141 research outputs found


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    The analysis of existing driving cycles was performed. After comparing some of the cycles, one specific driving cycle was selected for the hybrid vehicle as the most reliable in representing the real moving of the vehicle in operating conditions and which may be reproduced at experimental tests at the modeling roller stand


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    The paper points out the specifics of medical students’ professional culture formation, analyses its components and conditions. The experience of virtual training programme use in Latin classes for medical students is summarized. Development of professional culture is sure to enrich the man’s inner world, as well as to contribute to his (her) professional development and personal self-improvement. Any person reveals himself (herself) most vividly while interacting with the others in performing professional duties, the outcomes often depending on the proper conduct, speaking, hearing, and language.     Training of future medical professionals is an element of professional education and is aimed at providing specialists with a certain level of professional skills alongside with the formation of proper professional qualities and development of general personal culture. Medical educational institutions are supposed to provide future specialists with adequate amount of knowledge, necessary for the work in their field and to make them aware of their professional perspectives and able to influence the process actively and effectively. It is in this aspect that the professional culture is involved, that is demeanour, speaking, hearing, and language matching the generally accepted standards and principles, primarily moral, and the requirements set to the particular profession. Professional culture of the future medical workers is not the sum of professional knowledge, abilities, and skills only, but a part of general spiritual culture that manifests itself in professional competence, readiness for analysis and evaluation of professional and ethical issues, decision-making, communicative skills, as well as conscious striving for self-education, self-development, and constant professional self-perfection. Formation of medical students’ professional culture is a “teacher-student” indissoluble connection based on humanism, creative activity, and common search for new goals and tasks, which increase future specialists’ motivation to attain new peaks in the professional activity. У статті вказано на особливості формування професійної культури студентів-медиків, проаналізовано компоненти професійної культури та умови її формування. Узагальнено досвід використання віртуальної навчальної програми на заняттях з латинської мови у студентів-медиків. Зазначено, що розвиток професійної культури внутрішньо збагачує людину і сприяє її професійному становленню та особистісному самовдосконаленню. Найбільш яскраво людина виявляється у діяльності з іншими під час виконання професійних обов’язків. Від культури поведінки, говоріння, слухання та мови часто залежать результати професійної діяльності. Підготовка майбутніх медиків є складовою професійної освіти і спрямована на забезпечення фахівців певним рівнем професійної майстерності, формування у них відповідних професійних якостей з одночасним розвитком загальної культури особистості. Завдання навчальних закладів медичного профілю полягає в тому, щоб майбутні медичні фахівці оволоділи конкретною сумою знань, необхідних для роботи за обраним фахом, та усвідомили шляхи подальшого розвитку своєї професійної діяльності, уміли активно й ефективно впливати на цей процес. Саме в цьому аспекті можна говорити про професійну культуру, тобто про відповідність поведінки, говоріння, слухання, мови у професійній діяльності загальноприйнятим нормам і принципам, насамперед, моральним, а також вимогам, що висуваються саме до цієї професії. Професійна культура майбутнього лікаря – це не лише сума професійних знань, умінь та навичок, а й частина загальної духов­ної культури, яка проявляється у професійній компетентності, готовності до аналізу й оцінки професійно-етичних проб­лем, прийняття самостійних рішень, комунікативної майстерності, свідомої готовності до самоосвіти, саморозвитку, постійного професійного самовдосконалення. Формування професійної культури студента-медика – це процес нерозривного зв’язку педагога та студентів на основі гуманізму, творчості та пошуку нових цілей і завдань, вирішення яких підвищує мотивацію майбутніх спеціалістів до досягнення нових вершин у професійній діяльності

    The Study Of Production Regimes And Quality Parameters Of Extruded Feed Additive Based On Corn Seed And Substandard Egg Mass

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    On the base of practical studies were established the rational parameters of technological processes of production of extruded feed additive. There was determined an expedience of mixture of substandard chicken egg mass and the crushed corn seed in two stages in frame (during 18 s) and blade (during 120…180 s) mixers. There were determined the optimal regimes of mixture extruding: pressure in working zone of extruder 2…3 mPa, consumed force of electric motor 4,0…4,5 kW, temperature on outcome of extruder 110…120 ºС, duration of process 60…120 s, diameter of matrix port 10 mm.There were given the results of study of parameters of quality and nutritive value of extruded feed additive. It was established, that in the process of extruding the quality parameters of food additive are improved at the expense of dextrinization and gelatinization of starch, decrease of bacterial and fungal pollution, disinfection of product.There was proved a possibility to solve problem of utilization of defective eggs at feeding poultry

    Pharmaceutical Market of the EAEU: Trends and Prospects of Development

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    In modern conditions, international integration in the pharmaceutical industry is becoming a necessary condition for the development of the industry. At the same time, the improvement of medical science and technology is determined by the use of innovative technologies that prevail in the market of medicines. All this determines the relevance of the study. In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has faced serious challenges: first it was the COVID-19 pandemic, which required a significant mobilization of all scientific and production resources, operational restructuring of many processes, expansion of tools for interaction and partnership at all levels, changes in the regulatory environment, then economic restrictive measures were taken against Russia, which, although not affected drug provision, but they created considerable logistical difficulties for drug manufacturers and generated certain unrest among drug consumers.Aim. To assess the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU, identify emerging problems and outline ways to solve them.Tasks. Consider the capacity of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU; identify problems arising in the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU; to determine the prospects for the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU.Methods. Statistical analysis of data and synthesis of the results obtained for comparison purposes.Results. A study of trends in the pharmaceutical market was conducted, as a result of which generalizing conclusions were made; problems faced by the market under the influence of uncertainty and risk factors were identified; attempts were made to identify promising directions for the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU.Conclusion. The conducted research makes it possible to identify problematic issues in the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU and outline ways to eliminate them

