247 research outputs found

    Los esclavos en la documentación notarial de Jerez de la Frontera (1392-1550)

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    Entre los estudios sobre los grupos marginales de la sociedad del Antiguo Régimen sobresalen los referidos a la esclavitud. Jerez de la Frontera por su potencial demográfico y económico debía ser una ciudad con una gran cantidad de esclavos en los momentos finales del Medievo y comienzos de la Modernidad, desde que se conservan registros notariales (1392) hasta mediado el siglo XVI. El presente artículo se centra en el análisis de la documentación notarial en la que hemos hallado noticias referidas a dicho colectivo, procedentes del Archivo de Protocolos Notariales de la ciudad. Ofrecemos una variada casuística recogida en dichos contratos.Among the studies about marginal groups of the Ancient Regime society the ones which stand out are those that concern slavery. Due to its demographic and economic potential, Jerez de la Frontera must have had numerous slaves in the final moments of the Medieval Ages and the beginnings of the Modern Age, from the first preserved notaries´ documentation (1392) until the first half of the 16th century. The article focuses on the analysis of the notaries’ documentation from the Notaries’ Protocols Archives of the city, where we have found news about the aforementioned social group. We will offer a diverse range of cases from those contracts

    Nogo, myelin and axonal regeneration

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    El sistema nerviós dels mamífers té una baixa capacitat de reparació axonal després d'una lesió. En els últims anys, diversos estudis han demostrat que els axons lesionats no poden recréixer a causa de la presència d'un gran nombre de molècules inhibitòries. Les molècules associades a la mielina limiten el creixement axonal i el seu bloqueig afavoreix la regeneració de diverses connexions. Tres d'aquestes proteïnes, Nogo, MAG i OMgp, comparteixen un mateix receptor: NgR. El clonatge recent de Nogo ha obert noves vies per estudiar la regeneració axonal. No obstant això, molts dels elements involucrats en la via inhibitòria de la mielina són desconeguts, i els primers estudis amb animals knockout són, a més, contradictoris. Per aquesta raó, Nogo i el seu receptor han de caracteritzar-se abans de desenvolupar noves tècniques per promoure regeneració axonal.Adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) axons have very limited capacity of regrowth after injury. In recent years, advances in the field of axonal regeneration have proved that neurons do not regenerate, mainly because of the presence of inhibitory molecules. Myelin-associated proteins limit axonal outgrowth and their blockage improves the regeneration of damaged fiber tracts. Three of these proteins, Nogo, MAG and OMgp, share a common neuronal receptor (NgR), and together represent one of the main hindrances to neuronal regeneration. The recent molecular cloning of Nogo and its receptors opened a new door to the study of axon regeneration. However, many of the elements involved in the myelin inhibitory pathway are still unknown, and the preliminary experiments with knockout mice are rather contradictory. Because of this complexity, Nogo and NgR need to be characterized before precise strategies to promote axon regeneration in the CNS can be designed

