139 research outputs found

    Hadron Correlators and the Structure of the Quark Propagator

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    The structure of the quark propagator of QCDQCD in a confining background is not known. We make an Ansatz for it, as hinted by a particular mechanism for confinement, and analyze its implications in the meson and baryon correlators. We connect the various terms in the K\"allen-Lehmann representation of the quark propagator with appropriate combinations of hadron correlators, which may ultimately be calculated in lattice QCDQCD. Furthermore, using the positivity of the path integral measure for vector like theories, we reanalyze some mass inequalities in our formalism. A curiosity of the analysis is that, the exotic components of the propagator (axial and tensor), produce terms in the hadron correlators which, if not vanishing in the gauge field integration, lead to violations of fundamental symmetries. The non observation of these violations implies restrictions in the space-time structure of the contributing gauge field configurations. In this way, lattice QCDQCD can help us analyze the microscopic structure of the mechanisms for confinement.Comment: 12 pp in LaTeX, preprint Univ. of Valencia, FTUV/94-16, IFIC/94-15. To appear in Z.Phys.

    Experimental evaluation of the resolution improvement provided by a silicon PET probe

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    A high-resolution PET system, which incorporates a silicon detector probe into a conventional PET scanner, has been proposed to obtain increased image quality in a limited region of interest. Detailed simulation studies have previously shown that the additional probe information improves the spatial resolution of the reconstructed image and increases lesion detectability, with no cost to other image quality measures. The current study expands on the previous work by using a laboratory prototype of the silicon PET-probe system to examine the resolution improvement in an experimental setting. Two different versions of the probe prototype were assessed, both consisting of a back-to-back pair of 1-mm thick silicon pad detectors, one arranged in 32 x 16 arrays of 1.4mm x 1.4mm pixels and the other in 40 x 26 arrays of 1.0mm x 1.0mm pixels. Each detector was read out by a set of VATAGP7 ASICs and a custom-designed data acquisition board which allowed trigger and data interfacing with the PET scanner, itself consisting of BGO block detectors segmented into 8 x 6 arrays of 6mm x 12mm x 30mm crystals. Limited-angle probe data was acquired from a group of Na-22 point-like sources in order to observe the maximum resolution achievable using the probe system. Data from a Derenzo-like resolution phantom was acquired, then scaled to obtain similar statistical quality as that of previous simulation studies. In this case, images were reconstructed using measurements of the PET ring alone and with the inclusion of the probe data. Images of the Na-22 source demonstrated a resolution of 1.5mm FWHM in the probe data, the PET ring resolution being approximately 6 mm. Profiles taken through the image of the Derenzo-like phantom showed a clear increase in spatial resolution. Improvements in peak-to-valley ratios of 50% and 38%, in the 4.8mm and 4.0mm phantom features respectively, were observed, while previously unresolvable 3.2mm features were brought to light by the addition of the probe. These results support the possibility of improving the image resolution of a clinical PET scanner using the silicon PET-probe

    Surgical treatment of liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma in elderly patients.

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    Abstract Background: The elderly are under-represented in series of patients operated on for colorectal liver metastases (LM). Objective: To analyse the influence of age on surgery of colorectal LM, and the identification of factors that could be used as exclusion criteria. Patients and methods: Six hundred and forty-eight patients underwent liver resection between 1990 and 2006. Demographic data, primary tumour related variables, stage of the disease, morbidity, mortality, survival and recurrence were prospectively recorded. Results: One hundred and sixty of 648 patients (25%) were 70 years old or older. Postoperative mortality was significantly higher in elderly patients (8% vs. 3%, p=0.008). Morbidity was also higher (41% vs. 34%, p=0.008). Survival rate at 1, 3 and 5 years was 88%, 62% and 45% respectively in patients younger than 70 years, and 82%, 48% and 36% in the elderly (p=0.007). Excluding the postoperative mortality, the figures were 90%, 64% and 46%. 90%, 53% and 38% (p=0.061). Disease-free survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years excluding postoperative mortality were 68%, 32% and 25% in younger patients, compared to 68%, 34% and 30% (p=0.71) in the elderly. Major liver resections increased mortality in the elderly. In the multivariate analyses only a tumour size equal to or more than 10 cm significantly increased the postoperative mortality risk in elderly patients. Conclusions: The elderly have a higher mortality. In recent years that difference has been markedly reduced. Excluding the postoperative mortality, the overall survival and diseasefree survival are similar between both groups. The criteria to indicate surgery must be the same in both groups