    Problems and Prospects of Development of International Customs Cooperation in the Context of Digitalization

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    Modern conditions of development dictate the need for cooperation. Today, Russia participates in the common market and the common economic space, the economic sphere, the activities of customs organizations, concludes agreements on international obligations and customs cooperation, and also actively cooperates with states and organizations in the field of customs operations and customs activities. The article considers the process of international customs cooperation of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. The development of international customs cooperation in the context of digitalization is considered. The influence of digitalization on the regulatory framework of international customs cooperation, customs diplomacy and on the organizational and protocol basis is determined. The problems arising in the conditions of digitalization in the implementation of international activities in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation with the help of digital information and technical means are presented. The interaction of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation with the customs administrations of foreign states in the conditions of digitalization is analyzed. The positive practice of using digital technologies in the interaction of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation with the customs administrations of foreign states, as well as their problematic issues, is considered. The process of negotiations and practical experience of interaction between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on cooperation of their customs services in the field of preliminary information exchange are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, the authors propose to further develop international customs cooperation on the example of successful projects, as well as use a digital platform to improve the quality and efficiency of international cooperation to solve emerging problematic issues

    Retardation of nanoparticles growth by doping

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    The process of doping of CdS nanoparticles with Mn during colloidal synthesis is analyzed by EPR and optical studies. Analysis of EPR results demonstrated that Mn2+ ions are successfully incorporated into the nanoparticles and occupy the crystal sites both in the bulk of a NP and near the surface of a NP. Optical absorption measurements revealed the retardation of absorption edge shift during the growth for Mn-doped CdS NPs as compared to the undoped CdS NPs. It was concluded that the presence of Mn in the solution leads to the inhibition of NPs growth

    Features of charges and writing off the retail margin in the restaurnt business enterprise

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    У статті розглянуто особливості нарахування та списання торговельної націнки на підприємствах ресторанного господарства, наведені підходи до встановлення продажної ціни продукції. Recently conduct restaurants become more popularity. A restaurant is a business which prepares and serves food and drink to customers in return for money, either paid before the meal, after the meal, or with an open account. The successful operation of the restaurant, café and bars depends largely on accounting. In the conduct of accounting in the restaurant industry, special attention should be paid to the account of trade margin. The article deals with the features of charges and write-offs of trade margins on the restaurants and catering enterprises. Before the company independently chooses on which accounting price (buying or selling) is accounting for goods and products. In practice, there are two approaches to setting the selling price of products and determination of margins. First, a direct method is determined based on expenditures and expected profits. Second, the inverse calculation, according to which, a fixed price, retail margin and the amount of VAT calculated inverse method. As for writing off trade margin, it is written off by the method of "reverse". However, questions remain about unresolved the informative apparatus, there is lack of method of accounting trade margin for restaurants and catering enterprises, and therefore restaurants institution has sole discretion to choose the method of trade margin

    Improving the Sphere of Customs Administration in Russia Based on the Chinese Experience

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    The widespread use of new technologies based on digitalization has recently intensified, due to the processes associated with changes in business organization. Serious attention is paid to this direction of development by business representatives engaged in economic activities in international trade and governments of the leading economies of the world, including China and Russia. The introduction of digitalization processes in various sectors of the economy has become a conscious necessity. In order to theoretically substantiate and subsequently achieve the necessary level of development of information technologies and communications, analytical studies and testing of changes in this area are being conducted in many countries. The economy based on the introduction of digital technologies determines the vector of development of the economies of countries for the long term.Aim. Analyze the digital transformation of the Chinese economy, identify positive experience in the application of digital solutions and their impact on the simplification of customs procedures and correlate the results with Russia.Tasks. Consider technological trends in digital transformation; to study the results of the policy in carrying out the digitalization of the economy of China and Russia; to consider possible promising areas for the development of cooperation between China and Russia in the field of digital.Methods. Statistical analysis of data and synthesis of the results obtained for comparison purposes.Results. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: a) a comparative analysis of the changes in the values of indicators on the Global Connectivity Index (GCI) of China and Russia in 2020 compared to 2015 was carried out, the reasons for the changes that occurred were substantiated; b) the dynamics of exports and imports of China, as well as data on trade turnover between China and Russia for the period from 1991 to October 2021; c) the experience of customs administration in China is considered and possible directions of its application in Russia are determined.Conclusion. The positive experience of China’s customs administration in the light of the digitalization of economic processes can be used in Russia, which can certainly improve the current situation in the field of customs administration in our country

    Symptoms of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease and the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Are Not Related in Sleep Disorders Center Patients

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    Background: Studies suggest obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) frequently manifests in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and that there may be a causal relationship. Aim: To determine the relationship between OSAS and symptoms of GERD. Methods: Consecutive patients referred to the Sleep Disorders Center (SDC) 18 years and older with polysomnographically defined OSAS were evaluated prospectively for GERD using a validated symptoms questionnaire. The GERD and OSAS relationship was assessed by 1) determining frequency of GERD in patients with and without OSAS; 2) ascertaining the relationship between OSAS severity categories and presence of GERD; 3) examining GERD score in relation to those factors that might affect both GERD and OSAS, e.g. obesity. Results: One thousand and twenty-three SDC patients met entry citeria. Amongst participants, GERD was common (29% of women and 17% of males) and OSAS extremely common (58% of women and 80% of males). GERD score did not correlate with OSAS variables. The severity of OSAS did not influence the prevalence of GERD. Conclusion: In a large group of patients referred to a sleep disorders center, there was no relationship between OSAS and GERD symptoms. Also, there was no relationship between the severity of OSAS and the likelihood of GERD symptoms