71 research outputs found

    The analysis of biological diversity of coronaviruses contributes in the early awareness of their zoonotic spreading

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    The recent outbreak of COVID-19 rose a new wave of interest to coronaviruses though the first coronaviruses were discovered in the first half of the 20th century. That time coronaviruses were considered as a quite serious veterinary problem but they were not believed to become highly dangerous for humans. However, such ideas were revised in 2002 when SARS-CoV was transferred to human population in the Southeast Asia assumably from the bats, and later in 2012 when natural focus of the MERS-CoV was discovered in the Arabian countries. Using PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, and Google scholar, the authors searched for various research and review articles using the combination of terms “coronavirus, Coronaviridae, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, taxonomy”. Due to the increased interest a large number of new Coronaviridae family members was revealed in the first decades of the XXI century. Since then taxonomic structures of coronaviruses underwent significant changes. This review is focused on the need for continued monitoring of the biological diversity of coronaviruses. The structural studies of coronaviruses regardless of the host species may allow us to identify early changes that can affect the evolutionary drift process of a particular HCoV species involved in viral transmission from bats or birds to humans. Taking into account the migratory abilities of bats and especially birds, it is necessary to not only to include coronaviruses in the ecological monitoring programs, but also to expand the scope and depth of environmental and virological monitoring

    Tourism Discourse: Strategies and Difficulties in Translating Hotel Websites

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    The article presents an analysis of one of the most dynamically growing spheres of translation – translation in tourism, namely localization of hotel websites. Undoubtedly, the Internet is the main source of information retrieval and a tool enhancing tourism attractiveness of a destination, which means that while translating hotel websites one should pay great attention to the language content. The analysis conducted by the authors allows concluding that most of the translations feature a lot of language mistakes: from lexical incongruity to spelling, making translated texts unreadable and not corresponding to their communicative and pragmatic functions. If a translator holds a basic strategy of producing a new text using peculiar stylistic markers and figurative language, characterizing other linguistic culture, and sometimes changes the form and structure of the text in the source language, then the translated text functions as an element, attracting new customers. This situation reflects the existence of highly widespread problems, found in the sphere of translation: the growing number of people speaking foreign languages makes professional competences of translators worthless. Together with the expansion of Machine Translation it lowers the quality of a "ready" product – localized text – making recipients and senders to perceive the inferior language content as normal

    Adaptive strategy of halophytic plants Polygonum maritimum and Euphorbia paralias

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    The leaf surface microstructure, pigments spectrum, phytohormones content, and lipids composition of halophytes with various metabolic and physiological strategies of adaptation to salinity of Polygonum maritimum L. and Euphorbia paralias L. grown under natural conditions on dunes of the Pomorie Lake (Bulgaria) are compared. P. maritimum stomata are located on the leaf both sides below the cuticle level, whereas, in E. рaralias, stomata are present only on the abaxial side, and they are surrounded with hump-shaped cuticle constructions. A high amount of carotenoids (as compared with chlorophylls) in P. maritimum leaves indicates that these pigments have a light-collecting function and could transfer an additional energy to chlorophylls. In leaves of E. paralias and P. maritimum, free abscisic acid and conjugated indole-3-acetic acid prevailed. The inactive cytokinins (cis-zeatin and zeatin-O-glucoside) dominated in E. paralias leaves, whereas P. maritimum leaves contained a significant quantity of isopentenyl-type cytokinins. The presence of a large amount of saturated fatty acids provides a decrease of membrane permeability and better resistance against soil salinity. It is concluded that the ecological strategy of halophytes involves the complex of structural and functional adaptations and determines a successful existence under salinity conditions.Проведено порівняння мікроструктури листкової поверхні, пігментного спектра, вмісту фітогормонів і складу ліпідів у галофітів з різною метаболічною і фізіологічною стратегіями адаптації до засолення Polygonum maritimum L. та Euphorbia paralias L., які зростали у природних умовах на дюнах Поморійського озера (Болгарія). У P. maritimum продихи знаходяться по обидва боки листка нижче рівня кутикули, тоді як у E. paralias — лише на абаксіальному боці й оточені складками кутикули. Значна кількість каротиноїдів (порівняно з хлорофілами) у листках P. maritimum указує на те, що ці пігменти виконують світлозбиральну функцію і можуть передавати додаткову енергію на хлорофіли. У листках E. paralias і P. maritimum переважають вільна абсцизова кислота і кон'югована індоліл-3-оцтова кислота. Неактивні цитокініни (цисзеатин і зеатин-О-глюкозид) домінують у листках E. paralias, тоді як у листках P. maritimum міститься значна кількість ізопентенільних форм цитокінінів. Наявність великої концентрації насичених жирних кислот забезпечує зменшення проникності мембран і кращу солестійкість. Зроблено висновок, що екологічна стратегія галофітів поєднує комплекс структурних та функціональних пристосувань і визначає успішне існування в умовах засолення.Проведено сравнение микроструктуры листовой поверхности, пигментного спектра, содержания фитогормонов и состава липидов у галофитов с различной метаболической и физиологической стратегиями адаптации к засолению Polygonum maritimum L. и Euphorbia paralias L., произраставших в естественных условиях на дюнах Поморийского озера (Болгария). У P. maritimum устьица находятся по обе стороны листа ниже уровня кутикулы, тогда как у E. paralias — только на абаксиальной стороне и окружены складками кутикулы. Значительное количество каротиноидов (относительно хлорофиллов) в листьях P. maritimum указывает на то, что эти пигменты выполняют светособирающую функцию и могут передавать дополнительную энергию на хлорофиллы. В листьях E. paralias и P. maritimum преобладают свободная абсцизовая кислота и конъюгированная индолил-3-уксусная кислота. Неактивные цитокинины (цис-зеатин и зеатин-О-глюкозид) доминируют в листьях E. paralias, в то время как в листьях P. maritimum содержится значительное количество изопентенильных форм цитокининов. Наличие высокой концентрации насыщенных жирных кислот обеспечивает уменьшение проницаемости мембран и улучшает солеустойчивость. Сделан вывод, что экологическая стратегия галофитов объединяет комплекс структурных и функциональных приспособлений и определяет успешное существование в условиях засоления

