565 research outputs found

    Latino Definitions of Success: A Cultural Model of Intercultural Competence

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    The present study sought to examine Latino intercultural competence via two separate methodologies. Phase 1 entailed discovering and generating themes regarding the features of intercultural competence based on semistructured interviews of 15 Latino adults. Phase 2 included conducting a cultural consensus analysis from the quantitative responses of 46 Latino adults to determine the cultural model of intercultural competence. The major results indicated that the participants, despite variations in socioeconomic and generational statuses, shared a common knowledge base regarding the competencies needed for Latinos to successfully navigate different cultures. Overall, the cultural model of Latino intercultural competence includes a set of skills that integrates traditional cultural values along with attributes of self-efficacy. The findings are discussed within a competence-based conceptualization of cultural adaptation and potential advancements in acculturation research

    The Transition to College Process in PR-CETP Scholars

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    This article describes a study about the experiences of a group of students during the transition from high school to college. The students are future teachers who evidenced a high level of academic achievement in high school and received merit scholarships from the Puerto Rico Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (PR-CETP). Two groups of students were compared: those who sustained a high GPA during their freshman year, and those who did not and, therefore, no longer qualified for the scholarship. The study was carried out through focused interviews with eight students, from three universities, four of whom maintained the scholarship and four who did not. Findings indicate that the main problems encountered were academic and social, and that the students received support from their families during the entire process. Regarding formal support, they pointed out that they felt highly satisfied with the services provided by PR-CETP and the universities, but they also pointed out (particularly those who lost the scholarship) that they needed additional services from the universities. They suggested, for example, better tutoring, and social activities among the scholars. The interviewed students, in general, consider that they faced the transition successfully since most of them described their academic, emotional, and social status as satisfactory at the time of the interviews

    Aspectos relevantes para el diseño de planes de salud sostenibles orientados a los grupos de interés. Una propuesta basada en la Guía ISO 26000: 2010

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    Fundamentos : Los planes de salud de las comunidades autónomas pue- den incorporar criterios de desarrollo sostenible en su elaboración. No se han realizado análisis al respecto o propuestas de elaboración e indicadores. El objetivo fue la elaboración de un panel de indicadores de seguimiento orientados al desarrollo sostenible que contribuyan a gestionar los impactos económicos, sociales y medioambientales de los sistemas sanitarios. Método: Se utilizó una variación del método RAND/UCLA o técnica de Delphi modificada. El proceso consistió en un análisis bibliográfico y de contexto de las materias y asuntos relacionados con sanidad y responsabi- lidad social tomando como base ISO 26000:2010. Se realizó una encuesta mediante muestreo intencional a una selección de 70 miembros expertos de los grupos de interés identificados y un grupo de discusión para determinar el consenso sobre los asuntos tratados en la encuesta. La investigación fue realizada en 2015. Resultados: De la revisión bibliográfica se obtuvieron 33 asuntos rela - cionados con sanidad incluidos en ISO 26000:2010. De la encuesta, 7 resul- taron relevantes con alto consenso, 8 de relevancia y consenso medio y 18 con menor relevancia y alto nivel de disenso. El grupo de expertos excluyó 4 de los 18 asuntos con menor consenso. Conclusiones: 29 de los 33 asuntos incluidos en el trabajo, repartidos en las 7 materias fundamentales contenidas en la guía ISO 26000 de res- ponsabilidad social, resultaron relevantes para los grupos de interés en re- lación con su posible inclusión en los planes de salud. Se elaboró un panel de indicadoresBackground: Health plans of the Spanish autonomous communities can incorporate sustainable development criteria in its development. There have been no analysis or proposals about development and indicators. The goal is to add a contribution to help build better health plans aimed at sustainable de- velopment and help to manage economic, social and environmental impacts of health systems criteria. Methods: We used a variation of the RAND/UCLA or modified Delphi technique method. The process consisted of a bibliographical and context matters and issues related to health and social responsibility analysis based on ISO 26000: 2010. A survey by deliberately to a selection of 70 expert members of the identified stakeholders was carried out and a discussion group was held to determine the consensus on the issues addressed in the survey sample. The research was conducted in 2015. Results: From the literature review 33 health issues included in ISO 26000:2010 were obtained. 7 survey proved relevant high consensus, 8 re- levance and average consensus and 18 with less relevance and high level of dissent. The expert group excluded 4 of the 18 subjects with less consensus. Conclusions: 29 issues included 33 at work, divided into 7 subjects contained in the guide ISO 26000 of social responsibility, were relevant stakeholders regarding possible inclusion in health plans. Considering the direct relationship published by ISO (International Organization for Stan- dardization) among the issues ISO 26000 and the economic, social and envi- ronmental indicators in GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) in its G4 version, a panel with monitoring indicators related to relevant issues were elaborated.Los autores agradecen el apoyo recibido por la Universidad Jaume I (proyecto P1.1B2013-48) y el Máster en Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (UJI-UNED)

