76 research outputs found

    Exploring Modes of Innovation in Services

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    Abstract Manufacturing companies differentiating their offerings with new services need to combine both product and service innovation. We study how service development is influenced by (a) the choice of separation or integration of service development and (b) the modes of innovation. Our results show that service development often is more structured if services are developed separately. Furthermore, service innovations often follow a sequence of innovation modes different from those of product innovations. Since different innovation modes benefit from varying degree of structure in the development process, many companies find it hard to develop products and services within the same development project

    Atonal homolog 1 Is a Tumor Suppressor Gene

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    Colon cancer accounts for more than 10% of all cancer deaths annually. Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. We asked whether mouse Atoh1 and human ATOH1 act as tumor suppressor genes in vivo. Genetic knockouts in mouse and molecular analyses in the mouse and in human cancer cell lines support a tumor suppressor function for ATOH1. ATOH1 antagonizes tumor formation and growth by regulating proliferation and apoptosis, likely via activation of the Jun N-terminal kinase signaling pathway. Furthermore, colorectal cancer and Merkel cell carcinoma patients show genetic and epigenetic ATOH1 loss-of-function mutations. Our data indicate that ATOH1 may be an early target for oncogenic mutations in tissues where it instructs cellular differentiation

    Merkel Cells as Putative Regulatory Cells in Skin Disorders: An In Vitro Study

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    Merkel cells (MCs) are involved in mechanoreception, but several lines of evidence suggest that they may also participate in skin disorders through the release of neuropeptides and hormones. In addition, MC hyperplasias have been reported in inflammatory skin diseases. However, neither proliferation nor reactions to the epidermal environment have been demonstrated. We established a culture model enriched in swine MCs to analyze their proliferative capability and to discover MC survival factors and modulators of MC neuroendocrine properties. In culture, MCs reacted to bFGF by extending outgrowths. Conversely, neurotrophins failed to induce cell spreading, suggesting that they do not act as a growth factor for MCs. For the first time, we provide evidence of proliferation in culture through Ki-67 immunoreactivity. We also found that MCs reacted to histamine or activation of the proton gated/osmoreceptor TRPV4 by releasing vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Since VIP is involved in many pathophysiological processes, its release suggests a putative regulatory role for MCs in skin disorders. Moreover, in contrast to mechanotransduction, neuropeptide exocytosis was Ca2+-independent, as inhibition of Ca2+ channels or culture in the absence of Ca2+ failed to decrease the amount of VIP released. We conclude that neuropeptide release and neurotransmitter exocytosis may be two distinct pathways that are differentially regulated

    Análise de dados de reclamações em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social: estudo no Programa de Arrendamento Residencial

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    O gerenciamento de reclamações é uma prática difundida em muitas emmpresas do setor de manufatura, a fim de proporcionar a melhoria da ualidade de produtos e serviços. No que tange à construção civil, bservam-se poucos estudos sobre a utilização desse tipo de gestão de empreendimentos, sendo poucas as empresas que percebem a utilidade das informações sobre reclamações. O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise de dados de reclamações de usuários de uma amostra de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, com o objetivo de investigar sua utilidade para a retroalimentação do processo de desenvolvimento do produto nesse segmento. Foram analisadas 6.956 reclamações de usuários de 42 empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social do Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, localizados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho envolveu um tratamento inicial dos dados de reclamações para a montagem de um banco de dados, seguido da aplicação de diversos testes estatísticos. As principais contribuições estão relacionadas com a utilidade dos dados de reclamações, incluindo a geração de indicadores que podem apoiar a tomada de decisão por parte de diferentes agentes envolvidos na produção habitacional, tais como projetistas, construtoras, agentes financiadores e empresas envolvidas na gestão da operação e manutenção. Os indicadores, se bem utilizados, podem contribuir para a melhoria de produtos e serviços que compreendem os empreendimentos habitacionais, possibilitando um aumento na satisfação dos usuários finais

