42 research outputs found

    Dengue viruses cluster antigenically but not as discrete serotypes.

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    The four genetically divergent dengue virus (DENV) types are traditionally classified as serotypes. Antigenic and genetic differences among the DENV types influence disease outcome, vaccine-induced protection, epidemic magnitude, and viral evolution. We characterized antigenic diversity in the DENV types by antigenic maps constructed from neutralizing antibody titers obtained from African green monkeys and after human vaccination and natural infections. Genetically, geographically, and temporally, diverse DENV isolates clustered loosely by type, but we found that many are as similar antigenically to a virus of a different type as to some viruses of the same type. Primary infection antisera did not neutralize all viruses of the same DENV type any better than other types did up to 2 years after infection and did not show improved neutralization to homologous type isolates. That the canonical DENV types are not antigenically homogeneous has implications for vaccination and research on the dynamics of immunity, disease, and the evolution of DENV.This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the US NIH, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, European Union (EU) FP7 programs EMPERIE (223498) and ANTIGONE (278976), Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) program grant P0050/2008, the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award DP1-OD000490-01, the FIRST program from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Instituto Carlos Slim de la Salud (E.H.). The antigenic cartography toolkit was in part supported by NIAID-NIH Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance contracts HHSN266200700010C and HHSN272201400008C for use on influenza virus. L.C.K. was supported by the Gates Cambridge Scholarship and the NIH Oxford Cambridge Scholars Program. J.M.F. was supported by an MRC Fellowship (MR/K021885/1) and a Junior Research Fellowship from Homerton College Cambridge. E.C.H. was supported by an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. N.V. and R.B.T were supported by NIH contract HHSN272201000040I/HHSN27200004/D04.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AAAS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aac501

    Association Patterns in Saproxylic Insect Networks in Three Iberian Mediterranean Woodlands and Their Resistance to Microhabitat Loss

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    The assessment of the relationship between species diversity, species interactions and environmental characteristics is indispensable for understanding network architecture and ecological distribution in complex networks. Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats within Mediterranean woodlands are highly dependent on woodland configuration and on microhabitat supply they harbor, so can be studied under the network analysis perspective. We assessed the differences in interacting patterns according to woodland site, and analysed the importance of functional species in modelling network architecture. We then evaluated their implications for saproxylic assemblages’ persistence, through simulations of three possible scenarios of loss of tree hollow microhabitat. Tree hollow-saproxylic insect networks per woodland site presented a significant nested pattern. Those woodlands with higher complexity of tree individuals and tree hollow microhabitats also housed higher species/interactions diversity and complexity of saproxylic networks, and exhibited a higher degree of nestedness, suggesting that a higher woodland complexity positively influences saproxylic diversity and interaction complexity, thus determining higher degree of nestedness. Moreover, the number of insects acting as key interconnectors (nodes falling into the core region, using core/periphery tests) was similar among woodland sites, but the species identity varied on each. Such differences in insect core composition among woodland sites suggest the functional role they depict at woodland scale. Tree hollows acting as core corresponded with large tree hollows near the ground and simultaneously housing various breeding microsites, whereas core insects were species mediating relevant ecological interactions within saproxylic communities, e.g. predation, competitive or facilitation interactions. Differences in network patterns and tree hollow characteristics among woodland sites clearly defined different sensitivity to microhabitat loss, and higher saproxylic diversity and woodland complexity showed positive relation with robustness. These results highlight that woodland complexity goes hand in hand with biotic and ecological complexity of saproxylic networks, and together exhibited positive effects on network robustness.The research Projects I+D CGL2011-23658 y CGL2012-31669 of the Spanish Minister of Science provided economic support

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    A randomized, clinical trial of ketorolac tromethamine vs ketorolac trometamine plus complex B vitamins for cesarean delivery analgesia

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    Background: Ketorolac is widely used for postoperative analgesia in patients who undergo cesarean delivery. In countries where the use of opioids is considerably restricted, alternatives to narcotics are required. Aim: We hypothesize that the addition of complex B synergize the analgesic effect of ketorolac in postoperative cesarean patients, thus requiring a smaller dose of the anti-inflammatory agent, and therefore decreasing the potential side effects of ketorolac. Methods: A randomized clinical trial with 100 patients undergoing a primary elective cesarean delivery enrolled in the study. Pain was assessed in the recovery room and then they were randomized to receive ketorolac 30 mg intramuscular (i.m.) or 15 mg of ketorolac plus complex B vitamin (CBV). The pain score with an analog scale was assessed 1, 2, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h after the baseline. The student′s t test was performed to compare the demographic differences between the 2 means. Results: 100 patients were included in the study, showing no statistical differences in the demographics. The patient′s pain score at 1, 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours showed no statistical differences between the control group (ketorolac 30mg) compared to the group of ketorolac 15mg and complex B vitamins. No changes in the coagulation studies were found in both groups. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that ketorolac 30 mg and ketorolac 15 mg plus complex B vitamins can provide acceptable analgesia in many patients with severe pain