    El principio de igualdad de oportunidades en la formación

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    El proyecto Andalucía en e-Igualdad en su Eje 2. Asistencia a favor de las personas, en coherencia con el objetivo de Equal, trata de combatir la discriminación y la desigualdad en el mercado laboral, y así se realizaron una serie de actividades innovadoras, encaminadas al desarrollo de competencias específicas para la formación de la mujer. E-andaluzas en la sociedad red (Equal II 2005-2007) intenta facilitar una orientación práctica a los jóvenes con potencialidad a corto plazo, a fin de que se constituyan en promotores activos de nuevas culturas de igualdad, tanto en la profesión como en la vida cotidiana, teniendo en cuenta las exigencias que plantean los entornos laborales emergentes, que se están generando en la sociedad del conocimiento. Las denominamos Escuelas del Cambio, dirigidas a jóvenes (mujeres y hombres).El projecte Andalucía en e-Igualdad, en l'Eix 2. Assistència a favor de les persones, en coherencia amb l'objectiu d'EQUAL, tracta de combatre la discriminació i la desigualtat en el mercat laboral. En aquest sentit, es van fer una sèrie d'activitats innovadores, adreçades al desenvolupament de competències específiques per a la formació de la dona. E-andaluzas en la sociedad red (EQUAL II 2005-2007) intenta facilitar una orientació pràctica al jovent amb potencialitat a curt termini per tal que es constitueixin en promotors actius de noves cultures d'igualtat, tant en la professió com en la vida quotidiana, tenint en compte les exigències que plantegen els entorns laborals emergents que s'estan generant en la societat del coneixement. Les denominem Escoles del Canvi, adreçades a joves (dones i homes).The Project Andalucía en e-Igualdad, in its axis 2. Assistance in service of people, in coherence with the objective of Equal, tries to fight the discrimination and inequality in the laboral market, and several innovative activities were made in order to develope of specific competences for the formation of women. E-andaluzas en la sociedad red (Equal II 2005-2007) tries to provide a practic orientation to the youth with potentiality in short time in order to turn them into active promoters of the new cultures of equality as in the working life as in the daily life, having in mind the demands of the emergent laboral environments that are being made in the Adknowledgement Society. We call them Scholls of the Change, directed to youth (women and men)

    La religiosidad de los extranjeros en Jerez de la Frontera a través de sus testamentos, 1392-1550

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    The presence of foreigners in Castile at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of Modernity has not been studied enough in some places of that kingdom: it is the case of Jerez de la Frontera. The study of the religiosity of those immigrants is a very interesting subject for the historic knowledge and the analysis of their last wills becomes a very appropriate means to do that.La presencia de extranjeros en Castilla en los momentos finales de la Edad Media y comienzos de la Modernidad no está suficiente estudiada en algunos lugares de dicho reino, caso de Jerez. El acercamiento a la religiosidad de tales colectivos de inmigrantes es objeto de sumo interés y uno de los medios para realizarlo es el análisis de sus testamentos

    Carbon-based perovskite solar cells by screen printing with preheating

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    Carbon-based perovskite solar cells were manufactured by the screen-printing method using a triple mesoscopic layer of TiO, ZrO and carbon. The perovskite solution was infiltrated at the TiO/ZrO porous interface through the printed carbon layer on top of the ZrO. Using a simple preheating of the substrates and the perovskite solution, a film deposited in air can be obtained. Using this method, an air-processed CPSC made under a humid atmosphere with 55% RH achieved a PCE of 10.35%

    Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment of Imagery Segmentation Processes: A Case Study

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    There are many studies related to Imagery Segmentation (IS) in the field of Geographic Information (GI). However, none of them address the assessment of IS results from a positional perspective. In a field in which the positional aspect is critical, it seems reasonable to think that the quality associated with this aspect must be controlled. This paper presents an automatic positional accuracy assessment (PAA) method for assessing this quality component of the regions obtained by means of the application of a textural segmentation algorithm to a Very High Resolution (VHR) aerial image. This method is based on the comparison between the ideal segmentation and the computed segmentation by counting their differences. Therefore, it has the same conceptual principles as the automatic procedures used in the evaluation of the GI's positional accuracy. As in any PAA method, there are two key aspects related to the sample that were addressed: (i) its size-specifically, its influence on the uncertainty of the estimated accuracy values-and (ii) its categorization. Although the results obtained must be taken with caution, they made it clear that automatic PAA procedures, which are mainly applied to carry out the positional quality assessment of cartography, are valid for assessing the positional accuracy reached using other types of processes. Such is the case of the IS process presented in this study

    Meropenem heteroresistance in clinical isolates of OXA-48–producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    OXA-48–producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates often show growth of colonies within inhibition zones in carbapenem diffusion assays. The nature of these colonies was investigated in a series of clinical isolates of OXA-48–producing K. pneumoniae obtained in the context of a hospital outbreak, and they were found to be persistent colonies that reproduced again the same phenotype when they were collected and tested in diffusion assays again. The frequency of mutations conferring resistance to meropenem (8 µg/mL) was determined for the same isolates. The average mutation frequency was 5.47·10-6 (range: 2.59·10-8–5.87·10-5), and the analysis of several resistant mutants showed that all of them had mutations in the ompK36 porin gene. Heteroresistance was investigated using population analysis profiling. The profiles were compatible with mutation frequency assays, and all the colonies analyzed were resistant mutants. In OXA-48–producing K. pneumoniae, the growth of persisters seems to be specific of diffusion assays

    Pretratamiento con hialuronidasa mejora la tinción de colágeno en notocorda de esturión

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    Objective: The current study aimed to design a histological method to determine the presence and organization of the collagen network in sturgeon notochord. Methods: Serial sections of sturgeon notochord (Acipenser naccarii) were used and assigned to two different experimental groups: Hyaluronidase pre-treatment (HP) in an alcohol acid solution (1% HCl in 70% alcohol solution) for 15 min and hyaluronidase solution in a 2 µg/ ml concentration (pre-heated at 37º C), and control (CTR) group, without pre-treatment. Then, the ECM was assessed by two histochemical methods: Picrosirius Red (PR) staining for 30 min with Sirius red (0.1% of Sirius red in saturated aqueous picric acid), for collagen bundle staining, and Alcian Blue (AB) staining for glycosaminoglycans detection. Results: Samples analyzed in this study showed positive histochemical reaction for collagen fibers in both experimental groups. Referring to PR staining, the CTR group presented a larger and homogeneous reaction was observed in the entire samples, whereas HP group presented a more definite and intense pattern of collagen network. Also, this more intense signal in HP group matched with an increase of birefringence in polarized microscopy images of PR. However, HP group showed a lower intense and more heterogeneous signal when was compared with CTR group in AB staining. Conclusion: Using a simple histological example, our study illustrates the capability of a hyaluronidase pre-treatment to enhance picrosirius red staining in sturgeon notochord trough light and polarized microscopy.Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo diseñar un método histológico para determinar la presencia y organización de la red de colágeno en la notocorda del esturión. Métodos: Secciones seriada de la notocorda de esturión (Acipenser naccarii) fueron utilizadas y se asignaron a dos grupos experimentales diferentes: pretratamiento de hialuronidasa (HP) en una solución de alcohol ácido (HCl al 1% en solución de alcohol al 70%) durante 15 minutos y posteriormente a una solución de hialuronidasa en una concentración de 2 μg / ml (precalentada a 37º C) y grupo de control (CTR), sin tratamiento previo. Luego, la ECM se evaluó mediante dos métodos histoquímicos: tinción Picrosirius Red (PR) durante 30 minutos con rojo Sirio (0,1% de rojo Sirio en una solución saturada de ácido pícrico), para la tinción de colágeno; y tinción con Alcian Blue (AB) para detección de glicosaminoglicanos. Resultados: Las muestras analizadas en este estudio mostraron una reacción histoquímica positiva para las fibras de colágeno en ambos grupos experimentales. Con respecto a la tinción PR, el grupo CTR presentó una reacción mayor y más homogénea en toda la superficie de las muestras, mientras que el grupo HP presentó un patrón red de colágeno más definido e intenso. Además, esta señal más intensa en el grupo HP coincidió con un aumento de la birrefringencia en las imágenes de microscopía polarizada de PR. Sin embargo, el grupo HP mostró una señal menos intensa y más heterogénea cuando se comparó con el grupo CTR en la tinción AB. Conclusión: Utilizando un ejemplo histológico simple, nuestro estudio ilustra la capacidad de un pretratamiento de hialuronidasa para mejorar la tinción de picrosirius en la notocorda del esturión a través de la luz y la microscopía polarizada

    mcr-Colistin resistance genes mobilized by IncX4, IncHI2, and IncI2 plasmids in Escherichia coli of pigs and white stork in Spain

