366 research outputs found

    Hilos y nanotecnología: monitoreo de la señal pulso vital

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    This article shows the results obtained in the Threads and Nanotechnology research project, in which the monitoring of the vital pulse signal was developed. Through the application of concepts such as: the principles of photoplethysmography, piezoelectric sensors, Analog-Digital conversion and digital filters; allowing electronic handling, programming and testing of a microcontroller to send information to the element that processed the sensed signal. An Android and Web application was implemented for its correct visualization. The work finished with the construction of a device to facilitate early alarms of health status in older adults.Este artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de investigación de Hilos y Nanotecnología, en el que se desarrolló el monitoreo de la señal pulso vital. Mediante la aplicación de conceptos tales como: los principios de fotopletismografía, sensores piezoeléctricos, conversión analógico-digital y filtros digitales, se establece el manejo electrónico, la programación y las pruebas de un microcontrolador para enviar información al elemento que procesó la señal detectada. Se implementó una aplicación Android y Web para su correcta visualización. El trabajo finaliza con la construcción de un dispositivo para facilitar las primeras alarmas del estado de salud en los adultos mayores

    Intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma for severe Asherman syndrome: a cutting-edge approach

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    Asherman syndrome (AS) consists of intrauterine adhesions development as a consequence of trauma, radiation, or infection in the endometrium. Clinical symptoms include menstrual alterations, infertility, and pregnancy complications, such as recurrent pregnancy loss or abnormal placentation. In this article, we performed a narrative review of the literature, searching electronic databases (i.e., Medline, Pubmed, and Google Scholar) to summarize the available pieces of evidence about epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of AS. Hysteroscopy is essential for diagnosis and treatment, although adhesions may recur. Different postoperative therapies have been proposed to prevent recurrence and restore impaired endometrial function and promote endometrial regeneration, although these effects are usually temporary. We report a case of AS with adhesion recurrence and endometrial atrophy who was successfully treated with intrauterine autologous platelet–rich plasma (PRP) infusion. This therapy allowed endometrial tissue regeneration, leading to increased vascularity and endometrium thickness, and restoration of endometrial function that led to a successful pregnancy. Though there is limited experience supporting the use of PRP to improve endometrial function, it has been safely used in other fields of medicine; besides, it is easy to obtain, not expensive, and harmless being an autologous source. Future studies are encouraged to further assess this approach to treat AS

    Numerically-based parametric study of a compact fin-tube heat exchanger

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.This study presents a comprehensive numerical analysis of the convective heat transfer on the external side of a compact fintube heat exchanger. The aim is to study the influence of key geometric parameters on both fluid flow and heat transfer processes in order to design more compact devices. The parameters are: fin spacing, tube diameter and tube alignment; i.e., inline or staggered, for a set of typical operating conditions. The parametric analysis is established on a six-tube baseline heat exchanger model, where air flows over the tubes and water flows at high speed inside the tubes. The mathematical model of the convection process is comprised of the continuity, momentum and energy equations, in Cartesian coordinates, which is solved under specific flow and temperature values using the finite element method. From computed velocity, pressure and temperature fields, the values of heat rate and pressure drop are then calculated for a range of flow rates in the laminar regime. Results from this investigation indicate that tube diameter and fin spacing play a role in the amount of heat being exchanged and that, for a given device, the length needed to exchange 90% of the energy that could be achieved by the baseline model, is confined to less than 1/2 its actual size, and to exchange 98% of the associated thermal energy, less than 2/3 of its size is necessary.cf201


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    A casi 133 años de la muerte de Daniel Alcides Carrión García, héroe nacional y mártir de la medicina peruana, es importante traer a la memoria de los compañeros de facultad una breve comunicación respecto de él, de manera que los estudiantes se sientan cercanos a su historia y a los ideales que motivaron su loable sacrificio. Y es que frente a la figura engrandecida de Carrión, podemos sentirlo lejano no solo temporalmente sino también por su histórica y ensalzada figura; sin embargo, no debemos de olvidar jamás que detrás de la hazaña contada con tanto entusiasmo en los cursos de Historia de la Medicina impartidos en las Facultades, y que en el caso de los estudiantes Famurpinos, algunos tuvieron la suerte de escuchar la historia narrada por el Dr. José Neyra cuando se desempeñaba como profesor principal del curso en la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, está el relato de un estudiante de medicina cuyo coraje, patriotismo, determinación y curiosidad le permitieron pasar a las páginas gloriosas de la historia y medicina de la patria. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v17.n3.120

    Resumen de la tarea Rest-Mex en IberLEF 2023: Investigaci´on sobre An´alisis de Sentimiento para Textos Tur´ısticos Mexicanos

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    This paper presents the framework and results of the Rest-Mex task at IberLEF 2023, focusing on sentiment analysis and text clustering of tourist texts. The study primarily focuses on texts related to tourist destinations in Mexico, although this edition included data from Cuba and Colombia for the first time. The sentiment analysis task aims to predict the polarity of opinions expressed by tourists, classifying the type of place visited, whether it’s a tourist attraction, hotel, or restaurant, as well as the country it is located in. On the other hand, the text clustering task aims to classify news articles related to tourism in Mexico. For both tasks, corpora were built using Spanish opinions extracted from TripAdvisor and news articles from Mexican media. This article compares and discusses the results obtained by the participants in both sub-tasks. Additionally, a method is proposed to measure the easiness of a multi-class text classification corpus, along with an approach for system selection in a possible late fusion scheme.Este artículo presenta el marco y los resultados de la tarea Rest-Mex en IberLEF 2023, que se enfoca en el análisis de sentimiento y agrupamiento de textos turísticos. El estudio se centra principalmente en textos relacionados con destinos turísticos en México, aunque esta edición incluyó datos de Cuba y Colombia por primera vez. La tarea de análisis de sentimiento tiene como objetivo predecir la polaridad de opiniones expresadas por turistas, clasificando el tipo de lugar visitado, ya sea un atractivo turístico, un hotel o un restaurante, así como el país en el que se encuentra. Por otro lado, la tarea de agrupamiento de textos busca clasificar noticias relacionadas con el turismo en México. Para ambas tareas, se construyeron corpus utilizando opiniones en español extraídas de TripAdvisor y noticias de medios mexicanos. En este artículo, se comparan y discuten los resultados obtenidos por los participantes en ambas sub tareas. Además, se propone un método para medir la facilidad de un corpus de clasificación textual multi-clase, así como un enfoque para la selección de sistemas en un posible esquema de fusión tardía.The authors thank the Mexican Academy of Tourism Research (AMIT) for their support of the project ”Creation of a labeled database related to tourist destinations for training artificial intelligence models for classifying relevant topics” through the call ”I Research Projects 2022”, which originated this work

    Diet and lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Spain

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    This study aimed to evaluate changes in dietary and lifestyle habits during the period of confinement due to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-American countries. A cross-sectional investigation was conducted with 6,325 participants of both genders (68% women), over 18 years of age and from five countries: Brazil (N = 2,171), Argentina (N = 1,111), Peru (N = 1,174), Mexico (N = 686), and Spain (N = 1,183). Data were collected during the year 2020, between April 01 and June 30 in Spain and between July 13 and September 26, in the other countries studied using a self-administered online survey designed for the assessment of sociodemographic, employment, physical activity, health status, and dietary habits changes. Most participants (61.6%), mainly those from Spain, remained constant, without improving or worsening their pattern of food consumption. Among those who changed, a pattern of better eating choices prevailed (22.7%) in comparison with those who changed toward less healthy choices (15.7%). Argentina and Brazil showed the highest proportion of changes toward a healthier pattern of food consumption. Peruvians and Mexicans were less likely to make healthy changes in food consumption (OR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.4–0.6 and OR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.4–0.8, respectively), when compared to Argentinians. Most respondents did not change their pattern of meal consumption, but those who did reduced their consumption of main meals and increased intake of small meals and snacks. Although most participants affirmed to be doing physical activity at home, about one-half reported perception of weight gain. Individuals with alterations in sleep pattern (either by increasing or decreasing sleep time) were more likely to change their diets to a healthier pattern. In contrast, individuals with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and those who reported feeling anxious were more likely to perform changes to a less healthy eating pattern (OR: 1.72; 95% CI: 1.2–2.3 and OR: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.1–1.4, respectively). In conclusion, although most participants remained constant in their eating habits, lifestyle changes and anxiety feelings were reported. Among those who changed patterns of food consumption, healthier choices prevailed, with differences between countries. However, there were alterations in the distribution of meals, with higher consumption of snacks and small meals. These results can be used to guide policies to prevent deleterious consequences that may affect the incidence of chronic diseasesWe acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) which provided MCBM a productivity fellowship and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) which granted OE-M a Ph.D. scholarship. The project developed in Spain was supported by the Program of R&D activities between research groups of the Community of Madrid in Social Sciences and Humanities, co-financed with the European Social Fund (H2019/HUM-5802

    Do you have what it takes? An analysis of the factors associated with the intention to choose a surgical career among medical undergraduates