    AX-PET: A novel PET concept with G-APD readout

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    Abstract The AX-PET collaboration has developed a novel concept for high resolution PET imaging to overcome some of the performance limitations of classical PET cameras, in particular the compromise between spatial resolution and sensitivity introduced by the parallax error. The detector consists of an arrangement of long LYSO scintillating crystals axially oriented around the field of view together with arrays of wave length shifter strips orthogonal to the crystals. This matrix allows a precise 3D measurement of the photon interaction point. This is valid both for photoelectric absorption at 511 keV and for Compton scattering down to deposited energies of about 100 keV. Crystals and WLS strips are individually read out using Geiger-mode Avalanche Photo Diodes (G-APDs). The sensitivity of such a detector can be adjusted by changing the number of layers and the resolution is defined by the crystal and strip dimensions. Two AX-PET modules were built and fully characterized in dedicated test set-ups at CERN, with point-like 22 Na sources. Their performance in terms of energy ( R energy ≈ 11.8 % (FWMH) at 511 keV) and spatial resolution was assessed ( σ axial ≈ 0.65 mm ), both individually and for the two modules in coincidence. Test campaigns at ETH Zurich and at the company AAA allowed the tomographic reconstructions of more complex phantoms validating the 3D reconstruction algorithms. The concept of the AX-PET modules will be presented together with some characterization results. We describe a count rate model which allows to optimize the planing of the tomographic scans

    Massively parallelizable list-mode reconstruction using a Monte Carlo-based elliptical Gaussian model

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    Purpose: A fully three-dimensional (3D) massively parallelizable list-mode ordered-subsets expectation-maximization (LM-OSEM) reconstruction algorithm has been developed for high-resolution PET cameras. System response probabilities are calculated online from a set of parameters derived from Monte Carlo simulations. The shape of a system response for a given line of response (LOR) has been shown to be asymmetrical around the LOR. This work has been focused on the development of efficient region-search techniques to sample the system response probabilities, which are suitable for asymmetric kernel models, including elliptical Gaussian models that allow for high accuracy and high parallelization efficiency. The novel region-search scheme using variable kernel models is applied in the proposed PET reconstruction algorithm...This work was partially supported by Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation through CDTI’s CENIT program (AMIT project) and INNPACTO (PRECISION project), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI09/91058 and PI09/91065), and Project Nos. TEC2010-21619-C04-03 and TEC2011-28972- C02-02, Comunidad de Madrid (ARTEMIS S2009/DPI- 1802), and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008–2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions, and finance by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Publicad

    Effect of Sex and Prior Exposure to a Cafeteria Diet on the Distribution of Sex Hormones between Plasma and Blood Cells

