851 research outputs found

    Social Photography As a Representation Form of Global Challenges at the Turn of the XXth–XXIst Centuries

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    The artistic explorations of the late XXth–early XXIst-century mediaculture are, to a large extent, aimed at overcoming stagnant and crisis elements in society, as well as at rethinking the global problem engendered by the increasing levels of alienation and a fear of global transformations. Social photography offers deep and comprehensive critical analysis of the contemporary events. This photographic genre is based on the humanistic approach combined with the individual interpretation of difficult situations. The goal of social photography is to trace the possible solutions for global social problems and to confront cruelty, alienation and violence of our modern world.     Keywords: social photography, artistic language of photography, media culture, globalization, global problem

    A fatal case of bipolar disorder and comorbid hepatitis C

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    Composite fuel based on residue from tyre and secondary polymer pyrolysis

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    The article presents the analysis of obtaining high-quality molded solid fuel from waste that is a carbonaceous residue obtained by pyrolysis of automobile tyres and secondary polymers. Preliminary waste preparing, blending and briquetting have been carried out; fuel samples have been obtained; their strength characteristics have been studied; technical analysis has been carried out

    Синтез, дослідження 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-іл)-(алкіл, гетерил)метанімінів та їх похідних

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    In the pharmaceutical practice directly related to the search of biological active substances and their introduction into medicine or veterinary it is generally recognized that a successful choice of the research object is a prerequisite for a positive final outcome to create original effective and low-toxic drugs. At present, derivatives of 1,2,4-triazoles containing pyridine deserve special attention. That is why the synthesis and study of physicochemical properties of new compounds, which contain 1,2,4-triazole and pyridine rings, are important tasks of modern synthetic and pharmaceutical chemistry.Aim. To study the reactions associated with formation and transformation of 6-((5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)pyridine-3-yl)-(alkyl-, heteryl)methanimines and their recovery, study physicochemical properties of new compounds synthesized. Materials and methods. 6-((5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)pyridine-3-yl)-(alkyl-, heter-yl)methanimines were obtained by the mixture from 6-(5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)pyridine-3-amine and aldehydes. The synthesis was carried out in the acetic acid medium. The mixture was kept at room temperature for 6 h. 6-((5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)pyridine-3-yl)-(alkyl-, heteryl)methanimines were reduced in the 1,4-dioxane medium. As a reducing agent sodium borohydride was used. Results and discussion. As a result of synthetic transformations 17 new compounds have been obtained, the structure of the compounds synthesized has been confirmed by modern complex of physicochemical methods of analysis (IR-spectrophotometry, elemental analysis), and their individuality has been proven on an Agilent 1260 Infinity HPLC high-performance liquid chromatograph equipped with an Agilent 6120 mass spectrometer.Conclusions. The preparative method for the synthesis of 6-((5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)pyridine-3-yl)-(alkyl-, heteryl)methanimines and 6-(5-phenethyl-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)-N-(alkyl-, heteryl)pyridine-3-amines has been developed.В фармацевтической практике, непосредственно связанной с поиском биологически активных веществ и их введением в медицину или ветеринарию, общепринято, что успешный выбор объекта исследования является предпосылкой для положительного конечного результата, для создания оригинальных эффективных и малотоксичных лекарств. На данный момент особого внимания заслуживают производные 1,2,4-триазолов, которые содержат пиридин. Именно поэтому синтез и изучение физико-химических свойств новых соединений, содержащих 1,2,4-триазольное и пиридиновое кольца, являются важной задачей современной синтетической и фармацевтической химии.Цель. Изучить реакцию образования 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)пиридин-3-ил)-(алкил, гетерил)метаниминов и их селективного восстановления, исследовать физические и химические свойства новых синтезированных соединений.Материалы и методы. Для получения 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)пиридин-3-ил)-(алкил-, гетерил)метаниминов использовали 6-(5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)пиридин-3-амины и альдегиды. Синтез проводился в среде кислоты уксусной. Смесь оставляли при комнатной температуре на 6 часов. 6-((5-Фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)пиридин-3-ил)-(алкил-, гетерил)метанимины были восстановлены в среде 1,4-диоксана. В качестве восстановителя был использован натрия боргидрид.Результаты и их обсуждение. В результате синтетических превращений получено 17 новых соединений, структуру синтезированных соединений подтверждено благодаря современному комплексу физико-химических методов анализа (ИК-спектрофотометрии, элементного анализа), а их индивидуальность подтверждена исследованием на высокопроизводительном жидком хроматографе Agilent 1260 Infinity HPLC, оборудованном масс-спектрометром Agilent 6120.Выводы. Разработан препаративный метод синтеза 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)пиридин-3-ил)-(алкил-, гетерил)метаниминов и 6-(5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-илтио)-N- (алкил-, гетерил)пиридин-3-аминов.У фармацевтичній практиці, яка безпосередньо пов’язана з пошуком біологічно активних речовин та їх введенням у медицину або ветеринарію, загальним є те, що успішний вибір об’єкта дослідження є необхідною умовою для позитивного кінцевого результату та для створення оригінальних ефективних та малотоксичних препаратів. На цьому етапі на особливу увагу заслуговують похідні 1,2,4-триазолів, що містять піридин. Саме тому синтез та вивчення фізико-хімічних властивостей нових сполук, що містять 1,2,4-триазольний та піридиновий фрагмент, є важливими завданнями сучасної синтетичної та фармацевтичної хімії.Мета. Вивчити реакцію утворення 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-іл)-(алкіл, гетерил)метанімінів та їх селективного відновлення, дослідити фізичні та хімічні властивості нових синтезованих сполук.Матеріали та методи. Для отримання 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-іл)-(алкіл-, гетерил)метанімінів використано 6-(5-фенетил-4R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-аміни та альдегіди. Синтез проводився в середовищі кислоти оцтової. Суміш залишали при кімнатній температурі на 6 годин. 6-((5-Фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-іл)-(алкіл-, гетерил)метаніміни були відновлені в середовищі 1,4-діоксану. В якості відновника використано натрію боргідрид.Результати та їх обговорення. В результаті синтетичних перетворень отримано 17 нових сполук, структуру синтезованих сполук підтверджено завдяки сучасному комплексу фізико-хімічних методів аналізу (ІЧ-спектрофотометрії, елементного аналізу), а їх індивідуальність підтверджена дослідженням на високопродуктивному рідинному хроматографі Agilent 1260 Infinity HPLC, обладнаному мас-спектрометром Agilent 6120.Висновки. Розроблено препаративний метод синтезу 6-((5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)піридин-3-іл)-(алкіл-, гетерил)метанімінів і 6-(5-фенетил-4-R-1,2,4-триазол-3-ілтіо)-N-(алкіл-, гетерил)піридин-3-амінів

