335 research outputs found

    Energy oscillations and a possible route to chaos in a modified Riga dynamo

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    Starting from the present version of the Riga dynamo experiment with its rotating magnetic eigenfield dominated by a single frequency we ask for those modifications of this set-up that would allow for a non-trivial magnetic field behaviour in the saturation regime. Assuming an increased ratio of azimuthal to axial flow velocity, we obtain energy oscillations with a frequency below the eigenfrequency of the magnetic field. These new oscillations are identified as magneto-inertial waves that result from a slight imbalance of Lorentz and inertial forces. Increasing the azimuthal velocity further, or increasing the total magnetic Reynolds number, we find transitions to a chaotic behaviour of the dynamo.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Astronomische Nachrichte

    History and results of the Riga dynamo experiments

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    On 11 November 1999, a self-exciting magnetic eigenfield was detected for the first time in the Riga liquid sodium dynamo experiment. We report on the long history leading to this event, and on the subsequent experimental campaigns which provided a wealth of data on the kinematic and the saturated regime of this dynamo. The present state of the theoretical understanding of both regimes is delineated, and some comparisons with other laboratory dynamo experiments are made.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure, accepted for publication in Comptes Rendus Physiqu

    Spherical single-roll dynamos at large magnetic Reynolds numbers

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    This paper concerns kinematic helical dynamos in a spherical fluid body surrounded by an insulator. In particular, we examine their behaviour in the regime of large magnetic Reynolds number \Rm, for which dynamo action is usually concentrated upon a simple resonant stream-surface. The dynamo eigensolutions are computed numerically for two representative single-roll flows using a compact spherical harmonic decomposition and fourth-order finite-differences in radius. These solutions are then compared with the growth rates and eigenfunctions of the Gilbert and Ponty (2000) large \Rm asymptotic theory. We find good agreement between the growth rates when \Rm>10^4, and between the eigenfunctions when \Rm>10^5.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures. V2: incorrect labels in Fig3 corrected. The article appears in Physics of Fluids, 22, 066601, and may be found at http://pof.aip.org/phfle6/v22/i6/p066601_s1 . (Copyright 2010 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics

    The integral equation approach to kinematic dynamo theory and its application to dynamo experiments in cylindrical geometry

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    The conventional magnetic induction equation that governs hydromagnetic dynamo action is transformed into an equivalent integral equation system. An advantage of this approach is that the computational domain is restricted to the region occupied by the electrically conducting fluid and to its boundary. This integral equation approach is first employed to simulate kinematic dynamos excited by Beltrami-like flows in a finite cylinder. The impact of externally added layers around the cylinder on the onset of dynamo actions is investigated. Then it is applied to simulate dynamo experiments within cylindrical geometry including the von Karman sodium (VKS) experiment and the Riga dynamo experiment. A modified version of this approach is utilized to investigate magnetic induction effects under the influence of externally applied magnetic fields which is also important to measure the proximity of a given dynamo facility to the self-excitation threshold.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    The Integral Equation Method for a Steady Kinematic Dynamo Problem

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    With only a few exceptions, the numerical simulation of cosmic and laboratory hydromagnetic dynamos has been carried out in the framework of the differential equation method. However, the integral equation method is known to provide robust and accurate tools for the numerical solution of many problems in other fields of physics. The paper is intended to facilitate the use of integral equation solvers in dynamo theory. In concrete, the integral equation method is employed to solve the eigenvalue problem for a hydromagnetic dynamo model with a spherically symmetric, isotropic helical turbulence parameter alpha. Three examples of the function alpha(r) with steady and oscillatory solutions are considered. A convergence rate proportional to the inverse squared of the number of grid points is achieved. Based on this method, a convergence accelerating strategy is developed and the convergence rate is improved remarkably. Typically, quite accurate results can be obtained with a few tens of grid points. In order to demonstrate its suitability for the treatment of dynamos in other than spherical domains, the method is also applied to alpha^2 dynamos in rectangular boxes. The magnetic fields and the electric potentials for the first eigenvalues are visualized.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, to appear in J. Comp. Phy

    Isospectrality of spherical MHD dynamo operators: pseudo-Hermiticity and a no-go theorem

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    The isospectrality problem is studied for the operator of the spherical hydromagnetic alpha^2-dynamo. It is shown that this operator is formally pseudo-Hermitian (J-symmetric) and lives in a Krein space. Based on the J-symmetry, an operator intertwining Ansatz with first-order differential intertwining operators is tested for its compatibility with the structure of the alpha^2-dynamo operator matrix. An intrinsic structural inconsistency is obtained in the set of associated matrix Riccati equations. This inconsistency is interpreted as a no-go theorem which forbids the construction of isospectral alpha^2-dynamo operator classes with the help of first-order differential intertwining operators.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX2e, improved references, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    On the effects of turbulence on a screw dynamo

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    In an experiment in the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics in Perm (Russia) an non--stationary screw dynamo is intended to be realized with a helical flow of liquid sodium in a torus. The flow is necessarily turbulent, that is, may be considered as a mean flow and a superimposed turbulence. In this paper the induction processes of the turbulence are investigated within the framework of mean--field electrodynamics. They imply of course a part which leads to an enhanced dissipation of the mean magnetic field. As a consequence of the helical mean flow there are also helical structures in the turbulence. They lead to some kind of α\alpha--effect, which might basically support the screw dynamo. The peculiarity of this α\alpha--effect explains measurements made at a smaller version of the device envisaged for the dynamo experiment. The helical structures of the turbulence lead also to other effects, which in combination with a rotational shear are potentially capable of dynamo action. A part of them can basically support the screw dynamo. Under the conditions of the experiment all induction effects of the turbulence prove to be rather weak in comparison to that of the main flow. Numerical solutions of the mean--field induction equation show that all the induction effects of the turbulence together let the screw dynamo threshold slightly, at most by one per cent, rise. The numerical results give also some insights into the action of the individual induction effects of the turbulence.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, in GAFD prin

    Detection of a flow induced magnetic field eigenmode in the Riga dynamo facility

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    In an experiment at the Riga sodium dynamo facility, a slowly growing magnetic field eigenmode has been detected over a period of about 15 seconds. For a slightly decreased propeller rotation rate, additional measurements showed a slow decay of this mode. The measured results correspond satisfactory with numerical predictions for the growth rates and frequencies


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    Magnetic Field Saturation in the Riga Dynamo Experiment

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    After the dynamo experiment in November 1999 had shown magnetic field self-excitation in a spiraling liquid metal flow, in a second series of experiments emphasis was placed on the magnetic field saturation regime as the next principal step in the dynamo process. The dependence of the strength of the magnetic field on the rotation rate is studied. Various features of the saturated magnetic field are outlined and possible saturation mechanisms are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure
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