2,781 research outputs found

    Real-time diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order light propagation models based on a priori anatomical and functional information

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    This paper proposes a new fast 3D image reconstruction algorithm for Diffuse Optical Tomography using reduced order polynomial mappings from the space of optical tissue parameters into the space of flux measurements at the detector locations. The polynomial mappings are constructed through an iterative estimation process involving structure detection, parameter estimation and cross-validation using data generated by simulating a diffusion approximation of the radiative transfer equation incorporating a priori anatomical and functional information provided by MR scans and prior psychological evidence. Numerical simulation studies demonstrate that reconstructed images are remarkably similar in quality as those obtained using the standard approach, but obtained at a fraction of the time

    (BIO)Technological Images about Human Self-construction on Spain Context: A Preliminar Study

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    The study of (bio) technology has a great social significance. As time goes by, the human being is getting more linked to technology. (Bio)technology and society are, therefore, two inseparable fields. Furthermore, this study shows the importance of setting a new context of analysis for (bio)technology. This context will be a polycontexture formed by biological, technical, psychological, sociological and axiological factors. In order to analyze this polycontexture, we consider that one of the most powerful methods is that used by social imageries. Social imageries have been studied by many researchers, but we believe that Juan Luis Pintos has developed the best method. In the end, this paper concludes that the materialization of this polycontexture is the cyborg metaphor. Keywords: Cyborg; Policontexture; Juan Luis Pintos; Socials Imagerie

    Kinetic description of avalanching systems

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    Avalanching systems are treated analytically using the renormalization group (in the self-organized-criticality regime) or mean-field approximation, respectively. The latter describes the state in terms of the mean number of active and passive sites, without addressing the inhomogeneity in their distribution. This paper goes one step further by proposing a kinetic description of avalanching systems making use of the distribution function for clusters of active sites. We illustrate application of the kinetic formalism to a model proposed for the description of the avalanching processes in the reconnecting current sheet of the Earth magnetosphere.Comment: 9 page

    El complejo karstico-yesifero subterráneo "Pedro Fernández" (Estremera, provincia de Madrid)

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    [Resumen] Se han analizado los factores originales de este morfosistema kárstico subterraneo, detallan do los procesos responsables de su génesis, así como la morfolmgía interior. Diferenciando los tipos de galerias y su evolución. Al mismo tiempo, se aportan determinadas consideraciones acerca de la sedimentación interior de la cavidad, su tipología e interpretación de su significado[Resumé] On a analysé les facteurs qui ont originé ce morphosysthéme karstique souterrain, en detallant le procesus responsable de leur genére, ainsi que leur morphilogie intérieure. En distinguant les types de galeries et leur évolution. Eu méme temps, on apporte certaines considerations données á propos de la sédimentation, sa typologie et interprétation de sa signification

    A social constructed human beeing : a (bio)technological approach

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    As a social construction, (bio)technology1 should not be studied out of the social field. From a Social Imaginaries approach, (bio)technology can be considered as a contemporary social magma formed by biological, technical, psychological, sociological and axiological factors. Orbiting around the the cyborg metaphor, in this article we intend to build a multidisciplinary approach of this polycontextureComo una construcción social, la (bio)tecnología no debe ser estudiada fuera del campo social. Desde una perspectiva analítica sobre los imaginarios sociales, la (bio)tecnología puede ser considerada como un magma social formado por factores biológicos, técnicos, psicológicos, sociológicos y axiológicos. Orbitando alrededor de la metáfora del cyborg, en este artículo nos proponemos construir un enfoque multidisciplinar de esta polycontextura

    Theoretical Reflection about Socio-Educatives Aspects of Techno-Scientific Leisure

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    En el presente texto se hace un análisis y evaluación de la sociología del ocio tecnocientífico. Se desarrolla una caracterización del ocio para, posteriormente, hacer un estudio socio-hermenéutica de su impacto a nivel socio-educativo.This text provides an analysis and assessment of sociology of techno-scientific leisure. It develops a characterization of leisure, and then it makes a socio-hermeneutical impact to socio-educative level

    The associations of immigrants: integration and funding

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    As associações de imigrantes desempenham um papel fundamental na recepção e integração dos imigrantes. Esta associação surge da necessidade de conhecer, diferenciar e representar. Este artigo analisa os diferentes tipos de organizações de imigrantes e de apoio a imigrantes, enfatizando a relação entre eles e as autoridades. A forte submissão das associações ao financiamento público e a dificuldade ou facilidade de acesso ao circuito subvencional são cruciais no desenvolvimento da sua própria gestão e sobrevivência das organizações. Por último, apresentamos um caso real em que se analisa o nível de reconhecimento e limites para a concessão de auxílios ou subsídios. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a dependência é condição estrutural dessas entidades e tornou-se parte integrante do seu funcionamento. Immigrant associations play a fundamental role in the reception and integration of immigrants. This association arises because of the need to meet, to differentiate and represent. This paper analyzes the different types of organizations to support immigrants and migrants, stressing the relationship between them and public authorities. The strong submission to public funding and the difficulty or ease of access subsidies are crucial elements in developing their own management and survival. Finally, we present a real case study which allows the assessment of the level of recognition and limits for grants and subsidies. These results lead to the conclusion that the dependence is a structural condition of these institutions and has become an integral part of its operation

    Gap in Techno-Scientific Activity: The Iberoamerican Context

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    The aim of this paper is to apply the hermeneutic approach to social imaginaries of science and technology. Special attention will be given to discuss how the techno-scientific system intends to face poverty, although the system focuses to a different direction, which is a growing inter-penetration with the economic system. The techno-scientific system, as well as its politics, sets aside poor people. In such a context, the scientific-technologic gap continues to grow, generating gradually two different paces of international development. Factors like the cyborgization, robotization, the development of ITCs, etc., have an impact into the poorest regions, ending up into situations of technologic-scientific neo-colonialism. In spite of peripheral states efforts, the possible development of these regions is an always faced and never overcome challenge. Transformations of the scientific-technologic system, which are more and more scientifically and technologically dependent every day, constitute as a gap. Key words: Science; technology; poverty; scientific-technologic ga

    Experimental validation of a solar system based on hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors and a reversible heat pump for the energy provision in non-residential buildings

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    This work aims to validate a transient model of a solar hybrid pilot plant based on photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors integrated via thermal storage tanks with an air-to-water reversible heat pump (rev-HP). The pilot plant is in operation and provides space heating, cooling, domestic hot water (DHW) and electricity to an industrial building located in Zaragoza (Spain). The plant consists of eight uncovered PV-T collectors (2.6 kWe, 13.6 m2), two water tanks and a rev-HP with a nominal thermal power of 16 kW for heating and 10.5 kW for cooling. The validation results show that the transient model fits the experimental performance of the PV-T collectors, with an average error of -16% and 3%, for the thermal and electrical generation respectively. The accuracy of the estimated rev-HP performance depends on the operation mode. The estimated COP in cooling mode has an average error of 14%, while in heating mode has an average error of -10%. The results show that the integration of the thermal and electrical generation of the PV-T collectors with a high-performance rev-HP allows the solar PV-T system to be self-sufficient to satisfy the building energy demand