773 research outputs found

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Field Ultracool Dwarfs at High Galactic Latitude

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    We present a sample of 17 newly discovered ultracool dwarf candidates later than ~M8, drawn from 231.90 arcmin2 of {\it Hubble Space Telescope} Wide Field Camera 3 infrared imaging. By comparing the observed number counts for 17.5<J_125<25.5 AB mag to an exponential disk model, we estimate a vertical scale height of z_scl=290 +- 25 (random) +- 30 (systematic) pc for a binarity fraction of f_b=0. While our estimate is roughly consistent with published results, we suggest that the differences can be attributed to sample properties, with the present sample containing far more substellar objects than previous work. We predict the object counts should peak at J_{125}~24 AB mag due to the exponentially-declining number density at the edge of the disc. We conclude by arguing that trend in scale height with spectral type may breakdown for brown dwarfs since they do not settle onto the main sequence.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted to ApJ (v2 is consistent with Referee changes

    Discovery of a Second L Subdwarf in the Two Micron All Sky Survey

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    I report the discovery of the second L subdwarf identified in the Two Micron All Sky Survey, 2MASS J16262034+3925190. This high proper motion object (mu = 1.27+/-0.03 "/yr) exhibits near-infrared spectral features indicative of a subsolar metallicity L dwarf, including strong metal hydride and H2O absorption bands, pressure-broadened alkali lines, and blue near-infrared colors caused by enhanced collision-induced H2 absorption. This object is of later type than any of the known M subdwarfs, but does not appear to be as cool as the apparently late-type sdL 2MASS 0532+8246. The radial velocity (Vrad = -260+/-35 km/s) and estimated tangential velocity (Vtan ~ 90-210 km/s) of 2MASS 1626+3925 indicate membership in the Galactic halo, and this source is likely near or below the hydrogen burning minimum mass for a metal-poor star. L subdwarfs such as 2MASS 1626+3925 are useful probes of gas and condensate chemistry in low-temperature stellar and brown dwarf atmospheres, but more examples are needed to study these objects as a population as well as to define a rigorous classification scheme.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication ApJ Letters, v. 614 October 200

    SDSS J125637-022452: a high proper motion L subdwarf

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    We report the discovery of a high proper motion L subdwarf (μ\mu =0.617arcsec/yr) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectral database. The optical spectrum from the star SDSS J125637-022452 has mixed spectral features of both late-M spectral subtype (strong TiO and CaH at 7000A) and mid-L spectral subtype (strong wings of KI at 7700A, CrH and FeH), which is interpreted as the signature of a very low-mass, metal-poor star (ultra-cool subdwarf) of spectral type sdL. The near infrared (NIR) (J-Ks) colors from 2MASS shows the object to be significantly bluer compared to normal L dwarfs, which is probably due a strong collision induced absorption (CIA) due to H2 molecule. This is consistent with the idea that CIA from H2 is more pronounced at low metallicities. Proper motion and radial velocity measurements also indicate that the star is kinematically "hot" and probably associated with the Galactic halo population.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for ApJ

    The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarf

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    We report the discovery of ULAS J131610.28+075553.0, an sdT6.5 dwarf in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey 2 epoch proper motion catalogue. This object displays significant spectral peculiarity, with the largest yet seen deviations from T6 and T7 templates in the Y and K bands for this subtype. Its large, similar to 1 arcsec yr(-1), proper motion suggests a large tangential velocity of V-tan approximate to 240-340 km s(-1), if we assume its M-J lies within the typical range for T6.5 dwarfs. This makes it a candidate for membership of the Galactic halo population. However, other metal-poor T dwarfs exhibit significant under luminosity both in specific bands and bolometrically. As a result, it is likely that its velocity is somewhat smaller, and we conclude it is a likely thick disc or halo member. This object represents the only T dwarf earlier than T8 to be classified as a subdwarf, and is a significant addition to the currently small number of known unambiguously substellar subdwarfs.Peer reviewe

    A search for lithium in metal-poor L dwarfs

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    The aim of the project is to search for lithium in absorption at 6707.8 Angstroms to constrain the nature and the mass of the brightest low-metallicity L-type dwarfs (refered to as L subdwarfs) identified in large-scale surveys. We obtained low- to intermediate-resolution (R~2500-9000) optical (~560-770 nm) spectra of two mid-L subdwarfs, SDSSJ125637.13-022452.4 (SDSS1256; sdL3.5) and 2MASSJ162620.14+392519.5 (2MASS1626; sdL4) with spectrographs on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and the Gran Telescopio de Canarias. We report the presence of a feature at the nominal position of the lithium absorption doublet at 6707.8 Angstroms in the spectrum of SDSS1256, with an equivalent width of 66+/-27 Angstroms at 2.4 sigma, which we identify as arising from a CaH molecular transition based on atmosphere models. We do not see any feature at the position of the lithium feature in the spectrum of 2MASS1626. The existence of overlapping molecular absorption sets a confusion detection limit of [Li/H]=-3 for equivalently-typed L subdwarfs. We provided improved radial velocity measurements of -126+/-10 km/s and -239+/-12 km/s for SDSS1256 and 2MASS1626, respectively, as well as revised Galactic orbits. We implemented adjusting factors for the CaH molecule in combination with the NextGen atmosphere models to fit the optical spectrum of SDSS1256 in the 6200-7300 Angstroms range. We also estimate the expected Li abundance from interstellar accretion ([Li/H]=-5), place limits on circumstellar accretion (10^9 g/yr), and discuss the prospects of Li searches in cooler L and T subdwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted to A&

