302 research outputs found

    Euroopan unionin kriittiset raaka-aineet ja masuunikuona

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    Tiivistelmä. Masuunikuonan hyödyntämisellä on pitkät perinteet ja paljon tunnettuja käyttökohteita, niin rakennusteollisuudessa ja maanparannuksessa, kuin muissakin viime aikoina kehitetyissä sovelluksissa. Tämä kehitys on johtanut masuunikuonan lähes sataprosenttiseen hyödyntämiseen. Uusia menetelmiä ja sovelluksia etsitään ja kehitetään jatkuvasti kuonan kierrättämiseksi ja hyödyntämiseksi. Samalla kuitenkin tämä kehitys herättää myös keskusteluja kuonan tarkasta luonteesta. Onko se tuotetta vai jätemateriaalia? Raaka-aineet ovat välttämättömiä paitsi monien jokapäiväisessä elämässä käytettävien tavaroiden ja palveluiden tuotannolle, myös uusien innovaatioiden kehittämiselle, jotka ovat välttämättömiä ekotehokkaampien ja maailmanlaajuisesti kilpailukykyisempien tekniikoiden kehittämiseksi. Nopeutuvat teknologiset innovaatiojaksot ja nousevien talouksien nopea kasvu ovat johtaneet kysynnän kohteena olevien metallien ja mineraalien kysynnän kasvuun maailmanlaajuisesti. Tämän takia uusien raaka-ainelähteiden löytämisestä ja hyödyntämisestä on tullut tehtävä monille tulevaisuutta ajatteleville yrityksille. Tässä tutkielmassa käyn läpi masuunikuonan ominaisuuksia, käyttökohteita ja sen sisältämiä Euroopan unionin kriittisiä raaka-aineita, sekä pohdin sen tulevaisuutta kiertotalouden näkökulmasta

    The EISCAT meteor code

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    The EISCAT UHF system has the unique capability to determine meteor vector velocities from the head echo Doppler shifts measured at the three sites. Since even meteors spending a very short time in the common volume produce analysable events, the technique lends itself ideally to mapping the orbits of meteors arriving from arbitrary directions over most of the upper hemisphere. <br><br> A radar mode optimised for this application was developed in 2001/2002. A specially selected low-sidelobe 32-bit pseudo-random binary sequence is used to binary phase shift key (BPSK) the transmitted carrier. The baud-length is 2.4 μs and the receiver bandwidth is 1.6 MHz to accommodate both the resulting modulation bandwidth and the target Doppler shift. Sampling is at 0.6 μs, corresponding to 90-m range resolution. Target range and Doppler velocity are extracted from the raw data in a multi-step matched-filter procedure. For strong (SNR>5) events the Doppler velocity standard deviation is 100–150 m/s. The effective range resolution is about 30 m, allowing very accurate time-of-flight velocity estimates. On average, Doppler and time-of-flight (TOF) velocities agree to within about one part in 10<sup>3</sup>. Two or more targets simultaneously present in the beam can be resolved down to a range separation <300 m as long as their Doppler shifts differ by more than a few km/s

    Broadband Meter-Wavelength Observations of Ionospheric Scintillation

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    Intensity scintillations of cosmic radio sources are used to study astrophysical plasmas like the ionosphere, the solar wind, and the interstellar medium. Normally these observations are relatively narrow band. With Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) technology at the Kilpisj\"arvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array (KAIRA) station in northern Finland we have observed scintillations over a 3 octave bandwidth. ``Parabolic arcs'', which were discovered in interstellar scintillations of pulsars, can provide precise estimates of the distance and velocity of the scattering plasma. Here we report the first observations of such arcs in the ionosphere and the first broad-band observations of arcs anywhere, raising hopes that study of the phenomenon may similarly improve the analysis of ionospheric scintillations. These observations were made of the strong natural radio source Cygnus-A and covered the entire 30-250\,MHz band of KAIRA. Well-defined parabolic arcs were seen early in the observations, before transit, and disappeared after transit although scintillations continued to be obvious during the entire observation. We show that this can be attributed to the structure of Cygnus-A. Initial results from modeling these scintillation arcs are consistent with simultaneous ionospheric soundings taken with other instruments, and indicate that scattering is most likely to be associated more with the topside ionosphere than the F-region peak altitude. Further modeling and possible extension to interferometric observations, using international LOFAR stations, are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Analyses of plant products in greater detail

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    The customary Weende system for food analysis is biologically defective and even misleading. The authors have used an analysis scheme in which the conventional crude fibre determination is replaced by the determination of the total of the vegetable cell wall substances. This fraction is called membrane substances. The crude fibre is an arbitrary fragment of this total. E.g. in spruce wood the crude fibre forms about 80 % of the total of the membrane substances, and in wheat bran about 50 %. In addition the fraction »membrane substances» is divided into 4 subtractions: cellulose, pentosans, lignin, and other membrane substances. Further, a fraction called valuable carbohydrates is determined by subtracting from 100 the percentages of water, ash, crude protein, crude fat, and membane substances. This scheme has been applied to the investigation of 44 different plant products. A critical examination of the methods used has been included