    Estudio bibliométrico de la colección de revistas de la biblioteca graduada de administración pública

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    Este trabajo pretende dar una visión general de del uso de la colección de revistas de la Biblioteca de Administración Pública con el fin de recoger información fiable y cuantificable. En el mismo se utilizan dos técnicas de investigación para recoger los datos de uso. Este trabajo aporta una base inicial para elaborar estudios de este tipo, y realizar la evaluación exhaustiva de la colección de Revistas de la Biblioteca de Administración Pública y de otras colecciones del Recinto de Río Piedras

    The role of consciousness in the urge-for-action

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    A neuroanatomical model of urge-for-action phenomena has been proposed based on the “motivation-for-action” network (e.g., insula and mid-cingulate cortex). Notwithstanding the sound evidence presented regarding the functional and anatomical correlates of this model, the nature of the relationship between urges and conscious awareness remains to be addressed. Moreover, this model does not seem to explain (1) how a conscious access threshold is reached, and (2) the way in which the urges are related to more general contents of consciousness.Fil: Rivera Rei, Álvaro A.. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Canales Johnson, Andrés. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Huepe, David. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Ibáñez, Santiago Agustín. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; Argentin

    Compuestos químicos inductores de resistencia contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides en mangó

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    Various resistance-inducing chemicals were assessed in the interaction between mango (Mangifera indica L.) and the anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. These were salicylic acid, isonicotinic acid, benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid S-methyl ester (Actigard®)7, and other chemical compounds structurally similar, such as nicotinic acid, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide, isonicotinic acid ethyl ester, N-oxide isonicotinic acid, benzoic acid and sodium benzoate. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in C. gloeosporioidescolony growth were detected on culture media amended with the different resistance-inducing chemicals evaluated. At laboratory conditions, these compounds were sprayed to runoff on mango leaves and fruit pieces prior to inoculation. Lesion size was significantly reduced (P > 0.10) by concentrations ranging from 10-12 M to 10-6 M of salicylic acid (SA), 10-18 M and 10-14 M of isonicotinic acid (INA), 10-17 M to 10-2 M of Actigard®, and 10-10 M benzoic acid (BA). Salicylic acid, INA and BA caused toxicity on leaves at concentrations ranging from 10-1 to 10-3 M. Chemical compounds that induced resistance at laboratory conditions were further evaluated on six-month-old mango seedlings in a shade house. None of the chemicals tested significantly (P > 0.05) reduced lesion size caused by C. gloeosporioides. Other resistance-inducing chemicals not tested during these studies, such as probenazole, cyclopropane carboxylic acid derivatives, non-protein amino acids [β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) and  ϒ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)] and Phytoguard®, should be evaluated individually and in combinations to clarify this lack of induced resistance in mango tissues. Se evaluaron varios compuestos químicos inductores de resistencia en la interacción entre mangó (Mangifera indica L.) y el patógeno, agente causal de la antracnosis, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Los compuestos evaluados fueron ácido salicílico, ácido isonicotínico, ácido benzo (1,2,3) tiadiazol-7-carbotiónico áster de S-metilo (Actigard®) y otros compuestos químicos estructuralmente similares como el ácido nicotínico, el dinucleótido de adenina de ácido nicotínico, el áster de etilo del ácido isonicotínico, el N-óxido de ácido isonicotínico, el ácido benzoico y el benzoato de sodio. En el laboratorio antes de la inoculación, estos compuestos se asperjaron hasta la saturación sobre pedazos de hojas y frutas de mangó. En condiciones de laboratorio, el tamaño de las lesiones causadas por C. gloeosporioidesen pedazos de hojas y frutas de mangó se redujo significativamente (P < 0.10) a concentraciones que fluctuaron entre 10-12 M a 10-6 M de ácido salicílico (SA), 10-18 M y 10-14 M de ácido isonicotínico (INA), 10-17 M a 10-2 M de Actigard® y 10-10 M de ácido benzoico (BA). El ácido salicílico, INA y BA causaron toxicidad en las hojas a concentraciones que fluctuaron entre 10-1 a 10-3 M.  Los compuestos químicos que indujeron resistencia en condiciones de laboratorio se evaluaron en árboles de mangó de seis meses de edad en condiciones de umbráculo. Ninguno de los compuestos químicos evaluados redujo significativamente (P < 0.05) el tamaño de la lesión causada por C. gloeosporioides. Otros agentes químicos inductores de resistencia que no fueron evaluados durante estos estudios, tales como probenazol, derivados ciclopropanos de ácido carboxílico, aminoácidos no-proteícos [β-ácido aminobutírico (BABA) y ϒ-ácido aminobutírico (GABA)] y Phytogard®, se deben evaluar individualmente y en combinación para clarificar la ausencia de inducción de resistencia en los tejidos del mangó