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    Colistin has become the last-line antimicrobial for the treatment of multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacterales in human medicine. To date, several colistin resistance genes have been described. Of them mcr-1 is disseminated worldwide in Escherichia coli of human and animal origin. The aim of this study was to characterize mcr-mediated resistance plasmids from E. coli of animal origin in Spain. From our strain collection, 70 E. coli of pig origin collected between 2005 and 2014 (10 per year, except for years 2009-2010-2013) were randomly selected and screened for the presence of mcr-genes. Additionally, 20 E. coli isolated in 2011 from white storks (Ciconia ciconia) from the same urban household waste landfill associated colony were also included. Whole genome sequencing of mcr-positive isolates was carried out on a MiSeq (Illumina). Hybrid whole genome sequencing strategy combining nanopore and Illumina technologies were performed in a selection of isolates to close the genomes and plasmids and identify the presence of antimicrobial resistance genes. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was used to assess the susceptibility to colistin. Mating experiments were carried out to evaluate transferability of the mcr-genes. A total of 19 mcr-1 and one mcr-4 positive isolates were detected, 15 from pigs distributed during the study period, and five from storks collected in 2011. No other mcr-variants were found. The MICs for colistin ranged between 4 and >4 mg/L. High diversity of STs were detected among the mcr-1 positive E. coli isolates, with only ST-10 shared between pigs and white storks. Except for one isolate, all were genotypic and phenotypically MDR, and five of them also harbored cephalosporin resistance genes (bla CTX-M- 14, bla SHV- 12, and three bla CMY- 2). mcr-1 genes were mobilizable by conjugation, associated with IncX4, IncHI2, and IncI2 plasmids. In our study, mcr-1 genes have been circulating in pig farms since 2005 harbored by a variety of E. coli clones. Its persistence may be driven by co-selection since plasmids containing mcr-1 also exhibit resistance to multiple drugs used in veterinary medicine. Furthermore, this is the first report of the presence of mcr-1 gene in isolates from white storks in Spain. This finding highlights the potential importance of wildlife that forage at urban household waste landfills in the transmission and spread of colistin resistance genes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Specific interaction of methionine adenosyltransferase with free radicals

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    Although free radicals have been traditionally implicated in cell injury, and associated to pathophysiological processes, recent data implicate them in cell signaling events. Free radicals are naturally occurring oxygen-,nitrogen-and sulfur-derived species with an unpaired electron, such as superoxide, hydroxyl radical or nitric oxide. In order to assess the role of free radicals in cell signaling, we have studies the modulator effect of oxygen and nitrogen active species on liver methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT), a key metabolic enzyme. The presence of 10 cysteine residues per subunit, makes liver MAT a sensitive target for oxidation/nitrosylation. Here we show that purified MAT from rat liver is nitrosylated and oxidized in vitro. Incubation with H202 or the NO donor S-nitrosylated GSH (GSNO), diminish MAT activity in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the inactivation derived from both oxidation and nitrosylation, was reverted by GSH. MAT inactivation originates on the specific and covalent modification of the sulphydryl group of cysteine residue 121. We also studied how free radicals modulate MAT activity in vivo. It was previously shown that MAT activity is strongly dependent on cellular GSH levels. Generation of oxygen and nitrogen active species in rats by injection of LPS, induced a decrease of liver MAT activity. This effect might derive from nitrosylation and/or oxidation of the enzyme. Modulation of liver MAT by NO is further supported by the inactivation of this enzyme observed in experimental models in which NO is produced; such as the administration of NO donors to rats and in hepatocytes cultured in hypoxia, a condition that induces the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Oxidation also controls liver MAT activity in a cell environment as shown in CHO cells stably transfected with rat liver MAT cDNA upon addition of H2O2 to the culture medium. This effect depends upon the generation of the hydroxyl radical. On the basis of the metabolic implications of liver MAT, together with the structural features accounting for the sensitivity of this enzyme to active oxygen and nitrogen species, we propose that modulation of MAT by these agents could be a mechanism to regulate the consumption of ATP in the liver, and thus preserve cellular viability under different stress conditions