109 research outputs found

    Effect of transport length on in vivo oxidative status and breast meat characteristics in outdoor-reared chicken genotypes

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of transport length on in vivo oxidative status and breast meat characteristics in two chicken genotypes reared under free range conditions. A total of 200 male chicks, 100 from fast-growing (Ross 308) and 100 from medium-growing (Naked Neck) strain were used. Fifty-six of these, 28 for genotype, before slaughtering, were randomly allocated to 2 pre-slaughter conditions: absence (0 h) or 4 h of transport. The transport length significantly affected the in vivo oxidative status of broiler greatly reducing the α and δ-tocopherol, retinol and lutein + zeaxanthin content of plasma, and increased the oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) in both strains. Concerning meat quality, the pH (0, 2 and 24 h post-mortem) of breast muscles of chickens transported for 4 h, showed higher values, and respect to strains, Naked Neck had lower values. The pH values were negatively correlated with the lightness (2–24 h) and the shear force of meat. The transport length significantly affected the fatty acid profile of breast muscle, with a decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids and an increase in TBARS value. Even the antioxidants content of breast was reduced by chicken transport (α-tocotrienol, α-, δ-tocopherol and lutein + zeaxanthin), especially in Naked Neck birds. In conclusion, the results indicate that transport for 4 h prior to slaughter, negatively affect the meat quality of poultry. Slow-growing chickens seem more sensible to stress transport due to the higher kinetic behaviour of these strains

    Posidonia oceanica restoration, a relevant strategy after boat anchoring degradation?

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    Trabajo presentado al 7th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, celebrado en Génova (Italia), los días 19 y 20 de septiembre de 2022.The anchoring of large pleasure boats constitutes one of the main threats in shallow marine habitats and particularly for seagrass beds. In the Mediterranean, this activity has seen constant development during the last decades, causing major physical disturbances in Posidonia oceanica meadows and associated ecosystem services, notably in terms of climate change mitigation (i.e. carbon fixation and sequestration capacities). In this context, the aims of the present study are to estimate the impact of these anchoring activities on P. oceanica meadows in a particularly highlyfrequented area (Sant’Amanza gulf, SE Corsica Island) and to set up a strategy to restore this major carbon sink. Since the last decade, time-series of marine habitat maps revealed an important regression of P. oceanica meadows, with a loss of 72.9 ha, corresponding to 11% of the meadow surface and 9% decline in the total carbon fixation and sequestration performed each year. Moreover, in the most impacted part of the bay (Balistra bay), a loss of 16.6 ha (28%) has been recorded between 2011 and 2022. Following recent enforcement of anchoring regulation, prohibiting the anchoring of large units (greater than 24 m), and the lockdown linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, anchorages in the seagrass reduced by 92%, between 2018 and 2022. Natural recovery was observed at the edge of the meadow (plagiotropic rhizomes) but this growth is slow and the areas to recover are large. As a result, a transplant experiment, from cuttings harvested from the adjacent meadows, was initiated in the spring 2021. Four restoration techniques are being tested in the some pilot sites and the development of these transplants will be monitored and compared to the natural recovery.This research has been co-financed by INTERREG program (GIREPAM), Collectivity of Corsica Corse (PADDUC-CHANGE), SETEC Foundation, Environment Office of Corsica and the French Office of Biodiversity (RenforC program)

    An ecosystem-based approach to assess the status of Mediterranean algae-dominated shallow rocky reefs.