    Testing the Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Base on Blood Lactate Levels after a Strenuous Exercise

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    INTRODUCTION: The lactate is an intermediate metabolic, its production in the skeletal muscle increase during the exercise, principally in anaerobic condition that include oxygen deficiency in the skeletal muscle during the exercise. The lactate is released to systemic blood, where it participate in the Cori cycle, although in the blood, the metabolite can modify the blood’s pH. For the last condition, the human has some mechanism to attenuate the lactate effects on the pH in blood PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was evaluate the effect of the sodium bicarbonate ingestion on the lactate blood levels before and after an acute strenuous exercise in undergraduate students. METHODS: Five male (21.2 ± 21.5 years; 78 ± 9.73 kg) were recruited. Two strenuous exercise test of 4 minutes were performed. An interval of 24 hours was present between exercise sessions. The test consisted in intervals of 30 seconds to maximum intensity and with periods of submaximal intensity for 30 seconds. The lower intensity consisted of continuous aerobic activity to ≈ 60% of HRmax. The first test was performed without NaHCO3 ingestion. Contrary, the second exercise session was performed with NaHCO3 ingestion (300mg/kg body weight). The NaHCO3 ingestion was performed 2 hours previous to exercise. RESULTS: Without sodium bicarbonate ingestion, the lactate before physical effort was 1,74mmol, SD 2,15mmol, the lactate after to physical effort was 7,94mmol, SD 9,73, the oxygen in blood before to physical effort was 99% SD 0%, the oxygen after to physical effort was 96,6% SD 1,74%, the systolic blood pressure before physical effort was 122mmHg, SD 11,66mmHg, the diastolic blood pressure was 91,2 mmHg, SD 10mmHg, after physical effort the systolic blood pressure was 131,2mmHg. SD 11,90mmHg, the diastolic blood pressure was 76mmHg, SD 12,58mmHg. With sodium bicarbonate ingest, the lactate before physical effort was 0.4mmol, SD 0.56mmol, lactate after physical effort was 6.73, SD 7,31mmol, the oxygen in blood before physical effort was 99% SD 0%, after to physical effort was 96.66%, SD 0.47%. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that the bicarbonate ingestion does not change significantly the blood lactate concentrations after a strenuous exercise. Our current data could be consequence by the low sample size. Therefore, we suggest perform a new study with a bigger sample than the current work

    Phylogenetic relationships of the Amblyomma cajennense complex (Acari: Ixodidae) at mitogenomic resolution

