23 research outputs found

    The Barents area changes – How will Finland adapt? (Barentsin alue muuttuu – miten Suomi sopeutuu?)

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    The cumulative impacts of environmental, climatic and societal changes and their consequences will affect the development of the Arctic region in the coming decades. Adaptation to these changes will require measures of all the actors in the region. Finland, part of the Euro-Arctic region, will adapt to these changes in a variety of ways. The Barents area is unique in the Arctic in being a multicultural, relatively densely populated area with well-developed industries and infrastructure. This report examines adaptation to changes and their consequences in the Barents area in terms of governance and Finland’s capacities to adapt. The aim has been to produce comprehensive information from the Finnish perspective for local and national decision-makers about long-term changes in the region, their expected impacts and adaptation options, and to support decision-making that will advance adaptation. The report includes recommendations. This report is based on the contribution of Finnish experts to an Arctic Council and Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) project titled ”Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic” (AACA). The project has prepared a pilot report by Nordic and Russian experts on the Barents area in English on changes, their impacts and adaptation options. The report will be published in 2017 (AMAP 2017)

    Guidance on a better integration of aquaculture, fisheries, and other activities in the coastal zone: from tools to practical examples

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    This guidance document provides a comprehensive assessment of the conflicts and synergies between fisheries, aquaculture and other activities in the coastal zone in six COEXIST case study areas. It forms deliverable D5.2 of the COEXIST project and synthesises deliverable D5.1, which provides a more detailed description of the methods used and results. This document also accounts for the views and expectations of stakeholders that were raised at the COEXIST stakeholder workshop held in Bergen, Norway, parallel to the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Annual Science Conference 2012. Over 30 stakeholders representing a variety of sectors, including aquaculture, fisheries, coastal zone management, tourism and energy, as well as 20 members from the COEXIST project and ICES representatives, attended this event. The stakeholders and COEXIST members were from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The workshop aims were firstly to communicate the COEXIST project results and progress to stakeholders and the second major aim was to receive stakeholder feedback on the development of best practice guidance for spatial planning to integrate fisheries, aquaculture and further demands in the coastal zone

    “Control-Alt-Delete”: Rebooting Solutions for the E-Waste Problem

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    A number of efforts have been launched to solve the global electronic waste (e-waste) problem. The efficiency of e-waste recycling is subject to variable national legislation, technical capacity, consumer participation, and even detoxification. E-waste management activities result in procedural irregularities and risk disparities across national boundaries. We review these variables to reveal opportunities for research and policy to reduce the risks from accumulating e-waste and ineffective recycling. Full regulation and consumer participation should be controlled and reinforced to improve local e-waste system. Aiming at standardizing best practice, we alter and identify modular recycling process and infrastructure in eco-industrial parks that will be expectantly effective in countries and regions to handle the similar e-waste stream. Toxicity can be deleted through material substitution and detoxification during the life cycle of electronics. Based on the idea of "Control-Alt-Delete", four patterns of the way forward for global e-waste recycling are proposed to meet a variety of local situations

    Tree diversity and above-ground biomass in the South America Cerrado biome and their conservation implications

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    Less than half of the original two million square kilometers of the Cerrado vegetation remains standing, and there are still many uncertainties as to how to conserve and prioritize remaining areas effectively. A key limitation is the continuing lack of geographically-extensive evaluation of ecosystem-level properties across the biome. Here we sought to address this gap by comparing the woody vegetation of the typical cerrado of the Cerrado–Amazonia Transition with that of the core area of the Cerrado in terms of both tree diversity and vegetation biomass. We used 21 one-hectare plots in the transition and 18 in the core to compare key structural parameters (tree height, basal area, and above-ground biomass), and diversity metrics between the regions. We also evaluated the effects of temperature and precipitation on biomass, as well as explored the species diversity versus biomass relationship. We found, for the first time, both that the typical cerrado at the transition holds substantially more biomass than at the core, and that higher temperature and greater precipitation can explain this difference. By contrast, plot-level alpha diversity was almost identical in the two regions. Finally, contrary to some theoretical expectations, we found no positive relationship between species diversity and biomass for the Cerrado woody vegetation. This has implications for the development of effective conservation measures, given that areas with high biomass and importance for the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions are often not those with the greatest diversity

    Real world safety and efficacy of the Janus tacrolimus-eluting stent: Long-term clinical outcome and angiographic findings from the tacrolimus-eluting stent (TEST) registry

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    Objectives: We sought to evaluate the safety and performance of the Janus Tacrolimus-Eluting stent (TES) in an unselected population of patients, without application of restrictive clinical or angiographic criteria. Background: Continued attention to the safety, efficacy, and deliverability of first-generation drug eluting stents has led to the development of new antiproliferative agents with alternative stent platforms and different drug carrier vehicles. Methods: The TEST (Tacrolimus Eluting STent) registry is a prospective, nonrandomized single-center registry in which 140 consecutive patients who underwent single- or multi-vessel percutaneous coronary intervention between February 2005 and August 2005 were enrolled. Results: The composite rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 22 months clinical follow-up was 40.9%. The rate of mortality, myocardial infarction, and target lesion revascularization (TLR) were 5.5%, 11%, and 31.5%, respectively. Angiographic follow-up at 8 months was achieved in 74% of patients; binary restenosis occurred in 39.4% of lesions. Most restenosis lesions (94.6%) had a diffuse pattern, while focal restenosis was observed in 5.4% of cases. Definite or probable stent thrombosis was observed in 2.4% of patients. Conclusions: The present prospective, nonrandomized, TEST registry indicated high-MACE and restenosis rates, and thereby rather discouraging long-term outcomes with use of the Janus TES in an unselected "real world" population of patients who underwent single- or multi-vessel percutaneous coronary intervention. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc