5,467 research outputs found

    A positional statistic for 1324-avoiding permutations

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    We consider the class Sn(1324)S_n(1324) of permutations of size nn that avoid the pattern 1324 and examine the subset Sna≺n(1324)S_n^{a\prec n}(1324) of elements for which a≺n≺[a−1]a\prec n\prec [a-1], a≥1a\ge 1. This notation means that, when written in one line notation, such a permutation must have aa to the left of nn, and the elements of {1,…,a−1}\{1,\dots,a-1\} must all be to the right of nn. For n≥2n\ge 2, we establish a connection between the subset of permutations in Sn1≺n(1324)S_n^{1\prec n}(1324) having the 1 adjacent to the nn (called primitives), and the set of 1324-avoiding dominoes with n−2n-2 points. For a∈{1,2}a\in\{1,2\}, we introduce constructive algorithms and give formulas for the enumeration of Sna≺n(1324)S_n^{a\prec n}(1324) by the position of aa relative to the position of nn. For a≥3a\ge 3, we formulate some conjectures for the corresponding generating functions.Comment: 8 pages. Submitted for publicatio

    The top-quark mass in SU(5)xU(1) supergravity

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    We show that the currently experimentally preferred values of the top-quark mass (\ie, 130\lsim m_t\lsim180\GeV) are naturally understood in the context of string models, where the top-quark Yukawa coupling at the string scale is generically given by λt=O(g)\lambda_t={\cal O}(g), with gg the unified gauge coupling. A detailed study of the Yukawa sector of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity shows that the ratio of the bottom-quark to tau-lepton Yukawa couplings at the string scale is required to be in the range 0.7\lsim\lambda_b/\lambda_\tau\lsim1, depending on the values of mtm_t and mbm_b. This result is consistent with SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) symmetry, which does {\em not} require the equality of these Yukawa couplings in the unbroken symmetry phase of the theory. As a means of possibly predicting the value of mtm_t, we propose a procedure whereby the size of the allowed parameter space is determined as a function of mtm_t, since all sparticle and Higgs-boson masses and couplings depend non-trivially on mtm_t. At present, no significant preference for particular values of mtm_t in SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity is observed, except that high-precision LEP data requires m_t\lsim180\GeV.Comment: latex, 10 pages, 4 figures (included), CERN-TH.7138/94, CTP-TAMU-05/9

    Study of different titanosilicate (TS-1 and ETS-10) as fillers for Mixed Matrix Membranes for CO2/CH4 gas separation applications

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    Three titanosilicate zeolites were used as fillers for Mixed Matrix Membranes: (i) ETS-10, TS-1 having Si/Ti=100 and (iii) TS-1 using Si/Ti=25. Zeolite samples were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and CO2 and CH4 adsorption isotherms. TS-1 particles showed a narrow size distribution ranging from 200 nm to 400 nm. In the case of ETS-10, the size distribution was broader ranging from 400 nm to 800 nm. Mixed Matrix Membranes were prepared using Matrimid (R) polyimide as continuous phase and filler loadings of 10, 20, and 30 wt%. Membranes were characterized by Thermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The performances was measured at 8 bars of transmembrane pressure for CO2/CH4 mixed gases system at 50/50 vol/vol. concentration. Membranes using TS-1 (Si/Ti=25) as filler showed a maximum increase of 89.1% of CO2 permeability and 23.9% increase in separation factor. In the case of TS-1 (Si/Ti=100) only permeability increased significantly, with a maximum increase of 90.1%. Regarding the ETS-10 membranes, both permeability and separation factor increased slightly with respect to the reference polymeric membrane (22.5% in CO2 permeability and 7.8% in the separation factor). In conclusion, TS-1 (Si/Ti=25) is the most suitable filler for the use in Mixed Matrix Membranes for gas separation applications among the titanosilicate studied in this work

    Inhibition of FAK prevents blister formation in the neonatal mouse model of pemphigus vulgaris

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    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune blistering skin disease characterized by suprabasal acantholysis and by autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 localized on desmosomes. In addition, caspases also seem to participate in this blistering disease. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in cytoskeleton remodelling and formation and disassembly of cell adhesion structures. We have previously demonstrated that HER (human epidermal growth factor receptor related) isoforms, Src (Rous sarcoma) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), three molecules implicated in signalling processes, take part in suprabasal acantholysis and apoptosis induced by PV-IgG in a mouse model. Our aim was to investigate whether upregulation of FAK is implicated in the development of PV lesions. Herein, using a mouse model, PV-IgG administration showed an increased level of FAK phosphorylated on 397 and 925 tyrosine residues in the basal layer of epidermis. When mice were pretreated with a FAK inhibitor (FI), the acantholysis of the basal layer of epidermis was absent. More interestingly, we observed that phosphorylated FAK (Y397/925) decreased when HER isoforms, Src, mTOR and pan-caspases inhibitors were employed before PV-IgG administration. In addition, pretreatment with the FI before PV-IgG injection prevented the changes in both Bax and Bcl-2 expression and caspase-9 and caspase-3 activities induced by PV-IgG. Finally, FI reduced the expression of phosphorylated Src and mTOR in the basal cells of epidermis. In conclusion, our data reveal a novel role of phosphorylated FAK (Y397/925) in PV development involving HER isoforms, Src and mTOR kinase

