankovitch theory, Kimmeridge Clay, organic matter, high-resolution methods, climate change

    Produção animal tradicional da Ilha de S. Jorge.

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    S. Jorge é uma ilha do arquipélago açoriano, cuja economia se baseia na produção animal, mais propriamente na produção de bovinos leiteiros e que, por condicionalismos vários, tem utilizado espécies arbustivas na alimentação desses mesmos animais, principalmente nas épocas de escassez de erva. Neste trabalho pretendemos analisar a utilização destas forragens alternativas na alimentação de bovinos leiteiros e saber qual o papel que podem desempenhar na produção animal Jorgense.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adoption of new technologies in a highly uncertain environment: the case of knowledge discovery in databases for customer relationship management in Egyptian public banks

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    "How can we better understand the process of adopting a new technology and its impact on business value in situations of high uncertainty?" In short, this is the central research question addressed in this thesis. The dissertation explores how uncertainty factors affect the adoption process of a new technology. It also explores the relationship between the introduction of a new technology and the business value impact. Uncertainty factors surrounding the adoption process in a highly uncertain environment include external factors (customer satisfaction, governmental policies, competition, and cultural and educational environments), internal factors (organizational factors, and personal attitudes or organizations employees' attitudes), and technological factors (innovation and innovative technology, characteristics of the adopted technology, ease of use and acceptance, resistance to change, and expected benefits). A case study approach has been chosen to investigate the influence of these uncertainty factors on the adoption process of a new technology.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Forage yield of some legumes in monoculture and mixtures under irrigation in central Sudan

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        The study was conducted during summer, autumn and winter seasons of 2014/15 and 2015/16 at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, to investigate the effect of mixing on forage yield of selected three legumes namely: cowpea (CP), black-eyed bean (BB) and lablab bean (LB) and their mixtures with three selected grasses, Sudan grass (SG), maize (MZ) and forage sorghum (Abu70). Legumes were grown in pure stand and mixed with grasses in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios. Treatment combinations were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The results showed that mixing significantly increased plant fresh weight, LAI, and fresh forage yield during most seasons and decreased number of branches per plant during different seasons. Land equivalent ratio mostly was greater than one. Based on the results of this study to obtain high forage yield, it was recommended to use seed combinations of 30 kg seeds/ha LB + 30 kg seed/ha MZ during autumn and winter and 30 kg seeds/ha BB + 30 kg seed/ha SG during summer season.     نفذت هذه الدراسة خلال صيف، خريف وشتاء 2014/2015 و2015/2016 بالمزرعة التجريبية لكلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقييم أثر الخلط علي إنتاجية المحاصيل البقولية المختارة وهي اللوبيا الحلو واللوبيا البيضاء واللوبيا العفن ومخاليطها مع المحاصيل النجيلية حشيشة السودان، أبوسبعين والذرة الشامية تحت ظروف الري في أواسط السودان. زرعت المحاصيل البقولية منفرده وفي مخاليط بنسبة 1 : 1 و 1 : 2. تم استخدام تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بأربعة مكررات. الخلط أدى إلى زيادة معنوية لكل من  وزن النبات الرطب، دليل مساحة الأوراق وإنتاجية العلف الأخضر خلال معظم المواسم بينما أدى الخلط إلى نقصان عدد الأفرع في مختلف المواسم. كانت قيم نسبة مكافئ الأرض في أغلب المواسم  أعلى من الواحد الصحيح. بناءً على نتائج هذه الدراسة ولتحقيق إنتاجية أعلاف عالية نوصي بزراعة المحاصيل البقولية في مخاليط بنسبة خلط 30 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن + 30 كجم بذور/هكتار ذرة شامية خلال فصلي الخريف والشتاء وبنسبة 30 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا حلو + 30 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان خلال فصل الصيف.                         &nbsp

    Forage yield of some grasses in monoculture and their mixtures with legumes under irrigation in central Sudan