    Innovation methodologies and Design Thinking as supporting instruments in the development of non-assembled products

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    In a review and theoretical analysis, Quality Function Deployment, Design Thinking and complementary methodologies have been assessed as supporting instruments in the development of non-assembled products. The findings demonstrate that QFD and DT characteristics substantially differ and that DT lacks many aspects of importance for process-industrial application. However, the results show that the methodologies are complementary in use; thus, an indepth knowledge of both methodologies could create a company competitive advantage in product innovation. Companies in the process industries are thus advised to use the results as a guiding framework for methodology selection and use in the different parts of the product innovation work process

    Rheology and structures of aqueous gels of triblock(oxyethylene/osybutylene/oxyethylene) copolymers with lengthy oxyethylene blocks

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    Four EBE copolymers (E ) oxyethylene repeat unit, B ) oxybutylene repeat unit) based on a B20 central block and end blocks ranging from 58 to 260 E units were studied. Rheological measurements (oscillatory and steady shear) were used to confirm gel boundaries (previously explored by a tube inversion method) and to determine storage and loss moduli (G¢ and G¢¢) and yield stresses (óy) for aqueous gels formed at copolymer concentrations below 20 wt %. The phase diagrams contained a region of hard gel (G¢ > G¢¢, high G¢ and óy), an extensive region of soft gel ((G¢ > G¢¢, low G¢ and óy), denoted 1, and a second region of soft gel at low temperatures, denoted 2. Small-angle X-ray scattering was used to probe the hard gel structure. Concentrated aqueous gels (20 wt %) had a body-centered cubic (bcc, Im3hm) structure. The structure of dilute gels near to the hard gel boundary was not defined, although the Im3hmand Pm3hn cubic structures were eliminated. Depending on concentration, the soft gels were assigned either to percolationinduced fractal structures (soft gel 1) or to defective cubic structures (soft gels 1 and 2)

    Association properties of diblock copolymers of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide in aqueous solution. The effect of P and E block lengths

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    Three diblock copolymers of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide were prepared by sequential oxyanionic polymerization; P94E316, P60E348, and P43E312. Light scattering and dye solubilization were used to confirm micellization in dilute aqueous solution and to determine the temperature dependence of the critical micelle concentration (cmc), and eluent gel permeation chromatography was used to determine the extent of micellization. Comparison with results for the series of copolymers EmPn (m ) 98-104, n ) 37-73, published previously) shows that values of the cmc in molar units depend almost entirely on P-block length, i.e., that the effect of E-block length on critical micelle concentration is insignificant in the range m ) 100-300. Light scattering was also used to determine micellar association numbers (Nw) and radii. Present and previous values of Nw fit well to a scaling law for block lengths (P and E) similar to that proposed by Nagarajan and Ganesh for EmPn copolymers. Gel boundaries were determined by a tube-inversion method, and critical gel concentrations were found to coincide with values predicted by using micellar parameters determined by static light scattering

    Association properties of diblock copolymers of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide in aqueous solution. The effect of P and E block lengths

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    Three diblock copolymers of propylene oxide and ethylene oxide were prepared by sequential oxyanionic polymerization; P94E316, P60E348, and P43E312. Light scattering and dye solubilization were used to confirm micellization in dilute aqueous solution and to determine the temperature dependence of the critical micelle concentration (cmc), and eluent gel permeation chromatography was used to determine the extent of micellization. Comparison with results for the series of copolymers EmPn (m = 98-104, n = 37-73, published previously) shows that values of the cmc in molar units depend almost entirely on P-block length, i.e., that the effect of E-block length on critical micelle concentration is insignificant in the range m = 100-300. Light scattering was also used to determine micellar association numbers (NW) and radii. Present and previous values of NW fit well to a scaling law for block lengths (P and E) similar to that proposed by Nagarajan and Ganesh for EmPn copolymers. Gel boundaries were determined by a tube-inversion method, and critical gel concentrations were found to coincide with values predicted by using micellar parameters determined by static light scattering