    2018 Beam-park observations of space debris with the EISCAT radars

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    Source at https://conference.sdo.esoc.esa.int/proceedings/neosst1/paper/480.Monitoring the evolution of the space debris environment requires regular radar observations of the space debris population. This study presents the results from 24 hours of beam-park observations of space objects conducted simultaneously with the EISCAT Svalbard and Tromsø radars on and between January 4th and 5th, 2018. The measurements are processed with a new matched filter bank analysis program, which doubles the coherent integration time, and hence sensitivity, compared with the previous program. We observe 2077 objects with the Tromsø radar and 2400 objects with the Svalbard radar. The detections are correlated with the NORAD catalog. We find that 68% of the Tromsø and 85% of the Svalbard radar detections are from objects in the NORAD catalog, with most of the catalog object detections being in the side lobes of the radar antenna. The beam-park data are compared with a simulated beam-park experiment for catalog objects. The simulation uses a radar detection model that includes the effects of coherent integration and an antenna beam shape with side lobes. We find that the simulation agrees well with the measurements, indicating that the radar sensor response is accurately modeled. Our results highlight the importance of modeling antenna side lobes when analyzing beam-park measurements. Not taking taking into account side lobe detections can lead to an underestimation of radar cross-sections and an overestimation of population density

    Asthma and mode of birth delivery: A study in 5-year-old Dutch twins.

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    Several studies report caesarean section (CS) to be a risk factor for childhood asthma. We used data from a large cohort of 5-year-old twins to examine the relationship between mode of birth delivery and asthma. The extent to which an infant is exposed to maternal vaginal flora may protect against the risk of developing asthma. Therefore, we expect a lower rate of asthma in twins born by vaginal delivery (VD) than those born by CS, and a lower rate of asthma in first-born twins compared to second-born twins by VD. Information on mode of delivery was obtained at the time of birth in a survey completed by the mother shortly after delivery. Information on history of asthma diagnosis by a physician was obtained by parental report when the twins were 5 years old. Complete data were available for 6330 first-born and 5438 second-born twins from birth cohorts 1991-2000. Full term first-born twins born by CS had a significantly higher risk of asthma compared to those born by VD, odds ratio = 1.59 (95% CI = 1.23-2.06). No significant differences were observed between CS and VD first-born twins when gestational age was less than 37 weeks, and no significant differences were observed between CS and VD second-born twins at any gestational age. No differences in asthma prevalence were found between first- and second-born twins both born by VD. CS may increase the risk of asthma to full term infants, however, the underlying mechanism is unclear

    Statistical response of middle atmosphere composition to solar proton events in WACCM-D simulations: the importance of lower ionospheric chemistry

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    Atmospheric effects of solar proton events (SPEs) have been studied for decades, because their drastic impact can be used to test our understanding of upper stratospheric and mesospheric chemistry in the polar cap regions. For example, odd hydrogen and odd nitrogen are produced during SPEs, which leads to depletion of ozone in catalytic reactions, such that the effects are easily observed from satellites during the strongest events. Until recently, the complexity of the ion chemistry in the lower ionosphere (i.e., in the D region) has restricted global models to simplified parameterizations of chemical impacts induced by energetic particle precipitation (EPP). Because of this restriction, global models have been unable to correctly reproduce some important effects, such as the increase in mesospheric HNO3 or the changes in chlorine species. Here we use simulations from the WACCM-D model, a variant of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, to study the statistical response of the atmosphere to the 66 strongest SPEs which occurred in the years 1989–2012. Our model includes a set of D-region ion chemistry, designed for a detailed representation of the atmospheric effects of SPEs and EPP in general. We use superposed epoch analysis to study changes in O3, HOx (OH + HO2), Clx (Cl + ClO), HNO3, NOx (NO + NO2) and H2O. Compared to the standard WACCM which uses an ion chemistry parameterization, WACCM-D produces a larger response in O3 and NOx and a weaker response in HOx and introduces changes in HNO3 and Clx. These differences between WACCM and WACCM-D highlight the importance of including ion chemistry reactions in models used to study EPP

    Simulated seasonal impact on middle atmospheric ozone from high-energy electron precipitation related to pulsating aurorae

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    Recent simulation studies have provided evidence that a pulsating aurora (PsA) associated with high-energy electron precipitation is having a clear local impact on ozone chemistry in the polar middle mesosphere. However, it is not clear if the PsA is frequent enough to cause longer-term effects of measurable magnitude. There is also an open question of the relative contribution of PsA-related energetic electron precipitation (PsA EEP) to the total atmospheric forcing by solar energetic particle precipitation (EPP). Here we investigate the PsA-EEP impact on stratospheric and mesospheric odd hydrogen, odd nitrogen, and ozone concentrations. We make use of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model and recent understanding on PsA frequency, latitudinal and magnetic local time extent, and energy-flux spectra. Analysing an 18-month time period covering all seasons, we particularly look at PsA-EEP impacts at two polar observation stations located at opposite hemispheres: Tromsø in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Halley Research Station in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). We find that PsA EEP can have a measurable impact on ozone concentration above 30 km altitude, with ozone depletion by up to 8 % seen in winter periods due to PsA-EEP-driven NOx enhancement. We also find that direct mesospheric NOx production by high-energy electrons (E> 100 keV) accounts for about half of the PsA-EEP-driven upper stratospheric ozone depletion. A larger PsA-EEP impact is seen in the SH where the background dynamical variability is weaker than in the NH. Clearly indicated from our results, consideration of polar vortex dynamics is required to understand PsA-EEP impacts seen at ground observation stations, especially in the NH. We conclude that PsA-EEP has the potential to make an important contribution to the total EPP forcing; thus, it should be considered in atmospheric and climate simulations.publishedVersio
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