137 research outputs found

    ”Ne vaan tulee suusta ulos”:5. luokan oppilaiden käyttämä verkkokieli

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimus käsittelee 5. luokan esimurrosikäisten nuorten käyttämää verkkokieltä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä verkkokielen sanat ovat nuorten käytössä tällä hetkellä ja miten/missä/milloin nuoret käyttävät verkkokieltä. Tutkimuksen vertailun kohteena ovat tutkimukseen osallistuneiden koulujen ja sukupuolten väliset erot sekä samankaltaisuudet. Nykynuoriso on syntynyt jo valmiiksi teknologisoituneeseen maailmaan. Nuoret käyttävät paljon sosiaalisen median palveluita, ja tämän vuoksi on oletettavaa, että sosiaalinen media antaa vaikutteita nuorten kielellisiin ilmiöihin. Tämän päivän nuorisokulttuurilliset piirteet muodostuvat sosiaalisen median sekä muiden digitaalisten palveluiden vaikutuksesta. Nykypäivän nuoret viettävät merkittävästi enemmän aikaa digitaalisten palveluiden keskuudessa kuin aikaisemmat sukupolvet. Tämän vuoksi on oletettavaa, että digitaalisten palveluiden sisältämä verkkokieli muokkaa nuorten kielenkäyttöä. Tutkimukseni kohdejoukkona ovat 5. luokan oppilaat kolmesta eri suurehkon suomalaisen kaupungin peruskoulusta. Kyselyyn osallistui yhteensä 67 oppilasta (33 poikaa, 33 tyttöä ja yksi muunsukupuolinen). Tutkimukseni toteutettiin kvantitatiivisin tutkimusmenetelmin, mitä laajennettiin avoimin kysymyksin. Kyselylomake muodostettiin puolistrukturoidusti, missä suurin osa kysymyksistä oli monivalinta- tai suljettuja kysymyksiä. Kyselylomakkeessa oli myös muutama avoin kysymys. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2020 verkkokyselynä Google Forms palvelun avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa tuli ilmi, että tutkimukseen osallistuneet pojat käyttävät kyselylomakkeen verkkokielen sanoja enemmän kuin tutkimukseen osallistuneet tytöt. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet pojat eivät kuitenkaan koe sosiaalisen median palveluiden muokkaavan heidän kielenkäyttöään yhtä paljon kuin tutkimukseen osallistuneet tytöt kokevat. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden koulujen välillä on pieniä eroja verkkokielen käytössä, mutta keskimäärin kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet nuoret käyttävät verkkokieltä edes jonkin verran kielenkäytössään ja siihen vaikuttavat useat eri seikat. Suurin osa tutkimukseen osallistuneista nuorista käyttää verkkokieltä eniten kavereiden kanssa puhuessa, mutta he käyttävät verkkokielen sanoja paljon myös sosiaalisen median palveluissa

    Asymptotic function for multi-growth surfaces using power-law noise

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    Numerical simulations are used to investigate the multiaffine exponent αq\alpha_q and multi-growth exponent βq\beta_q of ballistic deposition growth for noise obeying a power-law distribution. The simulated values of βq\beta_q are compared with the asymptotic function βq=1q\beta_q = \frac{1}{q} that is approximated from the power-law behavior of the distribution of height differences over time. They are in good agreement for large qq. The simulated αq\alpha_q is found in the range 1qαq2q+1\frac{1}{q} \leq \alpha_q \leq \frac{2}{q+1}. This implies that large rare events tend to break the KPZ universality scaling-law at higher order qq.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Classification of KPZQ and BDP models by multiaffine analysis

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    We argue differences between the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang with Quenched disorder (KPZQ) and the Ballistic Deposition with Power-law noise (BDP) models, using the multiaffine analysis method. The KPZQ and the BDP models show mono-affinity and multiaffinity, respectively. This difference results from the different distribution types of neighbor-height differences in growth paths. Exponential and power-law distributions are observed in the KPZQ and the BDP, respectively. In addition, we point out the difference of profiles directly, i.e., although the surface profiles of both models and the growth path of the BDP model are rough, the growth path of the KPZQ model is smooth.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetosheath control of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling efficiency

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    We examine the role of the magnetosheath in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling using the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms plasma and magnetic field observations in the magnetosheath together with OMNI solar wind data and auroral electrojet recordings from the International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects (IMAGE) magnetometer chain. We demonstrate that the electric field and Poynting flux reaching the magnetopause are not linear functions of the electric field and Poynting flux observed in the solar wind: the electric field and Poynting flux at the magnetopause during higher driving conditions are lower than those predicted from a linear function. We also show that the Poynting flux normal to the magnetopause is linearly correlated with the directly driven part of the auroral electrojets in the ionosphere. This indicates that the energy entering the magnetosphere in the form of the Poynting flux is directly responsible for driving the electrojets. Furthermore, we argue that the polar cap potential saturation discussed in the literature is associated with the way solar wind plasma gets processed during the bow shock crossing and motion within the magnetosheath.Peer reviewe

    Preinfection in vitro chemotaxis, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, and expression of CD11/CD18 receptors and their predictive capacity on the outcome of mastitis induced in dairy cows with Escherichia coli.