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    A conceptual model was constructed for the functioning the algae-dominated rocky reef ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea. The Ecosystem-Based Quality Index (reef-EBQI) is based upon this model. This index meets the objectives of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. It is based upon (i) the weighting of each compartment, according to its importance in the functioning of the ecosystem; (ii) biological parameters assessing the state of each compartment; (iii) the aggregation of these parameters, assessing the quality of the ecosystem functioning, for each site; (iv) and a Confidence Index measuring the reliability of the index, for each site. The reef-EBQI was used at 40 sites in the northwestern Mediterranean. It constitutes an efficient tool, because it is based upon a wide set of functional compartments, rather than upon just a few species; it is easy and inexpensive to implement, robust and not redundant with regard to already existing indices

    Spearfishing Regulation Benefits Artisanal Fisheries: The ReGS Indicator and Its Application to a Multiple-Use Mediterranean Marine Protected Area

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    The development of fishing efficiency coupled with an increase of fishing effort led to the overexploitation of numerous natural marine resources. In addition to this commercial pressure, the impact of recreational activities on fish assemblages remains barely known. Here we examined the impact of spearfishing limitation on resources in a marine protected area (MPA) and the benefit it provides for the local artisanal fishery through the use of a novel indicator. We analysed trends in the fish assemblage composition using artisanal fisheries data collected in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), a Mediterranean MPA where the spearfishing activity has been forbidden over 15% of its area. Fish species were pooled into three response groups according to their target level by spearfishing. We developed the new flexible ReGS indicator reflecting shifts in species assemblages according to the relative abundance of each response group facing external pressure. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) increased by ca. 60% in the BSNR between 2000 and 2007, while the MPA was established in 1999. The gain of CPUE strongly depended on the considered response group: for the highly targeted group, the CPUE doubled while the CPUE of the untargeted group increased by only 15.5%. The ReGS value significantly increased from 0.31 to 0.45 (on a scale between 0 and 1) in the general perimeter of this MPA while it has reached a threshold of 0.43, considered as a reference point, in the area protected from spearfishing since 1982. Our results demonstrated that limiting recreational fishing by appropriate zoning in multiple-use MPAs represents a real benefit for artisanal fisheries. More generally we showed how our new indicator may reveal a wide range of impacts on coastal ecosystems such as global change or habitat degradation

    Association of low-level inorganic arsenic exposure from rice with age-standardized mortality risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in England and Wales

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    Adverse health outcomes, including death from cardiovascular disease (CVD), arising from chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs) are well documented. Consumption of rice is a major iAs exposure route for over 3 billion people, however, there is still a lack of epidemiological evidence demonstrating the association between iAs exposure from rice intake and CVD risks. We explored this potential association through an ecological study using data at local authority level across England and Wales. Local authority level daily per capita iAs exposure from rice (E-iAsing,rice) was estimated using ethnicity as a proxy for class of rice consumption. A series of linear and non-linear models were applied to estimate the association between E-iAsing,rice and CVD age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR), using Akaike's Information Criterion as the principle model selection criterion. When adjusted for significant confounders, notably smoking prevalence, education level, employment rate, overweight percentage, PM2.5, female percentage and medical and care establishments, the preferred non-linear model indicated that CVD risks increased with iAs exposure from rice at exposures above 0.3 μg/person/day. Also, the best-fitted linear model indicated that CVD ASMR in the highest quartile of iAs exposure (0.375–2.71 μg/person/day) was 1.06 (1.02, 1.11; p-trend <0.001) times higher than that in the lowest quartile (<0.265 μg/person/day). Notwithstanding the well-known limitations of ecological studies, this study further suggests exposure to iAs, including from rice intake, as a potentially important confounder for studies of the factors controlling CVD risks


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    The concept of chreod was introduced in 1957 by the English theoretical biologist Conrad Hal Waddington (cf. Waddington: 1957; Galperin: 2008). From a linguistic point of view, the word “chreod” is a neologism, or, more precisely, a compound formed by the combination of two Greek words: the verb chre- (“it is necessary, must”) and the substantive -hodos (“way, road”). Therefore, it means literally “obliged pathway” (cf. Fabris 2018: 252, n. 6). Of course, such an etymology covers only a little bit of the semantic repertoire deployed by chreod. But, it is however true that some aspects of the biology of living systems can be described in these terms. Indeed, at the most general level, the idea of chreod as “obliged pathway” finds a good empirical fit to the morphological development of embryonic tissues. With particular reference to this point, it is common to define a chreod as “an orderly sequence of developmental stages”