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    Resumen Introducción Los cambios en la práctica profesional han transformado la intención de los estudiantes de medicina de optar por una carrera en cirugía. Objetivo Evaluar los factores asociados con esta intención en un contexto de acelerada dinámica educativa y sanitaria. Materiales y Método Evaluamos la intención de los estudiantes de diez facultades de medicina en Colombia, y los factores asociados, mediante un cuestionario (escala de Likert) desarrollado a partir de la revisión de la literatura. Identificamos la asociación entre los factores y la intención mediante un análisis de regresión lineal. Los resultados de la regresión se presentan mediante coeficientes ? (p < 0,05). Resultados Un total de 252 estudiantes (65,87% mujeres) fueron incluidos en el análisis. El promedio de la intención fue 3,15 ± 1,34 (1-5). Los factores significativamente asociados fueron: identificación con el estilo de vida quirúrgico (? = 0,25); identificación con modelos (? = 0,18); atributos personales (? = 0,25) e identificación con la práctica profesional del cirujano (? = 0,16). No encontramos asociación significativa con el género (mujeres en la especialidad), prestigio, dinámica del posgrado ni recompensa futura. Conclusión Existe una intención moderada de elegir una carrera de cirugía entre estudiantes de medicina colombianos. Optar por esta carrera requiere atributos personales, modelos e identificación con el estilo de vida y práctica profesional del cirujano. Se requieren estudios cualitativos que exploren en profundidad estos resultados e intervenciones focalizadas a estimular esta intención entre los estudiantes.Introduction The changes in the professional practice have transformed the intention of medical students to choose a surgical career. Aim Evaluate the factors associated with this intention in a context of accelerated educational and health dynamics. Materials and Method We evaluated the intention of the students of ten medical schools in Colombia, and the associated factors, through a questionnaire (Likert scale) settled from a literature review. We identify the association between the factors and the intention by using linear regression analysis. The results of the regression are presented by ? coefficients (p < 0.05). Results A total of 252 students (65.87% women) were included in the analysis. The average of the intention was 3.15 ± 1.34 (1-5). The factors significantly associated were: identification with the surgical lifestyle (? = 0.25); identification with models (? = 0.18); personal attributes (? = 0.25) and identification with the professional practice of the surgeon (? = 0.16). We did not find significant associations with gender (women in the specialty), prestige, postgraduate dynamics and future rewards. Conclusion There is a moderate intention to choose a career in surgery among Colombian medical undergraduates. Choosing this career requires personal attributes, models and identification with the lifestyle and professional practice of the surgeon. Further qualitative studies are necessary to explore these results in depth, as well as interventions to stimulate this intention among students

    An Upgraded, Highly Saturated Linkage Map of Japanese Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.), and Identification of a New Major Locus Controlling the Flavan-3-ol Composition in Fruits

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    Japanese plum fruits are rich in phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols, whose contents vary significantly among cultivars. Catechin (C) and epicatechin (EC) are flavan-3-ol monomers described in the fruits of this species and are associated with bitterness, astringency, antioxidant capacity, and susceptibility to enzymatic mesocarp browning. In this study, we aimed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the content of flavan-3-ol in Japanese plum fruits. We evaluated the content of C and EC in the mesocarp and exocarp of samples from 79 and 64 seedlings of an F1 progeny () in the first and second seasons, respectively. We also constructed improved versions of linkage maps from ‘98–99’ and ‘Angeleno,’ presently called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) after mapping the already available GBS reads to Prunus salicina Lindl. cv. ‘Sanyueli’ v2.0 reference genome. These data allowed for describing a cluster of QTLs in the cultivar, ‘Angeleno,’ associated with the flavan-3-ol composition of mesocarp and exocarp, which explain up to 100% of the C/EC ratio. Additionally, we developed a C/EC metabolic marker, which was mapped between the markers with the highest log of odds (LOD) scores detected by the QTL analysis. The C/EC locus was located in the LG1, at an interval spanning 0.70 cM at 108.30–108.90 cM. Our results suggest the presence of a novel major gene controlling the preferential synthesis of C or EC in the Japanese plum fruits. This study is a significant advance in understanding the regulation of synthesizing compounds associated with fruit quality, postharvest, and human health promotion.This study has been funded by the National Agency of Research and Development (ANID)/the Scholarship Program/BECAS DE DOCTORADO NACIONAL/2020 – 21200330; Fondecyt Regular No. 1191446; Fondecyt Iniciación No. 11150662; Fondecyt Regular No. 1200718; FONDEF Project IT17I0069 Sweet Pekeetah: “un modelo tecnológico- comercial para una nueva variedad chilena de fruta”. JS was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through the Juan de la Cierva incorporation contract (IJC2018-036623-I