    Spectroscopic Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Two Late-type T Dwarfs

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    M band spectra of two late-type T dwarfs, 2MASS J09373487+2931409, and Gliese 570D, confirm evidence from photometry that photospheric CO is present at abundance levels far in excess of those predicted from chemical equilibrium. These new and unambiguous detections of CO, together with an earlier spectroscopic detection of CO in Gliese 229B and existing M band photometry of a large selection of T dwarfs, suggest that vertical mixing in the photosphere drives the CO abundance out of chemical equilibrium and is a common, and likely universal feature of mid-to-late type T dwarfs. The M band spectra allow determinations of the time scale of vertical mixing in the atmosphere of each object, the first such measurements of this important parameter in late T dwarfs. A detailed analysis of the spectral energy distribution of 2MASS J09373487+2931409 results in the following values for metallicity, temperature, surface gravity, and luminosity: [M/H]~-0.3, T_eff=925-975K, log g=5.20-5.47, log L/L_sun=-5.308 +/- 0.027. The age is 3-10 Gyr and the mass is in the range 45-69 M_Jup.Comment: 36 pages incl. 12 figures and 3 tables, accepted by Ap

    Discovery of An Unusually Blue L Dwarf Within 10 pc of the Sun

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    We report the discovery of an unusually blue L5 dwarf within 10 pc of the Sun from a search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. A spectrophotometric distance estimate of 8.0+/-1.6 pc places SDSS J141624.08+134826.7 among the six closest known L dwarfs. SDSS 1416+13 was overlooked in infrared color-based searches because of its unusually blue J-K_S color, which also identifies it as the nearest member of the blue L dwarf subclass. We present additional infrared and optical spectroscopy from the IRTF/SpeX and Magellan/MagE spectrographs and determine UVW motions that indicate thin disk kinematics. The inclusion of SDSS 1416+13 in the 20 pc sample of L dwarfs increases the number of L5 dwarfs by 20% suggesting that the L dwarf luminosity function may be far from complete.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in AJ; updated version includes corrected radial velocit

    Clouds in the Coldest Brown Dwarfs: FIRE Spectroscopy of Ross 458C

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    Condensate clouds are a salient feature of L dwarf atmospheres, but have been assumed to play little role in shaping the spectra of the coldest T-type brown dwarfs. Here we report evidence of condensate opacity in the near-infrared spectrum of the brown dwarf candidate Ross 458C, obtained with the Folded-Port Infrared Echellette (FIRE) spectrograph at the Magellan Telescopes. These data verify the low-temperature nature of this source, indicating a T8 spectral classification, log Lbol/Lsun = -5.62+/-0.03, Teff = 650+/-25 K, and a mass at or below the deuterium burning limit. The data also reveal enhanced emission at K-band associated with youth (low surface gravity) and supersolar metallicity, reflecting the properties of the Ross 458 system (age = 150-800 Myr, [Fe/H] = +0.2 to +0.3). We present fits of FIRE data for Ross 458C, the T9 dwarf ULAS J133553.45+113005.2, and the blue T7.5 dwarf SDSS J141624.08+134826.7B, to cloudless and cloudy spectral models from Saumon & Marley. For Ross 458C we confirm a low surface gravity and supersolar metallicity, while the temperature differs depending on the presence (635 [+25,-35] K) or absence (760 [+70,-45] K) of cloud extinction. ULAS J1335+1130 and SDSS J1416+1348B have similar temperatures (595 [+25,-45] K), but distinct surface gravities (log g = 4.0-4.5 cgs versus 5.0-5.5 cgs) and metallicities ([M/H] ~ +0.2 versus -0.2). In all three cases, cloudy models provide better fits to the spectral data, significantly so for Ross 458C. These results indicate that clouds are an important opacity source in the spectra of young cold T dwarfs, and should be considered when characterizing the spectra of planetary-mass objects in young clusters and directly-imaged exoplanets. The characteristics of Ross 458C suggest it could itself be regarded as a planet, albeit one whose cosmogony does not conform with current planet formation theories.Comment: Accepted for publication to ApJ: 18 pages, 11 figures in emulateapj forma