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    Four to 6 wk after parturition, 12 cows in second, fourth, or fifth lactation were experimentally infected in one gland with Escherichia coli. The capacity of chemotaxis, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, and expression of CD11/CD18 receptors to predict the severity of IMI was measured. Bacterial counts in the infected quarter, expressed as area under the curve, and residual milk production in the uninfected quarters were compared to determine severity of the infection. Although these two outcome parameters were highly negatively correlated, regression models with preinfection tests for leukocyte function fitted best with bacterial counts as an outcome parameter. Of the preinfection tests for leukocyte function, chemotaxis best predicted the outcome of the IMI that had been experimentally induced by E. coli. The number of circulating peripheral leukocytes just prior to inoculation was used to predict 52 and 45% of the severity of IMI for bacterial counts and residual milk production, respectively. As a categorical variable, parity predicted 75 and 56% of the severity of IMI expressed as bacterial counts and residual milk production, respectively. Because of the strong effect of parity on the outcome of the experimentally induced mastitis, analysis was performed to discriminate between second parity cows and older cows. Significant differences were found for the number of circulating peripheral leukocytes and for the expression of CD11b/CDl8 and CD11c/CD18 receptors between younger and older cows

    Soft X-Ray Tomography Reveals Gradual Chromatin Compaction and Reorganization during Neurogenesis In Vivo

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    SummaryThe realization that nuclear distribution of DNA, RNA, and proteins differs between cell types and developmental stages suggests that nuclear organization serves regulatory functions. Understanding the logic of nuclear architecture and how it contributes to differentiation and cell fate commitment remains challenging. Here, we use soft X-ray tomography (SXT) to image chromatin organization, distribution, and biophysical properties during neurogenesis in vivo. Our analyses reveal that chromatin with similar biophysical properties forms an elaborate connected network throughout the entire nucleus. Although this interconnectivity is present in every developmental stage, differentiation proceeds with concomitant increase in chromatin compaction and re-distribution of condensed chromatin toward the nuclear core. HP1β, but not nucleosome spacing or phasing, regulates chromatin rearrangements because it governs both the compaction of chromatin and its interactions with the nuclear envelope. Our experiments introduce SXT as a powerful imaging technology for nuclear architecture

    Correlation functions and queuing phenomena in growth processes with drift

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    We suggest a novel stochastic discrete growth model which describes the drifted Edward-Wilkinson (EW) equation h/t=νx2hvxh+η(x,t)\partial h /\partial t = \nu \partial_x^2 h - v\partial_x h +\eta(x,t). From the stochastic model, the anomalous behavior of the drifted EW equation with a defect is analyzed. To physically understand the anomalous behavior the height-height correlation functions C(r)=C(r)= and G(r)=G(r)= are also investigated, where the defect is located at x0x_0. The height-height correlation functions follow the power law C(r)rαC(r)\sim r^{\alpha'} and G(r)rαG(r)\sim r^{\alpha''} with α=α=1/4\alpha'=\alpha''=1/4 around a perfect defect at which no growth process is allowed. α=α=1/4\alpha'=\alpha''=1/4 is the same as the anomalous roughness exponent α=1/4\alpha=1/4. For the weak defect at which the growth process is partially allowed, the normal EW behavior is recovered. We also suggest a new type queuing process based on the asymmetry C(r)C(r)C(r) \neq C(-r) of the correlation function around the perfect defect

    Chromatin organization regulates viral egress dynamics

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    Various types of DNA viruses are known to elicit the formation of a large nuclear viral replication compartment and marginalization of the cell chromatin. We used three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography, confocal and electron microscopy, combined with numerical modelling of capsid diffusion to analyse the molecular organization of chromatin in herpes simplex virus 1 infection and its effect on the transport of progeny viral capsids to the nuclear envelope. Our data showed that the formation of the viral replication compartment at late infection resulted in the enrichment of heterochromatin in the nuclear periphery accompanied by the compaction of chromatin. Random walk modelling of herpes simplex virus 1-sized particles in a three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography reconstruction of an infected cell nucleus demonstrated that the peripheral, compacted chromatin restricts viral capsid diffusion, but due to interchromatin channels capsids are able to reach the nuclear envelope, the site of their nuclear egress.Peer reviewe