7 research outputs found

    A New Smartphone-Based Optic Nerve Head Biometric for Verification and Change Detection

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    Purpose: Lens adapted smartphones are being used regularly instead of ophthalmoscopes. The most common causes of preventable blindness in the world, which are glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, can develop asymptomatic changes to the optic nerve head (ONH) especially in the developing world where there is a dire shortage of ophthalmologists but ubiquitous mobile phones. We developed a proof-of-concept ONH biometric (application [APP]) to use as a routine biometric on a mobile phone. The unique blood vessel pattern is verified if it maps on to a previously enrolled image. Methods: The iKey APP platform comprises three deep neural networks (DNNs) developed from anonymous ONH images: the graticule blood vessel (GBV) and the blood vessel specific feature (BVSF) DNNs were trained on unique blood vessel vectors. A non-feature specific (NFS) baseline ResNet50 DNN was trained for comparison. Results: Verification reached an accuracy of 97.06% with BVSF, 87.24% with GBV and 79.8% using NFS. Conclusions: A new ONH biometric was developed with a hybrid platform of ONH algorithms for use as a verification biometric on a smartphone. Failure to verify will alert the user to possible changes to the image, so that silent changes may be observed before sight threatening disease progresses. The APP retains a history of all ONH images. Future longitudinal analysis will explore the impact of ONH changes to the iKey biometric platform. Translational Relevance: Phones with iKey will host ONH images for biometric protection of both health and financial data. The ONH may be used for automatic screening by new disease detection DNNs

    Uncovering the secrets of the ancient Nile

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    قياسات مورفومترية لبعض الوديان الموجوده بين دنفيق والبلاص بالضفة الغربية للنيل اقليم قنا - الاقصر – مصر

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    Quantitative measurements of lineation and morphometric analyses of 24 wadi drainage basins on the west bank of the Nile between Danfiq and Ballas. Luxor-Oena region, reveal that (1) the drainage lines are mainly perpendicular to the course of the Nile and some variations in azimuth directions reflect adjustments to changes in the course of the Nile, (2) the relationship of stream length and stream numbers to stream order follows Horton's law, (3) the bifurcation ratio is 3.§2 and compares favourably with values of 3.8 and 3.78 from drainage basins east of Cairo, (4) the relationship between stream length (L) and stream area (A) is L = 3.87A07'' suggesting that basins tend to become elongated as they grow in area, (5) the average density is 1.85 ± 0.72 and compares favourably with low drainage density from other wash basins in Egypt; it is likely that the wadis were developed under an arid climate. (6) structural control was detected as a factor responsible for ntra-regional differences in drainage density and stream frequency, and (7) the relative frequency data suggest that the drainage systems have reached a stage of steady state equilibrium.‏أظهرت التحليلات الكمية والخطية لعدد ٢٤ ‏حوضا لتصريف المياه (وديان) للضفة الغربية لوادي النيل في المنطقة بين دنفيق والبلاص - الأقصر - قنا . الآتي : 1- تتعامد خطوط الوديان الرئيسية على مجرى وادي النيل والتغير في اتجاهات الوديان يتحكم فيه التغير في مجرى النيل . 2- تتبع العلاقة بين اطول الوديان وعددها ورتبها قانون هورتون . 3- يبلغ درجة التفرع 3.82 ‏وهي تشابه نفس القيمة لأحواض شرق القاهرة والتي يبلغ فيها درجة التفرع 3.8 ، 3.78 ‏. 4- العلاقة بين طول المجرى المائي ومساحته هول = 3.87P 0.76 وهي تعني أن الحوض يميل إلى الاستطالة كلما كبرت مساحته . 5- ومتوسط الكثافة هو 1.85 + 0.72 وهو يدل على كثافة قليلة مثل معظم الاحواض في جمهورية مصر العربية . 6- وقد لوحظ تأثير التراكيب الجيولوجية على الوديان والذي ينعكس في كثافتها وانتشارها . 7- ونسبة انتشار الاودية تظهر أن هذه الوديان قد وصلت الى حالة التعادل

    Sociopolitical Discontinuity in the Near East C. 2200 B.C.E.: Scenarios from Palestine and Egypt

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    Saharan aeolian input and effective humidity variations over western Europe during the Holocene from a high altitude record

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