43 research outputs found

    Bilingual Variable Message Signs: A Study of Information Presentation and Driver Distraction

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    Research on static bilingual signs has confirmed increasedreading times compared to their monolingual counterparts; however there islittle empirical research on bilingual Variable Message Signs (VMS). Thestudy reported here evaluates the effect of various bilingual VMSconfigurations on driver behaviour and safety. The aim of the study was todetermine whether or not the visual distraction associated with bilingualVMS signs of different configurations (length, complexity) impacted ondriving performance. The results suggest that four-line bilingual VMS signscomprising 2 lines of text in each language are read by both monolingualand bilingual drivers in a manner that more closely approximates a two-linemonolingual sign. This being the case it is likely that the deployment offour-line bilingual signs on Welsh motorways is unlikely to result in asignificant reduction in safety

    Evaluating the effects of bilingual traffic signs on driver performance and safety

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    Variable Message Signs (VMS) can provide immediate and relevant information to road users and bilingual VMS can provide great flexibility in countries where a significant proportion of the population speak an alternative language to the majority. The study reported here evaluates the effect of various bilingual VMS configurations on driver behaviour and safety. The aim of the study was to determine whether or not the visual distraction associated with bilingual VMS signs of different configurations (length, complexity) impacted on driving performance. A driving simulator was used to allow full control over the scenarios, road environment and sign configuration and both longitudinal and lateral driver performance was assessed. Drivers were able to read one and two-line monolingual signs and two-line bilingual signs without disruption to their driving behaviour. However, drivers significantly reduced their speed in order to read four-line monolingual and four-line bilingual signs, accompanied by an increase in headway to the vehicle in front. This implies that drivers are possibly reading the irrelevant text on the bilingual sign and various methods for reducing this effect are discussed

    An objective assessment of the utility of a driving simulator for low mu testing

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    Driving simulators can be used to test vehicle designs earlier, prior to building physical prototypes. One area of particular interest is winter testing since testing is limited to specific times of year and specific regions in the world. To ensure that the simulator is fit for purpose, an objective assessment is required. In this study a simulator and real world comparison was performed with three simulator configurations (standard, no steering torque, no motion) to assess the ability of a utility triplet of analyses to be able to quantify the differences between the real world and the different simulator configurations. The results suggest that the utility triplet is effective in measuring the differences in simulator configurations and that the developed “Virtual Sweden” environment achieved rather good behavioural fidelity in the sense of preserving absolute levels of many measures of behaviour. The main limitation in the simulated environment seemed to be the poor match of the dynamic lateral friction limit on snow and ice when compared to the real world

    Is three the magic number? The role of ergonomic principles in cross country comprehension of road traffic signs

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    Road sign comprehension plays an important part in road safety management, particularly for those drivers who are travelling in an unfamiliar country. Previous research has established that comprehension can be improved if signs are designed to adhere to ergonomic principles. However, it may be difficult for sign designers to incorporate all the principles into a single sign and may thus have to make a judgement as to the most effective ones. This study surveyed drivers in three countries to ascertain their understanding of a range of road signs, each of which conformed in varying degrees and combinations to the ergonomic principles. We found that using three of the principles was the most effective and that the most important one was that relating to standardisation; the colours and shapes used were key to comprehension. Other concepts which related to physical and spatial characteristics were less important, whilst conceptual compatibility did not aid comprehension at all. Practitioner Summary: This study explores how road sign comprehension can be improved using ergonomic principles, with particular reference to cross-border drivers. It was found that comprehension can be improved significantly if standardisation is adhered to and if at least three principles are used

    The activation of eco-driving mental models: can text messages prime drivers to use their existing knowledge and skills?

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    Eco-driving campaigns have traditionally assumed that drivers lack the necessary knowledge and skills and that this is something that needs rectifying. Therefore, many support systems have been designed to closely guide drivers and fine-tune their proficiency. However, research suggests that drivers already possess a substantial amount of the necessary knowledge and skills regarding eco-driving. In previous studies, participants used these effectively when they were explicitly asked to drive fuel-efficiently. In contrast, they used their safe driving skills when they were instructed to drive as they would normally. Hence, it is assumed that many drivers choose not to engage purposefully in eco-driving in their everyday lives. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of simple, periodic text messages (nine messages in 2 weeks) on drivers’ eco- and safe driving performance. It was hypothesised that provision of eco-driving primes and advice would encourage the activation of their eco-driving mental models and that comparable safety primes increase driving safety. For this purpose, a driving simulator experiment was conducted. All participants performed a pre-test drive and were then randomly divided into four groups, which received different interventions. For a period of 2 weeks, one group received text messages with eco-driving primes and another group received safety primes. A third group received advice messages on how to eco-drive. The fourth group were instructed by the experimenter to drive fuel-efficiently, immediately before driving, with no text message intervention. A post-test drive measured behavioural changes in scenarios deemed relevant to eco- and safe driving. The results suggest that the eco-driving prime and advice text messages did not have the desired effect. In comparison, asking drivers to drive fuel-efficiently led to eco-driving behaviours. These outcomes demonstrate the difficulty in changing ingrained habits. Future research is needed to strengthen such messages or activate existing knowledge and skills in other ways, so driver behaviour can be changed in cost-efficient ways

