38 research outputs found

    Evidence of historical seismicity and volcanism in the Armenian Highland (from Armenian and other sources)

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    This work presents a summary on the development of studies of historical earthquakes in Armenia and adjacent parts of Turkey and Iran. Since ancient times, this region has been an arena where active geodynamic and seismic history intermingled with no less active and dynamic evolution of human cultures and societies. A long-term historical record in this region beginning as early as the 8th century B.C. provides abundant evidence that can make an inestimable contribution to studies of historical seismicity and volcanism in the area. We discuss the main research methodology and sources used, and dwell on the principal catalogues of historical earthquakes compiled to date

    Consistency conditions and trace anomalies in six dimensions

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    Conformally invariant quantum field theories develop trace anomalies when defined on curved backgrounds. We study again the problem of identifying all possible trace anomalies in d=6 by studying the consistency conditions to derive their 10 independent solutions. It is known that only 4 of these solutions represent true anomalies, classified as one type A anomaly, given by the topological Euler density, and three type B anomalies, made up by three independent Weyl invariants. However, we also present the explicit expressions of the remaining 6 trivial anomalies, namely those that can be obtained by the Weyl variation of local functionals. The knowledge of the latter is in general necessary to disentangle the universal coefficients of the type A and B anomalies from calculations performed on concrete models.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    High Energy QCD: Stringy Picture from Hidden Integrability

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    We discuss the stringy properties of high-energy QCD using its hidden integrability in the Regge limit and on the light-cone. It is shown that multi-colour QCD in the Regge limit belongs to the same universality class as superconformal N\cal{N}=2 SUSY YM with Nf=2NcN_f=2N_c at the strong coupling orbifold point. The analogy with integrable structure governing the low energy sector of N\cal{N}=2 SUSY gauge theories is used to develop the brane picture for the Regge limit. In this picture the scattering process is described by a single M2 brane wrapped around the spectral curve of the integrable spin chain and unifying hadrons and reggeized gluons involved in the process. New quasiclassical quantization conditions for the complex higher integrals of motion are suggested which are consistent with the SS-duality of the multi-reggeon spectrum. The derivation of the anomalous dimensions of the lowest twist operators is formulated in terms of the Riemann surfacesComment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Lesões graves em vítimas de queda da própria altura

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características das vítimas de queda da própria altura, principalmente a respeito da frequência de lesões graves, seu diagnóstico e tratamento. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo dos protocolos de trauma (coletados prospectivamente) de 10/06/2008 a 10/03/2009, incluindo as vítimas de trauma fechado com idade igual ou superior a 13 anos admitidas na sala de emergência. Consideraremos como "graves" as lesões com escore de AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) maior ou igual a três. As variáveis foram comparadas entre o grupo de vítimas de quedas da própria altura (Grupo I) e as demais vítimas de trauma fechado (Grupo II). Empregamos os testes T de Student, Qui quadrado e Fisher para a comparação entre os grupos, considerando o valor de p3) foram mais frequentemente observadas em segmento cefálico (8,9%), seguidas pelas lesões em extremidades (4,9%). A craniotomia foi necessária em 2,3% das vítimas de quedas de própria altura. Observamos que, em comparação às vítimas de outros mecanismos de trauma fechado, as vítimas de quedas da própria altura apresentavam, significantemente (pOBJECTIVE: Assess characteristics of trauma patients who sustained falls from their own height, more specifically focusing on presence of severe injuries, diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: Retrospective study including all adult blunt trauma patients admitted in the emergency room in a period of 9 months. Lesions with AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale)>3 were considered "severe". Variables were compared between victims of fall from their own height (group I) and other blunt trauma mechanisms (group II). Student's t, chi square and Fisher exact tests were used for statistical analysis, considering p3) were more frequent in the head (8.9%), followed by extremities (4,9%). In group I, craniotomies were needed in 2.3%. By comparing groups, we observed that victims of falls from their own height had significantly higher mean age, higher mean systolic blood pressure, and higher head AIS mean, as well as lower ISS mean, thorax AIS mean, abdomen AIS mean and extremities AIS mean. CONCLUSION: Importance of the trauma mechanism in victims of falls from own height should be emphasized due to a considerable possibility of occult severe injuries, mainly in the cephalic segment

    Evidence of historical seismicity and volcanism in the Armenian Highland (from Armenian and other sources)

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    This work presents a summary on the development of studies of historical earthquakes in Armenia and adjacent parts of Turkey and Iran. Since ancient times, this region has been an arena where active geodynamic and seismic history intermingled with no less active and dynamic evolution of human cultures and societies. A long-term historical record in this region beginning as early as the 8th century B.C. provides abundant evidence that can make an inestimable contribution to studies of historical seismicity and volcanism in the area. We discuss the main research methodology and sources used, and dwell on the principal catalogues of historical earthquakes compiled to date.PublishedJCR Journalope

    Neogene to Quaternary stress field evolution in Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions using fault kinematics analysis and volcanic cluster data

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    Geodinamica Acta, v. 18, n. 6, p. 401-416, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.3166/ga.18.401-416International audienc

    Recent tectonic stress evolution in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent regions

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    The stress indicators describing the recent (provided by active tectonics framework) and palaeo-stress (provided by micro-fault kinematics and volcanic cluster) patterns show the scale and temporal changes in stress states since the beginning of Arabian–Eurasian collision. The recent stress derived from the active fault kinematics in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent area corresponds to a strike–slip regime with both transtension and transpression characteristics. The kinematics of active structures of various scale are conditioned by tectonic stress field with general north–south compression and east–west extension. The distribution of Neogene to Quaternary volcanic cluster geometries and micro-fault kinematic data evidence the time and orientation variability of the stress field since the beginning of the Arabian–Eurasian collision. In addition to the general north–south compression orientation, two other – NW–SE and NE–SW – secondary orientations are observed. The first one was dominant between the Palaeogene and the late Early Miocene and the second one has prevailed between the Late Miocene and the Quaternary. Since the continental collision of Arabia with Eurasia the tectonic stress regime in the Lesser Caucasus and adjacent area changed from compression (thrusting and reverse faulting) to transtension-transpression (strike–slip faulting with various vertical components)