343 research outputs found

    Crisis as a threat to organizational adaptation

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    Objective: to substantiate the feasibility of adopting and developing a research program in the field of crisis management. Methods: general methodological principles of constructing scientific theories, understanding their maturity, differences between the pre-paradigm and paradigm stages of a scientific discipline development, studying their foundations, formulating an understanding of the organizational crisis as maladaptation on the basis of methodological and general principles of the population-ecological sphere in economic research.Results: based on the analysis of scientific literature, the existence of many competing, and sometimes mutually exclusive approaches to the theoretical understanding of the nature of organizational crises is determined. This leads to considering the crisis as an organizational maladaptation, i.e. as a certain loss of a feature of adaptation, adaptability to the occupied population-ecological niche due to internal or external changes.Two approaches are used to diagnose a state of maladaptation (crisis) or an immediate threat of such a state and to plan measures to overcome it. The first one is crisis determinism, focused on identifying and assessing crisis threats and developing measures to overcome them. The second approach focuses on neutralizing the adverse factors, affecting the organization, by mobilizing, first of all, its human resources. This subjective side of management under a crisis is characterized by the concept of intentionality - will, desire, intention to overcome the crisis.Scientific novelty: the two selected approaches to understanding the essence of crisis management serve as the basis for a co-evolutionary method of studying organizational adaptation and prospects for maladaptation. On this basis, a coevolutionary model of the crisis as a maladaptation is proposed. The model is based on the idea of the crisis as a two-phase process: in the first phase, there is a gradual decrease in organizational adaptation under the influence of destructive environmental factors, in the second - an avalanche-like development of the crisis, where the importance of the intentional, subjective aspect of the crisis is especially great. The model implies that the successful overcoming of the crisis means the restoration of the organization’s adaptation to the external environment. If this does not happen, the organization is eliminated by natural selection and the composition of the population changes.Practical significance: the coevolutionary model of crisis can serve as a basis for developing specific recommendations based on a balanced view of the crisis as a process that has a deterministic component (objective cause-effect relations) and an intentional one (subjective factors of crisis management related to skills, abilities and a will to overcome the crisis consequences)