    Applications of a finite-volume algorithm for incompressible MHD problems

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    We present the theory, algorithms and implementation of a parallel finite-volume algorithm for the solution of the incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations using unstructured grids that are applicable for a wide variety of geometries. Our method implements a mixed Adams-Bashforth/Crank-Nicolson scheme for the nonlinear terms in the MHD equations and we prove that it is stable independent of the time step. To ensure that the solenoidal condition is met for the magnetic field, we use a method whereby a pseudo-pressure is introduced into the induction equation; since we are concerned with incompressible flows, the resulting Poisson equation for the pseudo-pressure is solved alongside the equivalent Poisson problem for the velocity field. We validate our code in a variety of geometries including periodic boxes, spheres, spherical shells, spheroids and ellipsoids; for the finite geometries we implement the so-called ferromagnetic or pseudo-vacuum boundary conditions appropriate for a surrounding medium with infinite magnetic permeability. This implies that the magnetic field must be purely perpendicular to the boundary. We present a number of comparisons against previous results and against analytical solutions, which verify the code's accuracy. This documents the code's reliability as a prelude to its use in more difficult problems. We finally present a new simple drifting solution for thermal convection in a spherical shell that successfully sustains a magnetic field of simple geometry. By dint of its rapid stabilization from the given initial conditions, we deem it suitable as a benchmark against which other self-consistent dynamo codes can be tested


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    Livestock breeding – is the most important branch of agriculture and the main source of funds for development of industrial and social base of agro-industrial complex of the country, which ensures food security. The animal husbandry is facing few priority tasks. The first – to have a competitive breeds of farm animals and poultry, the second – to implement efficient technologies for management, feeding and reproduction of animals, and the third – to ensure the biological safety the branch. Measures in the resent years aimed at increase of efficiency of animal breeding branches provided more than 7.45 million tons of milk, 1662 thousand tons of meat of livestock and poultry (body weight) for production in 2015 from all the categories of farms. In the whole in the country 730 kg of milk and 120 kg of meat was produced, calculated per capita. According to these indicators, as well as according to the amount of high-value food protein of animal origin produced (90–100 g per person a day) Belarus is among the most advanced countries along with Canada, the US and other. These volumes of livestock production ensure domestic requirements and export potential of the republic. More than 56 % of milk and 30 % of meat produced in the country is exported to external market. According to experts opinion, about 60–65 % of dairy products and 45 % of meat produced in the country will be exported in the near future. The article analyzes the modern state, main results, priorities and problems of containment of increase of productive traits of farm animals in Belarus. Ways to improve the competitiveness of the industry, as well as rates of livestock production growth in the future are presented.Животноводство – важнейшая отрасль сельского хозяйства и основной источник финансовых средств для развития производственной и социальной базы агропромышленного комплекса страны, которая обеспечивает продовольственную безопасность. Перед животноводством стоит несколько приоритетных задач. Первая - иметь конкурентоспособные породы сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы, вторая – внедрить эффективные технологии содержания, кормления и воспроизводства животных, третья – обеспечить биологическую безопасность отрасли. Осуществляемые в течение последних лет мероприятия по повышению эффективности ведения отраслей животноводства позволили обеспечить производство в 2015 г. всеми категориями хозяйств более 7,45 млн т молока, 1662 тыс. т мяса скота и птицы (в живом весе). В расчете на душу населения в целом по республике произведено 730 кг молока и 120 кг мяса. По этим показателям, а также по производству  высокоценного пищевого белка животного происхождения (90–100 г на человека в сутки) Беларусь входит в число самых передовых стран, таких как Канада, США и др. Эти объемы производства животноводческой продукции обеспечивают внутренние потребности республики и экспортный потенциал. Более 56 % произведенного в стране молока и около 30 % мяса поставляется на внешний рынок. По мнению экспертов, около 60–65 % молочной продукции и 45 % мяса, производимых в стране,в ближайшем будущем будут отправляться на экспорт. В статье анализируется  современное состояние, основные результаты, приоритетные направления развития и проблемы сдерживания повышения продуктивных качеств животных Беларуси. Приводятся пути повышения конкурентоспособности отрасли, а также темпы прироста производства продукции животноводства на перспективу


