24 research outputs found

    Firing rates of hippocampal neurons are preserved during subsequent sleep episodes and modified by novel awake experience

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    What determines the firing rate of cortical neurons in the absence of external sensory input or motor behavior, such as during sleep? Here we report that, in a familiar environment, the discharge frequency of simultaneously recorded individual CA1 pyramidal neurons and the coactivation of cell pairs remain highly correlated across sleep–wake–sleep sequences. However, both measures were affected when new sets of neurons were activated in a novel environment. Nevertheless, the grand mean firing rate of the whole pyramidal cell population remained constant across behavioral states and testing conditions. The findings suggest that long-term firing patterns of single cells can be modified by experience. We hypothesize that increased firing rates of recently used neurons are associated with a concomitant decrease in the discharge activity of the remaining population, leaving the mean excitability of the hippocampal network unaltered

    Running increases cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult mouse dentate gyrus

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    Exposure to an enriched environment increases neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult rodents. Environmental enrichment, however, typically consists of many components, such as expanded learning opportunities, increased social interaction, more physical activity and larger housing. We attempted to separate components by assigning adult mice to various conditions: water-maze learning (learner), swim-time-yoked control (swimmer), voluntary wheel running (runner), and enriched (enriched) and standard housing (control) groups. Neither maze training nor yoked swimming had any effect on bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cell number. However, running doubled the number of surviving newborn cells, in amounts similar to enrichment conditions. Our findings demonstrate that voluntary exercise is sufficient for enhanced neurogenesis in the adult mouse dentate gyrus

    Plasticity of calcium channels in dendritic spines

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    Voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels (VSCCs) constitute a major source of calcium ions in dendritic spines, but their function is unknown. Here we show that R-type VSCCs in spines of rat CA1 pyramidal neurons are depressed for at least 30 min after brief trains of back-propagating action potentials. Populations of channels in single spines are depressed stochastically and synchronously, independent of channels in the parent dendrite and other spines, implying that depression is the result of signaling restricted to individual spines. Induction of VSCC depression blocks theta-burst-induced long-term potentiation (LTP), indicating that postsynaptic action potentials can modulate synaptic plasticity by tuning VSCCs. Induction of depression requires [Ca2+] elevations and activation of L-type VSCCs, which activate Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) and a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent pathway. Given that L-type VSCCs do not contribute measurably to Ca2+ influx in spines, they must activate downstream effectors either directly through voltage-dependent conformational changes or via [Ca2+] microdomains

    Bi-directional and shared epigenomic signatures following proton and 56Fe irradiation

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    Abstract The brain’s response to radiation exposure is an important concern for patients undergoing cancer therapy and astronauts on long missions in deep space. We assessed whether this response is specific and prolonged and is linked to epigenetic mechanisms. We focused on the response of the hippocampus at early (2-weeks) and late (20-week) time points following whole body proton irradiation. We examined two forms of DNA methylation, cytosine methylation (5mC) and hydroxymethylation (5hmC). Impairments in object recognition, spatial memory retention, and network stability following proton irradiation were observed at the two-week time point and correlated with altered gene expression and 5hmC profiles that mapped to specific gene ontology pathways. Significant overlap was observed between DNA methylation changes at the 2 and 20-week time points demonstrating specificity and retention of changes in response to radiation. Moreover, a novel class of DNA methylation change was observed following an environmental challenge (i.e. space irradiation), characterized by both increased and decreased 5hmC levels along the entire gene body. These changes were mapped to genes encoding neuronal functions including postsynaptic gene ontology categories. Thus, the brain’s response to proton irradiation is both specific and prolonged and involves novel remodeling of non-random regions of the epigenome