419 research outputs found

    Repeat mapping of snow depth across an alpine catchment with RPAS photogrammetry

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    Being dynamic in time and space, seasonal snow represents a difficult target for ongoing in situ measurement and characterisation. Improved understanding and modelling of the seasonal snowpack requires mapping snow depth at fine spatial resolution. The potential of remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) photogrammetry to resolve spatial variability of snow depth is evaluated within an alpine catchment of the Pisa Range, New Zealand. Digital surface models (DSMs) at 0.15&thinsp;m spatial resolution in autumn (snow-free reference) winter (2 August 2016) and spring (10 September 2016) allowed mapping of snow depth via DSM differencing. The consistency and accuracy of the RPAS-derived surface was assessed by the propagation of check point residuals from the aero-triangulation of constituent DSMs and via comparison of snow-free regions of the spring and autumn DSMs. The accuracy of RPAS-derived snow depth was validated with in situ snow probe measurements. Results for snow-free areas between DSMs acquired in autumn and spring demonstrate repeatability yet also reveal that elevation errors follow a distribution that substantially departs from a normal distribution, symptomatic of the influence of DSM co-registration and terrain characteristics on vertical uncertainty. Error propagation saw snow depth mapped with an accuracy of ±0.08&thinsp;m (90&thinsp;% c.l.). This is lower than the characterization of uncertainties on snow-free areas (±0.14&thinsp;m). Comparisons between RPAS and in situ snow depth measurements confirm this level of performance of RPAS photogrammetry while also highlighting the influence of vegetation on snow depth uncertainty and bias. Semi-variogram analysis revealed that the RPAS outperformed systematic in situ measurements in resolving fine-scale spatial variability. Despite limitations accompanying RPAS photogrammetry, which are relevant to similar applications of surface and volume change analysis, this study demonstrates a repeatable means of accurately mapping snow depth for an entire, yet relatively small, hydrological catchment ( ∼ 0.4&thinsp;km2) at very high resolution. Resolving snowpack features associated with redistribution and preferential accumulation and ablation, snow depth maps provide geostatistically robust insights into seasonal snow processes, with unprecedented detail. Such data will enhance understanding of physical processes controlling spatial distributions of seasonal snow and their relative importance on varying spatial and temporal scales.</p

    The socio-economic impact of pre-trial detention in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia

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    The presumed link between the rule of law and development suggests that an operational justice system is key to development. The research sought to understand and quantify how the decision to detain an accused person affects his or her socio-economic situation. Data was collected in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia. The findings suggest that the use of the coercive power of the state exercised through the deprivation of an individual’s liberty has serious socio-economic consequences. While detention pending trial is justifiable sometimes, we argue that it is over-used, frequently resulting in excessively long detention. The deprivation of liberty interferes with the ability of individuals to be agents of their own development, infringing on socio-economic rights of individuals and their dependents. States can justify such infringements only if their coercive power is used within the ambit of democratic and rights-respecting laws complying with human rights standards

    Spectroscopy of 28^{28}Na: shell evolution toward the drip line

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    Excited states in 28^{28}Na have been studied using the β\beta-decay of implanted 28^{28}Ne ions at GANIL/LISE as well as the in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy at the NSCL/S800 facility. New states of positive (Jπ^{\pi}=3,4+^+) and negative (Jπ^{\pi}=1-5^-) parity are proposed. The former arise from the coupling between 0d_5/2\_{5/2} protons and a 0d_3/2\_{3/2} neutron, while the latter are due to couplings with 1p_3/2\_{3/2} or 0f_7/2\_{7/2} neutrons. While the relative energies between the Jπ^{\pi}=1-4+^+ states are well reproduced with the USDA interaction in the N=17 isotones, a progressive shift in the ground state binding energy (by about 500 keV) is observed between 26^{26}F and 30^{30}Al. This points to a possible change in the proton-neutron 0d_5/2\_{5/2}-0d_3/2\_{3/2} effective interaction when moving from stability to the drip line. The presence of Jπ^{\pi}=1-4^- negative parity states around 1.5 MeV as well as of a candidate for a Jπ^{\pi}=5^- state around 2.5 MeV give further support to the collapse of the N=20 gap and to the inversion between the 0f_7/2\_{7/2} and 1p_3/2\_{3/2} levels below Z=12. These features are discussed in the framework of Shell Model and EDF calculations, leading to predicted negative parity states in the low energy spectra of the 26^{26}F and 25^{25}O nuclei.Comment: Exp\'erience GANIL/LISE et NSCL/S80

