325 research outputs found

    The High Time Resolution Universe Survey VI: An Artificial Neural Network and Timing of 75 Pulsars

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    We present 75 pulsars discovered in the mid-latitude portion of the High Time Resolution Universe survey, 54 of which have full timing solutions. All the pulsars have spin periods greater than 100 ms, and none of those with timing solutions are in binaries. Two display particularly interesting behaviour; PSR J1054-5944 is found to be an intermittent pulsar, and PSR J1809-0119 has glitched twice since its discovery. In the second half of the paper we discuss the development and application of an artificial neural network in the data-processing pipeline for the survey. We discuss the tests that were used to generate scores and find that our neural network was able to reject over 99% of the candidates produced in the data processing, and able to blindly detect 85% of pulsars. We suggest that improvements to the accuracy should be possible if further care is taken when training an artificial neural network; for example ensuring that a representative sample of the pulsar population is used during the training process, or the use of different artificial neural networks for the detection of different types of pulsars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey IV: Discovery and polarimetry of millisecond pulsars

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    We present the discovery of six millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in the High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU) survey for pulsars and fast transients carried out with the Parkes radio telescope. All six are in binary systems with approximately circular orbits and are likely to have white dwarf companions. PSR J1017-7156 has a high flux density and a narrow pulse width, making it ideal for precision timing experiments. PSRs J1446-4701 and J1125-5825 are coincident with gamma-ray sources, and folding the high-energy photons with the radio timing ephemeris shows evidence of pulsed gamma-ray emission. PSR J1502-6752 has a spin period of 26.7 ms, and its low period derivative implies that it is a recycled pulsar. The orbital parameters indicate it has a very low mass function, and therefore a companion mass much lower than usually expected for such a mildly recycled pulsar. In addition we present polarisation profiles for all 12 MSPs discovered in the HTRU survey to date. Similar to previous observations of MSPs, we find that many have large widths and a wide range of linear and circular polarisation fractions. Their polarisation profiles can be highly complex, and although the observed position angles often do not obey the rotating vector model, we present several examples of those that do. We speculate that the emission heights of MSPs are a substantial fraction of the light cylinder radius in order to explain broad emission profiles, which then naturally leads to a large number of cases where emission from both poles is observed.Comment: Update to correct affiliation for CAASTRO. 16 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey I: System configuration and initial discoveries

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    We have embarked on a survey for pulsars and fast transients using the 13-beam Multibeam receiver on the Parkes radio telescope. Installation of a digital backend allows us to record 400 MHz of bandwidth for each beam, split into 1024 channels and sampled every 64 us. Limits of the receiver package restrict us to a 340 MHz observing band centred at 1352 MHz. The factor of eight improvement in frequency resolution over previous multibeam surveys allows us to probe deeper into the Galactic plane for short duration signals such as the pulses from millisecond pulsars. We plan to survey the entire southern sky in 42641 pointings, split into low, mid and high Galactic latitude regions, with integration times of 4200, 540 and 270 s respectively. Simulations suggest that we will discover 400 pulsars, of which 75 will be millisecond pulsars. With ~30% of the mid-latitude survey complete, we have re-detected 223 previously known pulsars and discovered 27 pulsars, 5 of which are millisecond pulsars. The newly discovered millisecond pulsars tend to have larger dispersion measures than those discovered in previous surveys, as expected from the improved time and frequency resolution of our instrument.Comment: Updated author list. 10 pages, 7 figures. For publication in MNRA

    The High Time Resolution Universe Survey - V: Single-pulse energetics and modulation properties of 315 pulsars

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    We report on the pulse-to-pulse energy distributions and phase-resolved modulation properties for catalogued pulsars in the southern High Time Resolution Universe intermediate-latitude survey. We selected the 315 pulsars detected in a single-pulse search of this survey, allowing a large sample unbiased regarding any rotational parameters of neutron stars. We found that the energy distribution of many pulsars is well-described by a log-normal distribution, with few deviating from a small range in log-normal scale and location parameters. Some pulsars exhibited multiple energy states corresponding to mode changes, and implying that some observed "nulling" may actually be a mode-change effect. PSRJ1900-2600 was found to emit weakly in its previously-identified "null" state. We found evidence for another state-change effect in two pulsars, which show bimodality in their nulling time scales; that is, they switch between a continuous-emission state and a single-pulse-emitting state. Large modulation occurs in many pulsars across the full integrated profile, with increased sporadic bursts at leading and trailing sub-beam edges. Some of these high-energy outbursts may indicate the presence of "giant pulse" phenomena. We found no correlation with modulation and pulsar period, age, or other parameters. Finally, the deviation of integrated pulse energy from its average value was generally quite small, despite the significant phase-resolved modulation in some pulsars; we interpret this as tenuous evidence of energy regulation between distinct pulsar sub-beams.Comment: Before full MNRAS publication, supplementary material is available temporarily at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22076931/supplementary_material.pd

    Transformation of a Star into a Planet in a Millisecond Pulsar Binary

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    Millisecond pulsars are thought to be neutron stars that have been spun-up by accretion of matter from a binary companion. Although most are in binary systems, some 30% are solitary, and their origin is therefore mysterious. PSR J1719-1438, a 5.7 ms pulsar, was detected in a recent survey with the Parkes 64m radio telescope. We show that it is in a binary system with an orbital period of 2.2 h. Its companion's mass is near that of Jupiter, but its minimum density of 23 g cm3^{-3} suggests that it may be an ultra-low mass carbon white dwarf. This system may thus have once been an Ultra Compact Low-Mass X-ray Binary, where the companion narrowly avoided complete destruction.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Science Express, in pres

    Word frequency in fast priming: Evidence for immediate cognitive control of eye movements during reading

