232 research outputs found

    Hole effective mass in remote doped Si/Si1−xGex quantum wells with 0.05x0.3

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    The effective masses in remote doped Si/Si1−xGex hole quantum wells with 0.05<=x<=0.3, have been determined from the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations. The values are lower than previously observed by other workers, but still somewhat higher than the theoretical Gamma-point values for the ground-state heavy hole subband. The differences are attributed to finite carrier sheet densities and can be satisfactorily accounted for by nonparabolicity corrections

    Hole effective mass in remote doped Si/Si1−xGex quantum wells with 0.05x0.3

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    The effective masses in remote doped Si/Si1−xGex hole quantum wells with 0.05<=x<=0.3, have been determined from the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations. The values are lower than previously observed by other workers, but still somewhat higher than the theoretical Gamma-point values for the ground-state heavy hole subband. The differences are attributed to finite carrier sheet densities and can be satisfactorily accounted for by nonparabolicity corrections

    Production of mutants of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and var. avenae by 4- nitroquinolene-oxide treatment of protoplasts.

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    The ascomycete fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis is the causative agent of take-all disease of cereals. Much information about the physiology and pathology of this organism has been generated (Asher and Shipton (Eds.) Biology and Control of Take-All , Academic Press, 1981), but genetic studies such as the production of mutants have been hindered by problems in obtaining viable propagules suitable for mutagenesis (Blanch et al. 1981. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 77:391-399). The fungus is homothallic but many strains cannot be induced to form perithecia in culture and even the fertile strains produce insufficient numbers of ascospores for use in mutagenesis. It is, however, possible to produce and regenerate large numbers of protoplasts and Rochefrette et al

    High toxicity and specificity of the saponin 3-GlcA-28-AraRhaxyl-medicagenate, from Medicago truncatula seeds, for Sitophilus oryzae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because of the increasingly concern of consumers and public policy about problems for environment and for public health due to chemical pesticides, the search for molecules more safe is currently of great importance. Particularly, plants are able to fight the pathogens as insects, bacteria or fungi; so that plants could represent a valuable source of new molecules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It was observed that <it>Medicago truncatul</it>a seed flour displayed a strong toxic activity towards the adults of the rice weevil <it>Sitophilus oryzae</it> (Coleoptera), a major pest of stored cereals. The molecule responsible for toxicity was purified, by solvent extraction and HPLC, and identified as a saponin, namely 3-GlcA-28-AraRhaxyl-medicagenate. Saponins are detergents, and the CMC of this molecule was found to be 0.65 mg per mL. Neither the worm <it>Caenorhabditis elegans</it> nor the bacteria <it>E. coli</it> were found to be sensitive to this saponin, but growth of the yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it> was inhibited at concentrations higher than 100 μg per mL. The purified molecule is toxic for the adults of the rice weevils at concentrations down to 100 μg per g of food, but this does not apply to the others insects tested, including the coleopteran <it>Tribolium castaneum</it> and the Sf9 insect cultured cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This specificity for the weevil led us to investigate this saponin potential for pest control and to propose the hypothesis that this saponin has a specific mode of action, rather than acting <it>via</it> its non-specific detergent properties.</p

    Four plant defensins from an indigenous South African Brassicaceae species display divergent activities against two test pathogens despite high sequence similarity in the encoding genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plant defensins are an important component of the innate defence system of plants where they form protective antimicrobial barriers between tissue types of plant organs as well as around seeds. These peptides also have other activities that are important for agricultural applications as well as the medical sector. Amongst the numerous plant peptides isolated from a variety of plant species, a significant number of promising defensins have been isolated from Brassicaceae species. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of four defensins from <it>Heliophila coronopifolia</it>, a native South African Brassicaceae species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four defensin genes (<it>Hc-AFP1</it>-<it>4) </it>were isolated with a homology based PCR strategy. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that the peptides were 72% similar and grouped closest to defensins isolated from other Brassicaceae species. The Hc-AFP1 and 3 peptides shared high homology (94%) and formed a unique grouping in the Brassicaceae defensins, whereas Hc-AFP2 and 4 formed a second homology grouping with defensins from <it>Arabidopsis </it>and <it>Raphanus</it>. Homology modelling showed that the few amino acids that differed between the four peptides had an effect on the surface properties of the defensins, specifically in the alpha-helix and the loop connecting the second and third beta-strands. These areas are implicated in determining differential activities of defensins. Comparing the activities after recombinant production of the peptides, Hc-AFP2 and 4 had IC<sub>50 </sub>values of 5-20 μg ml<sup>-1 </sup>against two test pathogens, whereas Hc-AFP1 and 3 were less active. The activity against <it>Botrytis cinerea </it>was associated with membrane permeabilization, hyper-branching, biomass reduction and even lytic activity. In contrast, only Hc-AFP2 and 4 caused membrane permeabilization and severe hyper-branching against the wilting pathogen <it>Fusarium solani</it>, while Hc-AFP1 and 3 had a mild morphogenetic effect on the fungus, without any indication of membrane activity. The peptides have a tissue-specific expression pattern since differential gene expression was observed in the native host. <it>Hc-AFP1 </it>and <it>3 </it>expressed in mature leaves, stems and flowers, whereas <it>Hc-AFP2 </it>and <it>4 </it>exclusively expressed in seedpods and seeds.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Two novel Brassicaceae defensin sequences were isolated amongst a group of four defensin encoding genes from the indigenous South African plant <it>H. coronopifolia</it>. All four peptides were active against two test pathogens, but displayed differential activities and modes of action. The expression patterns of the peptide encoding genes suggest a role in protecting either vegetative or reproductive structures in the native host against pathogen attack, or roles in unknown developmental and physiological processes in these tissues, as was shown with other defensins.</p