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    The article dwells on the efficiency of methods of classical and marker selection in pig breed formation process. It’s determined that complex use of classical and marker selection in pig breed formation process ensures acceleration of the effect of selection in generations in respect of performance traits by 2–3 times. A new concept for pig breed formation process in pig breeding has been developed. The concept allows accelerating the breeding process for Belarusian large white breed of pigs and plant types “Zadneprovsky” and “Dneprobugsky”.В статье рассматривается эффективность использования в породообразовательном процессе в свиноводстве методов классической и маркерной селекции. Установлено, что комплексное использования в породообразовательном процессе в свиноводстве методов классической и маркерной селекции обеспечило ускорение эффекта селекции в поколениях по продуктивным качествам в 2–3 раза. Разработана новая концепция породообразовательного процесса в свиноводстве, позволившая значительно ускорить селекционный процесс выведение белорусской крупной белой породы свиней и заводских типов «Заднепровский» и «Днепробугский»


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    The paper contains methods of approximate calculation of overhaul periods of well intake operation taking into account the established rate of specific well debit decrease and wells’ mutual influence during the operation.Methods of a full-scale wells’ investigation with the aim to receive the required data for calculation are also considered in the paper.Предлагается методика приближенного расчета межремонтных периодов работы скважинных водозаборов с учетом сложившихся темпов снижения удельного дебита скважин и их взаимного влияния, а также методика натурного обследования скважин с целью получения необходимых исходных данных для расчета

    A spherical shell numerical dynamo benchmark with pseudo-vacuum magnetic boundary conditions

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    It is frequently considered that many planetary magnetic fields originate as a result of convection within planetary cores. Buoyancy forces responsible for driving the convection generate a fluid flow that is able to induce magnetic fields; numerous sophisticated computer codes are able to simulate the dynamic behaviour of such systems. This paper reports the results of a community activity aimed at comparing numerical results of several different types of computer codes that are capable of solving the equations of momentum transfer, magnetic field generation and heat transfer in the setting of a spherical shell, namely a sphere containing an inner core. The electrically conducting fluid is incompressible and rapidly rotating and the forcing of the flow is thermal convection under the Boussinesq approximation. We follow the original specifications and results reported in Harder & Hansen to construct a specific benchmark in which the boundaries of the fluid are taken to be impenetrable, non-slip and isothermal, with the added boundary condition for the magnetic field B that the field must be entirely radial there; this type of boundary condition for B is frequently referred to as ‘pseudo-vacuum'. This latter condition should be compared with the more frequently used insulating boundary condition. This benchmark is so-defined in order that computer codes based on local methods, such as finite element, finite volume or finite differences, can handle the boundary condition with ease. The defined benchmark, governed by specific choices of the Roberts, magnetic Rossby, Rayleigh and Ekman numbers, possesses a simple solution that is steady in an azimuthally drifting frame of reference, thus allowing easy comparison among results. Results from a variety of types of code are reported, including codes that are fully spectral (based on spherical harmonic expansions in angular coordinates and polynomial expansions in radius), mixed spectral and finite difference, finite volume, finite element and also a mixed Fourier-finite element code. There is good agreement among code

    Комплексная оценка исходных генотипов свиней с высокой адаптационной способностью с целью создания родительских свинок F1

