416 research outputs found

    Room-temperature ferromagnetism in the mixtures of the TiO₂ and Co₃O₄ powders

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    We report here the observation of ferromagnetism (FM) at 300 K in mixtures of TiO₂ and Co₃O₄ powders despite the antiferromagnetic and diamagnetic characters of both oxides, respectively. The ferromagnetic behavior is found in the early stages of reaction and only for TiO₂ in anatase structure; no FM is found for identical samples prepared with rutile-TiO². Optical spectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectra confirm a surface reduction of octahedral Co^(+3) -> Co^(+2) in the mixtures which is in the origin of the observed magnetism

    Cryptochromes are the key photoreceptors mediating Arabidopsis inflorescence stem movements under natural sunlight

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    Inflorescence stem movements in response to natural sunlight are widely spread across angiosperm species and are suggested to increase reproductive success. However, the underlying mechanisms that mediate this phototropic response to natural irradiation are unclear. We studied phototropic responses of Arabidopsis inflorescences in both laboratory and field conditions and report an action spectrum at wavelengths below 500 nm, mediated by several photoreceptor families. In controlled conditions, UVR8 is the key photoreceptor for narrowband UV-B radiation while phototropins and cryptochromes are crucial for phototropic responses to narrowband blue light. At low blue irradiances, phototropins are dominant while cryptochromes are essential during high blue irradiances but subjected to the negative control of phototropins. Importantly, cryptochromes are the principal photoreceptors mediating inflorescence stem bending under full sunlight

    Thermal route for the synthesis of maghemite/hematite core/shell nanowires

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    Nowadays, iron oxide-based nanostructures are key materials in many technological areas. Their physical and chemical properties can be tailored by tuning the morphology. In particular, the possibility of increasing the specific surface area has turned iron oxide nanowires (NWs) into promising functional materials in many applications. Among the different possible iron oxide NWs that can be fabricated, maghemite/hematite iron oxide core/shell structures have particular importance since they combine the magnetism of the inner maghemite core with the interesting properties of hematite in different technological fields ranging from green energy to biomedical applications. However, the study of these iron oxide structures is normally difficult due to the structural and chemical similarities between both iron oxide polymorphs. In this work, we propose a route for the synthesis of maghemite/hematite NWs based on the thermal oxidation of previously electrodeposited iron NWs. A detailed spectroscopic analysis based on Raman, Mossbauer, and X-ray absorption shows that the ratio of both oxides can be controlled during fabrication. Transmission electron microscopy has been used to check the core/shell structure of the NWs. The biocompatibility and capability of internalization of these NWs have also been proven to show the potential of these NWs in biomedical applications

    Influencia de la densidad de la masa adulta y el tratamiento del suelo sobre la regeneración del pino laricio (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. Salzmannii) en España

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    Satisfactory results relating to the natural regeneration of the Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra Arn ssp. salzmannii) is generally difficult to achieve. The natural regeneration of this pine was studied comparing two types of soil treatment and various overstory densities in six experimental forests. These studies were conducted from 1999 to 2002 and seed rain and germination, as well as seedling survival were observed in a number of specific plots: Brushing, scalping and control plots. In addition various overstory densities were used (measured as base area (square m/ha). Soil and air temperature together with soil moisture were continuously recorded throughout this summer period. The results showed that seed germination was higher in plots using the scalping technique, as opposed to the brushed or controlled plots. The best seedling survival percentage was found in scalped plots together with a larger basal area. It was also found that seedling survival was lower during the first year than during the second one. The results have practical implications for management of Spanish black pine forests as well as valuable information which could improve the conditions for regeneration.Generalmente es difícil conseguir una regeneración natural satisfactoria del pino laricio (Pinus nigra Arn ssp. salzmannii). Esta ha sido estudiada en dos tipos de tratamiento del suelo y bajo diferentes rangos de densidad de masa en seis montes de la Provincia de Cuenca. Entre 1999 y 2000 se ha seguido la lluvia de semillas, germinación y supervivencia de plántulas en las parcelas en las que se realizaron los tratamientos de suelo y bajo diferentes rangos de densidad de masa adulta, medida como área basimétrica (m cuadrados/ha). La temperatura del suelo y aire y la humedad del suelo han sido registradas durante el verano y para las dos primeras épocas de crecimiento de las plántulas. En las zonas decapadas la germinación fue superior a la encontrada en las zonas desbrozadas o testigo. El mejor porcentaje de supervivencia se calculó para las zonas decapadas en combinación con el mayor nivel de área basimétrica medido. La mortalidad de plántulas fue superior durante el primer periodo de crecimiento. Los resultados tienen implicaciones prácticas especialmente en lo relativo a una gestión forestal que mejore las condiciones para la regeneración natural de los bosques de pino laricio

    Assessment of a high-resolution central scheme for the solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations

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    We assess the suitability of a recent high-resolution central scheme developed by Kurganov & Tadmor (2000) for the solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations. The novelty of this approach relies on the absence of Riemann solvers in the solution procedure. The computations we present are performed in one and two spatial dimensions in Minkowski spacetime. Standard numerical experiments such as shock tubes and the relativistic flat-faced step test are performed. As an astrophysical application the article includes two-dimensional simulations of the propagation of relativistic jets using both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. The simulations reported clearly show the capabilities of the numerical scheme to yield satisfactory results, with an accuracy comparable to that obtained by the so-called high-resolution shock-capturing schemes based upon Riemann solvers (Godunov-type schemes), even well inside the ultrarelativistic regime. Such central scheme can be straightforwardly applied to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws for which the characteristic structure is not explicitly known, or in cases where the exact solution of the Riemann problem is prohibitively expensive to compute numerically. Finally, we present comparisons with results obtained using various Godunov-type schemes as well as with those obtained using other high-resolution central schemes which have recently been reported in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, to appear in A&

    Surface-Parallel Sensor Orientation for Assessing Energy Balance Components on Mountain Slopes

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    The consistency of eddy-covariance measurements is often evaluated in terms of the degree of energy balance closure. Even over sloping terrain, instrumentation for measuring energy balance components is commonly installed horizontally, i.e. perpendicular to the geo-potential gradient. Subsequently, turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat are rotated perpendicular to the mean streamlines using tilt-correction algorithms. However, net radiation (Rn) and soil heat fluxes (G) are treated differently, and typically only Rn is corrected to account for slope. With an applied case study, we show and argue several advantages of installing sensors surface-parallel to measure surface-normal Rn and G. For a 17 % south-west-facing slope, our results show that horizontal installation results in hysteresis in the energy balance closure and errors of up to 25 %. Finally, we propose an approximation to estimate the surface-normal Rn, when only vertical Rn measurements are available.Andalusia Regional Government through projects P12RNM-2409Andalusia Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness though projects CGL2010-18782, CGL2014-52838-C2-1-R (GEISpain) and CGL2013-45410-REuropean Community’s Seventh Framework Programme through INFRA-2010-1.1.16-262254 (ACTRIS),INFRA-2011-1-284274 (InGOS) and PEOPLE-2013-IOF-625988 (DIESEL) project

    Different lesion distribution in calves orally or intratracheally challenged with Mycobacterium bovis: implications for diagnosis

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    [EN] Animal tuberculosis (TB) remains a major problem in some countries despite the existence of control programmes focused mainly on cattle. In this species, aerogenous transmission is accepted as the most frequent infection route, affecting mainly the respiratory system. Under the hypothesis that the oral route could be playing a more relevant role in transmission, diagnosis and disease persistence than previously thought, this study was performed to assess the course of TB infection in cattle and its effects on diagnosis depending on the route of entry of Mycobacterium bovis. Two groups of five calves each were either endotracheally (EC) or orally (OC) challenged. Necropsies were carried out 12 weeks after challenge except for three OC calves slaughtered 8 weeks later. All animals reacted to the tuberculin skin test and the entire EC group was positive to the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) 2 weeks after challenge and thereafter. The first positive IGRA results for OC calves (3/5) were recorded 4 weeks after challenge. Group comparison revealed significant differences in lesion and positive culture location and scoring. TB-compatible gross lesions and positive cultures were more frequently found in the thorax (p < 0.001) and lung (p < 0.05) of EC animals, whereas OC animals presented lesions (p = 0.23) and positive cultures (p < 0.05) mainly located in the abdomen. These results indicate that the infection route seems to be a determining factor for both the distribution and the time needed for the development of visible lesions. Our study suggests that confirmation of TB infection in some skin reactor animals can be problematic if current post-mortem examination and diagnostics are not improvedSIThis study was supported with funds from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Research Project AGL2014-56305-C3-3-R) and the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government. MS holds a fellowship from the Department of Education of the Basque Government (PRE_2017_2_0043

    Formation of a magnetite/hematite epitaxial bilayer generated with low energy ion bombardment

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    We have used a low-energy ion bombardment to fabricate an epitaxial single-crystalline magnetite/hematite bilayer grown on Au(111). This non-conventional fabrication method involves the transformation of the upper layers of a single-crystalline hematite thin film to single-crystalline magnetite, a process driven by the preferential sputtering of oxygen atoms and favoured by the good structural matching of both phases. We show the reversibility of the transformation between hematite and magnetite, always keeping the epitaxial and single- crystalline character of the films. The magnetic characterization of the bilayer grown using this method shows that the magnetic response is mainly determined by the magnetite thin film, exhibiting a high coercivity. Published by AIP Publishing

    Indicaciones Límite de las Fracturas de Húmero con Clavo Endomedular Cerrojado

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    El tratamiento de las fracturas diafisarias del húmero ha entrado en controversia en los últimos años, como lo refleja la literatura internacional. La problemática aumenta cuando se trata de fracturas diafisarias límites que alcanzan la zona metafisaria superior e inferior. En un intento de mejora terapéutica este grupo de autores ha testado un clavo cerrojado para el húmero diseñado por Seidel. El promedio de seguimiento ha sido de 12 meses con un mínimo de 6 meses. El número de casos evaluados ha sido 6. Siguiendo la cotación de Stewart, 4 de los seis pacientes obtuvieron resultados buenos o excelentes. Todos los pacientes consolidaron sus fracturas en un período de tiempo normal, entre 3 y 5 meses, con una media de 4 meses, 4 de los seis pacientes no se inmovilizaron con yeso en ningún momento. La bondad y sencillez del método hace augurar buenos resultados en otros grupos ampliando sus indicaciones.Treatment of dyaphyseal fractures of the humerus has been the source of considerable controversy in recent years. The problem increases in dimension when one is dealing with limiting diaphyseal fractures that invole the upper and lower metaphyseal zone. In an attempt to improve the therapy of this circunstance, the members of this research team have tested a locking nail for the humerus designed by Seidel. The mean follow-up time has been 12 months, with a minimum of six months. The number of cases evaluated was 6. According to the scale of Stewart, four of the cases obtained good or excellent results. All the patients consolidated their fractures within a normal period of time -between 3 and 5 months-, with a mean of 4 months. Four of the 6 patients wer e not immobilized with paster at any time. The goodness and simplicity of the method are suggestive of promising results in other groups by broadening its indications