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    In order,to,study,the,morphoiogicai,changes,of,the,endometrium,in,patients,with,pre-and,postmenopausai,age,suffering,from,endometriaipoiyps,EP),there,were,anaiyzed,1OO,cases,of,EP,in,women,of,different,age,groups,that,were,surveyed,in,the,study,of,features,subendometriai biood fiow, biood fiowin the uterine and internai iiiac arteries with foiiowing morphoiogicai study of the endometrium. Histoiogicai structure of EP depends on the age of patients, in patients younger than SO years, dominated reactive (gianduiarand gianduiar-fibrous poiyps) in women during menopause - fibroid EP. Estimation of the veiocity curves and uterine biood fiowin the internai iiiac arteries in patients with EP shows a decrease of both systoiic and diastoiic biood fiow veiocities and increased peripherai resistance performance. In subendometriaiarteries the picture is opposite: decrease of peripherai resistance and an increase in systoiic and diastoiic biood fiow veiocity. It is determinedthat the most unfavorabie state is combined defeat of myometrium by ieiomyoma with adenomyosis, because the hystoiogicai conciusionsin these patients contain significantiy more precancerous iesionsand Precancer of endometrium and cervix.С целью изучения мopфoфyнкциoнaльныx изменений эндoмeтpия у бoльныx пре- и пocтмeнoпayзaльнoгo вoзpacтa, кoтopыe cтpaдaют пoлипoзoм eндoмeтpия (ПЭ) пpoaнaлизиpoвaнo 1OO cлyчaeв ПЭ, кoтopыe были oбcлeдoвaны в oбъeмe изучения ocoбeннocтeй cyбэндoмeтpиaльнoгo кpoвoтoкa, кpoвoтoкa в мaтoчныx и внyтpeнниx пoдвздoшныxapтepияxc пocлeдyющ,им мopфoлoгичecким иccлeдoвaниeмэндoмeтpия. Гиcтoлoгичecкaя cтpyктypa ПЭзaвиcитoтвoзpacтa бoльныx, тaк, у пaциeнтoк мoлoжe SO лет, пpeoблaдaют aктивныe фopмы (жeлeзиcтыe и жeлeзиcтo-фибpoзныe пoлипы), у женщин в пepиoдe пocтмeнoпayзы -фибpoзныe ПЭ. Oцeнкa кpивыxcкopocтeй кpoвooбpaщeния в мaтoчныxи внyтpeнниx пoдвздoшныxapтepияx у пaциeнтoкc ПЭ пoкaзывaeтуменьшение кaкcиcтoличecкoй тaк и диacтoличecкoй cкopocтeй кpoвoтoкa и увеличение пoкaзaтeлeй пepифepичecкoгo coпpoтивлeния. В yбэндoмeтpиaльныxapтepияx кapтинa пpямo пpoтивoпoлoжнaя: уменьшение пoкaзaтeлeй пepифepичecкoгo coпpoтивлeния и увеличение cиcтoличecкoй и диacтoличecкoй cкopocти кpoвoтoкa. Bыявлeнo, что ocoбeннo нeблaгoпpиятным cocтoяниeм являeтcя coчeтaннoe пopaжeниe миoмeтpия лeйoмиoмoй и aдeнoмиoзoм, пocкoлькy у дaнныx пaциeнтoк гиcтoгичecкиe зaключeния знaчитeльнo чaщe coдepжaт пpeдoпyxoлeвыe и пpeдpaкoвыe пopaжeния эндoмeтpия ишейки мaтки. З мeтoю ВИВЧЄННЯ мopфoфyнкцioнaльниxзмiнeндoмeтpiюyxвopиxпpe- і пocтмeнoпayзaльнoгo віку, які cтpaждaють нa пoлiпoзeндoмeтpiю(ПE) пpoaнaлiзoвaнo 1OO випaдкiв ПE у жiнoк piзниx вiкoвиx груп, які були oбcтeжeнi в oбcязi ВИВЧЄННЯ ocoбливocтeй cyбeндoмeтpiaльнoгo кpoвoтoкy, кpoвoтoкy в мaткoвиx тa внyтpiшнix клyбoвиx apтepiяx з нacтyпним мopфoлoгiчним дocлiджeнням eндoмeтpiю. Гicтoлoгiчнa cтpyктypa ПE зaлeжить від віку xвopиx, тaк, у пaцiєнтoк, мoлoдшиx зa SO p o ^ ,пepeвaжaютьaктивнi фopми (зaлoзиcтi і зaлoзиcтo-фiбpoзнi пoлiпи), вжiнoкy пepioдi пocтмeнoпayзи - фiбpoзнi ПE.Oцiнкa кpивиxшвидкocтeй кpoвooбiгy в мaткoвиxтa внyтpiшнix клyбoвиxapтepiяxy пaцiєнтoк із ПE пoкaзyє зменшення якcиcтoлiчнoї тaк і дiacтoлiчнoїшвидкocтeй кpoвoтoкyтa збільшення пoкaзникiв пepифepiйнoгo oпopy. У cyбeндoмeтpiaльниxapтepiяx кapтинaпpямo пpoтилeжнa: зменшення пoкaзникiв пepифepiйнoгooпopyтa збільшення cиcтoлiчнoїтaдiacтoлiчнoїшвидкocтi кpoвoтoкy.Bизнaчeнo, ino ocoбливo нecпpиятливим cтaнoм єcпoлyчeнeypaжeння мioмeтpiя лeйoмioмoю і aдeнoмioзoм, ocкiлькиyдaниxпaцiєнтoк гicтoгiчнi виcнoвки знaчнo чacтiшe мicтять пepeдпyxлиннi тa пepeдpaкoвi ypaжeння eндoмeтpiю тa шийки мaтки