    Travelling to a sport event: Profiling sport fans against the Transtheoretical Model of Change

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    This article profiles the travel behaviour of sport fans against the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and its application to sport events. Using the four constructs of the TTM, we distributed a self-reporting survey to sport fans prior to home fixtures. There is some synergy with the theorised stages of change and processes of change in this context. Notwithstanding, the results show a high level of commitment to others in the early stages of change - a movement away from the prescribed theory. Results from decisional balance and self-efficacy items reaffirm the congruence with theory and the application of the TTM to sport fans and their travel behaviour. These results assess the application of a stage-based model of change within a sport event context; it provides an exploration of the antecedents of behaviour change indicators relevant to sport fans, thus enabling policy makers to make informed decisions about future travel behaviour change

    The potential mental health effects of remote control in an autonomous maritime world

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    Many maritime activities, such as loading, unloading and transporting cargoes, consist primarily of long periods of low-stress, with some moments of high stress during complex manoeuvres or unanticipated, dangerous, incidences. The increase in autonomy provided by machines and AI is beginning to take over certain tasks in the maritime sector, to reduce costs and mitigate human error. However, with the current levels of autonomous technology available, legislation, and public trust in the technology, such solutions are only able to remove majority of tasks associated with low-stress periods. In fact, many current remote control solutions still suggest relying on human operators to deal with the complex situations AI struggle with. Such a human–automation relationship could endanger the human element. The concern is that, if the human user is spending a disproportionate part of their time dealing with multiple, unconnected, high-stress tasks, without periods to de-stress, this could increasingly put workers at risk. This paper seeks to highlight potential technical, social, and mental, issues that may arise as the sector begins implementing semi-autonomous and fully autonomous maritime operations

    Uso de simuladores de direção aplicado ao projeto de segurança viária

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    O presente documento apresenta e discute tecnologias de visualização por meio de simuladores de direção e sua aplicação na engenharia de transportes, no que tange o projeto rodoviário e seu auxílio na melhoria da segurança das rodovias. O artigo foi elaborada com vistas a contribuir para o desenvolvimento e modernização tecnológica de parte dos estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil, relacionados com a segurança em rodovias, que se apresentam desatualizados em quase 15 anos em relação ao estado-da-arte desta linha de pesquisa em países pioneiros, como é o caso dos EUA, França, Itália, Alemanha. Esta desatualização culmina por contribuir para um cenário nacional trágico, onde, nos últimos dois anos, morreram 42.844 pessoas decorrentes de acidentes em trânsito - número que colocou as rodovias brasileiras entre as mais perigosas do mundo e o Brasil como 5º país entre os recordistas em mortes no trânsito. Apresenta inicialmente uma descrição técnica e as potencialidades e limitações dos simuladores de direção na condução de experimentos que apresentam realismo natural, com a vantagem do controle das diversas variáveis do estudo, sem risco aos usuários. Adicionalmente, descreve os principais tipos de simuladores de direção existentes no mercado, com a caracterização dos três níveis de sofisticação - simuladores de nível básico, nível intermediário e alta fidelidade

    From Driving Simulation to Virtual Reality

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    Driving simulation from the very beginning of the advent of VR technology uses the very same technology for visualization and similar technology for head movement tracking and high end 3D vision. They also share the same or similar difficulties in rendering movements of the observer in the virtual environments. The visual-vestibular conflict, due to the discrepancies perceived by the human visual and vestibular systems, induce the so-called simulation sickness, when driving or displacing using a control device (ex. Joystick). Another cause for simulation sickness is the transport delay, the delay between the action and the corresponding rendering cues. Another similarity between driving simulation and VR is need for correct scale 1:1 perception. Correct perception of speed and acceleration in driving simulation is crucial for automotive experiments for Advances Driver Aid System (ADAS) as vehicle behavior has to be simulated correctly and anywhere where the correct mental workload is an issue as real immersion and driver attention is depending on it. Correct perception of distances and object size is crucial using HMDs or CAVEs, especially as their use is frequently involving digital mockup validation for design, architecture or interior and exterior lighting. Today, the advents of high resolution 4K digital display technology allows near eye resolution stereoscopic 3D walls and integrate them in high performance CAVEs. High performance CAVEs now can be used for vehicle ergonomics, styling, interior lighting and perceived quality. The first CAVE in France, built in 2001 at Arts et Metiers ParisTech, is a 4 sided CAVE with a modifiable geometry with now traditional display technology. The latest one is Renault’s 70M 3D pixel 5 sides CAVE with 4K x 4K walls and floor and with a cluster of 20 PCs. Another equipment recently designed at Renault is the motion based CARDS driving simulator with CAVE like 4 sides display system providing full 3D immersion for the driver. The separation between driving simulation and digital mockup design review is now fading though different uses will require different simulation configurations. New application domains, such as automotive AR design, will bring combined features of VR and driving simulation technics, including CAVE like display system equipped driving simulators