    Can sacrificial feeding areas protect aquatic plants from herbivore grazing? Using behavioural ecology to inform wildlife management

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    Effective wildlife management is needed for conservation, economic and human well-being objectives. However, traditional population control methods are frequently ineffective, unpopular with stakeholders, may affect non-target species, and can be both expensive and impractical to implement. New methods which address these issues and offer effective wildlife management are required. We used an individual-based model to predict the efficacy of a sacrificial feeding area in preventing grazing damage by mute swans (Cygnus olor) to adjacent river vegetation of high conservation and economic value. The accuracy of model predictions was assessed by a comparison with observed field data, whilst prediction robustness was evaluated using a sensitivity analysis. We used repeated simulations to evaluate how the efficacy of the sacrificial feeding area was regulated by (i) food quantity, (ii) food quality, and (iii) the functional response of the forager. Our model gave accurate predictions of aquatic plant biomass, carrying capacity, swan mortality, swan foraging effort, and river use. Our model predicted that increased sacrificial feeding area food quantity and quality would prevent the depletion of aquatic plant biomass by swans. When the functional response for vegetation in the sacrificial feeding area was increased, the food quantity and quality in the sacrificial feeding area required to protect adjacent aquatic plants were reduced. Our study demonstrates how the insights of behavioural ecology can be used to inform wildlife management. The principles that underpin our model predictions are likely to be valid across a range of different resource-consumer interactions, emphasising the generality of our approach to the evaluation of strategies for resolving wildlife management problems

    Remodelling of human atrial K+ currents but not ion channel expression by chronic β-blockade

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    Chronic β-adrenoceptor antagonist (β-blocker) treatment in patients is associated with a potentially anti-arrhythmic prolongation of the atrial action potential duration (APD), which may involve remodelling of repolarising K+ currents. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic β-blockade on transient outward, sustained and inward rectifier K+ currents (ITO, IKSUS and IK1) in human atrial myocytes and on the expression of underlying ion channel subunits. Ion currents were recorded from human right atrial isolated myocytes using the whole-cell-patch clamp technique. Tissue mRNA and protein levels were measured using real time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Chronic β-blockade was associated with a 41% reduction in ITO density: 9.3 ± 0.8 (30 myocytes, 15 patients) vs 15.7 ± 1.1 pA/pF (32, 14), p &#60; 0.05; without affecting its voltage-, time- or rate dependence. IK1 was reduced by 34% at −120 mV (p &#60; 0.05). Neither IKSUS, nor its increase by acute β-stimulation with isoprenaline, was affected by chronic β-blockade. Mathematical modelling suggested that the combination of ITO- and IK1-decrease could result in a 28% increase in APD90. Chronic β-blockade did not alter mRNA or protein expression of the ITO pore-forming subunit, Kv4.3, or mRNA expression of the accessory subunits KChIP2, KChAP, Kvβ1, Kvβ2 or frequenin. There was no reduction in mRNA expression of Kir2.1 or TWIK to account for the reduction in IK1. A reduction in atrial ITO and IK1 associated with chronic β-blocker treatment in patients may contribute to the associated action potential prolongation, and this cannot be explained by a reduction in expression of associated ion channel subunits

    Measurement of key resonance states for the 40P(p,g)31S reaction rate, and the production of intermediate-mass elements in nova explosions

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    We report the first experimental constraints on spectroscopic factors and strengths of key resonances in the 30P(p, γ)31Sreaction critical for determining the production of intermediate-mass elements up to Ca in nova ejecta. The 30P(d, n)31Sreaction was studied in inverse kinematics using the GRETINA γ-ray array to measure the angle-integrated cross-sections of states above the proton threshold. In general, negative-parity states are found to be most strongly produced but the absolute values of spectroscopic factors are typically an order of magnitude lower than predicted by the shell-model calculations employing WBP Hamiltonian for the negative-parity states. The results clearly indicate the dominance of a single 3/2−resonance state at 196 keV in the region of nova burning T≈0.10–0.17GK, well within the region of interest for nova nucleosynthesis. Hydrodynamic simulations of nova explosions have been performed to demonstrate the effect on the composition of nova ejecta.Postprint (published version