    Defensive properties of pyrrolizidine alkaloids against microorganisms

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    The understanding of the selection factors that drive chemical diversification of secondary metabolites of constitutive defence systems in plants, such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), is still incomplete. Historically, plants always have been confronted with microorganisms. Long before herbivores existed on this planet, plants had to cope with microbial pathogens. Therefore, plant pathogenic microorganisms may have played an important role in the early evolution of the secondary metabolite diversity. In this review, we discuss the impact that plant-produced PAs have on plant-associated microorganisms. The objective of the review is to present the current knowledge on PAs with respect to anti-microbial activities, adaptation and detoxification by microorganisms, pathogenic fungi, root protection and PA induction. Many in vitro experiments showed effects of PAs on microorganisms. These results point to the potential of microorganisms to be important for the evolution of PAs. However, only a few in vivo studies have been published and support the results of the in vitro studies. In conclusion, the topics pointed out in this review need further exploration by carrying out ecological experiments and field studies

    HpARI protein secreted by a helminth parasite suppresses interleukin-33

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    Infection by helminth parasites is associated with amelioration of allergic reactivity, but mechanistic insights into this association are lacking. Products secreted by the mouse parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus suppress type 2 (allergic) immune responses through interference in the interleukin-33 (IL-33) pathway. Here, we identified H. polygyrus Alarmin Release Inhibitor (HpARI), an IL-33-suppressive 26-kDa protein, containing three predicted complement control protein (CCP) modules. In vivo, recombinant HpARI abrogated IL-33, group 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2) and eosinophilic responses to Alternaria allergen administration, and diminished eosinophilic responses to Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, increasing parasite burden. HpARI bound directly to both mouse and human IL-33 (in the cytokine's activated state) and also to nuclear DNA via its N-terminal CCP module pair (CCP1/2), tethering active IL-33 within necrotic cells, preventing its release, and forestalling initiation of type 2 allergic responses. Thus, HpARI employs a novel molecular strategy to suppress type 2 immunity in both infection and allergy. Osbourn et al identified HpARI, a protein secreted by a helminth parasite that is capable of suppressing allergic responses. HpARI binds to IL-33 (a critical inducer of allergy) and nuclear DNA, preventing the release of IL-33 from necrotic epithelial cells

    Complete Genome Sequence of the N2-Fixing Broad Host Range Endophyte Klebsiella pneumoniae 342 and Virulence Predictions Verified in Mice

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    We report here the sequencing and analysis of the genome of the nitrogen-fixing endophyte, Klebsiella pneumoniae 342. Although K. pneumoniae 342 is a member of the enteric bacteria, it serves as a model for studies of endophytic, plant-bacterial associations due to its efficient colonization of plant tissues (including maize and wheat, two of the most important crops in the world), while maintaining a mutualistic relationship that encompasses supplying organic nitrogen to the host plant. Genomic analysis examined K. pneumoniae 342 for the presence of previously identified genes from other bacteria involved in colonization of, or growth in, plants. From this set, approximately one-third were identified in K. pneumoniae 342, suggesting additional factors most likely contribute to its endophytic lifestyle. Comparative genome analyses were used to provide new insights into this question. Results included the identification of metabolic pathways and other features devoted to processing plant-derived cellulosic and aromatic compounds, and a robust complement of transport genes (15.4%), one of the highest percentages in bacterial genomes sequenced. Although virulence and antibiotic resistance genes were predicted, experiments conducted using mouse models showed pathogenicity to be attenuated in this strain. Comparative genomic analyses with the presumed human pathogen K. pneumoniae MGH78578 revealed that MGH78578 apparently cannot fix nitrogen, and the distribution of genes essential to surface attachment, secretion, transport, and regulation and signaling varied between each genome, which may indicate critical divergences between the strains that influence their preferred host ranges and lifestyles (endophytic plant associations for K. pneumoniae 342 and presumably human pathogenesis for MGH78578). Little genome information is available concerning endophytic bacteria. The K. pneumoniae 342 genome will drive new research into this less-understood, but important category of bacterial-plant host relationships, which could ultimately enhance growth and nutrition of important agricultural crops and development of plant-derived products and biofuels