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    The genus Amblyomma is the third most diverse in the number of species within the Ixodidae, with practically half of its species distributed in the Americas, though there are also species occurring in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Within the genus, there are several species complexes with veterinary and public health importance. The Amblyomma cajennense complex, in the Americas, is represented by six species with a wide distribution, from Texas to northern Argentina. We combined two sequencing techniques to generate complete mitogenomes of species belonging to the Amblyomma cajennense complex: genome skimming and long-range PCRs sequencing methods. Thus, we generated seven new mitochondrial genomes for all species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex, except for Amblyomma interandinum. Genetic distances between the mitogenomes corroborate the clear differentiation between the five species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex. The phylogenetic relationships of these species had previously been evaluated by combining partial nuclear and mitochondrial genes and here these relationships are corroborated with a more robust framework of data, which demonstrates that the conjunction of mitochondrial and nuclear partial genes can resolve close relationships when entire genes or genomes are unavailable. The gene order, structure, composition, and length are stable across these mitogenomes, and they share the general characteristics of Metastriata. Future studies should increase the number of available mitogenomes for this genus, especially for those species from the Indo-Pacific region and Africa, by means of a better understanding of their relationships and evolutionary process.EEA RafaelaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva; EspañaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. University of South-Eastern. Faculty of Technology. Natural Sciences and Environmental Health Department. Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences; NoruegaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea (IDICAL); ArgentinaFil: Castro, Lyda R. Universidad del Magdalena. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas. Grupo de investigación Evolución, Sistemática y Ecología Molecular (GIESEMOL); ColombiaFil: Rivera-Paéz, Fredy A. Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Grupo de Investigación en Genética, Biodiversidad y Manejo de Ecosistemas (GEBIOME); ColombiaFil: Cortés-Vecino, Jesús A. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Grupo de Investigación Parasitología Veterinaria; ColombiaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC). Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiv; EspañaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Invertebrate Zoology Department; Estados Unido

    \u3cem\u3eluxS\u3c/em\u3e in bacteria isolated from 25- to 40-million-year-old amber

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    Interspecies bacterial communication is mediated by autoinducer-2, whose synthesis depends on luxS. Due to the apparent universality of luxS (present in more than 40 bacterial species), it may have an ancient origin; however, no direct evidence is currently available. We amplified luxS in bacteria isolated from 25- to 40-million-year-old amber. The phylogenies and molecular clocks of luxS and the 16S rRNA gene from ancient and extant bacteria were determined as well. Luminescence assays using Vibrio harveyi BB170 aimed to determine the activity of luxS. While the phylogeny of luxS was very similar to that of extant Bacillus spp., amber isolates exhibited unique 16S rRNA gene phylogenies. This suggests that luxS may have been acquired by horizontal transfer millions of years ago. Molecular clocks of luxS suggest slow evolutionary rates, similar to those of the 16S rRNA gene and consistent with a conserved gene. Dendograms of the 16S rRNA gene and luxS show two separate clusters for the extant and ancient bacteria, confirming the uniqueness of the latter group

    Performances and nutritional values of a new hooded barley (cv. Mochona) and a high yield triticale (cv. Titania) as hay or silage for sheep under Mediterranean conditions

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe hooded barley phenotype produces an extra sterile flower in spikelets instead of awns. Hence, it might improve the nutritive value of the whole plant. The aim of this work was to evaluate a new variety of hooded barley (cv. Mochona) and a high yield triticale (cv. Titania) harvested and processed as hay and silage during 2 consecutive years for sheep. Digestibility was determined using 32 ewes which were distributed in 2 balanced groups by treatment, and fed with hay and silage sequentially. Results showed differences in the chemical composition of hay and silage according to harvesting year, but no differences were found on voluntary intake by year, species, or their interaction. Both forages showed high sheep fill values (sFV) either as hay or as silage (2.65 ± 0.030 and 3.09 ± 0.042 sFV/kg DM, on average, respectively). Impact on apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients varied according to preservation method, the digestibility of hays being mainly affected by the harvesting year, and that of silages by species. Digestible undegradable protein values were greater in hooded barley than in triticale for silages. In conclusion, marked compositional differences between years, but slight differences between species, were observed. Consequently, intake was similar, although triticale revealed slightly greater nutritive values than hooded barley. The obtained values for hooded barley as forage were greater than those reported in the literature for common fodder barley