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    It is generally assumed that steroid hormones are carried in the blood free and/or bound to plasma proteins. We investigated whether blood cells were also able to bind/carry sex-related hormones: estrone, estradiol, DHEA and testosterone. Wistar male and female rats were fed a cafeteria diet for 30 days, which induced overweight. The rats were fed the standard rat diet for 15 additional days to minimize the immediate effects of excess ingested energy. Controls were always kept on standard diet. After the rats were killed, their blood was used for 1) measuring plasma hormone levels, 2) determining the binding of labeled hormones to washed red blood cells (RBC), 3) incubating whole blood with labeled hormones and determining the distribution of label between plasma and packed cells, discounting the trapped plasma volume, 4) determining free plasma hormone using labeled hormones, both through membrane ultrafiltration and dextran-charcoal removal. The results were computed individually for each rat. Cells retained up to 32% estrone, and down to 10% of testosterone, with marked differences due to sex and diet (the latter only for estrogens, not for DHEA and testosterone). Sex and diet also affected the concentrations of all hormones, with no significant diet effects for estradiol and DHEA, but with considerable interaction between both factors. Binding to RBC was non-specific for all hormones. Estrogen distribution in plasma compartments was affected by sex and diet. In conclusion: a) there is a large non-specific RBC-carried compartment for estrone, estradiol, DHEA and testosterone deeply affected by sex; b) Prior exposure to a cafeteria (hyperlipidic) diet induced hormone distribution changes, affected by sex, which hint at sex-related structural differences in RBC membranes; c) We postulate that the RBC compartment may contribute to maintain free (i.e., fully active) sex hormone levels in a way similar to plasma proteins non-specific binding

    Effect of Sex and Prior Exposure to a Cafeteria Diet on the Distribution of Sex Hormones between Plasma and Blood Cells

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    It is generally assumed that steroid hormones are carried in the blood free and/or bound to plasma proteins. We investigated whether blood cells were also able to bind/carry sex-related hormones: estrone, estradiol, DHEA and testosterone. Wistar male and female rats were fed a cafeteria diet for 30 days, which induced overweight. The rats were fed the standard rat diet for 15 additional days to minimize the immediate effects of excess ingested energy. Controls were always kept on standard diet. After the rats were killed, their blood was used for 1) measuring plasma hormone levels, 2) determining the binding of labeled hormones to washed red blood cells (RBC), 3) incubating whole blood with labeled hormones and determining the distribution of label between plasma and packed cells, discounting the trapped plasma volume, 4) determining free plasma hormone using labeled hormones, both through membrane ultrafiltration and dextran-charcoal removal. The results were computed individually for each rat. Cells retained up to 32% estrone, and down to 10% of testosterone, with marked differences due to sex and diet (the latter only for estrogens, not for DHEA and testosterone). Sex and diet also affected the concentrations of all hormones, with no significant diet effects for estradiol and DHEA, but with considerable interaction between both factors. Binding to RBC was non-specific for all hormones. Estrogen distribution in plasma compartments was affected by sex and diet. In conclusion: a) there is a large non-specific RBC-carried compartment for estrone, estradiol, DHEA and testosterone deeply affected by sex; b) Prior exposure to a cafeteria (hyperlipidic) diet induced hormone distribution changes, affected by sex, which hint at sex-related structural differences in RBC membranes; c) We postulate that the RBC compartment may contribute to maintain free (i.e., fully active) sex hormone levels in a way similar to plasma proteins non-specific binding

    Document de consens per a la coinfecció pel Virus de la Immunodeficiència Humana i els Virus de les Hepatitis a Catalunya

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    VIH; Virus de les Hepatitis; CoinfeccióVIH; Virus de las Hepatitis; CoinfecciónHIV; Hepatitis virus; CoinfectionAquest manual ha estat preparat amb la intenció d'abordar els problemes que planteja el maneig de les persones malaltes amb coinfecció pel virus de la sida i els virus de l'hepatitis. A més, facilita als metges i metgesses assistencials els recursos necessaris per al diagnòstic i la presa de decisions terapèutiques, així com els criteris per ampliar la prevenció en tots aquells grups de població exposats a contraure aquestes infeccions.Este manual ha sido preparado con la intención de abordar los problemas que plantea el manejo de las personas enfermas con coinfección por el virus del sida y los virus de la hepatitis. Además, facilita a los médicos asistenciales los recursos necesarios para el diagnóstico y la toma de decisiones terapéuticas, así como los criterios para ampliar la prevención en todos aquellos grupos de población expuestos a contraer estas infecciones