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        Mixed cropping system provides forage of higher yield than monoculture. This study was conducted during autumn, summer and winter seasons of 2014/15 and 2015/16 at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of monoculture of selected grasses and their mixtures with selected legumes on their fresh forage yield under irrigation in central Sudan. The experimental material consisted of three grasses, namely; Sudan grass (SG), maize (MZ) and Abu70 and three legumes, cowpea (CP), black-eyed bean (BB) and lablab bean (LB). Grasses were grown in pure stand or mixed with legumes in 1:1 and 2:1 ratios. The results showed that mixing significantly increased growth parameters during all seasons. The highest fresh forage yield of grasses was obtained by the mixture compared with monocultures. Land equivalent ratio exceeded 1.0 in all seasons which indicated clearly the advantage of mixtures over monocultures. Based on the results of this study, to obtain high forage yield of grasses, it was recommended to use seed combinations of 40 kg/ha MZ + 20 kg /ha LB, 40 kg /ha SG+ 20 kg /ha CP and 40 kg /ha SG + 20 kg /ha LB during autumn, summer and winter seasons, respectively.       يؤدي الخلط إلى زيادة في إنتاجية العلف. أجريت هذه الدراسة خلال صيف و خريف وشتاء 2014/15 و2015/16 بالمزرعة التجريبية، كلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقييم أثر الخلط علي إنتاجية العلف لبعض الحشائش النجيلية ومخاليطها بالبقوليات تحت ظروف الري في أواسط السودان. تضمنت الدراسة ثلاثة محاصيل نجيلية هي حشيشة السودان وأبوسبعين والذرة الشامية وثلاثة محاصيل بقولية هي اللوبيا الحلو واللوبيا البيضاء واللوبيا العفن. زرعت المحاصيل النجيلية منفرده وفي مخاليط بنسبة  1:1و1:2 أظهرت نتائج التحليل أن كل من الإنتاج ومكوناته قد زادت زيادة معنوية كنتاج للخلط. تحققت الإنتاجية العالية للعلف الأخضر عند زراعة الاعلاف النجيلية في مخاليط مقارنة بزراعتها منفرده. قيم نسبة مكافئ الأرض فاقت الواحد الصحيح (1.0) خلال كافة المواسم مما يؤكد تفوق نظام الخلط علي زراعة المحصول نقيا. بناء علي نتائج هذه الدراسة ولتحقيق إنتاجية أعلاف نجيلية عالية نوصي بزراعتها في مخاليط بنسبة 40 كجم بذور/هكتار ذرة شامية + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن و 40 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا حلو و 40 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن خلال مواسم الخريف والصيف والشتاء على التوالي.         &nbsp

    Nutritional valorisation of cane (Arundo donax) by treatment with sodium hydroxide

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    This study evaluated the effects of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) treatment on the nutritional value of Arundo donax (A. donax). Its ultimate goal was to develop an environmentally friendly animal feed alternative that could be produced sustainably while combatting the spread of A. donax. Plants were collected and dried at 60 °C in an oven with controlled air circulation to determine the dry matter (DM) content. The dry plant material was then sprinkled with an NaOH solution of 2%, 4%, 6%, or 8% and placed in leak-proof containers for four weeks. The chemical and in vitro digestibility properties of treated and untreated A. donax samples were analysed in triplicate. The treatment led to significant decreases in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) from 81.06% DM to 69.39% DM, acid detergent fibre (ADF) from 46.99% DM to 43.19% DM, and ether extract (EE) from 2.06% DM to 1.39% DM, in the untreated samples compared with those treated with 8% NaOH, respectively. In addition, DM digestibility increased from 24.61% to 33.78%, ash content from 11.75% DM to 19.92% DM, and ADL from 7.43% M to 15.38% DM. Thus, treatment of A. donax with an 8% solution of NaOH concentration improved its nutritional value

    Nutritive characterization of Musa spp and its effects on in vitro Rumen fermentation characteristics

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: April 24th, 2021 ; Published: May 24th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] research aims to study the effect of nutritive value of Musa spp on animal feed. Residues of banana culture, leaves and stems, could be used as a fibre source for animal feeding, especially in Banana producing areas, such as Macaronesia Archipelagos, avoiding wastes and supplementing periods of scarcity of food. Musa spp were collected and dried at 65 °C in an oven with controlled air circulation. The pseudostems were divided in three different portions and chemical composition, in vitro digestibility, and in vitro gas production were determined. Regarding dry matter results, they were low (16.54% in leaves and 6.54% DM% in pseudostem), crude protein raging 11.25 DM% in leaves and 7.25% in pseudostem. Concerning fiber values, NDF is higher in leaves (70.07 DM%) than in pseudostems (52.11 DM%) and ADL is higher in leaves (9.90 DM%) comparing with pseudostems (6.21 DM%). In vitro DM digestibility is low, (24.42% in leaves and 42.69% in pseudostem), corroborating the NDF values. Cumulative gas production was recorded at 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of incubation. The results showed that the gas production in leaves was lower (11.36 mL 200 mg˗1 DM) when compared to pseudostem (23.81 mL 200 mg˗1 DM), being so in accordance with the digestibility results. The current study suggested that this by-product can be used in animal feed, however, it will be necessary to carry out tests to improve its nutritional value, namely with NaOH and/or with Urea, being a promising strategy for improving ruminant feed efficiency