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     Leading role of the inflammatory process in etiopathogenesis of polyposis in endometrium and insufficient effectiveness of antibacterial therapy of these disorders leads to the necessity in improvement of treating approaches. Results of organopreserving intrauterine cryosurgery of polyposis in endometrium with following administration of antibiotics and Distreptaza in postoperative period without additional usage of hormonal therapy testify to the high effectiveness of this method ( 98 % ) in case of the usage of low temperature cryoinfluence (from -160°C to - 170°C). Ведущая роль “воспалительного” процесса в этиологии полипоза эндометрия и недостаточная эффективность антибактериальной терапии этих заболеваний обуславливает совершенствование лечебных подходов. Результаты органосохраняющей внутриматочной криохирургии поли поза эндометрия с последующим назначеним в послеоперационном периоде антибиотиков и дистрептазы без дополнительного использования гормональных препаратов указывают на высокую эффективность метода (98,0%) при использовании низких температур криовоздействия (от-160 до -170 С0). Провідна роль “запального” процесу в етіопатогенезі поліпозу ендометрію і недостатня ефективність антибактеріально терапі цих захворювань обумовлює необхідність удосконалення лікувальних підходів. Результати органозберігаючо внутрішньоматково кріохірургі поліпозу ендометрію з наступним призначенням у післяопераційному періоді антибіотиків і “Дістрептази” без додаткового використання гормонально терапі вказують на високу ефективність методу (98,0%) у разі використання низьких температур кріовпливу (від-160 до - 170 С0)

    The method of determining the forces in the tendon apparatus of human fingers

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    Being one of the most functionally loaded systems, the human hand and its anatomical structures are damaged quite often. Thus, injuries to the interphalangeal joints account for up to 60 % of all hand injuries. Post-traumatic arthrosis, contractures with persistent pain syndrome, stiffness and ankylosis of the joints are distinguished among the consequences of hand joint injuries. With the development of the endoprosthesis method, the use of which allows to restore the lost function of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, new opportunities are opening up in the rehabilitation of patients with various injuries of the joints of the hand. However, when using this method, there are certain complications associated with the wear of the implant, the reaction of the surrounding tissues to the material from which the prosthesis is made, and the design features of endoprostheses. That is, the success of treatment when using endoprostheses depends to some extent on the design of the implant. It is possible to carry out a primary analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed design of the endoprosthesis with the help of specialized software complexes. Despite the power of specialized software, building digital models of biological objects and performing calculations is quite a difficult task. In order to carry out a numerical study, in addition to knowing of the geometry of objects and their mechanical properties, it is also necessary to understand the conditions of interaction between the model fragments and the loading scheme. Aim. Develop a technique for analytical determination of forces in the tendons of the fingers. Materials and methods. The research was carried out using the provisions and methods of theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials. As a calculation case, this paper proposes to consider the determination of forces in the tendons of the index finger of the right upper limb. Results. As a result of the performed calculations, analytical expressions were obtained to determine the forces that occur in the flexor tendons of the index finger. Conclusions. The obtained analytical expressions allow us to estimate the magnitude of forces that occur in the tendons of the fingers. The results of the calculations can be used in the construction of digital models of the fingers and perform numerical studies


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    Patients suffering from pretumour diseases of endometrium have complicated somatical and obstetrical anamnesis such as disorders of system of hemostasis, that leads to high risk of thromboembolitic complications (TEC ). Alternative to hormonal and surgical treatment of these patients we consider to be the use of organopreserving endocryosurgical treatment of hyperplastic diseases of endometrium. Effectiveness of (clinical, morphological, ultrasonical), cryosurgical therapy made up 95,9 %; prevention of TEC - 100% cases.Больные, которые страдают предопухолевыми заболеваниями эндометрия имеют отягощенный соматический и акушерско-гинекологический анамнез, нарушения системы гемостаза, что обуславливает повышенный риск тромбоэмболических осложнений (ТЭО). Альтернативой гормональному и хирургическому лечению данных пациенток считаем использование органосохраняющего эндокриохирургического лечения гиперпластических заболеваний эндометрия. Эффективность (клиническая, морфологическая, ультразвуковая) криохирургического лечения составила 95,9%, профилактики ТЭО - 100% случаевХворі, які страждають передпухлинними захворюваннями ендометрія, мають обтяжений соматичний і акушерсько-гінекологічний анамнез, порушення системи гемостазу, що обумовлює підвищений ризиктромбоемболічнихускладнень (ТЕУ). Альтернативою гормональному і хірургічному лікуванню даних пацієнток вважаемо застосування органозберігаючого ендокріохірургічного лікування гіперпластичних захворювань ендометрія. Ефективність (клінічна, морфологічна, ультразвукова) кріохірургічного лікування становила 95,9%, профілактики ТЕУ - 100% випадків