    Trade-offs between tRNA abundance and mRNA secondary structure support smoothing of translation elongation rate

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    Translation of protein from mRNA is a complex multi-step process that occurs at a non-uniform rate. Variability in ribosome speed along an mRNA enables refinement of the proteome and plays a critical role in protein biogenesis. Detailed single protein studies have found both tRNA abundance and mRNA secondary structure as key modulators of translation elongation rate, but recent genome-wide ribosome profiling experiments have not observed significant influence of either on translation efficiency. Here we provide evidence that this results from an inherent trade-off between these factors. We find codons pairing to high-abundance tRNAs are preferentially used in regions of high secondary structure content, while codons read by significantly less abundant tRNAs are located in lowly structured regions. By considering long stretches of high and low mRNA secondary structure in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli and comparing them to randomized-gene models and experimental expression data, we were able to distinguish clear selective pressures and increased protein expression for specific codon choices. The trade-off between secondary structure and tRNA-concentration based codon choice allows for compensation of their independent effects on translation, helping to smooth overall translational speed and reducing the chance of potentially detrimental points of excessively slow or fast ribosome movement.European Commission (Marie-Curie Actions Initial Training Network for Integrated Cellular Homeostasis (NICHE) project 289384


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    An important step in the development of a new drug is the prediction of its toxicity by computer screening using the program GUSAR-online. The purpose of this work is an online prediction of acute toxicity among new derivatives of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino) 1,2,4-triazoles. Computer prediction of acute toxicity of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)- 1,2,4-triazole derivatives was performed according to the structural formulas of the compounds in the online version of the GUSAR-online program.GUSAR-online prediction for 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)-1,2,4- triazole derivatives was performed during the research. It was found that the average lethal dose of LD50 is from 56.1 to 2396.0 mg / kg. Based on this, all compounds are low-toxic and virtually non-toxic substances.An important step in the development of a new drug is the prediction of its toxicity by computer screening using the program GUSAR-online. The purpose of this work is an online prediction of acute toxicity among new derivatives of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino) 1,2,4-triazoles. Computer prediction of acute toxicity of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)- 1,2,4-triazole derivatives was performed according to the structural formulas of the compounds in the online version of the GUSAR-online program.GUSAR-online prediction for 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)-1,2,4- triazole derivatives was performed during the research. It was found that the average lethal dose of LD50 is from 56.1 to 2396.0 mg / kg. Based on this, all compounds are low-toxic and virtually non-toxic substances

    Elastic constants of borocarbides. New approach to acoustic Measurement technique

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    A new version of the phase method of determining the sound velocity is proposed and implemented. It utilizes the ``Nonius'' measurement technique and can give acceptable accuracy (~1%) in samples of submillimeter size. Measurements of the sound velocity are made in single-crystal samples of the borocarbides RNi2B2C (R = Y,Lu,Ho). The elastic constants and the Debye temperature are calculated.Comment: 5 figures, 2 table

    A Minimal Model of Ribosome Allocation Dynamics Captures Trade-offs in Expression between Endogenous and Synthetic Genes

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    Cells contain a finite set of resources that must be distributed across many processes to ensure survival. Among them, the largest proportion of cellular resources is dedicated to protein translation. Synthetic biology often exploits these resources to execute orthogonal genetic circuits, yet the burden this places on the cell is rarely considered. Here, we develop a minimal model of ribosome allocation dynamics capturing the demands on translation when expressing a synthetic construct together with endogenous genes required for maintenance of cell physiology. Critically, it contains three key variables related to design parameters of the synthetic construct covering: transcript abundance, translation initiation rate, and elongation time. We show that model-predicted changes in ribosome allocation closely match experimental shifts in synthetic protein expression rate and cellular growth. Intriguingly, the model is also able to accurately infer transcript levels and translation times after further exposure to additional ambient stress. Our results demonstrate that a simple model of resource allocation faithfully captures the redistribution of protein synthesis resources when faced with the burden of synthetic gene expression and environmental stress. The tractable nature of the model makes it a versatile tool for exploring the guiding principles of efficient heterologous expression and the indirect interactions that can arise between synthetic circuits and their host chassis due to competition for shared translational resources