    Status of the superworld: from theory to experiment

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    Review to appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Contents: {1}Introduction}{1} {2}High precision LEP data and convergence of couplings: physics is not Euclidean geometry}{2} {3}Interconnections between the measured quantities due to Unification}{7} {4}The origin of MSUSYM_{SUSY} and why it should be abandoned: masses and spectra are needed}{13} {5}The new step forward: Supergravity}{21} {6}The SU(5) Supergravity Model}{22} {7}SU(5)xU(1) Supergravity}{32} {8}Detailed calculations for the Tevatron}{47} {9}Detailed calculations for LEP}{48} {10}Detailed calculations for HERA}{53} {11}Detailed calculations for Underground Labs and Underwater facilities}{55} {12}Detailed calculations for indirect experimental detection}{65} {13}The problem of mass and mtm_t}{73} {14}Conclusions}{77}Comment: 90 pages, 41 figures (not included), latex. Send requests for hard copies to "[email protected]". CERN-TH.7136/94, CTP-TAMU-80/9

    Fiber Optic Sensing System for Temperature and Gas Monitoring in Coal Waste Pile Combustion Environments

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    International audienceIt is presented an optical fiber sensing system projected to operate in the demanding conditions associated with coal waste piles in combustion. Distributed temperature measurement and spot gas sensing are requirements for such a system. A field prototype has been installed and is continuously gathering data, which will input a geological model of the coal waste piles in combustion aiming to understand their dynamics and evolution. Results are presented on distributed temperature and ammonia measurement, being noticed any significant methane emission in the short time period considered. Carbon dioxide is also a targeted gas for measurement, with validated results available soon. The assessment of this technology as an effective and reliable tool to address the problem of monitoring coal waste piles in combustion opens the possibility of its widespread application in view of the worldwide presence of coal related fires

    Calculation methods of Radon-222 radiological activity for NORM plant with ventilation

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    A procedure is proposed to determine the radiological activity of air present in the working area of a NORM (Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials) plant. This NORM plant is located in the United Arab Emirates and is dedicated to the recycling of material and equipment used in oil extraction facilities. Substantial quantities of NORM waste will be present inside the enclosed plant facilities and will exhale significant amounts of Radon-222 into the working environment. The continued inhalation of this gas and its progeny has been shown to cause lung cancer. In order to reduce the concentration level of the aforementioned gas to an acceptable regulatory value, the best solution is by means of mechanical ventilation. The two calculation methods used to analysis the relationship between the ventilation rate and the degree of radioactive contamination are considered. The first being ventilation by perfect dilution, commonly employed in industrial environments with radiological contamination. The second method of analysis is by means of a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) which permits a more precise calculation of the required fresh air quantity and spatial concentrations. Validation was carried out in a small experimental plant space, obtaining results reasonable approximate to those predicted by the computational analysis. The similarities and differences between the respective calculation methods and their respective fields of application are analyzed. It is concluded that for lower air change rates, less than five air changes per hour, the CFD analysis is the most appropriate method. By contrast, when using a higher rate of outside air changes in the plant, the perfect dilution method should be sufficient enough to control the presence of radon and its progeny. Both calculation methods consider the activity of radon and the activity of the most significant radioisotopes of its progeny

    Air diffusion system design in large assembly halls. Case study of the Congress of Deputies parliament building, Madrid, Spain

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    The paper describes and analyses the air distribution solution adopted in the refurbishment of the Spanish Congress of Deputies assembly hall. A new approach is proposed for the design of displacement ventilation systems. The system performance is methodically validated both with laboratory tests, computational fluid dynamics analysis and experimental field measurements related to the environmental performance of the built environment. In assembly halls, microclimate and displacement ventilation systems, which supply air by means of floor mounted outlets, have been shown to perform adequately. In this case study floor air supply is not feasible. The solution adapted uses parapet mounted diffusers, using a confluent jet flow parallel to the floor plane above the occupied area. All the tools used to analyse the performance of this system showed that the admixing overhead supply, with ceiling return, and flowing parallel to and above the occupied zone is drawn back into the occupied zone, creating a plume effect similar to that of floor mounted displacement outlets. Thus, this confirms that the displacement effect can be accomplished using a high induction turbulent overhead supply with ceiling return. Therefore supplying air directly into the occupied zone, at or near to floor level, is not a prerequisite to achieve the desired displacement effect. This report concludes that, using the correct design parameters, as set out in this paper, the displacement ventilation effect is independent of the plane of air supply. The conclusions suggest that accepted criteria for the definition and design of displacement systems should be redefined
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