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    Production of highly efficient parental forms LçY and YçL will be arranged for the first time in the Republic of Belarus, corresponding to world standards in terms of development and performance. Arrangement of own production of high-value animals will allow to ensure import substitution via industrial production and reduce import costs. The paper presents the results of comprehensive assessment of the initial genotypes of pigs with high adaptive capacity for accelerated creation of new final parental forms to be used in industrial pig breeding. Biochemical tests of blood of Landrace and Yorkshire breed of animals during their adaptation were analyzed. The reproductive ability of Landrace and Yorkshire boars has been evaluated. The patterns of inheritance of quantitative traits of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs performance were determined according to set of molecular genetic markers (RYR1, ESR and PRLR), which allow predicting their performance with high reliability degree. Animals were identified with preferred genotypes RYR1NN (100 %), ESRBB (12.7-30.0 %), PRLRАА (4.9- 47.5 %) associated with higher performance. Superiority of pigs was determined with genotypes ESRBB, PRLRАА in terms of multiple pregnancy and milk performance over animals of other genotypes by 7.8-9.3 and 9.0-13.2 %; 5.9-20.4 and 10.0- 21.0 %, respectively. Creation of breeding herds of highly productive animals, ensuring production of hybrid parental pig with the required breeding and genetic parameters of productivity based on new biotechnological techniques and methods, ensuring selection of valuable breeding material and, therefore, the maximum effect of breeding, will promote increase of competitiveness of domestic pig breeding. Acknowledgments. The research was carried out as part of the State Research and Development Program “High Technologies and Engineering” for 2016-2020, subprogram 1 “Innovative Biotechnologies - 2020”.Впервые в Республике Беларусь будет организовано производство высокопродуктивных родительских форм ЛçЙ и ЙçЛ, соответствующих по развитию и продуктивности мировым стандартам. Создание собственного производства высокоценных животных позволит обеспечить импортозамещение за счет промышленного производства и сократить затраты на импорт. В статье представлены результаты комплексной оценки исходных генотипов свиней с высокой адаптационной способностью для ускоренного создания новых финальных родительских форм для использования в промышленном свиноводстве. Проанализированы биохимические исследования крови животных пород ландрас и йоркшир в период их адаптации. Проведена оценка воспроизводительной способности хряков пород ландрас и йоркшир. Установлены закономерности наследования количественных признаков продуктивности свиней пород йоркшир и ландрас по комплексу молекулярно-генетических маркеров (RYR1, ESR и PRLR), которые позволяют с высокой долей достоверности прогнозировать их продуктивность. Выявлены животные с предпочтительными генотипами RYR1NN (100 %), ESRBB (12,7–30,0 %), PRLRАА (4,9–47,5 %), ассоциированные с более высокими показателями продуктивности. Установлено превосходство свиней с генотипами ESRBB, PRLRАА по показателям многоплодия и молочности над животными других генотипов на 7,8–9,3 и 9,0–13,2 %; 5,9–20,4 и 10,0–21,0 % соответственно. Создание селекционных стад высокопродуктивных животных, обеспечивающих получение гибридной родительской свинки с необходимыми селекционно-генетическими параметрами продуктивности на основе использования новых биотехнологических приемов и методов, обеспечивающих отбор ценного селекционного материала и, следовательно, максимальный эффект селекции, будет способствовать повышению конкурентоспособности отечественного свиноводства. Благодарности. Исследования проведены в рамках Государственной программы «Наукоемкие технологии и техника» на 2016–2020 годы, подпрограмма 1 «Инновационные биотехнологии – 2020»

    A spherical shell numerical dynamo benchmark with pseudo vacuum magnetic boundary conditions

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    It is frequently considered that many planetary magnetic fields originate as a result of convection within planetary cores. Buoyancy forces responsible for driving the convection generate a fluid flow that is able to induce magnetic fields; numerous sophisticated computer codes are able to simulate the dynamic behaviour of such systems. This paper reports the results of a community activity aimed at comparing numerical results of several different types of computer codes that are capable of solving the equations of momentum transfer, magnetic field generation and heat transfer in the setting of a spherical shell, namely a sphere containing an inner core. The electrically conducting fluid is incompressible and rapidly rotating and the forcing of the flow is thermal convection under the Boussinesq approximation. We follow the original specifications and results reported in Harder & Hansen to construct a specific benchmark in which the boundaries of the fluid are taken to be impenetrable, non-slip and isothermal, with the added boundary condition for the magnetic field <b>B</b> that the field must be entirely radial there; this type of boundary condition for <b>B</b> is frequently referred to as ‘pseudo-vacuum’. This latter condition should be compared with the more frequently used insulating boundary condition. This benchmark is so-defined in order that computer codes based on local methods, such as finite element, finite volume or finite differences, can handle the boundary condition with ease. The defined benchmark, governed by specific choices of the Roberts, magnetic Rossby, Rayleigh and Ekman numbers, possesses a simple solution that is steady in an azimuthally drifting frame of reference, thus allowing easy comparison among results. Results from a variety of types of code are reported, including codes that are fully spectral (based on spherical harmonic expansions in angular coordinates and polynomial expansions in radius), mixed spectral and finite difference, finite volume, finite element and also a mixed Fourier-finite element code. There is good agreement among codes