20 research outputs found

    Effect of plasma density on diffusion rates due to wave particle interactions with chorus and plasmaspheric hiss: extreme event analysis

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    Wave particle interactions play an important role in controlling the dynamics of the radiation belts. The purpose of this study is to estimate how variations in the plasma density can affect diffusion rates resulting from interactions between chorus waves and plasmaspheric hiss with energetic particles and the resulting evolution of the energetic electron population. We perform a statistical analysis of the electron density derived from the plasma wave experiment on the CRRES satellite for two magnetic local time sectors corresponding to near midnight and near noon. We present the cumulative probability distribution of the electron plasma density for three levels of magnetic activity as measured by Kp. The largest densities are seen near L* = 2.5 while the smallest occur near L* = 6. The broadest distribution, corresponding to the greatest variability, occurs near L* = 4. We calculate diffusion coefficients for plasmaspheric hiss and whistler mode chorus for extreme values of the electron density and estimate the effects on the radiation belts using the Salammbô model. At L* = 4 and L* = 6, in the low density case, using the density from the 5th percentile of the cumulative distribution function, electron energy diffusion by chorus waves is strongest at 2 MeV and increases the flux by up to 3 orders of magnitude over a period of 24 h. In contrast, in the high density case, using the density from the 95th percentile, there is little acceleration at energies above 800 keV at L* = 6, and virtually no acceleration at L* = 4. In this case the strongest energy diffusion occurs at lower energies around 400 keV where the flux at L* = 6 increases 3 orders of magnitude

    A new diffusion matrix for whistler mode chorus waves

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    Global models of the Van Allen radiation belts usually include resonant wave-particle interactions as a diffusion process, but there is a large uncertainty over the diffusion rates. Here we present a new diffusion matrix for whistler mode chorus waves that can be used in such models. Data from seven satellites are used to construct 3,536 power spectra for upper and lower band chorus for 1.5 ≤ L∗ ≤ 10, MLT, magnetic latitude 0o ≤ |λm| ≤ 60o and five levels of Kp. Five density models are also constructed from the data. Gaussian functions are fitted to the spectra and capture typically 90% of the wave power. The frequency maxima of the power spectra vary with L∗ and are typically lower than that used previously. Lower band chorus diffusion increases with geomagnetic activity and is largest between 21:00 and 09:00 MLT. Energy diffusion extends to a few MeV at large pitch angles > 60o and at high energies exceeds pitch angle diffusion at the loss cone. Most electron diffusion occurs close to the geomagnetic equator (< 12o). Pitch angle diffusion rates for lower band chorus increase with L∗ and are significant at L∗ = 8 even for low levels of geomagnetic activitywhile upper band chorus is restricted to mainly L∗ < 6. The combined drift and bounce averaged diffusion rates for upper and lower band chorus extend from a few keV near the loss cone up to several MeV at large pitch angles indicating loss at low energies and net acceleration at high energies

    JOSE: A New Jovian Specification Environment Model

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    Analysis of charging kinetics on space dielectrics under representative worst case geostationary conditions

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    International audiencePrediction of charging behaviour of space used materials often raise the issue on the definition of the applied electron energy spectrum used for irradiation under representative conditions. Radiation induced conductivity (RIC) can not be discarded for a proper qualification of these materials.But RIC level is significantly dependent upon radiation dose and dose rate. We have been able to demonstrate that the applied energy spectra lead to strong and hazardous charging levels, when radiation history is not regarded. However, charging effect is strongly smoothed by radiation history of the material. We have been able therefore to reveal in this study that a good electric qualification of space materials under electron irradiation requires the definition of realistic electron energy spectrum and implies to take into account radiation history in space

    Improved outer boundary conditions for outer radiation belt data assimilation using THEMIS-SST data and the Salammbo-EnKF code

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    International audienceOver the last decade, efforts have been made in the radiation belt community to develop data assimilation tools in order to improve the accuracy of radiation belts models. In this paper we present a new method to correctly take into account the outer boundary conditions at L* = 8 in such an enhanced model of the radiation belts. To do that we based our work on the THEMIS/SST dataset. Statistics are developed to define a consistent electron distribution at L* = 8 (both in equatorial pitch angle and energy), and a variance-covariance matrix is estimated in order to more realistically drive the Monte Carlo sampling required by the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Data processing is first described as well as caveats avoided, and then the use of these information in a machinery such as the EnKF is described.It is shown that the way the Monte Carlo simulations are performed is of great importance to realistically reproduced outer boundary distribution needed by the physic-based Salammbô model. Finally, EnKF simulations are performed and compared during September 2011 in order to analyze the improvements gained using this new method of defining outer boundary conditions. In particular we highlight in this study that such a method provides great improvement in the reconstruction of the dynamics observed at geosynchronous orbit, both during quiet and active magnetic conditions

    Radiation Belt Activity Indices and Solar Proton Event Alarm on the CRATERRE project web site

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    Two Radiation Belt Activity Indices, based on electron flux measurement >300 keV and >1.6 MeV, and one Solar Proton Event Alarm, based on proton flux measurement >75 MeV, are developed for post events analysis. Both indices and alarm are plotted over the last 30 days on the CRATERRE project web site and are daily updated

    High-Energy Electrons in the Inner Zone

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    Improved outer boundary conditions for outer radiation belt data assimilation using THEMIS-SST data and the Salammbo-EnKF code

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    Over the last decade, efforts have been made in the radiation belt community to develop data assimilation tools in order to improve the accuracy of radiation belts models. In this paper we present a new method to correctly take into account the outer boundary conditions at L∗= 8 in such an enhanced model of the radiation belts. To do that we based our work on the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms/Solid State Telescope data set. Statistics are developed to define a consistent electron distribution at L∗= 8 (in both equatorial pitch angle and energy), and a variance-covariance matrix is estimated in order to more realistically drive the Monte Carlo sampling required by the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Data processing is first described as well as caveats avoided, and then the use of these information in a machinery such as the EnKF is described. It is shown that the way the Monte Carlo simulations are performed is of great importance to realistically reproduced outer boundary distribution needed by the physic-based Salammbô model. Finally, EnKF simulations are performed and compared during September 2011 in order to analyze the improvements gained using this new method of defining outer boundary conditions. In particular, we highlight in this study that such a method provides great improvement in the reconstruction of the dynamics observed at geosynchronous orbit, both during quiet and active magnetic conditions. © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Worst case of Geostationary charging environment spectrum based on LANL flight data

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    International audienceGround tests and computer simulations about satelittes charging effects require the definition of worst-case environment spectra representative of those encountered in orbit. For this, it is necessary to take into account the entire energy spectrum having an effect on both the gradient voltage build-up or mitigation on dielectrics and the absolute potential for each satellite.Section II deals with the methodology and the criteria used to define worst-case environments, based on the physics of plasma material interaction, including the radiation induced conductivity. (RIC) We have computed different classes of fluxes, all based on six LANL flight data for a period over 15 years. Section II presents how electron differential fluxes are extracted from LANL measurements, taking into account spacecraft potentials, including specific and necessary corrections Then we also take into account the dose effect which affects the conductivity of all exposed dielectrics. Section III specifies different environments considered as possible worstcase environments, following the approach given in Section I.This paper finally presents a synthesis of the spectra obtained and gives perspectives for their use for ground tests and for numerical assessment of worst-case spacecraft surface charging. Section IV provides a summary of the outcome of this paper, including impacts on experimental and numerical estimations of the charging risk in GEO