36 research outputs found

    Structural sustainability appraisal in BIM

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    The provision of Application Programming Interface (API) in BIM-enable tools can contribute to facilitating BIM-related research. APIs are useful links for running plug-ins and external programmes but they are yet to be fully exploited in expanding the BIM scope. The modelling of n-Dimensional (nD) building performance measures can potentially benefit from BIM extension through API implementations. Sustainability is one such measure associated with buildings. For the structural engineer, recent design criteria have put great emphasis on the sustainability credentials as part of the traditional criteria of structural integrity, constructability and cost. This paper examines the utilization of API in BIM extension and presents a demonstration of an API application to embed sustainability issues into the appraisal process of structural conceptual design options in BIM. It concludes that API implementations are useful in expanding the BIM scope. Also, the approach including process modelling, algorithms and object-based instantiations demonstrated in the API implementation can be applicable to other nD building performance measures as may be relevant to the various professional platforms in the construction domain

    Reliability principles, methodology and methods for lifetime design

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    Time Variations of Macrostickies and Extractable Stickies Concentrations in Deinking

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    The stickies content, both macrostickies and stickies extractable in a solvent, was determined for samples taken at short time intervals from deinking lines, producing deinked pulp for newsprint production. The study was carried out at three mills on different continents, with each having a different source of recycled paper as raw material. The short-term variations in extractable stickies in the incoming raw material were quite extreme, with differences of 100% being seen within hours. Despite this, the final deinked pulp contained fewer sudden variations and had no correlation to the incoming stickies content. While the raw material appeared to affect the incoming stickies content, a well-optimized deinking line was able to buffer the raw material variability, and the final stickies content was more dependent on the deinking process. This result was seen for the two mills examined for this phenomenon, despite a different raw material supply. Macrostickies were found to exhibit the same tendencies, although with smaller and less sudden variations. However, the variations of macrostickies and extractable stickies never correlated, even when both were measured for the same pulp fraction, thus confirming that solvent extraction is not an appropriate method for the determination of macrostickies and is more a reflection of microstickies

    Durability design of concrete structures—Committee report 130-CSL

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    Pemberdayaan Usaha Tahu di Dusun Banda Desa SABA Kecamatan Blahbatuh Gianyar

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    Tahu merupakan salah satu jenis makanan yang dapat dinikmati dan dapat dengan mudah didapatkan oleh semula kalangan masyarakat. Tahu merupakan makanan dengan gizi tinggi. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah Bapak Nyoman Gorim. Mitra memiliki usaha produksi tahu. Bapak Nyoman Gorim berasal dari Dusun Banda Desa Saba, Kecamatan Blahbatuh Kabupaten Gianyar. Pada saat ini, terdapat beberapa kendala berupa keterbatasan dalam alat bantu produksi, kemasan produk tahu, kurangnya manajemen keuangan serta pemasaran produk. Berdasarkan kendala yang dihadapi mitra, dilakukan pemberdayaan usaha tahu melalui kegiatan secara bertahap dari aspek produksi, manajemen dan pemasaran. Metode kegiatan dimulai dengan sosialisasi, pemberian peralatan sebagai alat bantu produksi seperti mesin penggiling bahan baku, pelatihan pengemasan, pelatihan manajemen keuangan, pembuatan sosial media serta pelatihan penggunaan sosial media. Indikator capaian adalah peningkatan 50% jumlah produksi, 50% produk berisi label kemasan dengan melibatkan 2 orang karyawan, mitra mempunyai media sosial facebook dan instagram sebagai media pemasaran, 1 orang anggota  dapat mengelola pembukuan dan pencatatan keuangan dan 1 orang anggota dapat melakukan pengelolaan terhadap content media sosial. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi didapatkan bahwa adanya peningkatan jumlah produksi sebanyak 60%, peningkatan pengetahuan mitra mengenai pencatatan keuangan dan pemasaran menggunakan media online, terciptanya produk tahu yang lebih ekslusif dengan kemasan dan label yang baru. Kata kunci: Tahu, Peralatan Produksi, Manajemen Keuangan, Media Sosia

    Planetary well-being and sustainable business : A work in progress

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    Businesses have a significant impact on global environmental and social sustainability. To address the related issues, the concept of sustainable business has been introduced, which refers to the practices that businesses can adopt to minimize their negative economic, environmental, and social impacts. This chapter presents a critical analysis of selected sustainable business concepts and practices using planetary well-being as a conceptual framework. In terms of conceptual approaches, the chapter discusses circular economy (circulation of resources without creating waste), degrowth (shrinking of production and consumption to respect planetary boundaries), and sustainability transition (radical changes in production and consumption). Regarding practical approaches, this chapter focuses on sustainable business models (how companies are organized to promote sustainability) and on the role of employees as change agents. The findings suggest that these concepts and practices have several shortcomings from the point of view of planetary well-being, as they are based on the logic of economic growth. The conclusion is that sustainable business requires radically different approaches and new ways of thinking to promote planetary well-being. However, this chapter has an optimistic view that the application of a planetary well-being perspective can provide valuable avenues for an environmentally and socially responsible future for sustainable business.peerReviewe

    Associations between Bolton ratio and overjet deviations in a Finnish adult population

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    Abstract Objective: To determine the anterior Bolton ratio for a Finnish adult population and to investigate its associations with overjet. Material and methods: This study is part of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Clinical oral investigations, including three-dimensional intraoral scanning and registration of occlusion, were performed in connection with the 46-year follow-up for 1,961 subjects. Subjects with normal occlusion (n = 149), extreme overjet ≥ 8 mm (n = 49), large overjet 6–7 mm (n = 86), and negative overjet (n = 16) and no orthodontic treatment history were selected for further analysis. The mesiodistal widths were measured from canine to canine to evaluate the anterior Bolton ratio. Results: A mean anterior Bolton ratio of 78.6 (SD 3.1) was found for the normal occlusion group. Subjects with extreme overjet had smaller Bolton ratios compared to the normal occlusion group and the negative overjet group (p = .005, p = .019, respectively). Overjet deviations were associated with upper canine and incisor widths. Conclusions: The mean anterior Bolton ratio in subjects with normal occlusion was larger compared to the original Bolton ratio. Tooth size discrepancy was associated with extreme and negative overjet at population level