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated effects of word frequency on eye movements during reading, but the precise timing of this influence has remained unclear. The fast priming paradigm (Sereno & Rayner, 1992) was previously used to study influences of related versus unrelated primes on the target word. Here, we used this procedure to investigate whether the frequency of the prime word has a direct influence on eye movements during reading when the prime-target relation is not manipulated. We found that with average prime intervals of 32 ms readers made longer single fixation durations on the target word in the low than in the high frequency prime condition. Distributional analyses demonstrated that the effect of prime frequency on single fixation durations occurred very early, supporting theories of immediate cognitive control of eye movements. Finding prime frequency effects only 207 ms after visibility of the prime and for prime durations of 32 ms yields new time constraints for cognitive processes controlling eye movements during reading. Our variant of the fast priming paradigm provides a new approach to test early influences of word processing on eye movement control during reading

    A fast radio burst with a low dispersion measure

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond pulses of radio emission of seemingly extragalactic origin. More than 50 FRBs have now been detected, with only one seen to repeat. Here we present a new FRB discovery, FRB 110214, which was detected in the high latitude portion of the High Time Resolution Universe South survey at the Parkes telescope. FRB 110214 has one of the lowest dispersion measures of any known FRB (DM = 168.9±\pm0.5 pc cm3^{-3}), and was detected in two beams of the Parkes multi-beam receiver. A triangulation of the burst origin on the sky identified three possible regions in the beam pattern where it may have originated, all in sidelobes of the primary detection beam. Depending on the true location of the burst the intrinsic fluence is estimated to fall in the range of 50 -- 2000 Jy ms, making FRB 110214 one of the highest-fluence FRBs detected with the Parkes telescope. No repeating pulses were seen in almost 100 hours of follow-up observations with the Parkes telescope down to a limiting fluence of 0.3 Jy ms for a 2-ms pulse. Similar low-DM, ultra-bright FRBs may be detected in telescope sidelobes in the future, making careful modeling of multi-beam instrument beam patterns of utmost importance for upcoming FRB surveys.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The High Time Resolution Universe Survey II: Discovery of 5 Millisecond Pulsars

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    We present the discovery of 5 millisecond pulsars found in the mid-Galactic latitude portion of the High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU) Survey. The pulsars have rotational periods from ~2.3 to ~7.5 ms, and all are in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from ~0.3 to ~150 d. In four of these systems, the most likely companion is a white dwarf, with minimum masses of ~0.2 Solar Masses. The other pulsar, J1731-1847, has a very low mass companion and exhibits eclipses, and is thus a member of the "black widow" class of pulsar binaries. These eclipses have been observed in bands centred near frequencies of 700, 1400 and 3000 MHz, from which measurements have been made of the electron density in the eclipse region. These measurements have been used to examine some possible eclipse mechanisms. The eclipse and other properties of this source are used to perform a comparison with the other known eclipsing and "black widow" pulsars. These new discoveries occupy a short-period and high-dispersion measure (DM) region of parameter space, which we demonstrate is a direct consequence of the high time and frequency resolution of the HTRU survey. The large implied distances to our new discoveries makes observation of their companions unlikely with both current optical telescopes and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The extremely circular orbits make any advance of periastron measurements highly unlikely. No relativistic Shapiro delays are obvious in any of the systems, although the low flux densities would make their detection difficult unless the orbits were fortuitously edge-on.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, for publication in MNRA

    Hospital and Community Pharmacists’ Perceptions of Which Competences Are Important for Their Practice

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    The objective of the PHAR-QA (Quality assurance in European pharmacy education and training) project was to investigate how competence-based learning could be applied to a healthcare, sectoral profession such as pharmacy. This is the first study on evaluation of competences from the pharmacists’ perspective using an improved Delphi method with a large number of respondents from all over Europe. This paper looks at the way in which hospital pharmacists rank the fundamental competences for pharmacy practice. European hospital pharmacists (n = 152) ranked 68 competences for pharmacy practice of two types (personal and patient care), arranged into 13 clusters. Results were compared to those obtained from community pharmacists (n = 258). Generally, hospital and community pharmacists rank competences in a similar way. Nevertheless, differences can be detected. The higher focus of hospital pharmacists on knowledge of the different areas of science as well as on laboratory tests reflects the idea of a hospital pharmacy specialisation. The difference is also visible in the field of drug production. This is a necessary competence in hospitals with requests for drugs for rare diseases, as well as paediatric and oncologic drugs. Hospital pharmacists give entrepreneurship a lower score, but cost-effectiveness a higher one than community pharmacists. This reflects the reality of pharmacy practice where community pharmacists have to act as entrepreneurs, and hospital pharmacists are managers staying within drug budgets. The results are discussed in the light of a “hospital pharmacy” specialisation.Peer reviewe

    Inspection time and general speed of processing

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    Recent research suggests that the relationship between inspection time (IT) and psychometric intelligence arises because IT is a measure of general speed of processing (Gs). However, hierarchical models of intelligence propose several distinct speed of processing factors; this study examines IT in relation to these multiple speed factors. Participants (N=102) completed tests of speed of processing yielding 18 measures. Factor analysis revealed a second order general speed factor (Gs) and four group factors: perceptual speed, visualisation speed, decision time and movement time. IT correlated with a visualisation speed factor (r=0.36) and with a perceptual speed factor (r=0.28). However, the correlation between IT and perceptual speed was near-zero when the correlation with visualisation speed was partialled out. These findings are consistent with the notion that IT is a measure of Gs but suggest that IT most directly measures speed of visualisation processes. These results are also congruent with research on the psychophysics of IT.Tess A. O’Connor and Nicholas R. Burnshttp://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/603/description#descriptio