131 research outputs found

    On the perturbative corrections around D-string instantons

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    We study F4{\cal F}^4-threshold corrections in an eight dimensional S-dual pair of string theories, as a prototype of dual string vacua with sixteen supercharges. We show that the orbifold CFT description of D-string instantons gives rise to a perturbative expansion similar to the one appearing on the fundamental string side. By an explicit calculation, using the Nambu-Goto action in the static gauge, we show that the first subleading term agrees precisely on the two sides. We then give a general argument to show that the agreement extends to all orders.Comment: 12 page

    AdS/CFT correspondence and D1/D5 systems in theories with 16 supercharges

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    We discuss spectra of AdS3AdS_3 supergravities, arising in the near horizon geometry of D1/D5 systems in orbifolds/orientifolds of type IIB theory with 16 supercharges. These include models studied in a recent paper (hep-th/0012118), where the group action involves also a shift along a transversal circle, as well as IIB/ΩI4\Omega I_4, which is dual to IIB on K3K3. After appropriate assignements of the orbifold group eigenvalues and degrees to the supergravity single particle spectrum, we compute the supergravity elliptic genus and find agreement, in the expected regime of validity, with the elliptic genus obtained using U-duality map from (4,4) CFTs of U-dual backgrounds. Since this U-duality involves the exchange of KK momentum PP and D1 charge NN, it allows us to test the (4,4) CFTs in the P<N/4P < N/4 and N<P/4N < P/4 regimes by two different supergravity duals.Comment: 28 pages, no figure

    Closed Bosonic String Partition Function in Time Independent Exact PP-Wave Background

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    The modular invariance of the one-loop partition function of the closed bosonic string in four dimensions in the presence of certain homogeneous exact pp-wave backgrounds is studied. In the absence of an axion field the partition function is found to be modular invariant. In the presence of an axion field modular invariace is broken. This can be attributed to the light-cone gauge which breaks the symmetry in the σ\sigma-, tt-directions. Recovery of this broken modular invariance suggests the introduction of twists in the world-sheet directions. However, one needs to go beyond the light-cone gauge to introduce such twists.Comment: 17 pages, added reference

    Rare event sampling with stochastic growth algorithms

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    We discuss uniform sampling algorithms that are based on stochastic growth methods, using sampling of extreme configurations of polymers in simple lattice models as a motivation. We shall show how a series of clever enhancements to a fifty-odd year old algorithm, the Rosenbluth method, led to a cutting-edge algorithm capable of uniform sampling of equilibrium statistical mechanical systems of polymers in situations where competing algorithms failed to perform well. Examples range from collapsed homo-polymers near sticky surfaces to models of protein folding.Comment: First International Conference on Numerical Physic

    Pseudarthrose de l’extrémité inférieure du fémur traitée par mégaprothèse: à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Les pseudarthroses de l'extrémité distale du fémur sont relativement rares du fait de la qualité de la vascularisation de cette région. La prise en charge d'une telle complication pose un certain nombre de difficultés. Le traitement chirurgical fait appel à plusieurs techniques conservatrices, le traitement par prothèse peut s'avérer utile quand la perte de substance est importante chez le sujet âgé. L'objectif de ce travail est de discuter l'intérêt de la mégaprothèse du genou dans le traitement de la pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur, à travers l'étude de l'observation d'une patiente et revue de la littérature. Il s'agit d'une patiente âgée de 62 ans qui présente une pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur gauche. Sur le plan clinique la patiente présente des douleurs du genou gauche, avec gène fonctionnelle importante. Le score de l'IKS préopératoire était de 60. Elle a bénéficié d'un remplacement prothétique par une mégaprothèse du genou. En postopératoire la flexion du genou était à 90°, le score de l'IKS était de 130. A travers l'étude de cette observation, et la revue de la littérature, nous pensons que l'utilisation de mégaprothèse du genou, constitue une solution efficace et durable pour le traitement des pseudarthroses du fémur distal et particulièrement chez le sujet âgé. Cette technique permet de répondre aux impératifs d'un tel aléa de la consolidation: lutter contre la douleur et garantir une mobilité satisfaisante permettant de répondre aux besoins de la vie quotidienne du patient et ainsi améliorer sa qualité de vie.Key words: Pseudarthrose, mégaprothèse, fémur, geno

    The Fuzzy Sphere: From The Uncertainty Relation To The Stereographic Projection

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    On the fuzzy sphere, no state saturates simultaneously all the Heisenberg uncertainties. We propose a weaker uncertainty for which this holds. The family of states so obtained is physically motivated because it encodes information about positions in this fuzzy context. In particular, these states realize in a natural way a deformation of the stereographic projection. Surprisingly, in the large jj limit, they reproduce some properties of the ordinary coherent states on the non commutative plane.Comment: 18 pages, Latex. Minor changes in notations. Version to appear in JHE

    Properties of branes in curved spacetimes

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    A generic property of curved manifolds is the existence of focal points. We show that branes located at focal points of the geometry satisfy special properties. Examples of backgrounds to which our discussion applies are AdS_m x S^n and plane wave backgrounds. As an example, we show that a pair of AdS_2 branes located at the north and south pole of the S^5 in AdS_5 x S^5 are half supersymmetric and that they are dual to a two-monopole solution of N=4 SU(N) SYM theory. Our second example involves spacelike branes in the (Lorentzian) plane wave. We develop a modified lightcone gauge for the open string channel, analyze in detail the cylinder diagram and establish open-closed duality. When the branes are located at focal points of the geometry the amplitude acquires most of the characteristics of flat space amplitudes. In the open string channel the special properties are due to stringy modes that become massless.Comment: 41 pages; v2:typos corrected, ref adde

    Slow dynamics of the contact process on complex networks

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    The Contact Process has been studied on complex networks exhibiting different kinds of quenched disorder. Numerical evidence is found for Griffiths phases and other rare region effects, in Erd˝os Rényi networks, leading rather generically to anomalously slow (algebraic, logarithmic,...) relaxation. More surprisingly, it turns out that Griffiths phases can also emerge in the absence of quenched disorder, as a consequence of sole topological heterogeneity in networks with finite topological dimension. In case of scalefree networks, exhibiting infinite topological dimension, slow dynamics can be observed on tree-like structures and a superimposed weight pattern. In the infinite size limit the correlated subspaces of vertices seem to cause a smeared phase transition. These results have a broad spectrum of implications for propagation phenomena and other dynamical process on networks and are relevant for the analysis of both models and empirical data

    Boundary States for D-branes with Traveling Waves

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    We construct boundary states for D-branes which carry traveling waves in the covariant formalism. We compute their vacuum amplitudes to investigate their interactions. In non-compact space, the vacuum amplitudes become trivial as is common in plane wave geometries. However, we found that if they are compactified in the traveling direction, then the amplitudes are affected by non-trivial time dependent effects. The interaction between D-branes with waves traveling in the opposite directions (`pulse-antipulse scattering') are also computed. Furthermore, we apply these ideas to open string tachyon condensation with traveling waves.Comment: 30 pages. 1 figure, Latex, minor corrections, references adde