    Comentario del CEIPV a la actualización de las guías europeas de prevención vascular en la práctica clínica

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    We present the adaptation for Spain of the updated European Cardiovascular Prevention Guidelines. In this update, greater stress is laid on the population approach, and especially on the promotion of physical activity and healthy diet through dietary, leisure and active transport policies in Spain. To estimate vascular risk, note should be made of the importance of recalibrating the tables used, by adapting them to population shifts in the prevalence of risk factors and incidence of vascular diseases, with particular attention to the role of chronic kidney disease. At an individual level, the key element is personalised support for changes in behaviour, adherence to medication in high-risk individuals and patients with vascular disease, the fostering of physical activity, and cessation of smoking habit. Furthermore, recent clinical trials with PCSK9 inhibitors are reviewed, along with the need to simplify pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension to improve control and adherence to treatment. In the case of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and vascular disease or high vascular disease risk, when lifestyle changes and metformin are inadequate, the use of drugs with proven vascular benefit should be prioritised. Lastly, guidelines on peripheral arterial disease and other specific diseases are included, as is a recommendation against prescribing antiaggregants in primary prevention.Presentamos la adaptación para España de la actualización de las Guías Europeas de Prevención Vascular. En esta actualización se hace mayor énfasis en el abordaje poblacional, especialmente en la promoción de la actividad física y de una dieta saludable mediante políticas alimentarias y de ocio y transporte activo en España. Para estimar el riesgo vascular, se destaca la importancia de recalibrar las tablas que se utilicen, adaptándolas a los cambios poblaciones en la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo y en la incidencia de enfermedades vasculares, con particular atención al papel de la enfermedad renal crónica. A nivel individual resulta clave el apoyo personalizado para el cambio de conducta, la adherencia a la medicación en los individuos de alto riesgo y pacientes con enfermedad vascular, la promoción de la actividad física y el abandono del hábito tabáquico. Además, se revisan los ensayos clínicos recientes con inhibidores de PCKS9, la necesidad de simplificar el tratamiento farmacológico de la hipertensión arterial para mejorar su control y la adherencia al tratamiento. En los pacientes con diabetes mellitus 2 y enfermedad vascular o riesgo vascular alto, cuando los cambios de estilo de vida y la metformina resultan insuficientes, deben priorizarse los fármacos con demostrado beneficio vascular. Por último, se incluyen pautas sobre enfermedad arterial periférica y otras enfermedades específicas, y se recomienda no prescribir antiagregantes en prevención primaria

    Podocyte Injury Induces Nuclear Translocation of WTIP via Microtubule-dependent Transport*

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    Podocyte structural and transcriptional phenotype plasticity characterizes glomerular injury. Transcriptional activity of WT1 (Wilm's tumor 1) is required for normal podocyte structure and is repressed by the podocyte adherens junction protein, WTIP (WT1 interacting protein). Here we show that WTIP translocated into podocyte nuclei in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated mice, a model of transient nephrotic syndrome. Cultured podocytes, which stably expressed an epitope-tagged WTIP, were treated with LPS. Imaging and cellular fractionation studies demonstrated that WTIP translocated from podocyte cell contacts into nuclei within 6 h and relocalized to cell contacts within 24 h after LPS treatment. LPS-stimulated WTIP nuclear translocation required JNK activity, which assembled a multiprotein complex of the scaffolding protein JNK-interacting protein 3 and the molecular motor dynein. Intact microtubule networks and dynein activity were necessary for LPS-stimulated WTIP translocation. Podocytes expressing sh-Wtip change morphology and demonstrate altered actin assembly in cell spreading assays. Stress signaling pathways initiate WTIP nuclear translocation, and the concomitant loss of WTIP from cell contacts changes podocyte morphology and dynamic actin assembly, suggesting a mechanism that transmits changes in podocyte morphology to the nucleus