    The origin of large gypsum crystals in the Geode of Pulpí (Almería, Spain)

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    The Geode of Pulpí (Almería, Spain) is an ∼11 m3 ovoid cavity, the walls of which are covered with meter-sized idiomorphic and highly transparent gypsum (CaSO4●2H2O) crystals. We performed a thorough study based on field work, and petrographic and geochemical data collection, which aimed to reconstruct the geological history leading to the formation of this geode. The geode is hosted in mineralized Triassic carbonate rocks with a discontinuous mineral sequence from iron-carbonates and barite to celestine and finally gypsum (microcrystalline and selenite). Data from fluid inclusions show that barite precipitated above 100 °C, celestine at ∼70 °C, and gypsum below 25 °C. All δ34S sulfate phases fall between Triassic and Tertiary evaporite values. Barite and gypsum, either microcrystalline or large selenite crystals, show variable δ34S and δ18O compositions, whereas celestine and centimetric selenite gypsum have homogeneous values. We propose that the growth of the large selenite crystals in the Geode of Pulpí was the result of a self-feeding mechanism consisting of isovolumetric anhydrite replacement by gypsum at a temperature of 20 ± 5 °C, episodically contributed by a ripening process enhanced by temperature oscillations due to climatic change

    Reality check: Asynchronous instruction works!

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    Never before had I asked a student to cite an emoticon. In traditional classroom instruction, it is unlikely that this would have come up at all. However, in an asynchronous course, you never know where an online threaded discussion on citation formats will lead. As library educators, we have the opportunity to have an impact on a student\u27s chances for success in locating and managing information. We must draw upon the students\u27 familiarity with new technologies and teach them how to effectively articulate their information need, identify appropriate resources, evaluate what has been retrieved, and redirect their continued searching. The challenge that confronts us is compounded by the fact that many students enter the library only through a virtual door. In recognition of the shifting paradigm involving information and new technologies, Purdue University\u27s Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) program asked the Purdue Libraries to develop a credit course that would teach the students how to effectively locate, evaluate, and present information. The course, Information Strategies, has been a required course in EET was designed and taught by the libraries\u27 faculty since 1993. It has subsequently been adapted to other disciplines, as well. As evolution of new technologies continued, course instructors proposed the development of an asynchronous version of this course to the Indiana Higher Education Telecommunications System (IHETS). The development grant was awarded and the first Web-based version of this course was offered Spring 1999. The purpose of the IHETS course development grant was to enhance and convert [the Information Strategies course] to a digital format, which will allow asynchronous statewide access. In July 1998, the investigators, Professors Sheila Curl, Leslie Reynolds, Brent Mai, and Alexius Smith, began adapting the traditional course for delivery over the Internet

    Family matters: infants, toddlers and preschoolers of parents affected by mental illness

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    Contains fulltext : 102540.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)One in five young people in Australia, including infants, toddlers and preschoolers, lives in a family with a parent with a mental illness.1 Families affected by mental illness are more likely than other families to experience poverty and social isolation,2 and are more likely to have children taken into care.3 A combination of factors influences the child’s risk of psychopathology. These include psychosocial adversity, the child’s developmental status and age, genetics, family relationships, the severity and chronicity of parental psychiatric disorder, comorbidity, and the involvement of other carers in the child’s life. Not all children whose parents have mental health problems will experience difficulties themselves.4 Parental diagnosis itself does not confer risk, and many parents with severe depression, schizophrenia and other disorders are adequate caregivers.5 Rather, it is the severity and chronicity of psychopathology and the variation in parental personality, genetic characteristics, coping style and social circumstances that confer risk. Children’s characteristics, such as temperament and sex, can also influence the parent–child relationship and parenting behaviour.6 This article outlines the impact of three key mental health disorders on parenting and young offspring, and describes implications for practice