    Extreme Magnification Microlensing Event OGLE-2008-BLG-279: Strong Limits on Planetary Companions to the Lens Star

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    We analyze the extreme high-magnification microlensing event OGLE-2008-BLG-279, which peaked at a maximum magnification of A ~ 1600 on 30 May 2008. The peak of this event exhibits both finite-source effects and terrestrial parallax, from which we determine the mass of the lens, M_l=0.64 +/- 0.10 M_Sun, and its distance, D_l = 4.0 +/- 0.6. We rule out Jupiter-mass planetary companions to the lens star for projected separations in the range 0.5-20 AU. More generally, we find that this event was sensitive to planets with masses as small as 0.2 M_Earth ~= 2 M_Mars with projected separations near the Einstein ring (~3 AU).Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    A systematic fitting scheme for caustic-crossing microlensing events

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    We outline a method for fitting binary-lens caustic-crossing microlensing events based on the alternative model parameterisation proposed and detailed in Cassan (2008). As an illustration of our methodology, we present an analysis of OGLE-2007-BLG-472, a double-peaked Galactic microlensing event with a source crossing the whole caustic structure in less than three days. In order to identify all possible models we conduct an extensive search of the parameter space, followed by a refinement of the parameters with a Markov Chain-Monte Carlo algorithm. We find a number of low-chi2 regions in the parameter space, which lead to several distinct competitive best models. We examine the parameters for each of them, and estimate their physical properties. We find that our fitting strategy locates several minima that are difficult to find with other modelling strategies and is therefore a more appropriate method to fit this type of events.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Binary microlensing event OGLE-2009-BLG-020 gives a verifiable mass, distance and orbit predictions

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    We present the first example of binary microlensing for which the parameter measurements can be verified (or contradicted) by future Doppler observations. This test is made possible by a confluence of two relatively unusual circumstances. First, the binary lens is bright enough (I=15.6) to permit Doppler measurements. Second, we measure not only the usual 7 binary-lens parameters, but also the 'microlens parallax' (which yields the binary mass) and two components of the instantaneous orbital velocity. Thus we measure, effectively, 6 'Kepler+1' parameters (two instantaneous positions, two instantaneous velocities, the binary total mass, and the mass ratio). Since Doppler observations of the brighter binary component determine 5 Kepler parameters (period, velocity amplitude, eccentricity, phase, and position of periapsis), while the same spectroscopy yields the mass of the primary, the combined Doppler + microlensing observations would be overconstrained by 6 + (5 + 1) - (7 + 1) = 4 degrees of freedom. This makes possible an extremely strong test of the microlensing solution. We also introduce a uniform microlensing notation for single and binary lenses, we define conventions, summarize all known microlensing degeneracies and extend a set of parameters to describe full Keplerian motion of the binary lenses.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figures, 2 appendices. Submitted to ApJ. Fortran codes for Appendix B are attached to this astro-ph submission and are also available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~jskowron/OGLE-2009-BLG-020

    I. Flux and color variations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223

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    aims: We present VRi photometric observations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223, carried out with the Danish 1.54m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. Our aim was to monitor and study the magnitudes and colors of each lensed component as a function of time. methods: We monitored the object during two seasons (2008 and 2009) in the VRi spectral bands, and reduced the data with two independent techniques: difference imaging and PSF (Point Spread Function) fitting.results: Between these two seasons, our results show an evident decrease in flux by ~0.2-0.4 magnitudes of the four lensed components in the three filters. We also found a significant increase (~0.05-0.015) in their V-R and R-i color indices. conclusions: These flux and color variations are very likely caused by intrinsic variations of the quasar between the observed epochs. Microlensing effects probably also affect the brightest "A" lensed component.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure